Fit For Future Families - January 2011



  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Hi all, quick question:

    What does ovulation pain feel like? Is it like a little muscle twinge / pain? And how long does it last? I am on cycle day 11 and think I feel it, but I don't know if that is what it is. I figured someone here would!

    I don't have time to catch up and respond to everyone's posts - I will try to this afternoon.

    Happy Thursday everyone! :)
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Andrea, mine feels like pinching pain isolated on one side, though sometimes it becomes dull and constant though not really like muscle pain. Just like ... hmm... I can't really describe it. Sorry, that wasn't helpful AT ALL.

    Still recuperating. No exercising and eating when I'm hungry, which isn't often.
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    nkster781~ I'm SO with you on wanting spring, like yesterday! Even though we have had it really easy this winter (know that I say that, you know we will be hit with a snow storm) it has been really cold. I found it funny the other morning when I was walking into work I thought to myself, "wow it's pretty warm out today" um.. yeah.. it was 30F. :laugh:

    Heather~ Thanks for the encouragement! I hope you had fun with the young one today! I LOVE that age! 2-4 is my favorite time. I'm a dance teacher and love to teach those little ones!

    Alisa~ I thought CA had nice weather all year round. I never thought about fog. (I've lived in MI all my life) That's got to be a pain in the butt! Sorry.

    Andrea~ Sorry, I can't help you at all! I haven't Oed in a good 5 years, maybe more. (don't even know if I have started again yet) I wish you the best!

    Erica~ I really hope you get better soon! *Hugs* :flowerforyou:

    Goal Check in:
    Water @ 7 cups so far today...doing good.
    Under Calories- yesterday= -50
    today = -67 ...doing good. Now I just have to stick to my plan for tonight.
    Workout - yesterday= Zumba
    tonight= Stationary Bike
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Thanks, kcurtis!

    Well, I got a call that my bloodwork was all normal. That doesn't really mean much beyond I have a healthy ovarian reserve, so no early menopause here. I'll get the actual numbers at my appointment on Tuesday. I wish they'd tested more things... :grumble: I'm trying to be patient.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Nkster - I miss the nice weather too.....I actually got excited on New Years day we had a quick thaw and I was trolloping around the backyard in my husband's size 14 boots to look at my plants in the garden....

    Heather - it was just a weird start. I got into the office and most mornings I ease into working and then leave at I got there and things were already hopping (at 6am) and I worked steadily until I left to go to lunch with my sister for 30 minutes and then I worked steadily until almost 5pm!!! I wouldn't have had the energy to do that if I'd only slept 5 hours so thank goodness for that!

    Alisa - My in-laws live on the east coast and they get wicked fog....I do almost hate it more than snow, because at least with snow you can get a workout (shovelling burns tons of calories). I'm excited that you get to see your friend today!! I have a similar plan for tomorrow night with my best friend. We talk on the phone, but I haven't seen her since early Dec. Sucks about the weekend plans though.

    Andrea - I don't know for sure, but mine is like a double beat on only one side just around the top of my hip. Its only a few seconds(really short) least that's what I think it is....I haven't been able to attribute it to anything else and it always happens that time of the month.....why? What did you have (let's compare notes...) I might be totally off base though. I haven't needed to bloodwork around that time to confirm an ovulation ever....

    Erica - Hope you feel better soon. Chest colds are the worst, especially when you're asthmatic....seem to drag on forever. At least you've ruled out something though....Tuesday isn't too long to wait. Did your GYN call back at any point to schedule you in?

    KCurtis - LOL I contemplated not wearing a coat this morning - it's 0C (which is 32F).....LOL but's like Cancun!!

    AFM: It's SWIMMING NIGHT for me. We have another swim buddy now so even if person A flakes, person B will be there for support. Added bonus, all the hubbies are going to get together while the ladies are I have a babysitter for my DH!!! WOO HOO
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Erica- don't mean to be nosey nelly, just wondering if your DH has been checked? I'm sure they will schedule that and a HSG. Usually doing blood work on you and checking his count is the first place they go. But I'm sure you already know all this! ;) Hoping you are feeling on the up and up!

    kcurtis- looks like you are doing awesome on your goals! wtg!

    andrea- I had the same question as I've not O'ed in YEARS! When I was on the Clomid I don't even remember there being any signs but this month for the first time ever I got a positive on the OPK and that same day I started to feel like a weird twinge and then an intermittent pressure/twinge feeling for the next 24 hrs or so. Not sure how long most women's usually last but that is what I felt like this month!

