My 2011 52 7/7 challenge!!



  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    4/7 today with Turbo Jam Cardio Party Mix 2.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Oh My...I have read posts...but will I remember?:laugh: ...lots of new faces Bringing it..... Love it!!

    Ivy....your one tough girl:flowerforyou: ...u've showed that time and time again with getting thru the setbacks.... this is a tiny one I hope...:flowerforyou:
    Choco..i think you sent that snow this way.:wink: ...not near as much as I heard you have got....I would so count movin that snow around...that's some work!
    Nancy...this is a new elliptical right? Do you like Jillian...does it really push you? I have been trying some of the programs on my treadmill and I have to say I really love the challenge some of them give... I can also hook up to get some of jillians...I would have to purchase other equipment... ( but someday as a reward...I just might pick it up :blushing: :bigsmile: )

    I believe it was "boreseasily" that has been working her abs like mad!!! Sporting that 6 pack!!!! the son and I do the tandum bike riding.... its so funny....I fall off hte cliffs a lot!!

    Gosh....I know I had more to say...the kids are breaking my concentration... oh
    checkin for me
    4/7 2 mile warmup on elliptical followed by 45 mins of strikezone kickboxing.

    Have a great night, need to switch the laundry...:flowerforyou:
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    This thread is the happening spot. So much going on. I'm going to try to hit a few without going on forever.

    Waana_be_fit: isn't ot a great feeling to get the workout done early. And you continue to burn calories throughout the day. Way to rock it!

    Pinbotchick: It does feel like any other way to start the new year.

    Biloxbelle: Thanks for the info. I'm going to look into that. I definitely like the P90x concept, just wait a faster pace. BTW, how long are each workout? I can easily workout 1hr, but that also includes my cardio.

    Sarah: Not sure what croupy baby is (means), but getting any workout is so much better than doing nothing. Glad you were able to get a good workout this morning.

    Runningneo: The running man. :smile: While I was on the treadmill, I was thinking about your miles as my motivation, of course I didn't come completely close to your whole workout, but I got some miles in.

    Missou: You definitely did get a whole body workout. Sounds like a good mix and nice workout.

    Well, it's 8 so I'm gonna watch biggest loser. But to quickly post my day, I was excited to go to work, but the big task was postponed to Friday, so now I get to plan more for the board. Then the base closed for tomorrow anticipating the snow. I completed Turbo Jam and AB Jam this morning, then ran 4.1 miles on the treadmill and worked legs at the gym after work. Came home and grilled me chicken and veggies. I'm so ready to relax with my cup of tea. Everyone have a great evening and be safe to those who are affected by the weather.

    I forgot: 4/7
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    Good evening!!

    I had a nice surprise when I came home from my team meeting a little while ago, Vickvick was dancing alone with some friends following the instructors on Just Dance 2. She was happy and sweating :happy: At the same time, Hubby was in the massage room giving a massage to one of her friends and he is now giving one to another one of her friends.

    I remember seeing that one of you was inquiring about Just Dance. It is a nice workout, not an intense one but working out while dancing is always nice!! I can do some of the dances even with my bad knee but others, like Proud Mary by Cher is totally out of my league.

    I was speaking with the salesman at the store where I get my Wii games and he told me that the Wii Fit was going to be replaced. I will wait to was what is coming up.

    With the workout I did earlier today, my family is now at:

    Missou : 4/7
    Magic Hands : 3/7
    Vickvick : 4/7
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    4/7 - 1 hour of workout dvd's.

    I completed the Supercharged Sculpting dvd, which is 35 minutes of cardio and strength training together. I felt like I could easily do more when I was done, so I followed that with another cardio and strength training "express" 25 minute workout. The second one was one that I hadn't done before, and it was faster paced than the first and had some new moves that I hadn't seen before, so that was a little more enjoyable for me. :)

    We have leaves here that I could be raking, but I despise raking leaves... LOL!!

    And for those of you working out first thing in the morning... I've never, ever been able to do it. I have tried, but I'm so sluggish in the morning. I'm dependent on my coffee to get me going, and when I have tried working out in the morning it has only made me crabby for the rest of the day!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    This thread is really rocking. I'm trying to stay on top of things now because my days of working from home will be coming to an end in the next few weeks and once I'm back in the office I will not have as much time to log on. It seems that since my unit and I did such an excellent job w/meeting out October 2010 deadline the powers that be seem to think it can be done in that timeframe on a regular basis which means there won't be a lot of spare time.

    Sato: Great job w/today's workout. I know working out in the morning isn't for everybody. I happen to be a morning person so I pretty much get everything done first thing in the morning.

    Kara: I'm going to try to check out the Cathe website when I have a minute, thank for sharing the info.

    Teetee: It seems Turbo Jam is your new found friend. Glad you like it but i'm really impressed w/your double workouts. As my friend's teenage son would say "you're beasting it". I dont know if I could complete two intense workouts in one day....Great job!
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    Biloxbelle: Thanks for the info. I'm going to look into that. I definitely like the P90x concept, just wait a faster pace. BTW, how long are each workout? I can easily workout 1hr, but that also includes my cardio.

    Each workout varies in length. The 1 really good thing about STS is that the workouts are chaptered. SO you can skip around, cut the workouts short, whatever works for you.
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    Awesome workout everybody!!! WTG!!!

    Thanks for the pats on the back from my fans as well. I try to avoid disappointing you!!:happy: :laugh:

    4/7: Ran 4.4 miles @ 6.0 mph and walked 2.0 miles cooldown and did the whole thing at a 1.0 incline. Last wednesday I dropped the incline to 0 for the cooldown but this week I wanted to try this out. Burned 975 calories and felt the workout in my legs again this week.

    One mile in my calves started "yipping", two miles in and they were barkin'--- My quads spoke up a little at this point as well --- kinda like saying, "Here" to the homeroom teacher. I got to 3 miles and the song playing got me to laugh and messed me up for a few strides. It was a cover of Johnny B. Goode by the "Sex Pistols" and Sid Vicious was messing up the lyrics and in the middle he says, " Aw, F%$, it's awful!! I had to jump off to stop laughing. I hadn't listened to that album in a while and forgot about the messup.

    Got through it though and I'm looking forward to tomorrow.... upping the distance another 10%. Keep up the calorie burning!!
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    5/7 with Couch to 5K Week 6 Day 2. Will also be doing Turbo Sculpt tonight after work.

    runningneo - that's funny about that song! I was doing my run this morning and got a little chuckle too cause my ipod shuffle thought it would be amusing to have me run to Disturbed's 'Pain Redefined' :laugh:

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me.......Today I turned 38 and I feel GREAT! The State of GA is slowly improving and I believe will be back to normal by the weekend. There was a 2 hour work delay so was able to sleep in just a little bit longer. I got my birthday started in the right direction by completing my workout and then eating a nice hearty bowl of oatmeal w/a banana.

    Today I completed the Push Circuit 2 and Recharge dvds from the Chalean Extreme program and then jumped rope for 5 minutes so I good get in a full hour workout.

    Chocolickkyss: 5/7

    Running: I believe your tally for this week is also 5/7 b/c you posted 4/7 yesterday. Just want you to earn that point this week. What's the deal w/the calves and quads today? Does that happen often and what do you usually do to get through the rest of your run w/your legs are being difficult?

    Meanness: Love your committment to the c25k program. Not sure if you answered this already but are you preparing for a race?
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Missou: They are going to replace wii fit? I can't wait to see what it will be. I haven't played mine for a while but loved it, now use Gold's gym now. Thought Tina Turner did Proud Mary, Cher do a remake?

    Satojekabe: Isn't it wonderful when you workout and still fill charged to do another? I have those days sometimes too. It used to be hard for me workout in the mornings too, then it got to the point when I didn't my day seemed to drag forever. Then once returning to the states, I had to workout in the evenings and that took some getting used to also. Now, I'm able to get both morning and night in. Lovin' it! Workout when you feel it is best for you.

    Choco: You wow'd your company. Now, they expect that! Your a hard charger, you'll still be able to knock it out, even with tight deadlines. Thanks, I'm trying to make this a habit while hubby is gone, keeps me from being bored and spending money too. Luckily, he was to be to work before I do, so I think I can keep my morning workouts up, so while he's getting ready, I'm working out, then he's out the door when I get ready. I have about 2 more weeks to perfect this method.

    Biloxbelle: I'm w/ Choco, I'm definitely going to have to check that out. Thanks again.

    Runningneo: Incline running is a nice. If we chose to run our PRT on the treadmile, we have to run our 1.5 mile at 1% incline. Often I run at that incline to keep it up, it is a difference.

    Meanness: Great workout! Tell me how Turbo Sculpt is, never done it yet.

