"MFP Win By Losing!" Pound4Pound Challenge - Support Group



  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    Great tips Cory, thank you for sharing.

    By the way, I just posted to my MFP blog about the challenge and our team, which of course broadcasts to Facebook and Twitter, but I wanted to challenge all of the team to help spread the word. This challenge is not just great for us each individually, but of course for those who need help through the food bank.

    Anyone interested in getting a facebook group going as well?


    That's a great idea - I can set one up and post the link here.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    Here's a link to the Facebook Group:
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    I'm so glad to see more of my friends joining in! Welcome to everyone who joined in overnight!

    For those interested in getting the BL badge for your signature, email me and I'll send you the code.

    GREAT tip for drinking water, Cory!

    For those who are struggling with motivation, set small goals either each week or each month. Whether it be a certain number of pounds, reaching a certain number (I'm working hard to reach that 40 lbs right now), or getting into an old pair of jeans having a small easily attainable goal will help with motivation.

    Try to find an exercise buddy! It helps to have someone to be accountable to when exercising. Even if you can't meet up every time you exercise, having someone to touch base with each week about exercise helps keep you motivated to continue.

    We hear the word "declutter" all the time in articles and on television. We declutter our closets, our wallets, our handbag, our desk at work. Why not declutter our kitchen pantry and cabinets? This weekend I went through my cabinets and refrigerator got rid of any foods that are expired or half eaten. i also got rid of ALL THE LEFTOVERS! Please get rid of TRIGGER FOODS! Have your husband hide them or if you live alone THROW THEM OUT or give them away. My mother-in-law brought a bag of Reece's Peanut butter cups over this weekend. I almost fainted. lol After eating one I handed the bag to my husband and said, "Please hide these or I will eat every single one before we go to bed." So he got rid of them and eventually I stopped craving them. Anyway, after decluttering the kitchen I went grocery shopping and stocked up on healthy foods again. My fruit basket overfloweth! This has helped me feel more determined and helped me to regain my focus on getting to my goal.

    I hope this helps! I am SO excited and motivated to get to this goal with all of you. Please feel free to add me to your friends list if you aren't already on it. We CAN do this!

  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    Hubby and I just joined and pledged. We're 16th now!! Eek! Let's add more people!!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    As of 8:00 a.m. this morning (Mountain time), we have 33 team members, are ranked #16, and have pledged 1,120 pounds! Yay!
  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member
    YAY!!! Go us! We are moving on up! I am going to add the FB link and share with my friends!

    My problem with water is that I don't like the taste, or lack there of!! I drink it but I don't like it and I sometimes feel like it is punishment..LOL It's a mind thing and I am getting to the point that I just try not to think about it. My problem is CHOOSING the water! I fill a gallon jug every night with water and put it in the fridge. My goal is to drink the whole thing. My mini goal is to drink the whole thing in ONE day! :)
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    Lori - that is a great goal -- have you tried adding either lemon or cucumber slices to your gallon of water? A lot of people like water better that way (not me, but a lot of people do!) - also, try starting your morning and ending your evening with a great big mug of caffeine-free tea - you can get 4 cups in just by doing that! If I have enough calories to spare, I use agave nectar in my tea but otherwise use stevia.
  • NanBar
    NanBar Posts: 283 Member
    Name: Nan
    Pledge: 25 pounds
    Weight as of Jan 5th 2011 178 lbs

    What are you going to do to lose the weight?: I run, and I weight train and do some circuit training- which I hope to increase.

    Do you have any fitness challenges/struggles you need support for?I have a hard time eating enough calories to keep losing weight. I JUST feel very satisfied from the healthy foods I eat- and I am often only eating 800 calories (and then burning a lot more exercising)- so I am scurrying trying to eat more. I have actually cut back on my working out because I was sometimes 400-500 NEGATIVE in my net calories. So I need support eating enough and finding calorie dense healthy foods to eat. (besides avocados!)