    Alisa- I'd trade snow/frigid temps for fog ANY day! lol! Actually I lived in England for several years and having it overcast and foggy for months at a time was more depressing than having it be frigid cold with the sun shining. Rain can also be a nuisance all on its own! And I also know EXACTLY what you mean about having your hubby leave already! This Christmas we spent every single day together for a couple weeks and by the end of it I had to tell him that I absolutely love him, but I'm ready for him to leave again cause we were driving each other nutso! I think that is just a part of our culture. We hate to miss them, and we love to see them again, but too much of a good thing is still too much! lol! I on the other hand have not seen my husband since Tuesday. He has been flying a lot and very late. He got home last night at 11 and then turned around and went back to work at 630 this morning. I was asleep on both occasions. Good thing we were snowed in the week of baby dancing or else it would have been a mess trying to keep up with each other! And YUM! I love Chipotle! I could eat burrito bowls every day (my guts would hate me, but yum!).

    Pam- Oh how I love workouts with friends! It is such a great motivator when you have another person relying on you to be there too! Hope you get to burn off some steam from the long day you had with some swimming!

    So the "what if's" are already creeping into my minute I think my boobs are tender and then they aren't, then today I was so tired I needed to nap but could have been because I was watching a precocious 2 y/o all day and she mentally wore me out lol, and I'm still "nesting"....I wish we had a button on us that instantly said "Pregnant" or "Not Pregnant"...sure would make things a lot easier.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Yes, Heather, getting my husband checked will be next on the list. We would have done it sooner, but he doesn't have a doctor and so we had to wait for my gyn to be willing to start testing. I imagine we'll discuss all the tests on Tuesday. I don't think they'll probably get those done this cycle, though... unless they can schedule an HSG quickly. I'll be CD 8 by Tuesday and I O anywhere between cd 13 and 15. The weather here was nicer today, did you get the mid-40 degree temps?
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Ok, I’m back to give better responses :tongue:

    Erica – Glad to hear you are “normal” so far, though going through additional testing is going to rough, I’m sure. You seem like a really strong person though, so I’m sure you can do it! Thanks for giving your feedback on the twinge thing. I have never really paid attention to these types of things before, so I wasn’t sure to look for. Also, feel better!!! :flowerforyou:

    Heather – Crossing my fingers for you!!! It is so easy to make things up in your head – I had myself absolutely convinced I was preggers the very first month we tried! :brokenheart: When do you get to test?

    Pam – Thanks for your twinge feedback, too! I’m not sure really if I have ever O’d, I just started temping and OPK this month, so we shall see! I got weird concentrated cramp thing this morning for like 5 minutes and it went away, not fluttery. Who knows, it could have been anything! Swimming should be fun tonight! And I love that you call it babysitting your DH!! So cute :smile:

    Kcurits – Any news on your niece??? That is sooo terrible!!!!

    Alisa – I can’t imagine no snow right now! I am in CT, so we got 29 inches a couple weeks ago, a few more inches, an inch of ice, a few more inches, and then 15 last night! This is the most snow ever in CT, the 29 was the most in one storm ever! None of it has melted, cause it has been sooo cold. I grew up on the gulf coast, and I miss it right now! Fog is really scary though, I don’t think I could deal with that. I hope you guys don’t have to cancel your trip – Daniel Tosh is soo funny!!! Oh and burrito bowls at Chipotle are so yummy :tongue: We just got one across the street and work, which is bad news for me!

    Ok, I ran out of time :ohwell: Gonna do some more work then read about fertility signs! I’m still pretty new to this.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Definitely didn't sleep well last night because my boobs were sore and nipples tingly...and every time I woke up I wanted to vacuum and eat....I'm either pregnant or can subconsciously make my body do REALLY weird things! And Andrea I'm testing on Wednesday morning! Which I know won't come soon enough!

    On a positive note I lost 4lbs this week!

    Weigh in:

    SW (Jan 1st): 156 lbs
    LW: 150 lbs
    CW: 146 lbs

    The high today is 50* so I shouldn't be complaining about the weather, but I've decided that for future reference I am going to start planning a vacation in Jan/Feb to get through the cold/snow! I'm over it and so ready for Spring! Hope you all have a really great Friday!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    As for the weather talk, I’m so happy that it’s warmer today (-3°C or 26°F)! I want to go skating in the park a block away from my house. I tried last night but both rinks were occupied by Hockey games (one rink is for Hockey only and the other is supposed to be for skating only, but that’s never the case), I hope that wont be the case tonight because it’s the only thing I can really do while still congested.

    Erica – Wow that was quick! They still haven’t called me about mine (it was drawn on Jan 14th)! I think they haven’t called cause everything’s fine and are just waiting to give me the figures when I go in for the CD5-10 ultrasound that I’ll have to schedule soon.
    I hope you have a productive and informative first appointment with your gyno, my fingers are crossed for you that everything is fine and that you get preggers next cycle!

