

  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member
    RED FLAG!!! Send it to the Hodgetwins to do a video on it. As they would say, These two have all kinds of n#t busting history together. That's probably what he is thinking about. All the times they was together. It doesn't mean he wants to be with her. When I say red flag, I mean you going to pack your stuff after he was open with his feelings to you. He probably won't be that open again thinking you can't handle it after one time. I'm sorry, but it might be a short relationship for you. I hope not and that you two can work it out. Good luck.
  • jasonmh630
    jasonmh630 Posts: 2,850 Member
    I read all the replies and I agree..
    However alot of the bashing was not called for. Alot of women have things they get insecure about. For me knowing another women is on my mans mind is hard. But I also understand his point of view.
    I told him I understand there was a past and I understand thats not something you can just forget but if we are in a relationship I need his all put into it.
    He agreed.

    Just because he thinks about his ex from time to time doesn't mean he's not putting his all into the relationship with you. The fact that he was using the initiative and being honest with you speaks volumes about his commitment to you. No offense... but unless you absolutely don't think about any of your exes, then I think he's earned a little trust from you FOR being honest.
  • 5stringjeff
    5stringjeff Posts: 790 Member
    I still think about a sandwich I had in Boston 3 years ago.

    Funny you mention that... got me thinking about the most awesome po' boy I ever had in New Orleans, also about three years ago.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    This relationship is moving WAAAAYYY too fast!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    This relationship is moving WAAAAYYY too fast!
    They've been together two months. C and I were already living together for a month at that point in our relationship. lol
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    This relationship is moving WAAAAYYY too fast!
    They've been together two months. C and I were already living together for a month at that point in our relationship. lol

    Yeah, but she is far too attached for it to be this soon in a relationship, and to trip because he said sometimes he thinks about his ex. She is just way too invested too early in this relationship. Everybody thinks about an ex sometimes. And he has no control over his thoughts.
  • MegE_N
    MegE_N Posts: 245 Member
    I would always recommend not moving in together with someone you've dated for less than a year. Personally I wouldn't have moved in with my fiance until we were married, but we could afford to save for the wedding better this way so we moved in after we got engaged.

    For a lot of people, moving in together early works. But for people with insecurities, it can lead to a lot of discomfort in my opinion. A lot of worrying over nothing, a lot of 'Well now what?' etc. etc.

    Love is a wonderful thing. Living with someone often times has very little to do with love. Things like respect, shared values (like house cleanliness and finances) etc. can make or break a living situation. Just because you're in 'love' doesn't mean that everything is suddenly perfect. It sounds like this relationship moved too fast for an insecure person to be able to process and handle.
  • emalethmoon
    emalethmoon Posts: 178 Member
    I've been with my husband for 12 years. I still think about my ex.

    People have feelings. People will be attracted to other people. This is life.

    Dating and committing to someone doesn't mean everyone else in the world disappears, it just means they've chosen you over their other possibilities.

    Love is a choice. And if you act like a jealous nut it'll be easier not to choose to love you.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    This relationship is moving WAAAAYYY too fast!
    They've been together two months. C and I were already living together for a month at that point in our relationship. lol

    Yeah, but she is far too attached for it to be this soon in a relationship, and to trip because he said sometimes he thinks about his ex. She is just way too invested too early in this relationship. Everybody thinks about an ex sometimes. And he has no control over his thoughts.
    Yeah I know. I just thought it was funny.

    I'm the least insecure person out there. I figure if he wants to be with someone else, he's welcome to her. I'll move on with someone better. :-) And I assume someone with a past thinks about it. I didn't meet him when he was an infant or anything.

    Oh, and I used to work with a woman who married her husband six weeks after meeting him. They had been together more than 30 years when I met her.
  • lorraineau
    Oh Dear 2 months is not very long at all compared with 7 years in a previous relationship, I have been where your at now and I understand how you must be thinking, but to be quite honest we all have thoughts from time to time but it don't mean we are going to do anything about those thoughts, being with someone for 7 years there is bound to be a connection and feelings still in the background but as long as those feelings stay in the background just move forward be happy he's with you now :-) that has to account for something, you can't take away the past in the bat of an eye it all takes time I still love my ex husband often think of him even though I am married and have been for the past 10 years to a wonderful man who was badly hurt in his marriage but we have together overcome this and are very happy together we often talk about our past lives it helps to talk sometimes that way we understand each other but it don't mean we want to go back to what we had so please be happy if your b/f wasn't happy with you quite simply he wouldn't be with you :-)
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I would like to know how this came up?

    Did you ask?
    ANNAvsANNA Posts: 58 Member
    I don't have anything to add to the forum, but I just wanted to say OP is gorgeous!! Totally jealous! I wish I was that pretty :love:
  • So_Much_Fab
    So_Much_Fab Posts: 1,146 Member
    Google "compartmentalized" and lay off him about this. Trust me, he thinks about a lot of things, 99% of which aren't important. If anything, he's guilty of loose lips sinking ships.

    Or just break up.

    This! I can't believe no one's mentioned it until now. While it's natural that he still thinks of his ex, why would he vocalize that in the infancy stages of this new relationship? Two months in and everything's all glitter and rainbows so why would you say something that would most certainly create insecurity? He should have just kept it to himself because there's no advantages in bringing it up.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Google "compartmentalized" and lay off him about this. Trust me, he thinks about a lot of things, 99% of which aren't important. If anything, he's guilty of loose lips sinking ships.

    Or just break up.

