Summer Crunch Time Challenge



  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    I did not type that! I don't know whats going on...

    MFP wasn't working for awhile this morning & I saw that exact same post that it says you wrote on MANY topics. Very strange :noway: No worries...we know you're not a "yoo-yoo dieter" haha
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    I did not type that! I don't know whats going on...

    MFP wasn't working for awhile this morning & I saw that exact same post that it says you wrote on MANY topics. Very strange :noway: No worries...we know you're not a "yoo-yoo dieter" haha

    really? oh my, how embarrassing!!!!
  • Alyshe
    Alyshe Posts: 509 Member
    Hey all so far I have got in a one mile walk and a one mile run. My shin kept cramping up and it would go down to my foot so I didnt do to much. But I'm going to give my run another go later becuase I really want to do a half marathon this summer and want to lose weight. Going to do p90x cardio and not plyos. If I do ploys I will not be able to run on my treadmill tomarrow.

    PercyPig- I would like to do weight in on sundays. So that on monday morning every one can see who everyone else is doing. I can make the graph on sunday and post it monday. Yes we are going to be weigh in weekly and there will be a winner at the end of each week. The winner is the person that has lost the most weight. Aslo yes we will be doing measurments monthly because I dont want people to get discouraged by measuring them self every week. Although at time some of us my lose more measurments then weight. Because muscle weighs more then fat.
  • breannk
    breannk Posts: 92
    yeah i do spin at least 3 times a week and i LOVE it!! it is a really tough workout but really you can make it as hard as you want it to be by changing your resistance. my advice is definately bring a water bottle and your butt will kill after the 1st time but after a couple more times you wont even notice! :) im actually off to spin right now then doing some weight lifting :)
  • Jonesie1984
    Jonesie1984 Posts: 612 Member
    bump really bummed i missed out on this challenge.. i guess i'll "impromptu challenge" with yall.. i'm at work so measurements later.. at least for my own records.
  • Alyshe
    Alyshe Posts: 509 Member
    bump really bummed i missed out on this challenge.. i guess i'll "impromptu challenge" with yall.. i'm at work so measurements later.. at least for my own records.
    We would love to have you join us this coming week and the weeks that will be continued. :heart: Weigh in sunday and give me your measuments and weight then. Or you can just send me your measurment when you measure your self and then give me what your weight on sunday after you weigh in. :happy:
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    So far so good today...just finished my P90X Plyometrics workout....kept getting interrupted so it wasn't the best...but at least I got it done!! :) Food wise, i'm doing pretty well today so hopefully i can keep that up!! Work tonight, so that should help with the mindless snacking! Hope you all are having a great Tuesday!
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Spin is a great workout and a way to build better breathing techniques for running.

    Seeing inches lost does make a difference when the scale does not budge.

    Jamiebee: Do you often work the nightshift? Sorry your workout was interrupted, but glad you were able to complete it. 80 mins of cardio, WOW! I think I started to sweat just reading that.

    I was able to wake up this morning to complete Turbo Jam and Ab Jam, then run 4.1 miles this evening and work my legs at the gym.
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    home from work....bed soon and then another Wednesday. I have the day off so I'm going to ENJOY IT!! I'll do my P90X and then hopefully get another good cardio session in.

    teetee---I do usually work nights. Some weekends I may do days, but generally its nights. My hubby works daytime,so it works out best if we just flip flop so we don't have to put the kids in day care :) I love cardio---and switching it up on different machines totally makes the time go faster!! Way to get in a run---along with all of your other workouts!
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    If you guys don't mind I am going to friend everybody, I think it will make this a lot easier for me. I did my first workout last night, Turbo Jam Fat Blaster, it was very high intensity, found out I am very uncoordinated so I hope that gets better as time goes on. Back to the gym tonight (weather permitting) and I can finally start my C25K :happy:
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Jamiebee: That is wonderful that you and your husband are able to take care of child care on your own, that's expensive these days. What verision of P90x are you doing?

    Kendradl: Thanks for the add! I'm doing TJ also, I just ordered the other workouts, waiting for them to arrive. As you continue you will learn the moves and find more enjoyment. I'm still learning myself. Hope you can make it to the gym.

    Yesterday, the base announced its closure for today. So 9am I started to shovel, I put my HRM on and burnd over 1000K (and I will have to shovel again). I don't plan to live, but at the rate it's going it would only get harder if I waited. I made sure I can get my truck out of the drive and back in before I considered my job complete. Now I am watching a little TV before I start to study. I promised my hubby I would study for my upcoming advancement exam.
    I'll be back later to post. Have a great Wednesday!
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    Hey ladies!!! Great job on all of your workouts!
    I am still going to the gym 6 days per week...I'd like to go everyday, but I know my body needs rest & yet I still always feel guilty about that day off. I should probably learn to get over that because I can't keep up with this routine forever :happy: haha I'm off to write 2 psych papers for school. Have a marvelous day!!!
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    teetee---I know, daycare is SO expensive. Once I start school we really won't have a choice and the boys will have to but for now its nice to have them home :) Where are you stationed at? My hubby is stationed at Camp Pendleton...also where I used to be stationed. I am doing just the classic version of P90X...its my first go, so I just went with the basic! I am so glad we don't have to deal with snow here----uck! Sorry!!!!

    Ding---you are killing it! way to go with 6 workout days. I shoot for 5---if I get all 5 I feel awesome...I'd love to do 6 or 7---but like you, I know my body needs the rest! The more and more I get into it, I feel less guilty for taking days off though...just cause I know how hard I do work on my workout days! Good work!!

    Wednesday is going great so far...lunch in couple hours---and then working out with Tony Horton....haha. I have to go grocery shopping tonight, so I don't know if I will make it to the gym for some extra cardio or not!
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    teetee---I know, daycare is SO expensive. Once I start school we really won't have a choice and the boys will have to but for now its nice to have them home :) Where are you stationed at? My hubby is stationed at Camp Pendleton...also where I used to be stationed. I am doing just the classic version of P90X...its my first go, so I just went with the basic! I am so glad we don't have to deal with snow here----uck! Sorry!!!!

    I'm stationed in Groton, CT, really didn't get a choice here, my husband was due for sea time and he's a Radioman on submarines. So, I've returned stateside, leaving the humidity and sandstorms, to come to the cold and snow.
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Yesterday, the base announced its closure for today. So 9am I started to shovel, I put my HRM on and burnd over 1000K (and I will have to shovel again). I don't plan to live, but at the rate it's going it would only get harder if I waited. I made sure I can get my truck out of the drive and back in before I considered my job complete. Now I am watching a little TV before I start to study. I promised my hubby I would study for my upcoming advancement exam.
    I'll be back later to post. Have a great Wednesday!

    I just reread that, OMG, I mean I don't plan to leave! Man, I want to live for a long time.
  • Alyshe
    Alyshe Posts: 509 Member
    I cooled it down today. 1 mile jog and 1 mile walk. I will pump things up agien tomorrow. How are you all doing? I cant wait tell the weight in. :)
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Doing great here, had my first day of C25K yesterday and I am sure feeling it today but it is good, I do have muscles somewhere just have to find them again. Back to the gym tonight and for my rest day from C25K I am thinking elliptical, bike and some strength training and day 2 of 200 situps. Can't wair for weigh in day either although I doubt there will be a loss but still excited anyways :bigsmile:
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    Well ladies, its already Thursday!!

    I had a good workout yesterday-- I did my regularly scheduled P90X and then hit the gym up in the evening...did a half hour on the elliptical and then a half hour on the stair stepper. I love that thing! Today is just some P90X Yoga---which I really can not stand,but I am going to try and push through it....and then work tonight, so no gym! TOM came yesterday,so I'm hoping that I don't have a gain come weigh in day. Eating has been decent...I wish I had a personal chef! :laugh:

    Hope you all are doing good!!!
  • tammytomandgirls
    tammytomandgirls Posts: 2 Member
    I just started on this site today...

    Is it possible for me to join your challenge?! :)
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Well ladies, its already Thursday!!

    I had a good workout yesterday-- I did my regularly scheduled P90X and then hit the gym up in the evening...did a half hour on the elliptical and then a half hour on the stair stepper. I love that thing! Today is just some P90X Yoga---which I really can not stand,but I am going to try and push through it....and then work tonight, so no gym! TOM came yesterday,so I'm hoping that I don't have a gain come weigh in day. Eating has been decent...I wish I had a personal chef! :laugh:

    Hope you all are doing good!!!

    I Love the stair stepper too, unfortunately we don't have one at our gym :frown: I would also love a personal chef, I kinda have one, my husband does all the cooking for us and generally has supper ready for me when I get home which is awesome - one less thing to worry about. I can't imagine working nights, having kids and finding time to go the gym but it seems like you do just fine and do an awesome job of it as well :happy: