My 2011 52 7/7 challenge!!



  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHOCO!!!!! :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    5/7: 55 minutes of Cathe STS Back & Tri + 35 minutes of Kelly Coffey Cardio Blast
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Birthday, Choco!!! I must say that I can't believe you're 38--you really don't look a day over 28!

    I am 5/7 today with 5 miles and 525 calories burned on the elliptical.

    Meanness--I did the C25K week 6 day 2 yesterday and it felt great, but I'm a little anxious about the25 minute run for day 3 tomorrow! I did fine with 20 minutes last week, so it is probably just in my head!! :)

    Hope everyone is having a great day. I'm having a crazy busy hectic day that shows no sign of slowing down until I get to leave sometime tonight!!

    Thank you for the compliment. At times I don't feel a day over 25 and at others my arthritis has me feeling like i'm 78.....LOL. Overall I do feel great in my mind, body and spirit so I can't ask for much more.

    If you rocked out 20 minutes I'm sure adding the extra 5 wont be as hard as you think........don't psych yourself out...YOU GOTS THIS!!!!!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Just wanted to say thank you everyone for the birthday shout outs......I really appreciate it.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    HAPPPPPPPPY BIRTHDAAAAAAY!!! I hope your day was filled with as much joy as all of your family felt this day 38 years ago when you came into the world. Have a great evening and may many blessing be reigned upon you this day and throughout your life.

    5/7 26 min on treadmill
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Happiest of Happies, Choco! God bless you!

    I had the flu all day. Ugh. So unless you count my million trips to the bathroom as exercise, I think I am at a zero today.

    Oh wait, I did do some PT leg exercises in bed around 3pm (had about 30 minutes of feeling good), so yay, that counts, right? 5/6
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Yay! I'm 6/7 today for 35 minutes of C25K, 2.85 miles and 400 calories burned, 25 min run w/ 5 min warm up and cool down! Thanks for the encouragement Choco, I was thinking about you the last few minutes of the run. If you said that I could do it, I figured I'd better just do it! :) Looks like the final 3 weeks of the C25K plan are continuous runs, no more interval training, so I'm glad I've got this under my belt! Awesome to have my workout completed before 6 a.m.!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    6/7 with 3 mile treadmill run at 12:53 pace. Week 3, day 2 training completed.
  • nemrenu
    nemrenu Posts: 211
    5/7 yesterday, 3 bike miles last evening.

    vhuber I live in most of the time sunny AZ... but its been the coldest this winter. :frown:

    choco Happy- Happy belated birthday to you, hope you had a wonderful one!! :smile:
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    6/7 Ran 4.8 miles @ 6.0 mph, walked 1.6 miles cooldown --- 925 cals burned.

    Got a bonus cal burn y'day... got a call from a local pawn shop where I buy tools. He wanted me to frame in a double door opening and drywall/texture spray it so he could paint it today. I got home and finished my diary and the "your weight will be____ in 5 weeks" was like normal at 204.6. I plugged in the 4 hours(it was more like 6 hours) under "Carpentry, General" and for my weight it said I burned 1170 calories!! Closed the diary again and the "your weight" thingy dropped 10 pounds!!

    I joined the Burn 3500+ per week posting and set my goal for this week at 6000 going by the 5027 I burned last week. That bonus drywall job has me at 4800 for the week and the week starts every Monday. 7000+ is looking doable.

    Choco: Yesterday you asked me how I get through the pain and I forgot to say, "Loud music drowns out the pain." When I read that last year in my weightloss/exercise/running research, I thought, "Yea, SUUURE." I'll tell you now it definitely helps.

    Keep up the good work everybody!! Your motivation is helping me IMMENSELY! I joined 11 days ago and have dropped 4.5 pounds as of this morning's weight/hydration check. TY all so, so much.

    And a special TY to the developers of this glorious website and the webmaster and support staff for keeping it going. Last, but not least, the sponsors' advertising for keeping this website free for us all.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon everyone and happy Thursday! I really truly don't know how this day got away from me. I woke up at the same time and turned on my agency computer just like normal and then the next thing I knew it was 11:00 am and I hadn't eaten or done a workout and I was sitting there scratching my head trying to figure out how that happened. I threw on my workout clothes and pushed play on the dvd and did my best to Rock Out the Burn Intervals and Ab Burner dvds from the Chalean Extreme program. My shoulders are extra sore from all the shoveling I did Tuesday and Push Circuit 2 from yesterday.

