My 2011 52 7/7 challenge!!



  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    Good evening everybody!!

    How are you all doing? I will catch up tomorrow to keep our table up to date. I wouldn't want to miss out on the end of our second week.

    Even if I wasn't here, I was good. Yesterday, I was in university all day, I had several appointments, and I walked a whole lot. When I finished my class at 9pm, my knee was totally out. Good thing Hubby had stayed in town and picked me up or else, I would have had some more walking to do and I would have limped a lot. I still only gave myself 60 minutes of workout since I wasn't always walking in a fast pace. Today, I took things easy but I managed to squeaze in a 45 minutes of tennis on the Wii. Now, I can feel it my shoulders.

    While he was waiting for me last night, Hubby did some walking and tonigh, he is working his abs while playing the trombone or the bass trombone, I don't know which.

    Yesterday and today, Vickvick danced with the Just Dance Wii game and she left a little while ago to go train at the gym.

    I will stop typing now because my shoulders are burning a little :laugh:

    Hoo!! Don't stop till you loss a lot ( said on the air of Micheal Jackson's famous hit with his high pitched voice) :wink:

    Be good to yourselves :flowerforyou:
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    6/7 tonight with Turbo Jam Cardio Party Mix 3. I don't like this work out as well as some of the others cause I don't get as big a calorie burn. I think next week I will swap out one of the other ones for this one so I burn more. Also, I don't think the combinations she put together are as good. I do really like Mix 1 and 2 though.
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    7/7 this morning. Couch 2 5K Week 6 done! 25 minutes running (well, jogging anyway)! No more intervals now that I hit the end of week 6. Once I'm done with the C25K program I am going to work on my speed and will probably do jogging with higher speed intervals mixed in to the half hour run.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    Great job, meanness!! I've tried to do the speed up, slow down method and it was less productive than I expected. Are you talking abt. HIIT? That's good for upping your max HR and wind. Endurance too.

    7/7 Ran 4.8 miles @ 6.1 mph, walked 1.6 miles cooldown --- 952 calories burned.

    One of my MFP friends posted to the news feed y'day about the music he listened to during w/o and one was Chaka Khan (sp?). So, I felt inspired to try the "80's Disco hits" file on the 'puter this AM. Skipped the Barry White... might put me to sleep. Started giggling on the Chipmunks remake of "Play That Funky Music" when Alvin sang, " Play that funky music, Sigmund." Skipped to "Knock on Wood" and got after again. Hit the repeat button on Average White Band's "Cut the Cake" .... love those horns going : "bop bop bop." Followed with "Pick up the Pieces." Great start for the day.

    Bluenote: I hope you get over the flu soon. I know how miserable I am when I get the flu. I'll pray for you.

    Big "Go gettum!!" to y'all and have a healthy day!!
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    7/7: 50 minutes STS legs + Turbo FIre 30 + 20 minutes Ultimate Power Yoga

    Hope everyone has a nice weekend!!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    7/7 Woo...look at us accomplish another week!!!

    5 miles on the treadmill, varying speeds from 4-7.3, stretches and some weighted ball work

    Tourney tomorrow...we have to leave at 7AM...but I will fit the fitness in...:bigsmile:
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Happy Friday, everyone!

    I'm 7/7 today with 35 minutes on the elliptical, 3.9 miles, 310 calories burned. I was super tired so decided to lay in bed a few extra minutes so my workout was cut short by 15 minutes. Oh well--at least I got out of bed and did it! In the past I would have just reset the alarm for an hour later. Thanks to the 52 7/7 for keeping me on track!!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    7/7 was CLX Push Circuit 3 and Stretch 10 with 2 fast miles on the elliptical! All for only 351 calories!:huh: I will TRY to get in another treadmill/elliptical session later today to get my 500 calorie burn.

    I KNOW you will get in the fitness sometime tomorrow Debra!!! Good luck wishes to your son and his teammates!!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon and happy Friday! Once again the day has gotten away from me but was able to knock out today's workout before it got too crazy. Today I completed the Push Circuit 3 dvd from the Chalean Extreme program, jumped rope for 25 minutes and then stretched for 15 minutes.

    I really am going to have to purchase heavier weights b/c I was able to rock out this entire circuit without really reaching failure. Don't get me wrong I felt each exercise but I could have completed more than 8 reps. I'm glad I'm getting stronger but did not want to have to spend money on additional weights just yet. I probably go lift at least 20 lbs on the upper body exercises and 25 or 30 lbs for the sumo squats and bowling lunches. I don't know if I can purchase both sets just yet but we'll see.

    Chocolickkyss: 7/7

    Look at all these people earning another point this week. We're are starting the new year off right.....let's keep it everyone!

    Kara: Glad to learn that someone with no artistic ability has the potential to leave class w/a painting that can actually be hanged on the wall.....I'm hoping the weather cooperates b/c I'm really looking forward to it.

    Running: You always get an excellent calorie burn from your runs.......awesome.

    Debra: I'm sure you'll find a way to squeeze in some type of fitness tomorrow. I have to be at the hair salon by 7 am so I have the alarm set for 5 am so I can get the workout in before heading out the door. I hate to sweat after I've gotten my hair done so got to knock that out before. Hope your son and his team does well.

    Wanna_be_fit: This group is super motivating. I had a lot of similar moments last year but b/c I remembered this group and how dedicated everyone was I dragged my tail out of bed and pushed play on the dvd. The thing I remember is that I am ALWAYS glad that I got the workout in when it's said and done........great job w/pushing through and knocking it out.

    Verda: You're serious about them 500 calories. As active as you are I have no doubt you get the last 149 calories in no time.
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    I was able to wake up this morning to get a good turbo jam sweat, but worked too late to get to the gym after work.

    It looks like everyone got a great Friday workout in! The best way to start the weekend. I hope everyone enjoys it.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    7/7 2 miles with leslie
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Still sick, but recovering. 7/7 with leg exercises.
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    7/7 - Had a really hard time fitting in a workout today, but squeezed in a 20 minute walk with my husband at the end of the day.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    7/7 - Had a really hard time fitting in a workout today, but squeezed in a 20 minute walk with my husband at the end of the day.

    Excellent job.......some movement is better than no movement.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Still sick, but recovering. 7/7 with leg exercises.

    Nancy get better soon but way to keep moving it despite not feeling 100%
  • sarahsanchez79
    Have 2 little ones sick so haven't been able to do a lengthy workout but still did something!

    6/7 - 20 minutes turbo jam

    7/7 - 10 minutes turbo jam and 10 minutes walking
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    Starting off week 3 on the right foot, literally .... New NB 1064 running shoes showed up at my door yesterday. I had been waiting 'til I could spare the money to get a new pair since finding this website last year.

    Excellent customer service and a real live non-Indian accented Californian answered the phone as well as all my questions. Got me into the right shoes as well. The website has two cool features:

    ShurFit is a feature where they scan the inside of all the sneakers they sell and if your current running shoes are in their database, this feature will show you a 3D view color-coded to indicate how the new ones will fit in comparison. (Looser here or tighter there)

    The other is a tutorial on how to video yourself running on the treadmill from behind to see how your foot transitions through the step. Then you can compare it to the video on there or send it in and they will analyze it for free. This is important to get the proper support to correct pronating which is rolling in to the inside of the foot as you step. Each type of stride type has a seperate group of shoes to choose from and the best part is that if you get the wrong size or don't like the way they feel shipping is free both directions.

    I paid 9.95 for overnight FedEx so I wouldn't have to wait 'til Mon.

    So with all that said..... 1/7 Ran 4.8 miles @ 6.1, walked 1.6 miles cooldown for a 952 calorie burn. Played the disco file again b/c there is like 215 random songs in it. Ironically, "Foot Stompin' Music" didn't really get it done so I skipped to the next. About 1.5 mi. in the "New sneaker mileage limit alarm" went off hittting me w/ shin splints. Having gone through a couple new shoe break-ins now, I expected it. Changed into the heavy cross trainers that I've been using for the last couple weeks and finished up. Tendons were barking though so I'm sure the new kicks will clear that up.

    Looking forward to my upcoming goal that I set for myself back when I started running and achieved 6 miles a day. Then I was running it in abt 63 - 65 minutes. By my b/day I want to run 6 miles in under an hour.

    Sarah: That's great that you can find time to kick it w/ not one but two sick little ones!! Hope they get better soon.

    Same to you bluenote keep kickin' and you'll kick that flu soon.

    Awesome that we have gotten through two weeks already. That really flew by!! Keep gettin' after it this week!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning everyone and happy Saturday! I had to get up and at em early this morning because I had a very early hair appointment. I got up at 5 am and Rocked out the first part of today's workout. I completed the Burn It Off dvd from the Chalean Extreme program. I was supposed to also do some ab work but did not have enough time this morning so will complete a little later after my errands have been completed.

    Chocolickkyss: 1/7
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    Bluenote (Nancy?): Hope you are feeling 100% very soon!

    Verda: You're dedication to the 500 cal burn is pretty serious stuff! Thanks for the inspiration!

    Sarah: Hope your kids get well soon!

    Runningneo: I wear the NB 1064. They continuoulsy update them & change the #, but I've been wearing that shoe for about 3 years now. It is a GREAT shoe. Hope you like it as much as I do!

    1/7: Turbo Fire 45 (45 minutes) + 30 minutes of Cardio Fight
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    1/7 with Turbo Fire's HIIT 25 and ABS 10! I also will be SCRUBBING my mothers house from top to bottom starting today!:huh:

    Whoa Kara you had a serious workout this morning! Way to go girl!!! I have been burning 500 plus in my workouts but I am up a half a pound this wek and I am thinking it is from starting a weight lifting program again!!! frustrating!!!

    Have fun this weekend Choco!!

    Get well Nancy and Sarah I hope your lil ones get well fast too!!! My 4 yr old GS was with us and ran a 102 temp but he acted like he was just fine:huh:, after his cool shower he told us he felt SUPER good now!!:laugh:

    Runningneo, WTG on the new shoes!!! GOOD shoes are VERY important and if you find a pair you really like, order another right away, cuz they always seem to discontinue or the change the name on em! Keep putting that foot in front of the other and your goals will be reached!!! I enjoy reading your daily post's!!!