"MFP Win By Losing!" Pound4Pound Challenge - Support Group

This thread is for team members of the "MyFitnessPal Win By Losing!" Pound For Pound challenge. New teammates are welcome (just look for "MyFitnessPal Win By Losing!" under Team Names on the http://www.pfpchallenge.com website)
No specific weigh-in date, just post whenever your weigh-in day usually is. This challenge runs through May 31st. I pledged to lose 35 pounds in that time.

Name: Cory
Pledge: 35 pounds
Weight as of Dec 14, 2010 (first day of challenge - you don't have to fill this in if you don't know): 243.8
Weight as of Jan 4, 2011: 233.5 lbs
Loss To Date during challenge: 10.3 lbs

What are you going to do to lose the weight?: I am not on a specific plan but plan to stay under my calorie goal, eat lots of protein and fiber, drink lots of water, and exercise several times a week.

Do you have any fitness challenges/struggles you need support for? I do pretty good with food and exercise but it is hard to drink enough water on the weekends (I do fine during the week, when I have structure, but not so great on weekends, when I'm not sitting in front of a clock to remind me how often I should be drinking water).


  • DawniesLife
    I just found the group and signed up as well! I pledged 50 pounds, and I hope I can pull it off with a lot of hard work with eating right and exercising as well!

    Name: Dawn
    Pledge: 50 pounds
    Weight as of Dec 14, 2010 (first day of challenge - you don't have to fill this in if you don't know): 212
    Weight as of Jan 4, 2011: 201
    Loss To Date during challenge: 11

    What are you going to do to lose the weight?: EA Active 2 for Wii at least 4x a week [hopefully more], Just Dance 2 7x a week, Wii Fit as well. Try to go on more walks and runs with my dogs. Eat better, more healthy and really stick to it!

    Do you have any fitness challenges/struggles you need support for? Just staying motivated!
  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    Name: Kristin
    Pledge: 35 pounds
    Weight as of Dec 14, 2010: law school exams - so in my heart I weighed 115 pounds :wink:
    Weight as of Jan 4, 2011: probably 180. I didn't weigh this morning, but it's TOM, so it's a little higher than it's supposed to be
    Loss To Date during challenge: 0

    What are you going to do to lose the weight?: Watch calories, watch sodium, try to get good fats and protein, cardio (at least 30 minutes of SOMETHING 6x a week, I'll try Bridge to 10k soon, oh yea - and managing stress in the last semester of law school!

    Do you have any fitness challenges/struggles you need support for? Staying on track on my trip home and during my exams. And eating my veggies :smile:
  • messyhare
    messyhare Posts: 366 Member
    Name: Bunny
    Pledge: 35 pounds
    Weight as of Dec 14, 2010: 251.6
    Weight as of Jan 4, 2011: 248 lbs
    Loss To Date during challenge: 3.6 lbs

    What are you going to do to lose the weight?: Choosing healthy, staying under my calorie goal and exercising - Kettlebell at least 3 times weekly & walking with Leslie Sansone at least 3 times weekly.

    Do you have any fitness challenges/struggles you need support for? Drinking my water.... I stink at drinking my water...
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    Name: Angela
    Pledge: 35 pounds
    Weight as of Dec 14, 2010: 271 lbs
    Weight as of Jan 4, 2011: 269 lbs
    Loss To Date during challenge: 2 lbs

    What are you going to do to lose the weight?: Log my foods and exercise daily on MFP, stay within my allotted calorie range, exercise a minimum of an hour most days of the week, drink a minimum of 8 - 8 oz glasses of water per day, and increase fruit and veggie intake to 5 per day (total together but I am working to make the number of veggies higher than the number of fruits).