    Thank you all for the birthday shout outs. Yesterday was pretty uneventful due to the weather. I have not left my driveway since Saturday because the streets are just too crazy. Today looks a little better but by tomorrow it should be looking really good. I will probably venture out the house tomorrow since today is my Friday. Tomorrow my job has another furlough day so no work for me which means an extra long weekend....YIPPEE....YIPPEE!

    My girlfriends and I are goiong to celebrate my birthday by going to this venue called Sips n Strokes. This is a painting gallery where an instructor helps the class paint a picture. The schedule of which pictures will be painted when goes out about a month in advance that way people have an opportunity to choose which painting they want. While being instructed on how to paint your picture you're able to sip on your beverage of choice. My friends and I will be bringing a couple bottles of wine, cheese and crackers and spinach dip/chips in order to get our creative juices flowing. At the conclusion of class each student gets to sign their painting and take it home with them. This should be an interesting experience because I have absolutely no artistic ability.

    Chocolickkyss: 6/7
  • nemrenu
    nemrenu Posts: 211
    Just logging in my 6/7 W2- 1 mile treadmill and Shred1.

    I am going to do another mile this afternoon or bike tonight?

    Another week almost completed :bigsmile: WTG everyone!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Keep up the good work everybody!! Your motivation is helping me IMMENSELY! I joined 11 days ago and have dropped 4.5 pounds as of this morning's weight/hydration check. TY all so, so much.

    Great job and an awesome loss.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    HAPPPPPPPPY BIRTHDAAAAAAY!!! I hope your day was filled with as much joy as all of your family felt this day 38 years ago when you came into the world. Have a great evening and may many blessing be reigned upon you this day and throughout your life.

    5/7 26 min on treadmill

    Ivy what a sweet thing to say......thank you so much. I received many b-day shout outs from my family and friends but it was still a little sad b/c I have no family in GA and none of my closest friends reside here either. The thread shout outs really help.
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    Happiest of Happies, Choco! God bless you!

    I had the flu all day. Ugh. So unless you count my million trips to the bathroom as exercise, I think I am at a zero today.

    Oh wait, I did do some PT leg exercises in bed around 3pm (had about 30 minutes of feeling good), so yay, that counts, right? 5/6

    You have no idea how much this motivated me today. I'm sorry you had the flu. That part stinks, and I hope you feel better. But the fact that you still managed to get in some sort of exercise impressed the heck out of me! I'm sore from my hour long session on Tuesday, and I'm tired because I didn't get enough sleep last night, and I thought about taking a day off... but I couldn't stop thinking... "She had the flu and she still did something! What the heck is my excuse?!?!"

    So, I came home from work, changed into workout clothes and off I went.

    6/7 today with C25K Week 5 Day 1.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    6/7 with my CLX/TF hybrid. Did BURN INTERVALS & AB BURNER along with pulling my GS on his sled! I am planning to get in a couple of miles on the Treadmill/Elliptical before the day is gone to fill my mileage challenge on another thread!!!
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Quick post, got a lot to do in the house.

    This morning, I could not get out of bed for my AM workout, but I wasn't hard on myself because of yesterday activities. This evening I made it to the gym and got another great 45 min session with my trainer. That makes me 6/7 and feeling great. Hope everyone has a great evening!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    getting here late....switched it up a little....6/7 - 45 minutes belly dance and 25 minutes on the elliptical...cranked all the way up to 16...which is the farthest mine will go...very challenging on the legs and bum.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Sarah, I'm so happy I've inspired you!

    Alas, still sick, but I managed to do my leg exercises again. 6/7
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    bluenote The FLU!! Poor baby. Hope you feel better!!

    6/7 with 25 min on the treadmill
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    Debra: bellydance? HOW FUN!!

    Choco: I've been to Sip N Strokes!! I can't even draw a circle, but I was able to somehow paint a really good painting! My DH thought I'd stop somewhere on the way home & bought the painting. He didn't believe that I had painted it! Have fun!!

    6/7: 20 minutes Ultimate Power Yoga