360 Minute "Move It and Lose it" Challenge



  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I didn't do much yesterday and I don't know about today. I am about 120 short of my 1000 minute goal but tomorrow starts a new week and i will get to 1000 minutes!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I am back in full force tomorrow...time to move it, shake it and BURN it off

    If I don't post some activity, who's gonna bug me until I do? Any volunteers?
  • Zita_Jenn
    Zita_Jenn Posts: 252 Member
    Monday, January 3 - 20 min on the Elliptical at R6
    Tuesday, January 4 - 30 min on the Elliptical at R6
    Wednesday, January 5 - 40 min on the Wii Fit + (doing yoga and some aerobics) and 20 min on the Elliptical at R6 and another 20 min of strength training.
    Thursday, January 6 - 34 min on the Wii Fit +, 30 min on the Elliptical at R6 and 10 min of strength training.
    Friday, January 7 - 17 + 27 = 44 min on the Wii Fit +
    Saturday, January 8 - nothing
    Sunday, January 9 - 20 min on the Elliptical at R6

    Goal - 360
    Completed - 268 min
    Remaining - 92 min

    I didn't reach my goal. But all in all I think I did Great!! For the whole week I have burnt 2897 Calories. I think that is pretty good. :)
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Monday: 45 minutes of Fire 45 & 15 minutes of Stretch 10 = 60 total
    Tuesday: 17 minutes of HIIT 15 & 15 minutes of Stretch 10 = 32 total
    Wednesday: 30 minutes of Fire 30, 10 minutes of Abs 10 & 15 minutes of Stretch 10 = 55 total
    Thursday: 45 minutes of Fire 45 EZ, 10 min of jumping rope & 10 minutes of stretching = 65 total
    Friday: 20 minutes of Core 20 & 42 minutes of Stretch 40 = 62 total
    Saturday: 45 minutes of Fire 45, 15 minutes of jumping rope & 15 minutes of Stretch 10 = 75 total
    Sunday: 25 minutes of jumping rope = 25 total

    This week I successfully completed this week's challenge in both minutes spent exercising AND calories burned. I exercised for a total of 374 minutes and burned 3168 calories in the process. This was a good week.

    Today I completed the commercial challenge from the "Vixens and Foxes" thread. The goal was to complete some form of exercise (during comercials) an hour long program. I decided to use the Kansas Chiefs vs Baltimore Raves football game. I started at 1:09 and finished at 2:09. I decided to jump rope during the commercial breaks. I used a stop watch to track my time and when it was all said and done I had jumped rope for a total of 25 minutes and 15 seconds.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Monday 60/768 HRM
    Tuesday 60/717 HRM
    15/ didn't track weights
    Wednesday 68/854 HRM
    15/142 HRM
    Thursday 50/583 HRM
    20/194 HRM
    30/248 elliptical R4+ weights HRM
    Friday~40/523 HRM
    10/didn't track weights
    Saturday~28/237 HRM
    45/423 power walk weights and intervals. HRM
    Sunday 10/72 lower body resistence

    451 /4761
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    monday: banish fat boost metabolism 51/398
    tuesday:BFBM 26/165
    wednesday: 30dayshred/BFBM 42/326
    thursday: BFBM 21/163, BFBM 35/272
    friday: nada
    saturday: BFBM 50/389

    so far: 225 minutes/1713 calories
    to go: 135 minutes/787 calories

    Are you doing the 30 day slimdown program??

    not that i know of ;) haha no just slowly completing the 30 day shred and doing BFBM :) i like that i can pick a couple circuits in the morning before work :)
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    This week I successfully completed this week's challenge in both minutes spent exercising AND calories burned. I exercised for a total of 374 minutes and burned 3168 calories in the process. This was a good week.