    5/7: My morning starting off with shoveling, a little over 1 hour, burned 1083 cals! I still have to go out and do it again later. Talking about songs, Bruno Mars has this song, The Lazy Song, talking about he just wanna stay at home and do nothing. All I could think, "Yeah Right!" as I was tossing snow in the driveway. Great song, just ironic at the time. I still think I will press play this evening and get my TJ Cardio Party on this evening. Have a great Wednesday everyone!
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    OOOPS..... Sorry Missou! Previous post was supposed to be 5/7....D'Oh!!:grumble: :noway:

    Choco: A big Happy Birthday to you!!
    The burn was from the incline... To get through the pain, I refocus on proper tempo. I start swinging my arms bigger to extend my stride. Usually within 30 - 40 footfalls things are smoothing out. This also works to slow breathing/HR as well.

    Teetee: Good burn on the shovelling!! The incline is a once a week thing and in two weeks it goes up to 1.5. It's helping me w/ endurance.

    Meanness: That's funny!! :laugh: :tongue: :laugh:
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me.......Today I turned 38 and I feel GREAT! The State of GA is slowly improving and I believe will be back to normal by the weekend. There was a 2 hour work delay so was able to sleep in just a little bit longer. I got my birthday started in the right direction by completing my workout and then eating a nice hearty bowl of oatmeal w/a banana.

    Today I completed the Push Circuit 2 and Recharge dvds from the Chalean Extreme program and then jumped rope for 5 minutes so I good get in a full hour workout.

    Chocolickkyss: 5/7

    Running: I believe your tally for this week is also 5/7 b/c you posted 4/7 yesterday. Just want you to earn that point this week. What's the deal w/the calves and quads today? Does that happen often and what do you usually do to get through the rest of your run w/your legs are being difficult?

    Meanness: Love your committment to the c25k program. Not sure if you answered this already but are you preparing for a race?

    Not training for a race but thought about doing the Flying Pig later this year...I believe they have a 5k 10k 1/2 and full marathon.

    Happy Birthday!!
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Happy Birthday, Choco!!! I must say that I can't believe you're 38--you really don't look a day over 28!

    I am 5/7 today with 5 miles and 525 calories burned on the elliptical.

    Meanness--I did the C25K week 6 day 2 yesterday and it felt great, but I'm a little anxious about the25 minute run for day 3 tomorrow! I did fine with 20 minutes last week, so it is probably just in my head!! :)

    Hope everyone is having a great day. I'm having a crazy busy hectic day that shows no sign of slowing down until I get to leave sometime tonight!!
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    Meanness: Great workout! Tell me how Turbo Sculpt is, never done it yet.

    I am doing the Turbo Sculpt 3 days per week on the evenings that I do Couch 2 5K in the mornings. I love the Turbo Jam program. I am doing C25K and turbo jam workouts for the month of January to get used to working out everyday. Beginning Jan 30th I'm going to switch to P90X and see if I can complete the 90 days. Being accountable to this group and committing to work out everyday should keep me on track. I also plan to continue the running 3 mornings per week.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Hope your day is blessed with SUNSHINE CHOCO!!!!!

    Way to gooooo everybody!!! It is always soooo much fun reading your post's!!!

    I am good for 5/7! Burned 415 cals working it to CLX Push Circuit 2 and doing 20 minutes of a Bob Harper cardio dvd (it is only 30 minutes long but I got interupted:grumble: !) I will also do 2 miles on either the elliptical or the treadmill later so I can post on my JMYAC thread!!
  • sarahsanchez79
    5/7 40 minutes of Turbo Jam Turbo Sculpt
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    5/7 rocked out...started with 1 1/2 hrs of it was coming...can't say I'm happy about it...but it sure does look pretty out!
    Came in and really worked the core...with 2 different workouts for a total of 55 minutes, but not a huge calore burn.
    warmed up on treadmill and then ran a 5k , varying the speeds from 5.5-7.2
    ended with a much needed stretch...the kids are canceled with a snow day....all they want to do is eat!!!!

    Having some tea and back out to work on our driveway!

    Great job everyone!!

    Choco, another Happy Birthday to awesome you gave your self the gift of working out...You'll be rocking out many more years!! :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Happy birthday Choco!!!

    I'm 5/7 with 30 min of low impact aerobics.
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    Happy Birthday, Choco!!

    5/7 - 40 minutes step aerobics. :)

    And yes it does feel great to finish a workout and feel like you can keep going for more!!!