Over 200 New Year New me Part 43



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Yes! to the slow day! Ridiculous.

    Um, so I've officially "popped." And my abs are freaking killing me. I wasn't showing yesterday. I am showing today (confirmed by my supervisor saying something to me -- she even mentioned the part about how I wasn't showing yesterday). I can no longer zip and button pants I wore just 4 days ago. Like, not even close. So weird!

    Congrats on popping...have you got any maternity clothes, they are really comfy when your belly starts growing. I know how thrifty you are :smile: check out ebay and also your favorite thrift stores. WHen i was pregant i couldn't find jeans that fit me , i had a type of jeans that fit me really good, i sent them off to this lady and she mad me maternity jeans, they were sooo comfy.

    I can't wait to see some pregger pictures of you :smile:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    hey everyone,

    I am so far behind on posts. I am trying to read them when I get a chance, whenever that might be...sorry. I have been so busy with my family and being sick/cold. Kids are home, we got a blast of snow ( 7 inches) this morning and expectiong another blast this evening. I am getting so tired of cleaning up after a snow storm, which seems to happen every isingle week. I think my kids are home tomorrow too...we will have to wait and see.

    got to go.

    Have a great evening!

    miss ya so much :)

  • VeronicaanddMatt0605
    Hi Ladies,

    Julie- definately get some maternity clothes if you can because they are so comfy especially when you start to pop would love to see a pic

    Jess- have fun in Mexico we went to the Riviera maya for our honeymoon it was gorgeous I'm sure that you will have a great

    checking in for today

    cals- under but that includes exercise cals so not too far under
    water- 80oz
    exercise- 45 min run/walk on the treadmill again
    proud- that I'm still going and have been logging all my food and exercise
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Alright, ladies, the cheesy chicken enchiladas from the Weight Watchers website were delicious. The bf was happy because of the large amounts of cheese in them. I was stuffed after eating two and he was stuffed after 2.5! Here's the link:

    Sorry, the WW website doesn't give the calories, but I'm sure it could be entered in the recipe builder on MFP to calculate. Soo good.

    Time to decide what I'm going to do for my workout tonight. Have a good evening!
  • purpleprose
    The BL calories thing was crazy to me, too. I know that they're supervised by dietitians and nutritionists and doctors, but that seems insanely unhealthy and poor judgment. Those contestants have no idea how to live a healthy life, but aren't learning it on the show, either. That's why so many of them regain their weight.

    I don't know what's going on with me, but I've steadily gained weight the last 3 - 4 days. I'm back at my pre-India weight and am really unhappy about it. I'm working out, drinking a lot of water, and eating under my calories (I'm on the 1.5 a week schedule, so I figure eating less than that isn't a huge deal). Yesterday I know I had some extra sodium, and that's probably what did it, but I am getting angry and frustrated. Any ideas what could be doing it?

    Time for a plateau? I hit one (a big one) pretty much exactly where you are last January -- around 55 pounds lost. My weight loss never continued at the rate it was going before that . I lost about 25 pounds between January and September. It was frustrating but I figured any amount down or staying the same is better than any amount up.

    I've been thinking pregnancy may have been the best thing I could've done to lose the rest of my extra weight. :laugh: Never could I have been comfortable enough with eating as much as I am now soley to get my metabolism back on track. I'm hoping that between revving my metabolism back up and (hopefully) breastfeeding, the 50 pounds I'll need to lose after little one is born will just melt away like the first 50 pounds I lost did (I can dream, right?)

    Oh god I hope it's not a plateau yet! I figured I'd hit one in another 20 or so pounds, but I was really really hoping to get under 200 before that happened. I'm hoping that it's just (a) sodium and/or (b) my body readjusting to being back in school, a different diet than I've had for 2 months, and working out a lot. I don't know what else to do....I'm doing most things right (on the whole) and mixing up my workouts.

    I just don't want to get discouraged if things really slow down or stop entirely. I don't know if I have Heather's patience and determination to keep going for months on end without results. :frown:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930

    I just don't want to get discouraged if things really slow down or stop entirely. I don't know if I have Heather's patience and determination to keep going for months on end without results. :frown:

    Purple, I know exactly how you feel. I lost 100 so easily, then I stalled. Big time. It's pathetic. I haven't lost permanently since July. :ohwell: I keep telling myself to keep going, but this is getting ridiculous.