    Today I completed the commercial challenge from the "Vixens and Foxes" thread. The goal was to complete some form of exercise (during comercials) an hour long program. I decided to use the Kansas Chiefs vs Baltimore Raves football game. I started at 1:09 and finished at 2:09. I decided to jump rope during the commercial breaks. I used a stop watch to track my time and when it was all said and done I had jumped rope for a total of 25 minutes and 15 seconds.

    you are amazing...when are you going to rest lady? no seriously you are inspirational :) keep up the great work!! very awesome with the commercial exercising too...crazy the amount of time you got in in just an hour!!!
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    monday: banish fat boost metabolism 51/398
    tuesday:BFBM 26/165
    wednesday: 30dayshred/BFBM 42/326
    thursday: BFBM 21/163, BFBM 35/272
    friday: nada
    saturday: BFBM 50/389
    sunday: 30 day shred levels 1&3 51/396, cleaning 40/97

    so far: 316 minutes/2206 calories
    to go: 44 minutes/294 calories
    not quite there this week, but it was a busy week so i am happy with the result :)

    awesome work everyone!!!! keep it up!!!
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    I am back in full force tomorrow...time to move it, shake it and BURN it off

    If I don't post some activity, who's gonna bug me until I do? Any volunteers?

    i'll hunt you down!!! you can do it!!!!!!!! :)
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Monday 1/3: 40 min running 2.5 miles plus stretching and .25 miles each for warm-up/cool-down, 10 min stairclimber, 10 min walking .5 miles.
    Tuesday 1/4: 35 minutes running 2 miles plus stretching, warm-up and cool-down, 20 min lifting weights, 5 min walking
    Wednesday 1/5: 5 min stretching, 20 min stairmaster, 5 min rowing, 10 min elliptical, 20 min weights
    Thursday 1/6: 35 min stretching, 2.5 mile run plus warm up/cool-down, 15 min. weights
    Friday 1/7: None
    Saturday 1/8: 60 min stretching, 3.5 mile run plus warm up/cool-down, elliptical

    Sunday 1/9: 60 min lifting weights, stretching, 30 min bowling

    Total: 380
    Remaining: None!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hello all!

    I was too busy to post daily here. But I did not meet my goal of 360 min for the week.

    I did 313 min and burn 3,782 calories. I went to the gym 2 days and did Walk The pounds Dvd 3 days.

    I am shooting for the 360 min again this week.....:-) I may just check in at the end of the week again.

    Have a good week everyone and congrats to those who was able to meet the challenge!!

    Keep wiggling and jiggling peeps!
  • Zita_Jenn
    Zita_Jenn Posts: 252 Member
    Last week's Weight 175.2
    CW 174.6 lbs -0.6 lbs Better than nothing :smile:

    I will post my workout later on today.

    I am changing my goal to burning 3,000 calories.

    Great Job everyone.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    saturday's weigh in - 196.4 down from 198.6 (-2.2lbs this week)

    plan for the week of 1/10-1/16

    Monday - PLAN lunch walk & walk after work or YMCA after kids go to bed
    Tuesday - PLAN walk @ lunch, Treadmill after kids go to bed - watch biggest loser
    Wednesday - PLAN - walk @ lunch, walk after work or YMCA after kids go to bed
    Thursday - PLAN - spin class and then weights @ YMCA
    Friday - PLAN - walk @ lunch, swimming w/kids @ YMCA
    Saturday - PLAN - spin class @ YMCA
    Sunday - PLAN - beach walk

    GOAL - 360 mins
    Completed - 0 mins
    Remaining - 360 mins

    GOAL - 2500 calories
    Completed - 0 calories
    Remaining - 2500 calories
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    My start weight 179

    Monday total 2 workouts 98/1150 boosted walking/walking with squats,lunges,upper body weights,8,5,3 lbs HRM

    No weight lost.:grumble: but my waist is 1 inch smaller:happy: Will the scale ever move down????????

    Congratz on those .6s!!!! Every ounce counts. Yay!

    Congratz to Bluiz as well 2.2 WOW!

