Over 200 New Year New me Part 43



  • purpleprose
    Purple - welcome to the world of difficult weight loss. I lost about the same as you when I hit that wall. Try not to be discouraged. The weight will keep coming off if you stick with it, it will just be much slower. That ends up being highly frustrating when you have been doing so well for so long and the weight was flying off. I guess that's why we all need support :heart:
    Next week might surprise you with a loss, you never know. My most typical experience has been dropping 0.2 - 0.4 lbs per week since I passed the 50lb lost mark which is sooooo slow but at least in the right direction. Oh and...... lost of sodium in that Mexican probably has you retaining water. Onwards and upwards Purple !!!!!

    Thanks, dear! I don't mind it slowing down as long as it doesn't stop all together! :heart:
    LADIES - I AM 169.5!! 16X!!!!!! I can't tell you the last time I was there. Well, yes, I can. It was during my undergrad dates (you know....8-10 years ago).

    Congrats!!!! That's so exciting!!
  • purpleprose
    Jess - have a GREAT time on your trip!! I hope you can check in using the hotel's wifi or business center. If you're worried about a smartphone, you can turn off international roaming and only use the internet when you have access to wifi (that's what I did in India).

    deb - congrats on your bloodwork and whatnot from the other day.

    Julie - Maisie is adorable. Very southern! I lost the plot a little bit where Charlotte comes in, and I think it's an adorable name too.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    My dad just called... they're taking my mom back to the ER. Adam and I (and the dog) are driving to Ohio tonight. (Have I mentioned how much I love him?)
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    tstout-Be safe driving tonight. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers!

    Purple-I have the iPhone so I did make sure that was turned off. Thank you for telling me how to do that! So I can still use the wifi feature if it's available. If I can check in I definitely will. Not sure how much we will be leaving the resort.
  • VeronicaanddMatt0605
    okay ladies

    checking in for yesterday

    cals good with exercise
    water 88oz
    exercise 45 minutes on treadmill
    proud that i am sticking with this and did not overeat when going out for Mexican last night

    as for my weigh in I lost 2.4 lbs with a percentage of 1.02 but I don't know how to copy on hubby's iPad

    Julie- I really like the name Charlotte and a girl from another board just named her baby girl Maisy with a y instead of the ie a unique name with a nice sound
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    I got you Veronica!

    Debra ...........+1.5.........0.0%
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hi girls,

    Im still in bed so Ill be quick! Im feeling somewhat better and I got meds today so hopefully will be 100% next week.

    Lauren- CONGRATS ON YOUR 169!!!! THATS AWESOME!!! (and my goal so Im jealous!):drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Allison- all of us old vets seemed to hit a slump around the 50lb mark, my best advice is to stick to it any loss even if its .00001 is better than a gain. I got really frustrated that my loss slowed down I stopped being careful and gained back 35lbs. I am not going to let it let me down again and I hope you dont either just stick with it , it WILL come off!!!

    Jess- have fun! im gonna miss u sister!:heart:

    I lost .8 since my last weigh in so Im at 212.2.... that means I am 2.2lbs away from my January goal of 210...it was an agressive goal at 15lbs so Im glad I even got close! My Febryary goal was 200 so that means 12.2 in February! ahhhh! gotta work hard!!

  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Debra ...........+1.5.........0.0%
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Great job to those of you who lost this week. For those of you who gained or stayed the same, we'll get 'em next week!

    Lauren: Yay to being in the 160s. Like Cris, I'm also jealous!

    Jess: Have a blast on your vacation! My 5k is at 10am tomorrow, but I have to sign in around 9am. I'm a little excited, a little bit nervous but am so happy the temp is going to be in the high 20s/low 30s!

    Teresa: My thoughts are with you and your family. Take care and safe travels.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Laure - YAY :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    16anything is awesome.
    Can't wait to get back down there with you
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Lauren -- You're awesome. I dream of my weight being 16x! Don't think I've seen that since *middle* school (but I WILL see by this time next year!).

    Teresa -- Thinking of you. I hope your mom is feeling better soon. :flowerforyou:

    Cris -- It's awesome that you lost weight even though you've had a stressful/sick week!

    Veronica -- Way to go on the 2.4 pounds this week!