    I am very excited about this challenge! Thanks Cory for starting the team!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Name: Courtney
    Pledge: 10 pounds (II wish I had pledged more but I'm try to get pregnant)
    Weight as of Dec 14, 2010 242
    Weight as of Jan 4, 2011: 236.6 lbs
    Loss To Date during challenge: 5.4lbs

    What are you going to do to lose the weight?: I am tryign to stay under my calorie goal each day and take classes at teh gym 3-5 times a week. Walking at work with a friend 3-5 days a week.

    Do you have any fitness challenges/struggles you need support for? Motovation in general. having trouble gettign pregnant...being more healthy can olny help right!
  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member
    Lori - that is a great goal -- have you tried adding either lemon or cucumber slices to your gallon of water? A lot of people like water better that way (not me, but a lot of people do!) - also, try starting your morning and ending your evening with a great big mug of caffeine-free tea - you can get 4 cups in just by doing that! If I have enough calories to spare, I use agave nectar in my tea but otherwise use stevia.

    Thanks for the ideas Cory! I'll give them a try! :)
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    Name: Nan
    Pledge: 25 pounds
    Weight as of Jan 5th 2011 178 lbs

    What are you going to do to lose the weight?: I run, and I weight train and do some circuit training- which I hope to increase.

    Do you have any fitness challenges/struggles you need support for?I have a hard time eating enough calories to keep losing weight. I JUST feel very satisfied from the healthy foods I eat- and I am often only eating 800 calories (and then burning a lot more exercising)- so I am scurrying trying to eat more. I have actually cut back on my working out because I was sometimes 400-500 NEGATIVE in my net calories. So I need support eating enough and finding calorie dense healthy foods to eat. (besides avocados!)

    I am very excited about this challenge! Thanks Cory for starting the team!

    Welcome to the newbies! We are SO glad to have you!

    Do you like nuts? They are a GREAT way to get in extra calories and HEALTHY fats! Walnuts top the charts of healthy fat content. A serving size is 1/4 cup and is about 183 calories....AND 4.3 g protein! Almonds are pretty popular (and one of my favorites) and are about 169 calories/ quarter cup. Another idea is to eat a tablespoon or two of peanut butter to boost calories. Again, its a healthy fat and has about 4g protein/tablespoon (approximately 94 calories). If you don't want to eat the nuts alone you could chop them and sprinkle them on top of greek yogurt. So not only do nuts boost your calories but you have the added benefit of healthy fats, protein, and antioxidants! How great is THAT?

    Another idea for boosting calories is to add a glass of skim milk to your routine. :)

    Hope this helps! :)

  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    Name: Courtney
    Pledge: 10 pounds (II wish I had pledged more but I'm try to get pregnant)
    Weight as of Dec 14, 2010 242
    Weight as of Jan 4, 2011: 236.6 lbs
    Loss To Date during challenge: 5.4lbs

    What are you going to do to lose the weight?: I am tryign to stay under my calorie goal each day and take classes at teh gym 3-5 times a week. Walking at work with a friend 3-5 days a week.

    Do you have any fitness challenges/struggles you need support for? Motovation in general. having trouble gettign pregnant...being more healthy can olny help right!

    Courtney, BOTH of my pregnancies happened following weight loss. The BEST thing you can do for your chances of getting pregnant AND to maintain a healthy pregnancy is to get in a routine of making healthy choices, including regular exercise. Since you are actively trying to get pregnant, take a prenatal vitamin! Increased intake of folate early in the pregnancy (before you even know you're pregnant) is crucial. So get in lots of fruits and veggies and take that vitamin daily. :)