    So, I can't give you any advice, but I can let you know you are not alone. :flowerforyou:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    check in:

    cals: under a bit
    water: 100
    exercise: 30 min. walk
    proud: I haven't given up.
  • kfortune89
    It is so motivating to see so many other people trying so hard to lose weight and become healthier! I made it my New Year's Resolution to lose some weight and get in shape (along with half of the world) but I am sticking to it! I have been exercising since the first of the year regularly except for when I started getting pretty bad shin splints. I got a new tredmile because mine was ancient and am wearing better shoes so those have gone away and I have been working out everyday after work. My mom introduced me to this site and it definitely makes you aware of what you eat which I think is great! Good job ladies for all that you have accomplished! Keep up the good work :happy:
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Yesterday was a total bust... I was mostly on track until my dad called. My mom was having stomach pains so she went to her doctor who said "go to the ER right now". Cue: panic. Family emergencies like that make it difficult to be so far from home. Turns out she had a really bad infection, but it's treatable and she got to go home last night. (Thank, God). I hate being such a baby... I had a complete meltdown (it was a big enough straw to break this camel's back).

    My darling boyfriend brought home Cuban food (delllicccciiooous) for dinner. I ate way past being full, but still managed to stop before I was licking the plate. I also had a chocolate-peanut butter milkshake. So tasty. Too much, but delicious nonetheless. Thankfully, the scale is still showing 219 this morning. I had a chat with it... no more jumping up just for Friday and then going back down the rest of the week haha.

    Today my goal is to break my breakdown cycle. When I usually have a bad day, then next day I barely eat... which makes me eat like a pig the following day. So! I shall eat like a normal person today.

    Random note: I love the Truvia commercials on TV. Their jingles are hilarious!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Heather - Those look good i am going to have to try them ..yummyumm

    Yesterday i don't even know what to check in cause it was horrible, i snacked all day, did crappy exericse (but i did exercise so i guess that is a plus) and water was non existent.

    I am hoping today will be better, cuase that stupid scale back over 250 :sad: But I know it is me that is putting it there, have not been eating the best.
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Check In for Yesterday

    Calories: pretty much right on when I ate the exercise calories
    Water: plenty
    Exercise: elliptical, bicycle, other with PT
    Proud: I went to a party last night, went through the food line only once, skipped the chips (my downfall) and drank lots of water.

    I feel like I have hit a point where I am practically sabotaging myself. I see a good number on the scale, go over eat and then have to work hard to see an ounce loss. To help stem this, I am 'friending' my PT on here. Figure I will be more careful if he is checking up on me. I also asked for regular Monday weigh ins. Help me stick to the plan over the weekend. I feel great physically, just frustrated with myself for that entitlement feeling - the scale looks better than a long time, therefore I deserve... (usually food).

    I am also brainstorming for ideas on rewards that are not food or restaurant oriented.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Kfortune, Congrats on making a lifestyle change.

    Blue, I feel so bad when you sound so defeated. You can do this. I know that it must be so frustrating. Know that we are here for ya. Maybe ask your doctor about getting you in touch with a nutritionist.

    Purple, Julie always has awesome advice about getting through a plateau.

    ladeb, we all have days like that. Good luck!!

    Julie, congrats on popping. Def. get maternity clothes. Buttons start hurting once you pop. I worked with my first and I was off for like 4 days. When I came back to work my manager looks at me real puzzled and says "you are pregnant!?!?!?!?!" I said , Yes, I am 5 months didn't you know that? Everyone knows even the owners. His response was no I had no idea until today because you did not look preg when you left! What a dork glad I don't work for him anymore.
  • purpleprose

    I just don't want to get discouraged if things really slow down or stop entirely. I don't know if I have Heather's patience and determination to keep going for months on end without results. :frown:

    Purple, I know exactly how you feel. I lost 100 so easily, then I stalled. Big time. It's pathetic. I haven't lost permanently since July. :ohwell: I keep telling myself to keep going, but this is getting ridiculous.

    So, I can't give you any advice, but I can let you know you are not alone. :flowerforyou:

    Thanks blue! I'm down the 1.8 I gained the last 2 days, but still up a half pound from last week's low. Tomorrow is my birthday so a friend brought in donuts to class this morning and had everyone sing to me (we don't have classes on Fridays and she KNOWS I get so embarrassed!)...I'm having dinner out tonight with my mentor AND dinner out tomorrow night with friends...it's going to be hard to lose over the next two days I think.

    Luckily I have personal training first thing in the morning tomorrow since today is my day of rest from exercise!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Who knows where I'll be in 48 hours!?!?!? Sitting in the airport waiting for my plane to Mexico! haha! Sorry...I'm sure your all sick of hearing about it but I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself! 1 full work day and a half day tomorrow and then I'm off of work! Woot woot!!

    Purple-Plateaus are going to happen. I haven't lost much weight worth talking about since probably summertime. Holidays were really tuff for me. I gained almost 10 pounds back and now those 10 pounds are almost gone. Just stick with it. Don't give up!

    Deb-Forget about yesterday, make today a better day.

    ladeb-I like to buy myself a reward after so many pounds lost. I try not to use food as a reward either. For me I've used things like Cowboy boots, new iPhone, tattoo, mani pedi...things that I want that I force myself to have to wait for.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Purple - When I have big events, my goal is always maintenance calories. I realize that losing calories just aren't going to happen, so I set a more obtainable goal for myself. It definitely feels better to know that I have accomplished something instead of going like 700 cals over!
    Nancy - Love you my STL sister!
    Heather - A friend of mine introduced me to http://www.skinnytaste.com/ - it's a recipe blog that has nutrition and points info for every dish. I'm going to another beer meet-up tomorrow and bringing the healthy spinach dip with some raw veggies.
    Jess - Try to find a computer at the resort - if Allison can check in from India, you can check in from Mexico!! As someone who lost a killer streak, it's very sad when it happens.

    Checking in from yesterday:
    Cals - Over....by a glass of chocolate milk, but that was totally worth the 180 cals! 1341
    Water - 96 oz
    Exercise - Nada
    Proud - Planning to bring this very healthy dip and veggies to the beer thing tomorrow. It's going to be full of deliciousness, so I'm glad I'll have a healthy option.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello ladies -

    I just got a call from my doctor on my blood work

    My vit d is still low (it was low last year, i was supposed to take vitamins and have it rechecked and never did ), so she told me take take 4000 iu a day then have it rechecked so i scheduled bloodwork in march to recheck maybe that will keep me on check for taking it.

    My cholestrol was okay overall (her words), in my works i think it is awesome.

    She said my good cholestrol was too low, it was 35 and needed to be over 40, but last year it was 32 and the year before it was 28 so i take that as progress.

    This is the part i am happy about.

    My overall went from 172 2 years ago to 164 last year and now 144 !! My LDL went from 102 (on the borderline) and now it is 85 (not sure what it was last year) and my triglycerides went from 212 , 2 years ago which was high, to last year 188 still high and this year !! 121 , yep 121 almost 100 points from where i was in 2009 .

    This makes me soo happy, and makes me realized this is all about being healthy and not necessarily fitting in a size 8 or size 6. Beside getting a little more good cholesterol i am far from dangerous levels on everything else.!!!

    She did say my thryoid was high. She said it was on the border, she said we can start meds now or we can wait for 6 weeks and rehceck it. I said lets wait and re-check. I don't know alot about thryoid but i have heard it can cuase issues on weightloss. I didn't want to jump on the med route quite yet, if it is still high in 6 weeks i am sure they will want me on something. Anyone else have thryoid issues??
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Lauren-I will DEFINITELY be on the hunt for a computer to check in. I think I read on a review you can purchase wifi for $10 a day..I'm not taking a computer though and don't plan on turning on my phone. I hope to find a business center or something. Great job on taking a healthy dish. It's sounds delicious!

    blue-WE love you! Hang in there sister!! Your just in a rut!

    Deb-WTG on your check up! Hearing all that makes me wish I checked that stuff regularly...maybe I should start doing that! hmmm...probably a good idea!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member

    Deb-WTG on your check up! Hearing all that makes me wish I checked that stuff regularly...maybe I should start doing that! hmmm...probably a good idea!

    Thanks...I never used to really...mainly cause when i had anything it was not high, the time i went 2 years ago and they said it was high made me start wanting my numbers not to be...i always thought i was fat but healthy, but when i got to 300 i think that fat won !! Not any longer ...take that old 300 lb self.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    RedneckWmn: Have a great time! I am jealous!

    LilDeb: Good for you on the good bloodwork results! I don't know anything about thyroid issues (other that mine has been checked several time for various symptoms - and mine is ok). I have also heard that it can effect weightloss, but it might be in a good way to get it to the right levels.

    Someone brought in Oreo cookies in the lunchroom (10 ft from me), I can hear everyone walking in and talking about them and taking several. Good thing Oreo's aren't my favorite cookie because I am having a sweet craving this morning. Really the first one I've had since going on my new nutrition plan.

    I was going to try changing my weightloss goal to 1.5 pounds a week instead of 1 ... but that lower daily calorie number scares me - I don't think I can do it. I guess for now I'll stick with the 1 pound a week goal. I hope I see some progress on the scale this week. I am definitely 'feeling' healthier, and my clothes are a little loser. I was just hoping to lose the pounds I gained in the last few month quicker. It's just not that easy.
    Blue, Purple, and everyone else feeling frustrated with their progress - HANG IN THERE! Think about all the progress you have made! We will make more progress, it is just a slower process than we might like - but that is the healthiest and best way to lose weight. There are many, many people that gain their lost weight back (including me) ... maintaining is WAY better than that!

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: good
    exercise: good - an hour of step
    water: good
    proud: that I'm sticking with it
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I've been off the boards all week but finally managed to read most of the posts last night and the rest this morning......phew!

    Jess - I'm SUPER EXCITED for you and your trip !!!!! I love that feeling, it's like Christmas for grown ups :heart: :drinker:
    Cool that you tried the cookies, as cookies go they are pretty healthy :bigsmile:
    What did you decide to cook tomorrow night?? I was thinking lasagne would be a great choice like Lauren said or even just a pasta bake. I do that regularly, just toss in penne or rigatoni and sauce, mozzarella for the basic then you can add extras like veggies or meat.....
    When it comes to your phone in Mexico - you can use it with precautions. All you need to do is switch the data roaming off, it's under settings/general/network. Once that is off it stops your phone from going online, using maps and checking email using 3G. You can still make and receive calls if you need to ( but will be expensive). Texts are usually the best option when abroad, will probably cost about 25cents per text but that's way cheaper than any phone call would be. AT&T can tell you their text rate from Mexico.
    Then, when you are wandering around, you can just hop into any Starbucks or McDonalds or any other place that has free wifi and go online.

    Purple, Blue and anyone who feels stalled right now - Here is what I think is key: When we stall, and we all will at some point during this journey, maybe more than once, the most important thing is to keep at it. Keeping at it may mean switching up your exercise pattern, your ratio of carbs/protein/fat or even making adjustments to your daily calories. Whatever it is try not to get down in the dumps and back on that vicious cycle of feeling bad - emotional eating - feeling worse and so on.
    In the past few days I've just made it out of my post holiday funk and feel mentally ready to move forward in a healthy manner. After gaining 7 lbs over the holidays I was mildly depressed and so ate more, mindless eating, and just not taking care of myself, not really exercising etc. Sometimes we all have those weeks when we did everything right and still either gain or stay flat. The only appropriate thing to do is KEEP AT IT !!:heart: !! Don't be like me over the past month and say eff it, I put on 7 lbs so I might as well eat two bars of chocolate. I know intellectually that I was an idiot for not just getting back on the healthy living bandwagon right after the holidays but the emotional and physical draw to food (especially sugar for me) can be so strong.
    DON"T BEAT YOURSELF UP, just keep going. Your weight loss may get VERY slow but it's still loss and not gain and that's what matters.
    Wow - that was quite the ramble.......:ohwell:

    LilDeb - So happy for you, well done getting that Cholesterol down :heart: :drinker: :heart:

    Julie - OMG !!!!!!!! SO happy for you having a girl and can't wait to start planning the online shower :heart: :bigsmile: :heart: :bigsmile:

    That's all my head can remember right now......