    Do you have any fitness challenges/struggles you need support for? Not at this time but making and maintaining lifestyle changes is a day by day thing for me so I will come to this group when I DO have struggles and need support. :)
  • Bigpelly8
    Bigpelly8 Posts: 504 Member
    I'll sign up too.....I pledged 40 lbs!!
  • NanBar
    NanBar Posts: 283 Member
    I signed up.
  • angisnee
    angisnee Posts: 236 Member
    The Pound for Pound challenge website must be really busy because I keep getting error messages. But when it lets me, I will pledge to lose 33 pounds. Starting weight (on Dec. 14) of 203, current weight 202, and goal weight of 170. The plan is to keep doing what I've been doing; track calories on MFP and exercise at least 45 minutes, 5 days/week.

    Good luck to all who pledged. I can't wait to hear everyone's stories along the way! :)
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    Cory, do we not report back on the BL website about pounds lost as we progress? Or do we just do that here? I can't find a place to update on their site. Am I just missing it?
  • JodieHut
    JodieHut Posts: 696 Member
    I signed up too! I'm going to push my limits and pledge 40 pounds by May 31st. I really hope this challenge will help keep me on track.

    Starting weight, Dec. 30- 222.3 (I'm weighing in on Thursdays)

    Good luck to everyone.... and thanks for invite and encouragement Angela!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    Cory, do we not report back on the BL website about pounds lost as we progress? Or do we just do that here? I can't find a place to update on their site. Am I just missing it?

    I couldn't find it either - since the challenge goes through May, it may be that they will just have a place to post our final weight loss later on.

    Regardless, I thought that posting on here throughout the challenge would keep us accountable - I will do a chart each Sunday or Monday (what do you think would be better?) and post it, so it should include everyone's weekly weight loss, regardless of what your weigh-in day is. Does that sound good?
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    Cory, do we not report back on the BL website about pounds lost as we progress? Or do we just do that here? I can't find a place to update on their site. Am I just missing it?

    I couldn't find it either - since the challenge goes through May, it may be that they will just have a place to post our final weight loss later on.

    Regardless, I thought that posting on here throughout the challenge would keep us accountable - I will do a chart each Sunday or Monday (what do you think would be better?) and post it, so it should include everyone's weekly weight loss, regardless of what your weigh-in day is. Does that sound good?

    Yes, that sounds GREAT! I don't think it matters which day you post it. Which ever day is easiest for your schedule. I'm not going to worry much about the BL site but I WILL check it regularly to see when they will allow us to update our weights. I think you're right, it'll be close to the end of the challenge (so as not to overwhelm the website). I love the idea of posting here weekly (and coming here for support when necessary). I was in a challenge for Thanksgiving started by JodieHut and I LOVED it. I've been waiting for another great challenge to come along and this one is perfect for me! Two more of my friends joined the challenge but haven't posted here yet. Hopefully they'll post when they have time. :)
  • Choosing2Lose
    Name: Choosingtwo(akaNena)
    Pledge: 30 pounds
    Weight as of Dec 14, 2010 (first day of challenge - you don't have to fill this in if you don't know): 176.2
    Weight as of Jan 4, 2011: 169.4
    Loss To Date during challenge:6.8

    What are you going to do to lose the weight?: Counting calories and working out at least three times a week (zumba, Funky Fit, Turbo Jam,walking on the treadmill) Protein at every meal and i try to drink eight glasses of water per day..

    Do you have any fitness challenges/struggles you need support for? I struggle with snacking
  • colochel
    colochel Posts: 263 Member
    Name: Chelsea
    Pledge: 30 lbs
    Weight as of Dec 14, 2010 (first day of challenge - you don't have to fill this in if you don't know): 216
    Weight as of Jan 4, 2011: 207 lbs
    Loss To Date during challenge: 9 lbs

    What are you going to do to lose the weight?: I stopped eating after 7pm, switched to whole grains, use less hot sauce/mayo/butter -- all the good stuff, haha. My work outs consist of time on my elliptical machine and weight bench. I also dabble in wii fit and the new kinect console. I plan to walk my dogs more often when it warms up outside.

