360 Minute "Move It and Lose it" Challenge



  • Zita_Jenn
    Zita_Jenn Posts: 252 Member
    Kim Jan 3rd, 181.2
    Ro January 3rd 183.0
    Denise Jan 1st 198.6
    Trenton Jan 3rd 190.0
    Laurie Jan 3rd 176.5
    Jewelzz/128 lbs
    Vanessa Jan 3rd 230.8
    Andrea January 3rd 129.0
    Carleen January 3rd 317
    Tracy (frogy_98) Jan 1st 220.4
    Alicelms Jan3/ 179 Oh Pooh!
    Choco_Jan 3rd_130.0
    Robin 1/3/11 155.8
    Mollie Jan 3rd 364
    ericaroo, 1/3/11, 133.6
    Jenn Jan. 3, 175.2

    Goal - 360 min / wk (mearning around 52 min per day)
    Monday, Jan 3 - 20 min on the Elliptical at Resistance 6 (R6)

    Remaining 340 min.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Monday 60/768 HRM
    Tuesday 60/717 HRM

  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    plan for the week of 1/3-1/9

    Monday - 2.26 mile walk @ lunch - 39mins - 204cals
    4 miles on TM @ YMCA - 69mins - 454cals
    Tuesday - PLAN walk @ lunch, Treadmill after kids go to bed - watch biggest loser
    Wednesday - PLAN - walk @ lunch, 2-3 mile walk after work or at they YMCA
    Thursday - PLAN - YMCA for cardio/weights
    Friday - PLAN - walk @ lunch, class at YMCA
    Saturday - PLAN - group power class
    Sunday - PLAN - YMCA workout room & swim with the kids

    GOAL - 360 mins
    Completed - 108 mins
    Remaining - 252 mins

    GOAL - 2500 calories
    Completed - 658 calories
    Remaining - 1842 calories
  • Zita_Jenn
    Zita_Jenn Posts: 252 Member
    Tuesday, January 4 - 20 min on the Elliptical at R6

    Remaining - 320 min
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I did it....I did it....I did it....after just completing today's workout I have done some type of exercise EVERYDAY for an ENTIRE YEAR! It was a goal I wanted to accomplish and because of all the support I received here on MFP I was able to do it....WOO..HOO!!!!!!

    Today I completed my first HIIT workout from the Turbo Fire program and am I glad it was only 15 minutes. I absolutely loved the music and the routine but it kicked my booty. I am so glad that I will only being doing HIIT 15 for the first month of this hybrid program because I don't think I could hang with HIIT 20, 25 or 30......just the thought of it is making my body hurt....LOL. I know by the time I'm done with the first month I'll be able to rock out the rest of the HIITs but glad I don't have to worry about that right now.

    This week's check-in:

    Monday: 45 minutes of Fire 45 & 15 minutes of Strength 10 = 60 total
    Tuesday: 17 minutes of HIIT 15 & 15 minutes of Strength 10 = 32 total


    Total minutes completed: 92
    Minutes remaining: 268

    Total calories burned: 766
    Calories remaining: 1734
  • Zita_Jenn
    Zita_Jenn Posts: 252 Member

    Did 4 minutes of Strength Training - 30 crunches, 30 reverse crunches and 30 leg raises
    Also did about 20 min of delivering papers

    Total 24 min. 320 - 24 =

    Remaing = 296 min.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I did it....I did it....I did it....after just completing today's workout I have done some type of exercise EVERYDAY for an ENTIRE YEAR! It was a goal I wanted to accomplish and because of all the support I received here on MFP I was able to do it....WOO..HOO!!!!!!

    Wow!! Very impressive!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    plan for the week of 1/3-1/9
    Monday - 2.26 mile walk @ lunch - 39mins - 204cals
    4 miles on TM @ YMCA - 69mins - 454cals
    Tuesday - 2.64 mile walk @ lunch - 46mins - 252 cals

    Tuesday night - PLAN - Treadmill after kids go to bed - watch biggest loser
    Wednesday - PLAN - walk @ lunch, 2-3 mile walk after work or at they YMCA
    Thursday - PLAN - YMCA for cardio/weights
    Friday - PLAN - walk @ lunch, class at YMCA
    Saturday - PLAN - group power class
    Sunday - PLAN - YMCA workout room & swim with the kids

    GOAL - 360 mins
    Completed - 154 mins
    Remaining - 206 mins

    GOAL - 2500 calories
    Completed - 910 calories
    Remaining - 1590 calories
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Mon: n/a
    Tue: 75 min Leslie Sansone DVD............................................................285 min to go!
  • Zita_Jenn
    Zita_Jenn Posts: 252 Member
    Did another 10 min on the Elliptical at R6.

    So I am now down to 286 min :smile:
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Completed: 90 minutes
    Remaining: 270 minutes
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    plan for the week of 1/3-1/9
    Monday - 2.26 mile walk @ lunch - 39mins - 204cals
    4 miles on TM @ YMCA - 69mins - 454cals
    Tuesday - 2.64 mile walk @ lunch - 46mins - 252 cals
    5.75 miles on treadmill/watch biggest loser - 87mins - 656cals

    Wednesday - PLAN - walk @ lunch, 2-3 mile walk after work or at they YMCA
    Thursday - PLAN - YMCA for cardio/weights
    Friday - PLAN - walk @ lunch, class at YMCA
    Saturday - PLAN - group power class
    Sunday - PLAN - YMCA workout room & swim with the kids

    GOAL - 360 mins
    Completed - 241 mins
    Remaining - 119 mins

    GOAL - 2500 calories
    Completed - 1566 calories
    Remaining - 934 calories
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Monday 1/3: 40 min running 2.5 miles plus stretching and .25 miles each for warm-up/cool-down, 10 min stairclimber, 10 min walking .5 miles.