    Kcurtis – Any news on your niece?

    Andrea – For me it’s a really light version of a period cramp, same area and sensation but dialed down a ton! It doesn’t hurt and is more annoying than anything else. I hope this helps! Also I’m naturally that much more inclined to wanna BD at that time, must be nature’s way for making us procreate!

    Pam – So happy to here you have an extra swim buddy, it must help the motivation so much to know that even if one bails you still have the other to go with!

    Alisa – I have to admit that I’d prefer snow than fog any day, so many fun activities to do on a snowy day, plus it’s really pretty. At least you don’t have some days where it’s so cold outside that it hurts to breath in the cold air because it’s so sharp. There are perks and downfalls to every type of weather.

    Heather – I know what you mean about the “what if’s” thoughts, even if I know that AF if coming (pre-cramps and face breakouts) I still go through that. I wish I had some good advice on how to deal, but I’ve got nothing! FC that you are!
    Oh and congrats on the loss!

    AFM: DH is getting really impatient and is having a hard time with it. He’s normally the type of person that when he makes up his mind on something he does it right away, he doesn’t debate or waste time. It’s driving him crazy that it hasn’t happened yet, to the point that I cant really talk to him about it because he gets visibly upset (short answers, avoids talking about it, etc…) that’s why I’m so happy to have you girls. We obviously handle this in different manners (I need to talk, he needs to ignore the problem), but I’m worried that he doesn’t talk to anyone about it. We are about to go into Cycle 18 and I’m at a loss in how to help him go through this.
    Arghhhhh, sorry for the long vent, it just needed to come out!
  • MadeToCraveHIM
    MadeToCraveHIM Posts: 213 Member
    Hello! I'm a newbie here, but would love to join your great group :bigsmile: My husband & I have been TTC for the last 6 years and have lost 1 baby in August due to an ectopic pregnancy. We've tried 1 round of IUI w/ clomid, but to no avail. So, we've decided that if God wants to bless us with a child then it will happen when it's supposed to. It's been the biggest struggle I've ever had to deal with and only second to my being overweight. My goal for 2011 is to become healthy and lose weight and at least give it one last try to have a healthy pregnancy :flowerforyou:
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Abeare, sorry you're struggling with a husband who won't open up. I've had similar problems with mine, but it seems that he's finally opened his eyes and realized that maybe we'll have to address the problem to make it go away. I hope that your husband can come to terms with everything. And I really hope you get your answers and a BFP very soon.

    I was pretty shocked that they called to let me know since I'm supposed to have my appointment on Tuesday. I hope they didn't lose my appointment...

    Welcome, plumpinky! You have a great attitude!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Kah haven't heard from you in a while! Did you get your day 21 blood draw done? How are you feeling these days....any symptoms yet?!

    Welcome plumpinky!

    Abeare a lot of times guys feel the same inadequacies that we do...they just hold it in. Sometimes we just need to let them know that you are a team in this together and that he can always talk to you when he needs to. Sometimes just backing off and letting him come to you is the key! Men are "fixers" and when they feel they can't "fix" this whole baby making problem, it is hard for them to swallow. We want to talk it out and emotionalize everything, and they just want it fixed. Men are from Mars after all. Hope this helps a little... ;)
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    He all! Happy Friday!!!

    Sorry if this has been asked before. I was reading that lube can actually hurt your chances of ttc. Have any of you tried a product called Pre-Seed. I was thinking about trying it and was wondering what others thought about it.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    He all! Happy Friday!!!

    Sorry if this has been asked before. I was reading that lube can actually hurt your chances of ttc. Have any of you tried a product called Pre-Seed. I was thinking about trying it and was wondering what others thought about it.

    I use it. We like it in limited amounts (NOT the suggested amount on the container because little bit goes a long way). It obviously didn't help us get pregnant, though.
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Hey all! So, my "clomid effects" have ganged up on me in the last few days I guess. My major cranky depressed funk, and now I am having all the normal PMSy symptoms I usually have, but so much stronger. My boobs hurt. TIM, sorry. If it weren't just a larger version of what happens every month, I might think something was different, but I don't think so. I warned my husband about clomid emotional stuff, so he's been understanding. Yay.

    And then this afternoon I got a call from the Doc today. I went in yesterday for my Day 21 Progesterone test. Progesterone level- 2.4. Whoa. Boom.

    So, if I did ovulate, then I have a pretty nasty case of low progesterone, but more than likely, I didn't. I'm not really sure how to process this in my head. Part of me says "Yay! An abnormal result--that gives us something to work to fix." The other part of me goes "Hey, they told me that it was normal when we tested it BEFORE I took Clomid. What the heyyyyy..." So, when I go in next week for my "Clomid check", I'll be probably upped to 100 mg. I guess we'll see what happens with that.

    The nice part about spotting and stuff early is that I don't have the same 2WW that some people do, I guess. I can work on dealing with it and moving on to the next cycle before it really even happens. So, I'm working on it. Maybe a higher dose will do the trick, we'll see.

    Also, I'm pretty certain AF is on her way from the fact that I was up 2.4 lbs this week. I know I had some bad days...but that is reDONKulous! Oh win some, you lose some. We'll try again next week!

    Talk to you all later....thinking about all of you and your individual struggles--sending prayers, postive thoughts, babydust...whatever you want/need your way....
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Ugh, Kah! 2.4 :noway: I hope they get it figured out quickly!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Abeare - I really got lucky. There was not even a hesitation with my DH. His parents struggled to get pregnant - not like us, but it took them 18 months and he is an only child. When the doctor explained that there was some major side effects from the treatment - he actually was the one to bring up getting tested first to make sure that it would work. Most of the time though it does get hidden - I've only seen him crack a few times in the 10 years. There aren't many men I know of that will tell an almost perfect stranger that we're having trouble having kids because we both have issues. I think that's what makes it okay....we do BOTH have issues so it's neither of our "fault".....

    Hi Plumpinky....Welcome to the group! Good luck!

    Erica - I'm sure they didn't lose the appointment.....I'm pretty sure...Yeah, I'm sure

    Nkster - we haven't tried it and I was thinking about it myself. I read on a website that it's available here at Shoppers Drug Mart (Canada). I asked my DH to call our local store and just ask the pharmacist if they have it in stock (I know they stock it at the main warehouses). He informed me after I came home that he will not be going back into the store since the lady kinda giggled when he told her what it was for....He's so embarassed, but it was on his cell phone so he can walk in free and clear, just no calls back....LOL

    Kah - I hope the higher dose does help - at least you know that there is something out of whack - whether it is caused by the meds or not - it is something that can be fixed and that's the best way to look at it :) And BTW, you're right 2.4lbs suck right royally!!! It means you will have a bigger loss after.

    AFM: Girls night tonight. I had a bit of a pity party for myself today after my 1.2lb gain (and I know it's not TOM on her way) so I ate....I didn't just fall off the wagon, I did a swandive off her...Tonight is a planned night out so I have to make sure to make great choices at dinner. We don't know where we're going. It was going to be a girls night with my girlfriends, but we've slowly expanded it to include my sisters. Then when I looked at who had confirmed for tonight, I asked my mom too. Still a girls night, but it will be, my best GF, both my sisters, my sisters best GF and my Mom. The other GF that usually comes has a 1 month old at home and is feeding on demand so it's not even that she can try and get away for an hour....which she desperately needs....
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Happy Friday! As with most days recently it is bitter sweet. Happy for the weekend and happy to be home from work...but not too fond of the impending changes that will be happening soon...

    Pam - Girls night sounds fun! My mom and I are very close and most times i would try to include her with at home girls night (she's not much for going out). I am in desperate need of a girls night and will have plenty over the next few months. I can't say i'm not excited. We've got some slumber parties planned and everything!

    Kah - Yup...sounds like AF, Boo...I hope now that they know there is a potential progesterone problem that they will be able to fix it!

    Heather - I am hoping that it is not PMS and is a little baby who is causing so many issues!

    KCurtis - Still praying!!

    (sorry if i missed anyone, I didn't take notes :-( )

    AFM - Feeling kinda icky...tired, head ache, hoping it's just progesterone symptoms and not that i'm getting sick. The hubs doesn't have to work tomorrow so the San Fran trip is on and i couldn't be more excited!!

    So i have a confession to make...I have peed on sticks everyday since It really is addicting! Today was the first day that i THINK there MIGHT have been even the slightest line...although come to think of it it might have been the reflection of the control line..HaHa Ugh...I'm not giving up hope until 20DPO! I went to Walmart and got a $4 equate test bc i've heard they are the best for early testing....or atleast that's what i have read. I don't know of a dollar store around here so i don't really have that option...So tomorrow is when i'll start testing and getting concerned if nothing happens.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Thanks Alisa.

    Girls night was fun. I actually didn't do too much damage I hope. Except I had appetizers, main & dessert.....I'm so full it's not even funny. I seriously feel as if I might explode.....and tonight was supposed to be an "on" night...oh well, guess there's always the morning. But I know my temping isn't going to be right (not because I drank alcohol, but because I temp in about 3 hours normally......LOL)