360 Minute "Move It and Lose it" Challenge



  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    plan for the week of 1/10-1/16

    Monday - 2.91mile walk @ lunch - 50 mins - 311 cals
    Tuesday - 2.83 mile walk @ lunch - 50 mins - 298 cals
    treadmill - 4miles - 65 mins - 330 cals
    Wednesday - 1.25 on treadmill & spin class - 65 mins - 490 cals

    Thursday - PLAN - spin class and then weights @ YMCA
    Friday - PLAN - walk @ lunch, swimming w/kids @ YMCA
    Saturday - PLAN - spin class @ YMCA
    Sunday - PLAN - beach walk

    GOAL - 360 mins
    Completed - 230 mins
    Remaining - 130 mins

    GOAL - 2500 calories
    Completed - 1429 calories
    Remaining - 1071 calories
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Goal for this week: 360 minutes

    Monday 1/10: 60 min stretching, running 2.5 miles, warm-up & cool-down, plus stationary bike
    Tuesday 1/11: 70 min stretching, running 2 miles, warm-up & cool-down, plus weights

    Wednesday 1/12: 60 min stretching, climbing stairmaster, walking on treadmill and lifting weights

    Total for the week: 190 minutes
    Total left for the week: 170 minutes
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member

    Monday~ total 2 workouts 98/1150 boosted walking/walking with squats,lunges,upper body weights,8,5,3 lbs HRM
    Tuesday~53/705 Power walk With weights 1.5 legs/3 arms, HRM
    29/201 Filling bird feeders 14 feeders 65 pounds of bird feed tromping through the snow. HRM
    30/229 Cardioblast dance HRM
    Wednesday~33/485 Power Walk with the works. HRM
    40/401 Cardoiblast Dance HRM
    Thursday 56/635 Strong Walk, weights, 5, 3, 1.5lbs.


    For those of you who have HRMs, how high do you push your heart rate during a workout?
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    Change of plans for my workout yesterday but I haven't played racquetball in forever and I LOVED it! Plus it was a super good burn. Weigh-in tomorrow, can't wait!

    PLAN for the week of 1/10-1/16
    (X) Mon -- snowed in
    (X) Tue -- L1D4 of 30DS/35 minute walk
    (X) Wed - Racquetball (60 min)
    Thur - L1D6 of 30DS/45 minute walk
    Fri --- L1D7 of 30DS/60 minute walk
    Sat -- Cardio X
    Sun - 60 minute walk

    GOAL = 360 mins
    Completed - 125 mins
    Remaining - 235 mins

    GOAL = 3000 calories
    Completed - 1100 calories
    Remaining - 1900 calories
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Monday: 35 minutes Push Circuit 1, 10 minutes of jumping rope & 15 minutes of Stretching = 60 total
    Tuesday: 45 minutes Fire 45 EZ, 45 minutes shovelling & 16 Ab Ripper X = 106 total
    Wednesday: 35 minutes Push Circuit 2, 20 minutes of Recharge & 45 minutes jumping rope = 60 total
    Thursday: 50 minutes Burn Intervals & 10 minutes Ab Burner = 60 total

    Total minutes: 286
    Minutes remaining: 74

    Total calories: 2138
    Calories remaining: 362
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member

    Monday~ total 2 workouts 98/1150 boosted walking/walking with squats,lunges,upper body weights,8,5,3 lbs HRM
    Tuesday~53/705 Power walk With weights 1.5 legs/3 arms, HRM
    29/201 Filling bird feeders 14 feeders 65 pounds of bird feed tromping through the snow. HRM
    30/229 Cardioblast dance HRM
    Wednesday~33/485 Power Walk with the works. HRM
    40/401 Cardoiblast Dance HRM
    Thursday 56/635 Strong Walk, weights, 5, 3, 1.5lbs.
    19/92 Wii

  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Monday: 90 minutes cleaning
    Tuesday: 20 minutes shoveling snow
    Wednesday: 100 minutes elliptical and stretching
    Thursday: 55 minutes pilates

    265 minutes done, 95 minutes to go!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    plan for the week of 1/10-1/16