    Allison -- I guess Maisie does sound a little southern. Though I've lived in the south all my life & I've never met anyone with the name. I won't be pairing it with "Lynn" or "Lou" or any of your other typical southern middle names, either. Scott told me to shut up when I even started suggesting names like that (in jest... while speaking in a very thick southern accent, of course). He said I was ruining Maisie for him altogether. :laugh: I was actually thinking of Maisie as more Scottish than southern. After all, our last name IS McCombs. :tongue:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Thanks for the love my dears! I'm very excited to see that 169.5. However, next week is going to be rough as I'm going to an all you can eat ribs and all you can drink beer event (yup, so shouldn't have even bought that one!!) on Monday. That just means I have the rest of the week to work it off!

    I also wanted to echo the 50 lb plateau. I was pretty much stalled around 50 lbs from October - January. The most important part was that I didn't gain, but maintained. Don't let plateaus get you down. They happen to everyone!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Debra ...........+1.5.........0.0%

    Yeah! Happy to see a loss on the scale! I was worried because I was never 'hungry' this week, and usually I have to be a bit hungry to see a loss on the scale. I must be eating better.

    tstout: Drive safely and I'll be thinking of you and your mother.
    Cris: I hope you are feeling better soon.
    HeatherMN: I would be giddy too if my scale said 184! (just had to say that :wink: ), or 169.5 - good for you elmox!
    Have a nice weekend all!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Debra ...........+1.5.........0.0%

    I'm getting there, girls! SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWLY, but (almost) surely! Only five more to go before I make an honest ticker!

    Deb- I have thyroid issues. I take 175mgs of synthroid a day. My endocrinologist told me that once I got my thyroid in check I would start dropping weight fast. That did NOT happen. But the meds helped me in many other ways - like my skin is much better now, I don't lose handfuls of hair every time I wash my hair, and the huge lump in my throat is gone. So I am totally in favor of taking my synthroid. It is amazing how important your thyroid is. Congrats on getting the closing date! It will be here before you know it!

    Julie - I miss one day and already it's a girl and names are flying around! LOL I ADORE the name Maisie. I know you are probably not interested in my name references, but look up the song "Amazing Mayzie" from the musical SEUSSICAL on youtube. Sorry - it's the first thing that pops in my head when I hear the name Maisie! Great character and great song! LOL I also like Charlotte and Eleanor. Great names!!!

    Jess - I am probably too late to wish you happy times but nevertheless have a great trip filled with happy times! Godspeed!

    Teresa - I am praying for you and your mother.

    Lauren - wooohooo on the 160's!!! Wow. I'm trying to think about when I weighed that little....I think I was in my early twenties when I was starving myself. LOL So happy you are there the right way!!!

    Congrats to all who posted this week!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    check in:

    cals: under by 100
    water: almost 100
    exercise: 30 minute walk
    proud: I had to buy donuts this morning for this little "graduation" of sorts for a few of our students. I almost flipped OUT at how GREAT those 2 dozen smelled - fresh right out of the oven, still hot!!! I did NOT eat one single donut!!! A miracle!!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    omg donuts!!! and u didnt even have a bite?! thats AMAZING! Good for you!

    Im drooling over here thinking about them! night night girls!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good morning ladies! Wanted to pop in and say hello to my weight loss sisters! I'm about to head off to the airport. I will miss you all dearly! Lots of stories and pictures when I return! have a great week y'all!
  • VeronicaanddMatt0605
    Good Morning,

    Jess have a safe and wonderful trip enjoy the sun

    Lauren- thanks for adding my weight in I'm back on the regular laptop now so I should be able to do it from now on also great job on being in the 160's I think I was in middle school the last time I saw that number

    Julie- thanks for the congrats I'm trying really hard to get some of this weight off

    Blue- great job on the 5lbs I know it's weight that you had previously lost but I think it still counts because no matter how many times we gain and then have to lose the same weight it's still just as hard to lose also great job on not eating those donuts you have willpower of steel

    asfm- I got into a little bit too much snacking yesterday afternoon but I still managed to stay under on calories by not eating too much at dinner and exercising last night

    checking in for yesterday

    cals- under with exercise
    water- over90oz lots for me
    exercise 45 min on treadmill
    proud- that even though I did too much snacking on junk in the afternoon I still exercised and planned for dinner to stay within cals
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Hehe, I finally had a chance to look at Momma's "ruffled mess" and Cris's future Steeler. :love:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Veronica, I hear what you're saying about the five counting. I do count them, but not toward our BL list because I've already counted those five! Several times! LOL

    And you, Veronica, are our BL! Yay!!! I can't wait to hear what challenge you are going to give us for this week! :flowerforyou:

    Gotta go sing! Have a great weekend, sisters!!! :heart: