Fit For Future Families - January 2011



  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Thanks Erica, I assure you I am no stranger to deployments (my father did 27years in the navy) but it never gets any easier and it's obviously different this time since it's my husband. The hardest part has been preparing for the worst. Getting will's together and filling out form after form about how I want to be notified in the event of his death or an accident etc or what to do with my son in the event something happens to me...

    I'm really hoping if we are preggo that we find out before he leaves bc email won't be up until a few days after he's gone and I know I won't be able to keep it a secret for long but I want him to be the first to know!

    I'm also a military brat! :) Looks like we have more in common then just hubby's that fly in the military as a career.
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Thanks Heather and Alisa. Whew.
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Heather, I've learned once the military lifestyle is in your blood it there to stay! I can't imagine any other lifestyle! ALso...I'm on CD50! Going to start testing on CD 55 which is 10DPO and hoping i have enough HCG to come back positive!

    KCurtis- that is terrifying what you sister and your family is going thru! I'm so sorry! I'm right there with ya eating like a pig and not's lunch..two hotdogs fully loaded and a swiss cake roll...I've already warned my son that we're eating healthy healthy when daddy leaves lol so he keeps telling ppl when daddy leaves we're only eating broccoli
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Heather, I've learned once the military lifestyle is in your blood it there to stay! I can't imagine any other lifestyle! ALso...I'm on CD50! Going to start testing on CD 55 which is 10DPO and hoping i have enough HCG to come back positive!

    KCurtis- that is terrifying what you sister and your family is going thru! I'm so sorry! I'm right there with ya eating like a pig and not's lunch..two hotdogs fully loaded and a swiss cake roll...I've already warned my son that we're eating healthy healthy when daddy leaves lol so he keeps telling ppl when daddy leaves we're only eating broccoli

    Thanks. "when daddy leaves we're only eating broccoli" LOL Love it!:laugh:
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Yikes, kcurtis! That's terrible! I hope they find your niece quickly.

    Alisa and Heather, I dated an air force doctor who was deploying to Afghanistan with the army. We were only together about 2 months before he left and it was miserable. I was so relieved when we broke up. (Well and pissed because apparently he'd been dating two of us before he left... but um...) I just couldn't handle the not knowing. It was making me sick.

    My GP gave me antibiotics to clear up my sinuses and lungs and told me that I have to go through my GYN for testing, but if I have any problems to let her know and she'll get stuff moving for me. I just really didn't want to hit this point. I know it's not the end of the world, but it makes feel like a pretty big failure as a female and a wife. Hopefully, we'll get the tests done and I'll get a BFP next month and we won't have to worry about anything else... We shall see.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Erica you have to know that feeling like that is exactly how every single one of us women who can't just snap and procreate feels! Such a normal feeling to have when something that should be so natural as making a baby (that even can occur on "accident") and we can't even do that. How I've cried and cried over this very thought. (Sometimes in a healthy "just get it out" kinda way, and mostly self pity "woe is me"). Recently after my last appt with the specialist at the end of the consultation he asked me if there was anything else he could answer, after I replied no he looked up at me as I sat on the crackly white paper for what seemed like the millionth time and said "so many women begin to feel like something is wrong with them or that they are doing something wrong, that is a natural response to this situation, but I want you to know that absolutely nothing is wrong with you and that you aren't doing anything wrong! this may take longer than the average person, but don't give up hope because only then will you have failed." I took this to heart. So please know that you aren't alone in this "club" that nobody wants to be a part of (the ttc +1 yr club)....I wish that I had the support of other women that have gone through the same thing years ago to know that I wasn't all alone as I felt at the time. Big hugs.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Erica you have to know that feeling like that is exactly how every single one of us women who can't just snap and procreate feels! Such a normal feeling to have when something that should be so natural as making a baby (that even can occur on "accident") and we can't even do that. How I've cried and cried over this very thought. (Sometimes in a healthy "just get it out" kinda way, and mostly self pity "woe is me"). Recently after my last appt with the specialist at the end of the consultation he asked me if there was anything else he could answer, after I replied no he looked up at me as I sat on the crackly white paper for what seemed like the millionth time and said "so many women begin to feel like something is wrong with them or that they are doing something wrong, that is a natural response to this situation, but I want you to know that absolutely nothing is wrong with you and that you aren't doing anything wrong! this may take longer than the average person, but don't give up hope because only then will you have failed." I took this to heart. So please know that you aren't alone in this "club" that nobody wants to be a part of (the ttc +1 yr club)....I wish that I had the support of other women that have gone through the same thing years ago to know that I wasn't all alone as I felt at the time. Big hugs.