    My week was also successful on minutes and calories. I am so pleased!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    RESULTS for 1/3-1/9

    Monday - 2.26 mile walk @ lunch - 39mins - 204cals
    4 miles on TM @ YMCA - 69mins - 454cals
    Tuesday - 2.64 mile walk @ lunch - 46mins - 252 cals
    5.75 miles on treadmill/watch biggest loser - 87mins - 656cals
    Wednesday - 2.33 mile walk @ lunch - 41mins - 235cals
    spinning & weights @ the Y - 67mins - 427cals
    Thursday - spin class, elliptical, treadmill - 117mins - 792cals
    Friday - walk @ lunch - 40mins - 182cals
    Saturday - spin class - 60mins - 525cals
    Sunday - cleaning - over 300mins but i only "counted" 180mins - 400cals

    GOAL - 360 mins
    Completed - 746 mins
    Remaining - 386 mins over

    GOAL - 2500 calories
    Completed - 4127 calories
    Remaining - 1627 calories over

    well i completed my week successfully.....pretty damn happy with those results...and i had a 2.2lb loss soooo that's good :)
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    This week I successfully completed this week's challenge in both minutes spent exercising AND calories burned. I exercised for a total of 374 minutes and burned 3168 calories in the process. This was a good week.

    Today I completed the commercial challenge from the "Vixens and Foxes" thread. The goal was to complete some form of exercise (during comercials) an hour long program. I decided to use the Kansas Chiefs vs Baltimore Raves football game. I started at 1:09 and finished at 2:09. I decided to jump rope during the commercial breaks. I used a stop watch to track my time and when it was all said and done I had jumped rope for a total of 25 minutes and 15 seconds.

    you are amazing...when are you going to rest lady? no seriously you are inspirational :) keep up the great work!! very awesome with the commercial exercising too...crazy the amount of time you got in in just an hour!!!

    Thank you so much for the kind words. I participate on another thread were the goal is to do some type of exercise for the entire year (duration and intensity determined by each person) so it keeps me moving. I do think I'll take a rest day this year just not sure when. I'm trying to go hard now b/c don't know what the rest of the year entails......My outlook is anyone is moving more than they have previously is a winner so GREAT JOB to YOU as well!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Monday: 35 minutes Push Circuit 1, 10 minutes of jumping rope & 15 minutes of Stretching = 60 total

    Total minutes: 60
    Minutes remaining: 300

    Total calories: 463
    Calories remaining: 2037

    Bluiz: Congrats on that awesome 2 lb loss. All that working out is definitely paying off. You're one moving momma.....keep motivating us.
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    starting weight week 2: 128 lbs
    monday: BFBM 31/241, level 1 30 day shred 24/186

    so far: 55 minutes/427 calories
    to go: 305 minutes/2073 calories

    this week is going to be rough exercise and eating healthy...i have the dinner tasting for my wedding tomorrow night, work late on wednesday, and cake tasting/mom's birthday dinner on thursday...one heck of a week!! i am determined to do some sort of exercise every day :)
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    plan for the week of 1/10-1/16

    Monday - 2.91milelunch walk - 50 mins - 311 cals

    Tuesday - PLAN walk @ lunch, Treadmill after kids go to bed - watch biggest loser
    Wednesday - PLAN - walk @ lunch, walk after work or YMCA after kids go to bed
    Thursday - PLAN - spin class and then weights @ YMCA
    Friday - PLAN - walk @ lunch, swimming w/kids @ YMCA
    Saturday - PLAN - spin class @ YMCA
    Sunday - PLAN - beach walk

    GOAL - 360 mins
    Completed - 50 mins
    Remaining - 310 mins

    GOAL - 2500 calories
    Completed - 311 calories
    Remaining - 2189 calories
  • Zita_Jenn
    Zita_Jenn Posts: 252 Member
    Monday: 32 min on the Wii Fit and burnt 129 Cal

    Goal: 250
    Total minutes: 32
    Minutes remaining: 218

    Goal: 3000
    Total calories: 129
    Calories remaining: 2871