360 Minute "Move It and Lose it" Challenge



  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    plan for the week of 1/3-1/9
    Monday - 2.26 mile walk @ lunch - 39mins - 204cals
    4 miles on TM @ YMCA - 69mins - 454cals
    Tuesday - 2.64 mile walk @ lunch - 46mins - 252 cals
    5.75 miles on treadmill/watch biggest loser - 87mins - 656cals
    Wednesday - 2.33 mile walk @ lunch - 41mins - 235cals
    spinning & weights @ the Y - 67mins - 427cals
    Thursday - spin class, elliptical, treadmill - 117mins - 792cals

    Friday - PLAN - walk @ lunch, swimming at YMCA
    Saturday - PLAN - group power class
    Sunday - PLAN - YMCA workout room & swim with the kids

    GOAL - 360 mins
    Completed - 466 mins
    Remaining - 106 mins over

    GOAL - 2500 calories
    Completed - 3020 calories
    Remaining - 520 calories over
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Monday 60/768 HRM
    Tuesday 60/717 HRM
    15/ didn't track weights
    Wednesday 68/854 HRM
    15/142 HRM
    Thursday 50/583 HRM
    20/194 HRM
    30/248 elliptical R4+ weights HRM
    Friday~40/523 HRM
    10/didn't track weights

  • Zita_Jenn
    Zita_Jenn Posts: 252 Member
    Monday, January 3 - 20 min on the Elliptical at R6
    Tuesday, January 4 - 30 min on the Elliptical at R6
    Wednesday, January 5 - 40 min on the Wii Fit + (doing yoga and some aerobics) and 20 min on the Elliptical at R6 and another 20 min of strength training.
    Thursday, January 6 - 34 min on the Wii Fit +, 30 min on the Elliptical at R6 and 10 min of strength training.
    Friday, January 7 - 17 min on the Wii Fit +

    Goal - 360
    Completed - 221 min
    Remaining - 139 min

    Okay for some Strange Reason... I can't add or subtrack Instead of suppose to having 9 min left to exercise. I now have 139 min remaining. Darn and I was so excited too.
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    Didn't do my Shred last night and couldn't go to the gym this morning because my friend is sick so I'm adding in an extra walk this afternoon. :grumble:

    PLAN for the week of 1/3-1/9
    (X) Mon -- Lift weights (AM)/L1D1 of 30 DS (x2)
    (X) Tue -- Lift weights (AM)/L1D2 of 30 DS/35 min walk
    (X) Wed - Rest Day
    (X) Thur - Kickboxing
    (X) Fri --- L1D3 of 30 DS (x2)/45 min walk
    Sat -- 60 min walk/L1D4 of 30 DS
    Sun - L1D5 of 30 DS

    GOAL = 360 mins
    Completed - 279 mins
    Remaining - 81 mins

    GOAL = 3000 calories
    Completed - 2226 calories
    Remaining - 774 calories
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    plan for the week of 1/3-1/9

    Monday - 2.26 mile walk @ lunch - 39mins - 204cals
    4 miles on TM @ YMCA - 69mins - 454cals
    Tuesday - 2.64 mile walk @ lunch - 46mins - 252 cals
    5.75 miles on treadmill/watch biggest loser - 87mins - 656cals
    Wednesday - 2.33 mile walk @ lunch - 41mins - 235cals
    spinning & weights @ the Y - 67mins - 427cals
    Thursday - spin class, elliptical, treadmill - 117mins - 792cals
    Friday - walk @ lunch - 40mins - 182cals

    Friday - PLAN - swimming at YMCA
    Saturday - PLAN - group power class
    Sunday - PLAN - YMCA workout room & swim with the kids

    GOAL - 360 mins
    Completed - 506 mins
    Remaining - 146 mins over

    GOAL - 2500 calories
    Completed - 3202 calories
    Remaining - 702 calories over
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Monday 1/3: 40 min running 2.5 miles plus stretching and .25 miles each for warm-up/cool-down, 10 min stairclimber, 10 min walking .5 miles.
    Tuesday 1/4: 35 minutes running 2 miles plus stretching, warm-up and cool-down, 20 min lifting weights, 5 min walking
    Wednesday 1/5: 5 min stretching, 20 min stairmaster, 5 min rowing, 10 min elliptical, 20 min weights

    Thursday 1/6: 35 min stretching, 2.5 mile run plus warm up/cool-down, 15 min. weights