    Do you have any fitness challenges/struggles you need support for? Motivation for working out.... need to drink more water. Need to stretch more.
  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member
    I'm in!! So glad to see some familiar faces! :) Good luck everyone!

    Name: Lori
    Pledge: 30 pounds
    Weight as of Dec 14, 2010: 214.2
    Weight as of Jan 4, 2011: 210.2
    Loss To Date during challenge: 4 lbs

    What are you going to do to lose the weight?: I am going to get on a schedule for exercising and stick with it! I am going to eat healthier and leave the holidays behind me. I am starting spring semester this week and I WILL make sure that I have healthy snacks for school. I will stay focused on the goal. This challenge will put me within 15 lbs. of my goal weight and an 84 lb total loss!

    Do you have any fitness challenges/struggles you need support for? I might need reminders to pull my head out of the school books to take a walk and exercise. Water is NOT my favorite but I should drink more of it. I am struggling with a lack of motivation due to all the slacking during the holidays. My first challenge is going to be to get motivated again!! Being accountable to you all will help with this!

    Much luck and success to all of you!
  • nuttynetty114
    nuttynetty114 Posts: 35 Member
    I will join later today. Would like to Lose 50lb by May :)
  • xaviernelson
    xaviernelson Posts: 24 Member
    Count me in..

    Name: Xavier
    Pledge: 35 pounds
    Weight as of Dec 14, 2010 (first day of challenge - you don't have to fill this in if you don't know): 207.4 lbs
    Weight as of Jan 4, 2011: 199.8 lbs
    Loss To Date during challenge: 7.6 lbs

    What are you going to do to lose the weight?: Stay under my calorie goal, but avoid starvation mode. Drink MORE H20!!! Continue to play more with the kids. Your Shape and Dance Revolution on Kinect. Complete Power Master series.

    Do you have any fitness challenges/struggles you need support for? My biggest challenge is drinking enough of anything, let alone drinking enough water.
  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member
    For those who got the error page on the BL site....at the top of that page you will see a tab that says *Teams*. Click on that tab and it will allow you to sign up and search for the MFP team. As of a few minutes ago, this team has pledged 940 lbs of food and we are ranked 17!!
  • xaviernelson
    xaviernelson Posts: 24 Member
    For those who got the error page on the BL site....at the top of that page you will see a tab that says *Teams*. Click on that tab and it will allow you to sign up and search for the MFP team. As of a few minutes ago, this team has pledged 940 lbs of food and we are ranked 17!!
    Yep, that worked.
    But correction <grin>
    We're now # 16 with a total pledge of 1075 lbs amongst our 32 members!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    Lori - thank you for the update and instructions. :smile:

    I just wanted to share this tip with you all, especially those of you who have a hard time drinking enough water:

    During the week, I fill water 6 or 7 water bottles (16 oz) and bring them to work with me (it helps me keep track if I can physically see how many are there). Since I work at a computer, there is always a clock in front of me and it helps remind me that I need to drink at least one water bottle before 9:00 a.m., another before 10:30, another by noon, then after my lunch break I dink a bottle by 2:00, another by 3:30, and a sixth by 5:00 -- this way, I make sure to drink at least 12 cups every day. Sometimes I drink more, which is why I try to keep that seventh bottle with me. Then, when I get home, I only have a couple more cups to meet my daily goal (usually 16 cups). Also, since it's been cold, I drink a large mug of caffeine-free herbal tea (usually one of the "Zinger" teas or Sleepy Time), which gives me 2 more cups.

    Do you have any tips for any of the struggles fellow teammates have posted so far?
  • xaviernelson
    xaviernelson Posts: 24 Member
    Great tips Cory, thank you for sharing.

    By the way, I just posted to my MFP blog about the challenge and our team, which of course broadcasts to Facebook and Twitter, but I wanted to challenge all of the team to help spread the word. This challenge is not just great for us each individually, but of course for those who need help through the food bank.

    Anyone interested in getting a facebook group going as well?
