Summer Crunch Time Challenge



  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    My measurements are as follows:
    arm: 14"
    waist: 34.5
    Love handles: 39.5
    Height: 5'7"
    Weight: 193

    I am starting with the C25K as well as the 200 hundred situps on my off days I will do cardo and weights.

    So excited and so looking forward to this challenge - Thanx for starting it oh and sorry i am posting a little late :happy:
  • Alyshe
    Alyshe Posts: 509 Member
    So far the only ones that are in on this challenge are....
    1.), 2.)...Ding724, 3.)...Jamiebee24, 4.)...kendradl, 5.)...loathesome 6.)...PercyPig 7.)...teetee1281

    If you have said you want to be in this challenge and I did not say your name then I have not recieved your information that is need to be a part of this challenge. I need your info by 5pm pacific time zone USA. thank you.
  • smallerjen
    I am interested in joining as well. My wedding is a little bit later (July 16th), and would love some motivation for the 20 lbs I want to lose.

    Arm - 10 3/4"
    Smallest part of waist 30"
    Largest part 37"
    Height 5'1"
    Current weight 150.6 lbs

  • breannk
    breannk Posts: 92
    hey everyone!
    weight: 181
    arm: 12.5
    waist: 36.5
    hips/largest part:43
    my goal wieght is 140ish
    i will be doing a spin class twice a week and then running/jogging and weigh lifting :)
  • breannk
    breannk Posts: 92
    oh yeah and im 5'7"
  • AliStar
    AliStar Posts: 12 Member
    I want in!
    I'll need to check some of the measurements, but I know the waist is 30-40. Weight is between 135-140.
    Weight goal is 125.
    I think I'll be using Shape app "little black dress." Most likely, I'll mix it up a lot.
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Cool! Let's get this party started!! Best of luck to everyone!
  • breannk
    breannk Posts: 92
    YAY! im super excited to do this! :happy: i tried to add everyone but if i missed you feel free to add me! :flowerforyou:
  • Alyshe
    Alyshe Posts: 509 Member
    i have the info on a page but can you tell me how to post the page on here? How do you guys get pic posted on the message bord? please help. :sad:
  • fbrandye
    Sorry, I missed out girls this weekend was crazy as it was the first weekend of school. Good Luck and I will keep watching how you guys are doing
  • Alyshe
    Alyshe Posts: 509 Member
    :flowerforyou: Alyshe................Weight...156.3
    height.....5' 3"
    arms 12 1/4" ...............waist 34" ............hips 41 1/4"

    :flowerforyou: Breannk.............Weight...181
    height.....5' 7"
    arms......12.5"...............waist 36.5"..........hips 43"

    :flowerforyou: Ding724.............Weight...172
    arms.......12.5"..............waist 32"..............hips 39"

    :flowerforyou: Jamiebee24.......Weight...161.2
    height.....5' 9"
    arms........10".................waist 30.5"..........hips 38.5"

    :flowerforyou: kendradl.................Weight....193
    height......5' 7"
    arms......14"..................waist 34.5"..........hips 39.5"

    :flowerforyou: loathesome.............Weight...145
    height....5' 10"
    arms......11"..................waist 34".............hips 39"

    :flowerforyou: manzone..................Weight...150.6
    height.....5' 1"
    arms....10 3/4".............waist 30"...........hips 37"

    :flowerforyou: PerceyPig..................Weight 176
    height....5' 9"
    arms....13"....................waist 35"...........hips 40"

    :flowerforyou: teetee1281................Weight 152.6
    height.....5' 5"
    arms....12"....................waist 29"............hips 39"
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    Sorry about not posting my height...It's in my signature so I guess I just forgot!!!
    I'm 5'9.25'':laugh: That extra 1/4 inch helps alot! lol
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    just finished my P90X for today ladies....going to the gym later on for some's all of your workouts?!
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Ladies, Day 1 of this challenge and my trainer already beat me down. First this morning I completed Turbo Jam with my 1lb gloves on which made my workout great! Then this evening I went to the gym, my trainer had an open session, so we started early and I still got my original slot. Man, that was 45 mins of supersets! I walked out feeling like I was inhaling and holding my abs in, when I knew I wasn't. It was just a wonderful workout! Couldn't be happier.
    Can't wait to hear about our success and different workouts. We can achieve so much by working together and encouraging each other!
  • Alyshe
    Alyshe Posts: 509 Member
    Hi ladies. I got a 3 mile walk/run on the treadmill and p90x chest and back in. This is awsome. Great job Jamie and teetee! I hope the other ladies are doing well also. I can't wait to hear from them!
    I'm sorry I couldnt get the graph up. But I found out that I had to use photobucket and now have step by step instructions. I'm going to give it a test run later to see if I can get one up for the winner at the end of the week. If not then I will just post it like I did today. but with more spice for the winner. :)
    We got this ladies :)
  • breannk
    breannk Posts: 92
    i started the C25K program today, was gonna go to spin but it got canceled :( then i came home and shoveled the driveway! going to spin and lifting wieghts tomorrow! glad to hear everyones work outs went good today! :flowerforyou:
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Hey everyone! Well done on the exercising yesterday!

    Breannk - do you often go to spin class? I would love to try it out as everyone says it's an amazing workout but I am so scared. Any tips for my first lesson?

    I picked up my kettlebells for the first time in over 5 weeks and was amazed by how easy it still was. I couldn't exercise for like a month due to surgery and illness in December but it doesn't look like I've lost much muscle or endurance - I'm very, very happy with that! It's also the first time I did kettlebells with my HRM on - I do little circuits with the kettlebells and after each round I went down from around 175 bpm to 115 in one minute - I'm so pleased with that! Today is step class, looking forward to it!

    Alyshe - just to clear up the rules - are we weighing in on Mondays every week and posting measurements every month, is that correct?
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    Well, I hate to say it but I've been a yoo-yoo dieter. I was back down to 140 from 180 and now back up to 162. Down to my last pair of jeans. I gave all my big clothes away the last weight lost time. (GOOD thing!). But.... since I found this APP and Website "My Fitness Pal"... How easy is this. This is what I want / need in my life. Easy, easy, easy !! Keep me interested. In October I bought a brand new BIG name treadmill and due to circumstance was not able to utilize it properly. Used it here and there when I could. But, now all my obligations are done and guess's me time !! I found this APP on Saturday 1/8/11 and it is so easy to use. I have the smartphone "My Fitness Pal" app and can scan my food UPC codes in for the next day and I'm done. Hardly any time at all spent documenting. And the best part... it sync's up with the website and its updated on both programs. I'm in heaven! I can see this being a BIG part of my routine from now on because....."Its so easy" !! Since Saturdays first documentation I've lost 1-1/2 pounds. (I started exercizing earlier in the week so that has helped with getting going). I have been to gym's (love it), been to Jenny Craig (good program) long enough I should know what I need to do by now. With this website I feel so motivated with the tracking tabs. I can spend more time concentrating on getting thinner now than planning it out and not following through because I'm bored by then. Thanks......... Let me know if you feel the same way. Love to hear from others.
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    I did not type that! I don't know whats going on...
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    I don't know how my post got edited by someone other than me---but that really ticks me off!!

    Anyways, I got in an extra 80 minute cardio session last night---it was amazing!! elliptical, stair stepper and then the treadmill...I felt wonderful after!! Today, just P90X for me, and then work tonight!!

    I love spinning---my advice to you is that your butt WILL hurt---but it will get used to it after the second to third class :) Keep up with it!

    Happy Tuesday!