    This! I can't believe no one's mentioned it until now. While it's natural that he still thinks of his ex, why would he vocalize that in the infancy stages of this new relationship? Two months in and everything's all glitter and rainbows so why would you say something that would most certainly create insecurity? He should have just kept it to himself because there's really advantage in bringing it up.

    He said something that clearly shows how honest he is. I think that is a good quality to have. I want to know how OP got this information? How did it come up?
  • JojoW8183
    JojoW8183 Posts: 540 Member
    I realllllly need some advice.

    I have had a boyfriend for 2 months . We are together every day and and I love him alot.
    Today he tells me sometimes he still thinks about his ex. they were together 7 years and his only real relationship before me.
    I got mad and started packing my things. he kept telling me he wants me , he loves me..... He says that he dosent know why he thinks about her, that he dosent love her. He knows they will never be anything ... I asked him to please be honest about us. He said he is in love with me and loves being around me.

    But now I am left to think how do I stay with a man that still thinks about his ex....? i love him so much. he is the first guy i think i could marry and live each day with happily.
    But i dont want to get heartbroken.


    Is this your first relationship? If not...haven't you ever thought about an ex? Let me start by should be happy he was honest enough to tell you that he thinks about her sometimes. He could have kept it to himself. When a relationship ends those memories don't get wiped. That relationship taught him things, probably helped him grow. It's normal to think about things and people from your past. He probably even thinks about what their sex life was like, again, normal. This is why I believe couples should not just be lovers but they should be friends. You want a honest and open relationship where both people can talk about life, past, present, and future, without worrying that the other person is going to get emotional and leave.

    As far as the comments of your relationship moving too fast...meh, to each its own. My husband and I dated for two months before we got married (we were friends for a year). Every relationship is different, but communication and honesty is extremely important regardless of its structure.
  • MegE_N
    MegE_N Posts: 245 Member
    Google "compartmentalized" and lay off him about this. Trust me, he thinks about a lot of things, 99% of which aren't important. If anything, he's guilty of loose lips sinking ships.

    Or just break up.

    This! I can't believe no one's mentioned it until now. While it's natural that he still thinks of his ex, why would he vocalize that in the infancy stages of this new relationship? Two months in and everything's all glitter and rainbows so why would you say something that would most certainly create insecurity? He should have just kept it to himself because there's really advantage in bringing it up.

    He said something that clearly shows how honest he is. I think that is a good quality to have. I want to know how OP got this information? How did it come up?

    Eh ... so many people today use 'honesty' as an excuse for being generally terrible people.

    "I told my girlfriend how much I want to bang her sister ... look how HONEST I am!"

    Honesty is a good thing, but so is tact and being respectful. Using honesty as a crutch because you're REACHING to find a nice thing to say about yourself is pathetic.
  • JojoW8183
    JojoW8183 Posts: 540 Member
    Eh ... so many people today use 'honesty' as an excuse for being generally terrible people.

    "I told my girlfriend how much I want to bang her sister ... look how HONEST I am!"

    Honesty is a good thing, but so is tact and being respectful. Using honesty as a crutch because you're REACHING to find a nice thing to say about yourself is pathetic.

    That's what I would call a bad person.

    Is it really that strange for two people in a relationship to talk about their past without one of them getting offended or becoming insecure?
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    I still think about a sandwich I had in Boston 3 years ago.

    Funny you mention that... got me thinking about the most awesome po' boy I ever had in New Orleans, also about three years ago.

    This thread now has me thinking about PBJ. Not any particular past PBJ, just PBJ in general.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Google "compartmentalized" and lay off him about this. Trust me, he thinks about a lot of things, 99% of which aren't important. If anything, he's guilty of loose lips sinking ships.

    Or just break up.

    This! I can't believe no one's mentioned it until now. While it's natural that he still thinks of his ex, why would he vocalize that in the infancy stages of this new relationship? Two months in and everything's all glitter and rainbows so why would you say something that would most certainly create insecurity? He should have just kept it to himself because there's really advantage in bringing it up.

    He said something that clearly shows how honest he is. I think that is a good quality to have. I want to know how OP got this information? How did it come up?

    Eh ... so many people today use 'honesty' as an excuse for being generally terrible people.

    "I told my girlfriend how much I want to bang her sister ... look how HONEST I am!"

    Honesty is a good thing, but so is tact and being respectful. Using honesty as a crutch because you're REACHING to find a nice thing to say about yourself is pathetic.

    What if that was a fantasy? You can't tell your SO how much you want to bang a celebrity?

    I am bias though every person I have dated has been caught in lies and just stupid ones.
  • So_Much_Fab
    So_Much_Fab Posts: 1,146 Member
    Google "compartmentalized" and lay off him about this. Trust me, he thinks about a lot of things, 99% of which aren't important. If anything, he's guilty of loose lips sinking ships.

    Or just break up.

    This! I can't believe no one's mentioned it until now. While it's natural that he still thinks of his ex, why would he vocalize that in the infancy stages of this new relationship? Two months in and everything's all glitter and rainbows so why would you say something that would most certainly create insecurity? He should have just kept it to himself because there's really advantage in bringing it up.

    He said something that clearly shows how honest he is. I think that is a good quality to have. I want to know how OP got this information? How did it come up?

    Eh ... so many people today use 'honesty' as an excuse for being generally terrible people.

    "I told my girlfriend how much I want to bang her sister ... look how HONEST I am!"

    Honesty is a good thing, but so is tact and being respectful. Using honesty as a crutch because you're REACHING to find a nice thing to say about yourself is pathetic.

    Agreed. There's no arguing that honesty is a good quality but there are some thoughts that should not be volunteered.