    Monday - 2.91mile walk @ lunch - 50 mins - 311 cals
    Tuesday - 2.83 mile walk @ lunch - 50 mins - 298 cals
    treadmill - 4miles - 65 mins - 330 cals
    Wednesday - 1.25 on treadmill & spin class - 65 mins - 490 cals
    Thursday - 1.75 on treadmill-various speeds/inclines, spin class - 77 mins - 657 cals
    Friday - PLAN - walk @ lunch, swimming w/kids @ YMCA
    Saturday - PLAN - spin class @ YMCA
    Sunday - PLAN - beach walk

    GOAL - 360 mins
    Completed - 307 mins
    Remaining - 53 mins

    GOAL - 2500 calories
    Completed - 2086 calories
    Remaining - 414 calories
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Goal for this week: 360 minutes

    Monday 1/10: 60 min stretching, running 2.5 miles, warm-up & cool-down, plus stationary bike
    Tuesday 1/11: 70 min stretching, running 2 miles, warm-up & cool-down, plus weights
    Wednesday 1/12: 60 min stretching, climbing stairmaster, walking on treadmill and lifting weights

    Thursday 1/13: 60 min running 3 miles, walking 1.5 miles

    Total for the week: 250 minutes
    Total left for the week: 110 minutes
  • Zita_Jenn
    Zita_Jenn Posts: 252 Member
    CW - 174.0 lbs

    Monday: 32 min on the Wii Fit and burnt 129 Cal
    Tuesday: 24 min on the Wii Fit and burnt 93 Cal, 25 min on the Elliptical at R6 burnt 503 Cal
    Wednesday: 30 min on the Wii Fit and burnt 117 Cal.
    Thursday: did maybe 30 min of walking (delivering papers)
    Friday: 60 min on the Elliptical at R6 burnt 1200 Calories YAY!!!

    Goal: 250
    Total minutes: 171
    Minutes remaining: 79

    Goal: 3000
    Total calories: 2040
    Calories remaining: 958

    I am feeling great and so happy I accomplished 60 min. :D
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    i'm getting blown out of the water this week!!! good work everyone :) you all motivate me to get off my butt and move!!!!! :)

    starting weight week 2: 128 lbs
    monday: BFBM 31/241, level 1 30 day shred 24/186
    tuesday: 30 day shred 27/209
    wednesday: BFBM 20/155, pilates 22/53
    thursday:BFBM 29/225
    friday: BFBM 30/198

    so far: 183 minutes/1267 calories
    to go: 177 minutes/1233 calories
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    i'm getting blown out of the water this week!!! good work everyone :) you all motivate me to get off my butt and move!!!!! :)

    starting weight week 2: 128 lbs
    monday: BFBM 31/241, level 1 30 day shred 24/186
    tuesday: 30 day shred 27/209
    wednesday: BFBM 20/155, pilates 22/53
    thursday:BFBM 29/225
    friday: BFBM 30/198

    so far: 183 minutes/1267 calories
    to go: 177 minutes/1233 calories

    Remember, any movement is better than no movement, so, congratulations to you too.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    CW - 174.0 lbs

    Monday: 32 min on the Wii Fit and burnt 129 Cal
    Tuesday: 24 min on the Wii Fit and burnt 93 Cal, 25 min on the Elliptical at R6 burnt 503 Cal
    Wednesday: 30 min on the Wii Fit and burnt 117 Cal.
    Thursday: did maybe 30 min of walking (delivering papers)
    Friday: 60 min on the Elliptical at R6 burnt 1200 Calories YAY!!!

    Goal: 250
    Total minutes: 171
    Minutes remaining: 79

    Goal: 3000
    Total calories: 2040
    Calories remaining: 958

    I am feeling great and so happy I accomplished 60 min. :D

    Great job w/completing a full hour. You can continue to rock it out......one day at a time.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Monday: 35 minutes Push Circuit 1, 10 minutes of jumping rope & 15 minutes of Stretching = 60 total
    Tuesday: 45 minutes Fire 45 EZ, 45 minutes shovelling & 16 Ab Ripper X = 106 total
    Wednesday: 35 minutes Push Circuit 2, 20 minutes of Recharge & 45 minutes jumping rope = 60 total
    Thursday: 50 minutes Burn Intervals & 10 minutes Ab Burner = 60 total
    Friday: 35 minutes Push Circuit 3, 25 minutes Jumping Rope & 15 minutes of Stretching = 75 total

    Total minutes: 361
    Minutes remaining: OVER by 1

    Total calories: 2733
    Calories remaining: OVER by 233 calories

    I have successfully completed this week's challenge. Great job everyone, keep it up!
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member

    Monday~ total 2 workouts 98/1150 boosted walking/walking with squats,lunges,upper body weights,8,5,3 lbs HRM
    Tuesday~53/705 Power walk With weights 1.5 legs/3 arms, HRM
    29/201 Filling bird feeders 14 feeders 65 pounds of bird feed tromping through the snow. HRM
    30/229 Cardioblast dance HRM
    Wednesday~33/485 Power Walk with the works. HRM
    40/401 Cardoiblast Dance HRM
    Thursday 56/635 Strong Walk, weights, 5, 3, 1.5lbs.
    19/92 Wii
    Friday 60/432 walking+upper body weights


    Slowed it down a lot today. Slipped on the ice and over-extended my right knee, bruised a little bit in the back. I did a quick paced but easy walk and upper body weight workout. It feels much better now that it is loosened up. Long day at work tomorrow so I will be off.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hello all!

    I have 85 min to go! I went to the gym 2 days so far and did Leslie Sansone DVD's the other days and I missed Monday I think. I missed one day this week I know. Sorry no time to really post every day but I am tracking my minutes.

    I see some have met the challenge already!! Awesome stuff!

    Choco, I know you will do more over the weekend..:-) Keep up the good work!

    Have a good weekend and keep on moving! Awesome job and keep bouncing, jiggling, moving! We can do this!
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
    sw: 177
    cw: 177



    completed 2nd round on 14th


    round 3

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Monday: 35 minutes Push Circuit 1, 10 minutes of jumping rope & 15 minutes of Stretching = 60 total
    Tuesday: 45 minutes Fire 45 EZ, 45 minutes shovelling & 16 Ab Ripper X = 106 total
    Wednesday: 35 minutes Push Circuit 2, 20 minutes of Recharge & 45 minutes jumping rope = 60 total
    Thursday: 50 minutes Burn Intervals & 10 minutes Ab Burner = 60 total
    Friday: 35 minutes Push Circuit 3, 25 minutes Jumping Rope & 15 minutes of Stretching = 75 total
    Saturday: 30 minutes Burn It Off = 30 minutes

    Total minutes: 391
    Minutes remaining: OVER by 31

    Total calories: 2999
    Calories remaining: OVER by 499 calories
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member

    Monday~ total 2 workouts 98/1150 boosted walking/walking with squats,lunges,upper body weights,8,5,3 lbs HRM
    Tuesday~53/705 Power walk With weights 1.5 legs/3 arms, HRM
    29/201 Filling bird feeders 14 feeders 65 pounds of bird feed tromping through the snow. HRM
    30/229 Cardioblast dance HRM
    Wednesday~33/485 Power Walk with the works. HRM
    40/401 Cardoiblast Dance HRM
    Thursday 56/635 Strong Walk, weights, 5, 3, 1.5lbs.
    19/92 Wii
    Friday 60/432 walking+upper body weights
    Saturday 34/254

  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    starting weight week 2: 128 lbs
    monday: BFBM 31/241, level 1 30 day shred 24/186
    tuesday: 30 day shred 27/209
    wednesday: BFBM 20/155, pilates 22/53
    thursday:BFBM 29/225
    friday: BFBM 30/198, 30 day shred levels 1&2 50/338*
    saturday: bfbm 52/518*

    so far: 285 minutes/2123 calories
    to go: 75 minutes/337 calories

    *i finally invested in a HRM so i did an extra workous friday night to try it out and then used it again this morning...i <3 it and i can't believe i postponed getting it for so long!!! :)