Like Minded Lushes - January 2011



  • Cando055
    Cando055 Posts: 306 Member
    cw, sorry about the negative comments. I didn't even know your food log could be public -- ick! I love this group because we're all trying to lose weight without giving up alcohol. Like many others here, I don't gorge on chips, cookies, cakes. I just like a couple of glasses of wine at the end of the day. It's do-able, just tune out the nasty comments.
  • moniqueluv
    moniqueluv Posts: 71 Member
    Where has this group been all of my life? As you can tell by my profile pic, I really love my liquor! I know my love of wine has contributed to my waistline, so i've taken to really limiting my intake. Logging everything of MFP has really helped. My method is to try to go 2-3 days a week without drinking. Also i've mostly had to let wine go in favor of vodka or rum. Reason being a glass of wine is 100+ calories and I can never have just one. Shot of vodka= 52 calories. Big savings!
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Hello lushes, well we drank the rest of the week after our "scare" (which truely was the scariest thing I have ever been through) DH is on board with our getting in 10 sober days in January which means we will need to NOT drink Mon-Thur this week, 4 days in a row. (could not take off tonight of course because of football) Neither of us can recall doing 4 days in a row for.ever and certainly not since we met each other. (oh to have a lush for a husband, comfort or curse? :laugh: ) Wish us luck - DH is wondering if he will feel great or ready to kill someone on Thursday!

    Robin, welcome back to the working world!! I know we all say we would love to be off but I guess we all miss it. DH loves airplanes and would be so jealous of you being so close to them. When we were in Seattle we went to the Air Museum, does Boeing have tours? DH asked if you are working on the Intercontinental or is that classified?

    I think I ran into that log public thing too, how would they feel if we made comments on their chocolate chip cookies? That's why this place is so great, no judgements.

    Welcome to all the other new people, this place is great isn't it? I drink rum and diet no caffine coke, helps with the calories. sister in law and a few on here swear that champagne is lowest in calories, is it? how many calories in say a bottle? :bigsmile:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I too struggle with the empty calories wine adds to the mix.

    Who here has their diary public and if so what feedback if any have you had?

    I had an unsolicited comment on my wine drinking and as a result have now made my diary private. I don't log what I'm doing to get advice when I didn't ask for it and quite honestly I came away from the whole thing feeling bad. I know what I need to do and and I'm attempting to do it. I don't need anyone judging me in the process. Not helpful!

    Just had to vent to the group that I think would totally understand!
    that was why this thread was started. we do not judge. we only encourage and support whatever goals regarding drinking you choose to pursue.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    . When we were in Seattle we went to the Air Museum, does Boeing have tours? DH asked if you are working on the Intercontinental or is that classified? .
    yes and yes and no. we do have tours and yesI am on the 747-8 Intercontinental program and no it isn't classified to tell you that I work on that program. :wink:
  • missyrichart
    missyrichart Posts: 1 Member
    I can really relate! I am new to my fitness pal but do so enjoy my white wine in the evening. Sometimes I find there are very few calories left to eat dinner! I am just so happy that I can still enjoy a glass here and there without breaking any diet rules. Just make sure to calculate your wine into your daily calories and all will be fine. I have reached the not so magic age of 49 and the weight is so very hard to get off now. Exercise is needed daily!! I am sure that if I can stick to reporting my food intake that I will see results! I have already seen a 4 lb loss. Just imagine how well this will work if I continued for several months!
  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    Thank you Cando, RJ ... exactly my point! I don't pass judgement on those eating a package of Oreos in one sitting. I know I drink too much wine, from a calorie standpoint at the very least. Maybe too much in general. But it is one of the things I'm taking back control of on this journey. Do I drink more wine that what's recommended? Absolutely. Do I know, not just from the whole weight point of view but overall it is not healthy? Yes. All the same I subscribe to the theory that deprivation will in the end result in failure. Therefore I think as long as it's calculated and you're not a total alcoholic then what's it hurting? I guess I was just completely taken aback that someone would look at my diary, completely unsolicited and then be prompted to comment. A person that I just recently friended and have no prior correspondence with. I have to wonder what prompted it. The message wasn't nasty and they did apologize in advance but pointed out that I drink well over what's recommended from a health standpoint. Really??? I am an intelligent person, I already know this. I don't need a virtual stranger to point it out.

    Sorry to take up the thread but I was honestly surprised by this message and wondered if anyone suffered the same.
  • gehlerc
    gehlerc Posts: 651 Member
    I just discovered this thread and I *so* belong here!

    I love wine--both red and white. I love vodka martinis. I love Cosmos. I love stingers. I love a really good non-light beer. Can you tell I love my liquor? I don't get drunk. I just enjoy it. AND I think that my indulgence without limits is what is mostly to blame for my need to lose 20+ pounds.

    So, here I am.

    I'm going to scurry away and calculate the number of calories in one of my homemade cosmopolitans, and, if the number doesn't knock me on my *kitten*, I'm going to plan to work it into my calorie numbers some evening this week!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Thank you Cando, RJ ... exactly my point! I don't pass judgement on those eating a package of Oreos in one sitting. I know I drink too much wine, from a calorie standpoint at the very least. Maybe too much in general. But it is one of the things I'm taking back control of on this journey. Do I drink more wine that what's recommended? Absolutely. Do I know, not just from the whole weight point of view but overall it is not healthy? Yes. All the same I subscribe to the theory that deprivation will in the end result in failure. Therefore I think as long as it's calculated and you're not a total alcoholic then what's it hurting? I guess I was just completely taken aback that someone would look at my diary, completely unsolicited and then be prompted to comment. A person that I just recently friended and have no prior correspondence with. I have to wonder what prompted it. The message wasn't nasty and they did apologize in advance but pointed out that I drink well over what's recommended from a health standpoint. Really??? I am an intelligent person, I already know this. I don't need a virtual stranger to point it out.

    Sorry to take up the thread but I was honestly surprised by this message and wondered if anyone suffered the same.

    I had that happen and I don't take it personally and I think my diary is completely public. I think people assume that if you make it public you are looking for input, like when it posts that you completed your food diary for the day and it was under goal, but once I was over goal-not even over maintenance cals, and they posted something on my wall about wondering if I was really serious about losing weight. I thought it was a little uncalled for, but some people have a tone-you know, like they are the drill sargeant you need to push yourself toward your goals. Maybe it was the same person:tongue:
    Anyway, don't let it bother you. Ocassionally we get a random post here telling us we drink way too much and should probably check ourselves into the Betty, stat...
  • lyla29
    lyla29 Posts: 3,549 Member
    This sounds like a group for me. I enjoy my wine while making dinner and to just relax in the evening. I've recently been trying to cut back to only on the weekends, which worked for about 3 weeks and I felt great. However, some stressful home/personal situations have made it hard to get back on track. My goal for this week is to only have wine/alcohol on the weekend (Friday and Saturday). I know I felt much better and had better workouts the 3 weeks that I wasn't drinking during the week, but I also know how nice it is to relax with a glass or 2 (or 3) of wine in the evenings. Tomorrow is the start of a new week for me so we'll see how it goes. :smile:
  • lyla29
    lyla29 Posts: 3,549 Member
    This sounds like a group for me. I enjoy my wine while making dinner and to just relax in the evening. I've recently been trying to cut back to only on the weekends, which worked for about 3 weeks and I felt great. However, some stressful home/personal situations have made it hard to get back on track. My goal for this week is to only have wine/alcohol on the weekend (Friday and Saturday). I know I felt much better and had better workouts the 3 weeks that I wasn't drinking during the week, but I also know how nice it is to relax with a glass or 2 (or 3) of wine in the evenings. Tomorrow is the start of a new week for me so we'll see how it goes. :smile:
  • msamcoates
    msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
    Well last week was a total LOST... I drank and ate so much I can't even remember. Today is a new day and my weekly challenge is not to drink until Friday night Happy Hour!

    Have a great week.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Monday...Sam Adams (3)
    Tuesday....1 and 3/4 sam adams, 1 bud light (2.75)
    Wednesday...48 oz of sam adams at BWW (4)
    Thursday...5 glasses of wine and 1 skinny margarita (6)
    Friday...1 1/2 bottles of wine (6)...wonderful dinner out with hubs
    Saturday...1/2 bottle of wine at home (2.5) at Champps watching football (4)

    Total: 28.25:blushing:

    Shameful week....goal for next week is less than 14...cut it in half
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    opps, double post...
  • katebjones
    katebjones Posts: 32 Member
    I guess i did pretty good.. only two beers on friday night!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Saturday=0 drinks
    Sunday=0 drinks

    I don't think I will drink tonight, but Tuesday and Wednesday I might.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    I wasn't going to drink last night, but I had one glass of wine at while watching the Jets game at the BIL's house. My goal is for nothing tonight.
  • jojoworks
    jojoworks Posts: 315 Member
    happy monday to all you like-minded lushes!

    I drank plenty this past weekend.....9 beers friday night (a really good organic extra special bitter beer) with buttered popcorn for dinner, lol and Saturday night I finished off a box of wine, I'm guessing it was 5 or 6 glasses worth.

    Zero last night and going for zero this week thru thursday again.

    Good luck this week everyone!
  • KatieWunder
    Hi there! Just joined MFP last week at request of my new trainer. Let's just say I LOVE good wine so much. Rombauer Chardonnay is my absolute favorite. So good! Having fun reading all of your posts and it's definately motivated me to set some major reduction goals. Will not cut it out permanently but have found it IS more enjoyable when done in moderation vs. gluttony. : )
  • KatieWunder
    This sounds like a group for me. I enjoy my wine while making dinner and to just relax in the evening. I've recently been trying to cut back to only on the weekends, which worked for about 3 weeks and I felt great. However, some stressful home/personal situations have made it hard to get back on track. My goal for this week is to only have wine/alcohol on the weekend (Friday and Saturday). I know I felt much better and had better workouts the 3 weeks that I wasn't drinking during the week, but I also know how nice it is to relax with a glass or 2 (or 3) of wine in the evenings. Tomorrow is the start of a new week for me so we'll see how it goes. :smile:

    I am in your boat. My favorite way to wind down in the evenings is a glass (or 2 of wine) while making dinner. It's just such a pleasure. My issue is I hit a point where it just tastes like more and the wine carries on to dinner and then while hubby and I are watching our TV shows. Then I feel yuk in the morning.