    Total: 230
    Remaining: 130

    Likely won't have anything for today - Fridays are my rest days.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Monday: 45 minutes of Fire 45 & 15 minutes of Stretch 10 = 60 total
    Tuesday: 17 minutes of HIIT 15 & 15 minutes of Stretch 10 = 32 total
    Wednesday: 30 minutes of Fire 30, 10 minutes of Abs 10 & 15 minutes of Stretch 10 = 55 total
    Thursday: 45 minutes of Fire 45 EZ, 10 min of jumping rope & 10 minutes of stretching = 65 total
    Friday: 20 minutes of Core 20 & 42 minutes of Stretch 40 = 62 total


    Total minutes completed: 274
    Minutes remaining: 86

    Total calories burned: 2196
    Calories remaining: 304

    BTW, today is my designated weigh in and i'm down 5.5 lbs. While I never truly believed I was 130 lbs on Monday I logged it since that was the reading on the scale. I think it was from all the high sodium food from NYE/weekend and getting back on track this week helped get rid of it. NONETHELESS, I'LL TAKE IT!!!!!!! My current weight 124.5 lbs.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    Monday: 45 minutes of Fire 45 & 15 minutes of Stretch 10 = 60 total
    Tuesday: 17 minutes of HIIT 15 & 15 minutes of Stretch 10 = 32 total
    Wednesday: 30 minutes of Fire 30, 10 minutes of Abs 10 & 15 minutes of Stretch 10 = 55 total
    Thursday: 45 minutes of Fire 45 EZ, 10 min of jumping rope & 10 minutes of stretching = 65 total
    Friday: 20 minutes of Core 20 & 42 minutes of Stretch 40 = 62 total


    Total minutes completed: 274
    Minutes remaining: 86

    Total calories burned: 2196
    Calories remaining: 304

    BTW, today is my designated weigh in and i'm down 5.5 lbs. While I never truly believed I was 130 lbs on Monday I logged it since that was the reading on the scale. I think it was from all the high sodium food from NYE/weekend and getting back on track this week helped get rid of it. NONETHELESS, I'LL TAKE IT!!!!!!! My current weight 124.5 lbs.

    great job...
  • Zita_Jenn
    Zita_Jenn Posts: 252 Member
    Adding to Friday!!!

    Monday, January 3 - 20 min on the Elliptical at R6
    Tuesday, January 4 - 30 min on the Elliptical at R6
    Wednesday, January 5 - 40 min on the Wii Fit + (doing yoga and some aerobics) and 20 min on the Elliptical at R6 and another 20 min of strength training.
    Thursday, January 6 - 34 min on the Wii Fit +, 30 min on the Elliptical at R6 and 10 min of strength training.
    Friday, January 7 - 17 + 27 = 44 min on the Wii Fit +

    Goal - 360
    Completed - 248 min
    Remaining - 112 min
  • Zita_Jenn
    Zita_Jenn Posts: 252 Member
    Monday: 45 minutes of Fire 45 & 15 minutes of Stretch 10 = 60 total
    Tuesday: 17 minutes of HIIT 15 & 15 minutes of Stretch 10 = 32 total
    Wednesday: 30 minutes of Fire 30, 10 minutes of Abs 10 & 15 minutes of Stretch 10 = 55 total
    Thursday: 45 minutes of Fire 45 EZ, 10 min of jumping rope & 10 minutes of stretching = 65 total
    Friday: 20 minutes of Core 20 & 42 minutes of Stretch 40 = 62 total


    Total minutes completed: 274
    Minutes remaining: 86

    Total calories burned: 2196
    Calories remaining: 304

    BTW, today is my designated weigh in and i'm down 5.5 lbs. While I never truly believed I was 130 lbs on Monday I logged it since that was the reading on the scale. I think it was from all the high sodium food from NYE/weekend and getting back on track this week helped get rid of it. NONETHELESS, I'LL TAKE IT!!!!!!! My current weight 124.5 lbs.

  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I haven't worked out at all this week...since hubs had the hip surgery...I've just been exhausted all the time 'cause he's so limited on what he can do...we find out on the 25th if he can lose the crutches and start bearing weight

    Hoping to get back on track this coming week.

    You all are doing great!!!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    so my goal this week was 1000 minutes.

    Monday 5 min
    Tuesday 228 min
    Wednesday 236 min
    Thursday 221 min
    Friday 187 min

    877/123 left

    4351 calories torched so far this week
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    plan for the week of 1/3-1/9

    Monday - 2.26 mile walk @ lunch - 39mins - 204cals
    4 miles on TM @ YMCA - 69mins - 454cals
    Tuesday - 2.64 mile walk @ lunch - 46mins - 252 cals
    5.75 miles on treadmill/watch biggest loser - 87mins - 656cals
    Wednesday - 2.33 mile walk @ lunch - 41mins - 235cals
    spinning & weights @ the Y - 67mins - 427cals
    Thursday - spin class, elliptical, treadmill - 117mins - 792cals
    Friday - walk @ lunch - 40mins - 182cals
    Saturday - spin class - 60mins - 525cals

    Sunday - PLAN - YMCA workout room & swim with the kids or beach walk

    GOAL - 360 mins
    Completed - 566 mins
    Remaining - 206 mins over

    GOAL - 2500 calories
    Completed - 3727 calories
    Remaining - 1227 calories over
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Completed: 265
    To go: 95

    I may add more later. I think we're going to play Kinect on XBox tonight.
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    monday: banish fat boost metabolism 51/398
    tuesday:BFBM 26/165
    wednesday: 30dayshred/BFBM 42/326
    thursday: BFBM 21/163, BFBM 35/272
    friday: nada
    saturday: BFBM 50/389

    so far: 225 minutes/1713 calories
    to go: 135 minutes/787 calories
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    monday: banish fat boost metabolism 51/398
    tuesday:BFBM 26/165
    wednesday: 30dayshred/BFBM 42/326
    thursday: BFBM 21/163, BFBM 35/272
    friday: nada
    saturday: BFBM 50/389

    so far: 225 minutes/1713 calories
    to go: 135 minutes/787 calories

    Are you doing the 30 day slimdown program??
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    plan for the week of 1/3-1/9

    Monday - 2.26 mile walk @ lunch - 39mins - 204cals
    4 miles on TM @ YMCA - 69mins - 454cals
    Tuesday - 2.64 mile walk @ lunch - 46mins - 252 cals
    5.75 miles on treadmill/watch biggest loser - 87mins - 656cals
    Wednesday - 2.33 mile walk @ lunch - 41mins - 235cals
    spinning & weights @ the Y - 67mins - 427cals
    Thursday - spin class, elliptical, treadmill - 117mins - 792cals
    Friday - walk @ lunch - 40mins - 182cals
    Saturday - spin class - 60mins - 525cals

    Sunday - PLAN - YMCA workout room & swim with the kids or beach walk

    GOAL - 360 mins
    Completed - 566 mins
    Remaining - 206 mins over

    GOAL - 2500 calories
    Completed - 3727 calories
    Remaining - 1227 calories over

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Monday: 45 minutes of Fire 45 & 15 minutes of Stretch 10 = 60 total
    Tuesday: 17 minutes of HIIT 15 & 15 minutes of Stretch 10 = 32 total
    Wednesday: 30 minutes of Fire 30, 10 minutes of Abs 10 & 15 minutes of Stretch 10 = 55 total
    Thursday: 45 minutes of Fire 45 EZ, 10 min of jumping rope & 10 minutes of stretching = 65 total
    Friday: 20 minutes of Core 20 & 42 minutes of Stretch 40 = 62 total
    Saturday: 45 minutes of Fire 45, 15 minutes of jumping rope & 15 minutes of Stretch 10 = 75 total

    Total minutes: 349
    Minutes remaining: 11

    Total calories: 2932
    Calories remaining: NONE.....over by 432

    While I successfully completed the calorie challenge as of today I'll need tomorrow to complete the amount of minutes unless I feel inspired enough to pick up the jump rope tonight. I so wish I already had my weighted hula hoop b/c that would be a perfect way to burn up those last 11 minutes.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Monday 60/768 HRM
    Tuesday 60/717 HRM
    15/ didn't track weights
    Wednesday 68/854 HRM
    15/142 HRM
    Thursday 50/583 HRM
    20/194 HRM
    30/248 elliptical R4+ weights HRM
    Friday~40/523 HRM
    10/didn't track weights
    Saturday~28/237 HRM
    45/423 power walk weights and intervals. HRM

    441 /4689

    Long day at work today power walk in late. 10p.m. here and I am pooped. I am taking Sunday off if I can make myself do that.
    We will have to see.

    Thank you all for the inspiration and motivation!:yawn: Nite all, Alice
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Instead of playing Kinect last night, we went to the mall. We were there for two hours and walking briskly for the majority of it. We only stopped into 3-4 stores. So I think I've hit 360 minutes. I'll probably exercise later today, though, as well.