    Good luck! I'll be rooting for you!
  • DawniesLife
    Wow the pledges increased a great deal since I last checked! Incredible! I am glad to see so many taking part in this challenge! I am weighing in every Friday or Saturday, not sure which yet. My normal weigh in day is Saturday but for another challenge I am doing the weigh in day is Friday so I may alter my weigh in day to be on Friday's. Still deciding on that one. Wish everyone luck! We are all going to do fantastic!
  • ElvenMother427
    Name: Jennifer
    Pledge: 35 pounds
    Weight as of Dec 14, 2010: 182
    Weight as of Jan 4, 2011: 179
    Loss To Date during challenge: 0 (just joined today) :):)

    What are you going to do to lose the weight?: Exercise at least 5 days a week, drink 12-16 glasses of water a day, log everything, and stay under calories as best I can :)

    Do you have any fitness challenges/struggles you need support for? mostly my struggle is with water, which is why I set the goal so high on it. I also sometimes struggle with motivation for exercise. I am bipolar and my mod swings can sometimes make me listless and just not want to do anything but sit and read. On those days a little support would be great :):)

    I usually weigh in on Mondays. Thanks Angela for suggesting this group. :) I have been wanting another challenge group :):) I too had a lot of fun in the Thanksgiving group :):)
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    I usually weigh in on Mondays. Thanks Angela for suggesting this group. :) I have been wanting another challenge group :):) I too had a lot of fun in the Thanksgiving group :):)

    Welcome Jennifer! I'm SO excited to see this group growing!

    Cory, THANKS for creating this challenge and motivating all of us to GET MOVING! :)
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    By the way, my weigh-in day is Wednesday. This morning I was down 0.5 lbs but I don't like to record decimals. I'll change my weight when it's a nice round number. I still feel GREAT though because last Wednesday I was up 3.5 from the holiday binging.....so technically that was a 4lb loss in a week! Whoop! Glad to be BACK ON TRACK!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    By the way, my weigh-in day is Wednesday. This morning I was down 0.5 lbs but I don't like to record decimals. I'll change my weight when it's a nice round number. I still feel GREAT though because last Wednesday I was up 3.5 from the holiday binging.....so technically that was a 4lb loss in a week! Whoop! Glad to be BACK ON TRACK!

    Even if you don't record it, that totally counts!
    I always record my decimals... partly because I am REALLY bad about waiting a whole week to weigh myself and can't wait to record every little drop. I really TRY to stick to one day a week, but it always turns into 3 or 4.
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Angela - Thanks for the link! Need all the push I can get! I think I was member 36

    Weight Dec 14: not sure-
    Weight Jan 4: 173
    Pledge: 15 pounds

    Gotta love New Year Resolutions....makes you feel good to start over and this time...KEEP AT IT!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Name: Courtney
    Pledge: 10 pounds (II wish I had pledged more but I'm try to get pregnant)
    Weight as of Dec 14, 2010 242
    Weight as of Jan 4, 2011: 236.6 lbs
    Loss To Date during challenge: 5.4lbs

    What are you going to do to lose the weight?: I am tryign to stay under my calorie goal each day and take classes at teh gym 3-5 times a week. Walking at work with a friend 3-5 days a week.

    Do you have any fitness challenges/struggles you need support for? Motovation in general. having trouble gettign pregnant...being more healthy can olny help right!

    Courtney, BOTH of my pregnancies happened following weight loss. The BEST thing you can do for your chances of getting pregnant AND to maintain a healthy pregnancy is to get in a routine of making healthy choices, including regular exercise. Since you are actively trying to get pregnant, take a prenatal vitamin! Increased intake of folate early in the pregnancy (before you even know you're pregnant) is crucial. So get in lots of fruits and veggies and take that vitamin daily. :)

    Good luck! I'll be rooting for you!

    Thanks so much! I've been get very discourages with TTCing and I'll take all the support I can get. My exercise routine is pretty solid I go to teh gym 4-5 days a week and take take aerobice, zumba, yoga and sculpt classes. My eatign has been so much better sinc eI began usign this site. I'm so bad abou ttakign vitimines. I should set a tiemr on my phone.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    This is really awesome. I'm so excited to be woring with a group on a common goal! Good Luck everyone!