    Tuesday 1/4: 35 minutes running 2 miles plus stretching, warm-up and cool-down, 20 min lifting weights, 5 min walking

    Total: 120
    Remaining: 240
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Mon: n/a
    Tue: 75 min Leslie Sansone DVD............................................................285 min to go!
    Wed: 37 min LS DVD...................................................................................248 min to go!
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Monday 60/768 HRM
    Tuesday 60/717 HRM
    15/ didn't track weights
    Wednesday 68/854 HRM

  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    plan for the week of 1/3-1/9
    Monday - 2.26 mile walk @ lunch - 39mins - 204cals
    4 miles on TM @ YMCA - 69mins - 454cals
    Tuesday - 2.64 mile walk @ lunch - 46mins - 252 cals
    5.75 miles on treadmill/watch biggest loser - 87mins - 656cals
    Wednesday - PLAN - 2.33 mile walk @ lunch - 41mins - 235cals

    Wed night - PLAN - Treadmill - YMCA
    Thursday - PLAN - YMCA for cardio/weights
    Friday - PLAN - walk @ lunch, class at YMCA
    Saturday - PLAN - group power class
    Sunday - PLAN - YMCA workout room & swim with the kids

    GOAL - 360 mins
    Completed - 282 mins
    Remaining - 78 mins

    GOAL - 2500 calories
    Completed - 1801 calories
    Remaining - 699 calories
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    TOM has reared it's ugly head therefore I'm not feeling 100% today which means this will be a quick post. Today I completed the Fire 30, Abs 10 and Stretch 10 dvds from the Turbo Fire program. Once again the moves took a little bit to get adjusted to but if I didn't catch on quick enough I just improvised by doing a move that was very similar.

    This week's check-in:

    Monday: 45 minutes of Fire 45 & 15 minutes of Strength 10 = 60 total
    Tuesday: 17 minutes of HIIT 15 & 15 minutes of Strength 10 = 32 total
    Wednesday: 30 minutes of Fire 30, 10 minutes of Abs 10 & 15 minutes of Strength 10 = 55 total


    Total minutes completed: 147
    Minutes remaining: 213

    Total calories burned: 1250
    Calories remaining: 1250
  • Zita_Jenn
    Zita_Jenn Posts: 252 Member
    Monday, January 3 - 20 min on the Elliptical at R6
    Tuesday, January 4 - 30 min on the Elliptical at R6
    Wednesday, January 5 - 40 min on the Wii Fit + (doing yoga and some aerobics) and 20 min on the Elliptical at R6

    Total - 90 min

    Remaining - 270 min
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    Just switched my goals on my page to 360 minutes so this is perfect accountability :smile:

    Kim................................1/3/11 = 181.2
    Ro..................................1/3/11 = 183.0
    Denise..........................1/3/11 = 198.6
    Trenton..........................1/3/11 = 190.0
    Laurie............................1/3/11 = 176.5
    Jewelzz..........................1/3/11 = 128 lbs
    Vanessa........................1/3/11 = 230.8
    Andrea...........................1/3/11 = 129.0
    Carleen.........................1/3/11 = 317
    Tracy (frogy_98)...........1/3/11 = 220.4
    Alicelms........................1/3/11 = 179
    Choco............................1/3/11 = 130.0
    Robin.............................1/3/11 = 155.8
    Mollie.............................1/3/11 = 364
    ericaroo........................1/3/11 = 133.6
    Jenn..............................1/3/11 = 175.2
    Ellis_rn.........................1/3/11 = 176.5

    PLAN for the week of 1/3-1/9
    (X) Mon -- Lift weights (AM)/L1D1 of 30 DS (x2)
    (X) Tue -- Lift weights (AM)/L1D2 of 30 DS/35 min walk
    (X) Wed - Rest Day
    Thur - Kickboxing/L1D3 of 30 DS
    Fri --- Lift weights (AM)/L1D4 of 30 DS
    Sat -- 60 min walk/L1D5 of 30 DS/Clean house
    Sun - 60 min walk

    GOAL = 360 mins
    Completed - 169 mins
    Remaining - 191 mins

    GOAL = 3000 calories
    Completed - 1233 calories
    Remaining - 1767 calories
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Monday, January 3 - 20 min on the Elliptical at R6
    Tuesday, January 4 - 30 min on the Elliptical at R6
    Wednesday, January 5 - 40 min on the Wii Fit + (doing yoga and some aerobics) and 20 min on the Elliptical at R6

    Total - 90 min

    Remaining - 270 min

    I could be wrong but I think you shorted yourself 20 minutes.......(20 min on Mon; 30 min on Tues and 60 min btwn the WII and elliptical on Wed.) just want to make sure you get credit for every minute earned b/c hey we workout hard here.....LOL