    Oh I know. I'm fortunate enough to have met another great group of women who have struggled along beside me. Most of whom have already moved on to this step. And I know that not one of us is broken or a failure. But some days... it's just hard not to feel that way. But thank you so much for sharing. I really appreciate it. And I will try to remember it even on days like today when I have to admit that I've lost one battle and have to move on to another one.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Alisa - I hope you do find out before he deploys. I couldn't even imagine him not there, let alone not being able to tell him right away. You are, as everyone else has noted, one strong lady! That being said, however, if all your eating after your hubby deploys is broccoli, can I come to dinner every night?

    Heather - Ya, that wrist bone is a special one....likes to hide and then brighten a cloudy day :)

    KCurtis - Awwwww....I can only imagine the stress eating. I'd be doing way worse than you seem to be. That's crazy...I don't know what I would do. I've had the twingy pains before, but haven't been able to pinpoint them...sorry. It could be lots of things. Give it a couple of days and then head to the doctors.

    Erica - The meds they give you will make you feel a lot better and you'll start getting back into the swing of things. Then one of the doctors will figure out what's going on. I had a similar issue getting my GYN to see me the first time (it was really my first time and I needed my doctor to approve me going in. It was during one of my summer long AFs and they booked me in 6 months after the referral....but as soon as I got in to see him, I started getting answers. I'm sure the same will be true for you!) You're right - it's tough though to see the big picture when it's going to take a whole month to be able to try again.
  • nilisabel
    nilisabel Posts: 338
    I'm new, I'm not sure I belong. I'm not ttc yet, but just getting ready for when I am. I'm Nili.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Wow, it's a busy board

    Pam - great loss this week! My NSV is when my 5 year old hugged me the other day he said, "I can put my arms around you now and have room left over!!!!"

    Charlie - ugh, UTI's suck! I hope you feel better soon and that AF will regulate itself.

    Jessi - I started talking to phantom babies long before we started TTC.

    Heather - I like your goals too. The less you have to lose the harder it is. The weight flew off for my in the beginning, I hardly had to exercise at all. Then I hit a wall and really had to step it up, even then I kept losing and gaining the same 5 pounds for months.

    Erica - I'm so sorry, but maybe now you'll get some answers. I agree it's ridiculous that the nurse had no idea where you information was, I hope the process starts soon.

    Andrea - Yea for loser clothes! It's such a great feeling. I hope the new medication will help your thyroid, It's amazing how one little thing can throw your body so out of whack.

    Alisa - I've got my fingers crossed for you!!! I really hope you find out before you husband leaves.

    Kcurtis - I'm so, so sorry for what your family is going through. I hope your niece is found quickly and safety.

    Heather/Alisa - The both of you are much stronger women than I could ever hope to be. I was going crazy when DH had to go out of state for one week! I can't imagine what it much be like for the both of you. Thank you for all you and your husband sacrifice for everyone else.

    nilisabel - welcome! There's really no time limit, the women here are all in different stages of TTC.

    I tested again and the line was much darker this time!!!! I guess I can officially say I'm pregnant!!! My doctor is not getting me in until February 24th when I'm about 8 weeks along. Even than it's just and hour consultation with nurse and I have to wait until the FOLLOWING week to get an ultrasound. Seriously?????? I understand it's their policy but I want to go in NOW!!!!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Congrats Ron I'm so happy for you! I love that "a line is a line" even if at the time we all question its validity! lol! I am wishing you the very best and a happy, healthy, term baby!
    The military has been a way of life, all my life so it really isn't as hard for me as it would be for other women who have never experienced this way of living. I love my husband with all of my heart and soul but I knew when I married him that not only was it just a way of life that he would be leaving for days, weeks, months, or years at a time but that it was his job, his passion, and his duty to serve and go and do whatever is asked of him. So my job is to support him in anyway that I possibly can! Of course I miss him when he is gone, but I do my own thing and stay busy and it seems to work. And there is nothing better than missing your husband and him missing you and then reuniting! It is like when you first start dating all over is magic! :)

    Erica I'm so glad you have the support that so many of us weren't so lucky to have. It doesn't necessarily make things easier, it just makes things make more sense in a way. And not that anyone would wish this upon their worst enemy, but it is nice to know you aren't the only one in the world in this struggle.

    Kcurtis I'm so sorry to hear about the scary situation your family is going through right now! I can't even imagine not knowing where my child is or if it is being cared for properly. I'm sure your sister is so appreciative towards you and your strength in this time of need. Keep up updated please.

    Welcome nili! :)
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Welcome Nili - many of the people on the board that are now TTC started before they were officially, you're absolutely welcome (be forewarned though....sometimes we go off on a tangent related to fertility....LOL for some of us, it's all consuming)

    Ronya!!!!!!!!!!! Darker line is fantastic!!!!!! I'm soo soo happy for you!!!!! Another little peanut for the board......Yay!!!!!! Congratulations (can you tell I'm uber excited for you).....I'm kind of surprised they only want your ultrasound at 9 weeks....but I guess that's when he/she will be big enough to date the pregnancy. Do you have any idea on a due date yet?

    Heather - Awwwww.....magic :) Makes me smile....I can only imagine :)

    AFM: My night was rotten. Blah....yesterday was an on night but DH and I got into a massive fight over something silly and it was hours (well after midnight) before I cooled down enough to ... uh.....participate. Then it was a lovely 4am wake up I already broke my week goal of 5 hours starting that one fresh today. The scale showed it today, but I'm not counting it until Friday so I'm good there. Eating was pretty good last night - I stayed under calories (just) including most of my exercise calories, which I typically only eat back half. Today's much warmer than yesterday was so I'm hoping to get the dogs outside for a walk's going to be close to 32F which is practically summer compared to the last few days.
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    RONYA!!! YIPPIE!!!! So excited for you guys!!! Hope i'm in the same boat this weekend..I am anylizing the *kitten* out of my temp charts haha

    Pam - That is good that you've been eating well. And as for layed plans...that ALWAYS happens to me, i'll plan to get more sleep then i'll get sucked into a Teen mom marathon...geez :-)

    Heather - I tried to convince my husband to have out wedding song be "Faithfully" by journey bc i really like the words in it and it seems to pertain. My favorite line is "I get the joy of rediscovering you" that is what gets me thru lol. I enjoy my time to myself etc so it's a nice break and it makes me proud that he (they) are sacraficing time with their families and just their lives in general to go a live on a boat or over in the middle east putting their selves in harms way (i don't think abotu the dangerous parts though)

    I had my first non-scale victory this morning!!! I was getting dressed and the room was dark, but the bathroom light was on so it was casting a shadow and it gave a great shot of my silloette...and suddenly, i felt hour glass and beautiful and curvy and sexy and for the first time in a few weeks...not fat.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Pam - The nurse I spoke to said approximately October 4th. I would love that day, because if my dad were still alive that would be parents’ 30th wedding anniversary. I really want to tell my mom when we got over to her house tomorrow. Tomorrow marks 4 years that my dad’s been gone and I think that would be nice news for my mom on that day, but I think I would be more comfortable waiting until I’m 6 weeks.

    Alisa – fingers are still crossed for you!!!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Ron, if you went in now, they probably couldn't find anything which would be far more distressing than waiting. Even at 6-7 weeks sometimes they can't find a heartbeat which understandably freaks people out. So they wait until then so as to not cause more stress. Hang in there.

    Typing from my phone and sick and can't remember what everyone else said. Shoot!

    Pam,sorry you had a rotten night. I hope today is a better day!

    Welcome, Nili.

    Charlie, I hope you're feeling better. I get UTIs a lot. I can't make it 12 hours without treatment. I can't believe you managed to function so long with one!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    I had my first non-scale victory this morning!!! I was getting dressed and the room was dark, but the bathroom light was on so it was casting a shadow and it gave a great shot of my silloette...and suddenly, i felt hour glass and beautiful and curvy and sexy and for the first time in a few weeks...not fat.

    I love this! I wish we as women would celebrate our bodies more often! Since I don't see the scale moving I decided to measure myself. I had recently read an article about how in America men prefer the shape of women with a waist to hip ration of .70. I found this intriguing and decided this morning to bust out the tape measure and input my numbers! my surprise I am in fact 0.70! So I guess this is my first non-scale victory in at least 5 years! :)
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Congratulations Ron, that's amazing news. I've been following ya'll while sticking back in the woodwork (it's a little voyeuristic for sure!) but this is great to see!

    Alisa, I've got my fingers crossed for you!

    Pam, when you say you eat back half your calories, do you mind me asking what you net? I'm currently trying to eat back all my calories but I'm finding it difficult and it's resulting in binge eating before bed just to get them all in. I start at 1200 calories, and if I work out 500, I have to eat 1700, which I find difficult. Does anyone else have this problem? Would it be detrimental to my body to net less than 1200 after workout? I want to be very careful with my health to create the most suitable environment for a little peanut of my own down the road. Heck, I've already started prenatal vitamins just to get folic acid and iron into my system for when we start actively trying.

    BTW, thanks so much for the info about the baby acronyms. I googled it and things make a lot more sense to me now. How wonderful that there's this entire list of acronyms women can use when participating in groups like these. It helps to know there's so many women out there with the same thing on their minds!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    HMKan, I found that when I netted 1200 or less, I wasn't losing as much as if I stuck with 1400 -1500. I'm sure it's different for each person, but I'd try really hard to keep you net above 1200.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Alisa - That is a spectacular NSV!!!! Everyone deserves to feel beautiful!

    Ron - October 4th is also a beautiful time of year, and what a way to commemorate your parents :)

    Erica - So far better, not much cause I woke up in a crummy mood, but it's getting better since then. I'm hoping a nap when I get home clears my head and I can focus on the positive.

    Heather - that's a great number - I'm going to check that tonight for me (my official measurements don't happen until Friday though) just to check. I think if I focus more on that then on the scale, I will be more successful. Here's to me getting to 0.70 ratio (yikes....right now, it's probably a 1:1)

    HM - I have to say that I'm not entirely good on netting over 1200 daily. I tend to fluctuate between 1200 and 1700 depending on the day and the meal. I've been so focused lately on keeping my sugars in check (IR because of the PCOS) that I have trouble finding foods that fit within the guidelines and so might skip more than I should. I do have my diary open day that I know I"m exercising weekly is Thursday (it's Aquafit day) so my sister and I have designated that our lunch out of the office day. We go every Thursday to Subway. I think you might have just hit me over the head on why I'm not losing as much as I did at the beginning (it was consistently 2lbs a week). I'm bumping it up to 1400 cals/day net this week. Let's see what happens.
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    HMKan, I found that when I netted 1200 or less, I wasn't losing as much as if I stuck with 1400 -1500. I'm sure it's different for each person, but I'd try really hard to keep you net above 1200.

    Thanks Erica, I'm trying to eat bigger breakfasts (or breakfast in general, since I usually don't) and distribute my calories more throughout the day. I'll definitely try to keep my calories at least above 1200 net. Thanks for the info!
