Summer Crunch Time Challenge



  • Alyshe
    Alyshe Posts: 509 Member
    I just started on this site today...

    Is it possible for me to join your challenge?! :)

    Yes it is vary possible and we lovve to have people join our group. We are all in this together. We are competing agienst eachother to see who will be the winner at the end of each week as we also give each other the support and and encouragment that we need. :heart: All I need you todo is send me your weight and measurments on sunday. :happy:
  • Alyshe
    Alyshe Posts: 509 Member
    Well ladies, its already Thursday!!

    I had a good workout yesterday-- I did my regularly scheduled P90X and then hit the gym up in the evening...did a half hour on the elliptical and then a half hour on the stair stepper. I love that thing! Today is just some P90X Yoga---which I really can not stand,but I am going to try and push through it....and then work tonight, so no gym! TOM came yesterday,so I'm hoping that I don't have a gain come weigh in day. Eating has been decent...I wish I had a personal chef! :laugh:

    Hope you all are doing good!!!

    I Love the stair stepper too, unfortunately we don't have one at our gym :frown: I would also love a personal chef, I kinda have one, my husband does all the cooking for us and generally has supper ready for me when I get home which is awesome - one less thing to worry about. I can't imagine working nights, having kids and finding time to go the gym but it seems like you do just fine and do an awesome job of it as well :happy:

    I would love a personal chef also. I do all the cooking. My hubby works nights right now and so he gets breakfast in bed. Hes spoiled. So I guess I'm the personal chef and I have to say I do cook good and love food. hahahaha
  • breannk
    breannk Posts: 92
    wasnt feeling the greatest yesterday so didnt get much of a work out in.. but making up for it today doing c25k day 2 and going to spin! :smile: we can do this ladies!:flowerforyou:
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Evening everyone! This morning I skipped my AM session, the snow truck kept coming through last night, so that is my excuse. I know, I shouldn't make any, but my calorie burn for yesterday was so high, I didn't eat enough anyway. Enough excuses, I still made it to the gym this evening and my trainer was able to give me another 45 min session. It is only supposed to be 30, but I always arrive early to do cardio and she will start with me early if she can. We both enjoy it, she knows I won't say can't and she works me hard. We now superset everything! I've never grunted so much working out. But I love it!

    Eating is always the hardest. You girls are lucky to have the hubby cook, mine he'll cook, but he adds way to much seasoning and like to add weird stuff, so I don't let him cook. Though, he realized that the way he cooks, the kids don't like either. Tonight, I was supposed to go to bible study, so I ate at Wendy's for dinner. 1 baked potato and side salad, no coutons. It was good. After all that, it was cancelled. :grumble: Oh well that allows me to get some chores done in the house. Have a great evening everyone!
  • Alyshe
    Alyshe Posts: 509 Member
    Good after noon ladies! Today was a really good day. I feel that my workout where good also. A 2mile jog and p90x. It was awesome.

    teetee- good choice on the wendys. that sucks that your bilble study. But at least you get in house work. doing all this talk about personal chefs I would rather have a maid. lol.
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    I just got home from the gym! I had a decent workout on the cross trainer & elliptical with a little over a 400 calorie burn in 30 minutes. I had to write 3 papers today & have ANOTHER 3 to write tomorrow, but at least I don't have anything due over the weekend. I'm excited to see how everyone is doing on Sunday...hopefully I can go down a bit more before then:happy: Goodnight ladies!
  • jisabelle
    jisabelle Posts: 156 Member
    This sounds great! I'm sooo in!
    I'm a very competitive person and would love to have everyone on here checking up on me and me checking up on them.
    Height 5'3
    CW 250
    Waist 43 1/2
    Wish me luck!
    God knows I will try my best.
    Will e-mail picture later
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Last night was a good night for me, 30 minutes of cardio, my 200 situp challenge day 2 and stretches. Was planning on doing strength training and that just didn't happen, should have though and less cardio my calves are on fire today so I am hoping I can make it through Day 2 of C25K.

    My 'personal chef' has been slacking off on his wifely duties the last couple of nights and I have been making supper when I get home at 6:30, Oh well what can I do :smile:

    Alyshe you are right a personal maid would be awesome, that is one chore that is all mine :smile:

    Was thinking that we are doing this challenge together, maybe we should all share our names maybe and an unknown fact about us, just to get to know each other a bit better?

    I will go first - Kendra and I have 3 kids all of the four legged variety, never having kids of the two legged variety.
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Last night was a good night for me, 30 minutes of cardio, my 200 situp challenge day 2 and stretches. Was planning on doing strength training and that just didn't happen, should have though and less cardio my calves are on fire today so I am hoping I can make it through Day 2 of C25K.

    My 'personal chef' has been slacking off on his wifely duties the last couple of nights and I have been making supper when I get home at 6:30, Oh well what can I do :smile:

    Alyshe you are right a personal maid would be awesome, that is one chore that is all mine :smile:

    Was thinking that we are doing this challenge together, maybe we should all share our names maybe and an unknown fact about us, just to get to know each other a bit better?

    I will go first - Kendra and I have 3 kids all of the four legged variety, never having kids of the two legged variety.

    Oh and maybe where we are from as well? Alberta, Canada for me :bigsmile:
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    Was thinking that we are doing this challenge together, maybe we should all share our names maybe and an unknown fact about us, just to get to know each other a bit better?

    Well, I'm Mandie & I am 22 years old. I have been married for 1.5 years to the MOST incredible man [I know everyone says that, but I'm the only one telling the truth! haha jk] & we live in Chaska, Minnesota. I am a psych major in my last semester & then I plan to start graduate school for social work or counseling...ummm a random fact about me is that I am AMAZING at guitar hero. Like, seriously. I AM the guitar hero :laugh:
  • akosiza
    akosiza Posts: 10
    love this! I am IN! ;)
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    Morning ladies...
    I didn't get a workout in yesterday---but I'm ok with that...Super busy, and then I had to work so it just didn't fit in. Hopefully today I will though!! :) Work again tonight, so I've really got to plan my day accordingly!

    I'm Jamie and 25 I am from Michigan, but live in California right now (which I LOVE) with my 2 little boys ( 3 and 18 months) and my wonderful,most of the time, husband---we've been married for over 4 years. We met while we were both in the Marine Corps---I am out and he's still in now!

    Happy Friday!
  • I am new to this web site. I just downloaded the app on my iphone today. I am all in for this. I am at work so I will get you my measurements later. I am going on a cruise in May so my goal is to loose the weight by then. I want to loose about 20 lbs. Thanks a lot for the challange. I need the motivation!
  • Finally got to get in a good workout, it always feels like I work non-stop from Tues morning to Thursday night so Fridays are always my favorite day. Intervaled my way through running a 5k and did some strength training, feeling pretty good. Trying to start working back toward a 1/2 marathon again to beat my previous time of 2 1/2 hrs and having a challenge to keep me going is great.

    My name is Jenny, I'm 26 and live in Ohio, originally from NY - random fact - I love to read and would be happy if I just could sit and read book after book all day.
  • Alyshe
    Alyshe Posts: 509 Member
    I am new to this web site. I just downloaded the app on my iphone today. I am all in for this. I am at work so I will get you my measurements later. I am going on a cruise in May so my goal is to loose the weight by then. I want to loose about 20 lbs. Thanks a lot for the challange. I need the motivation!

    Sweet! we are looking forward to having you. :heart: Send me your measurments and weight sunday. :happy:
  • Alyshe
    Alyshe Posts: 509 Member
    love this! I am IN! ;)
    Sweet. And we welcome you with open arms. :heart: sned me your measurments and weight on sunday. Thank you :happy:
  • Alyshe
    Alyshe Posts: 509 Member

    Was thinking that we are doing this challenge together, maybe we should all share our names maybe and an unknown fact about us, just to get to know each other a bit better?

    Great idea. I love it :heart: !!!!!!!
    my name is Alyshe`
    age: 26.
    from Vancouver W.A. U.S.A
    unknown fact.... Married to the man of my dreams. We have a wonderful child together. I Love music of almost all types, celtic, native african christian rock, some country, some alternative rock. I dislike rap and heavy metal. I've always wanted to shoot a bow, play the sax, and travel the world.
  • Alyshe
    Alyshe Posts: 509 Member
    4 miles done today at least 2.5 job with out stoping! Going to skip p90x today and hopefully make up for it tomorrow. Tomorrow is going to be out last chance workout for the week. I'm going to really bring it tomorrow.
    can't wait to see how all you great ladies are doing!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    oooh this seems like a great challenge! I turn 25 in July and wanna reach my goal by then and oh yes did I mention rock a bikini for the first time in my adult life?

    Can I join?
  • jennifer8989
    jennifer8989 Posts: 59 Member
    count me in where do i send you my info as for measurements and what not???
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