My 2011 52 7/7 challenge!!



  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    Good evening everyone!! Today was Hubby's last Christmas holiday and we did some clean up in the house. I also did 30 minutes of cardio workout. Tomorrow, I will go over the posts I missed on this thread. I can see there are several of you who have joined our old group, that is super!!

    This evening, I will be busy still, I have to get ready for university. I am going to complete a bachelor degree that I started several years ago. I will do a total of 11 courses in 5 semesters. I should have completed them all by July 2012.

    My daughter also wants to go to the supermarket to get some good foods. She wants to take care of herself by eating healthier and going to the gym. That is a really good idea!!

    Today, I was able to schedule a meeting with a technician about my treadmill and will have a visit on Thursday. It should be fixed in about 2 weeks. I know Kitty will be very happy as much as I will be :laugh:

    All in all, today was a good day!! Hope yours was as good!!

    Missou : 3/7
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome to all the new faces... Happy New Year to my old friends!!! Oh my, I take a few days off posting on you're on page 3 - Great Job...

    0/7 on Sat.. I took a rest day.
    1/7 Sun with 30 min walking with Bob Harper miles 3 and 4
    2/7 today with 30 min walking with Bob Harper miles 1 and 2

    Kara - If you spend 15 min doing yoga, meditating or stretching it counts as exercise and could fit into your definition of a rest day.

    Wanna be fit - my thoughts will be with you on Day 3 this week. Remember - you can do it!!! That 20 min run is more of a mental challenge than a physical one. I completed C25K last Feb and made it to running a 1/2 marathon in Oct. I'm now training for my 2nd 1/2 marathon in April... Just slow down and you'll be able to do all 20 min...

    Glad to have you back Missou!!!
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hi, well yesterday I walked for eight miles lots of it was up very steep hills and today I have walked for one hour :happy:
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    Kara - If you spend 15 min doing yoga, meditating or stretching it counts as exercise and could fit into your definition of a rest day.

    Very true! & I actually do 20 minutes of yoga most days of the week. I may see how it goes, I just don't want to put pressure on myself to do 7. I do LOVE my yoga though & really...whats 20 minutes of yoga, right?!

    Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome!! Everyone is so motivating!

    Today was 1/7 for me (I'm a bit late to the thread): 50 minutes of Cathe STS Shoulders, Chest, Bi & 30 minutes of Cathe HIIT 30/30
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I just don't want to put pressure on myself to do 7.

    I've been with this group since it started and know that I did more than I would have due to thinking of getting my point for the week. Domique keeps a record and if you complete ex 7/7 you get a point for the week. As you can see, I skipped (took a rest day on the first) so it is okay to just do what you can. The important thing is to do more than you would have if you weren't in the group.
  • nemrenu
    nemrenu Posts: 211
    I got 2 miles in this evening 1 on the treadmill and then decided to go for a brisk outside walk, 1 mile.

    I came so close to blowing my workout off after a drama filled day :frown: but this group held me a accountable!!! I couldn't quit on the 3rd day and be a quitter!

    Thank you :flowerforyou:
  • nemrenu
    nemrenu Posts: 211
    The important thing is to do more than you would have if you weren't in the group.

    IT worked!! :smile:
  • nemrenu
    nemrenu Posts: 211
    Oops, I am 3/7 today!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    2/7 Yesterday with upper body work (pushups & arm rotations), leg lifts and stretching. 2/7 today with 24 min on treadmill.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Sat. 1/7 with 15 minutes elliptical (whew I am struggling on that new thing! LOL)
    Sun. 2/7 with 15 minute walk
    Today 3/7 with 60 minute PT - baby THAT was a struggle!

    I am glad I am back and making this count! It is very hard to come back after almost a month off! But I am here and I refuse to give up! No more sugar for a while. Sugar just snowballs me into binges galore!

    Welcome newcomers! :flowerforyou:
  • sarahsanchez79
    3/7 - 30 minutes of sculpting

    Hoping to get some cardio in before bed!
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    4/7 today with 50 minutes on the elliptical, 4.8 miles and 450 calories burned. Love having my workout complete before work! :)
  • 2gr8kids
    Hello! This sounds like a perfect group to help me get motivated to "do something" everyday! I would love to join and thanks so much for starting this!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    3/7 today with nice 2 mile jog. I added 10 min hula hooping last night - it really is fun. Choco - did you ever get one?
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    Hello everyone! I am glad to see that we are already on page 3 after just 3 days, I guess we will be quite busy during 2011. I better not slack off on the tables and the smileys this year :laugh: :wink: I will post last year's final table later today, I promise. By doing so, I'll be able to start this year's new table. I beleive I will have a lot of smileys to give out :wink:

    For now, I will go out for a 6k walk with Kitty. After that, I want to go on the AKP for several reps. I'll be back in about two hours to go over these three pages I missed. Speak to you all later!!

    I just realized that we are now on page 4. Let's keep on rocking it!!!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Sat. 1/7 with 15 minutes elliptical (whew I am struggling on that new thing! LOL)
    Sun. 2/7 with 15 minute walk
    Today 3/7 with 60 minute PT - baby THAT was a struggle!

    I am glad I am back and making this count! It is very hard to come back after almost a month off! But I am here and I refuse to give up! No more sugar for a while. Sugar just snowballs me into binges galore!

    Welcome newcomers! :flowerforyou:
    It does me too Nancy!!! It is thee white drug!!!!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I did it....I did it....I did it....after just completing today's workout I have done some type of exercise EVERYDAY for an ENTIRE YEAR! It was a goal I wanted to accomplish and because of all the support I received here on MFP I was able to do it....WOO..HOO!!!!!!

    Today I completed my first HIIT workout from the Turbo Fire program and am I glad it was only 15 minutes. I absolutely loved the music and the routine but it kicked my booty. I am so glad that I will only being doing HIIT 15 for the first month of this hybrid program because I don't think I could hang with HIIT 20, 25 or 30......just the thought of it is making my body hurt....LOL. I know by the time I'm done with the first month I'll be able to rock out the rest of the HIITs but glad I don't have to worry about that right now.

    I love to see the board so really motivates me to keep the workouts coming.

    Kara: I agree w/Victoria, do what you can but like I said before you would be amazed what little things I incorporated into my daily life to get the workout in. The great thing about this challenge is to move more than you normally would and YOU define the INTENSITY and DURATION so do what you can but don't put any added or undo pressure on yourself.

    Victoria: I haven't purchased the hula hoop yet but have been eyein it on Ebay and just waiting to get my money right. It is definitely on the horizon so i'll let you know when I actually get it.

    Missou: I really missed the smiley faces, they really motivated me to get that workout in everyday. I can't wait to see last years final chart.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Choco, what can I substitute from Insanity for the HIIT workout today? Only 15 minutes? I know it is tuff but that seems short! Tomorrow is the same as yesterday right? I can NOT wait till Thursday when my Turbo Fire arrives!!!! I will hit the elliptical AND what ever you suggest from Insanity to get my 500 calorie burn in for the day!!!

    I sure miss Debra (makeitallsue):sad: ! Her computer must still be on the fritz!!! But she is still workin it cuz she received the treadmill for Christmas!!!
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    Count me in. I started running last year and went too hard too fast and since then have learned how to do it right. Started 12/28/10 and I'm adding weight training this year, so if I don't run due to an injury I can still do SOME weight training!!


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  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    2/7 this week

    choco: Wohoo, congrats to a full workout last year. That is just amazing.

    congrats to all the other people who did so well last year and let's make this a great year!

    I just got back from a lunch workout and did 35 minutes on gym bike for a 266 calorie burn. I've been feeling really hungry lately so I will be adding more protein to my meals.

    Have a nice day all!