Over 200 New Year New me Part 43



  • chopsusie
    Hi ladies! This looks like a fun group. I started a year ago at 280 and was down to 206. Back up again and now trying to get back on track. Could use a little motivation and some friends to help. Have a great weekend! :smile:
  • VeronicaanddMatt0605
    HI Susie welcome to the group I am relatively new to the group as well. Great job on the weight loss. I think that you will really like this group all these women are so nice and supportive.

    Blue I can't believe it I'm the bl okay so now I need to come up with a challange. hmmm

    This week's challange is to log all of your food and exercise everyday this week and come on and report it on this board.

    checking in for yesterday

    cals good I ate pizza and wings brought over by fil ate too much but still didn't go over cals but I could tell it was very salty lots of lemon water for me today
    exercise none this was my rest day although I had wanted to take the dog for a walk but didn't have time
    water 72oz
    proud- that I'm still on track even after eating too much pizza last night usually when I overeat I quit eating healthy and tracking my food this time I'm trying to make things more realistic so that I can do this forever not just for a week or a couple of months that's one of the reasons I like this group so much most of you ladies have continued to come on here and stay at this for a very long time and I admire that
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Yesterday's check-in:
    Cals - Over by 160 = 1360
    Water - Under = 40 oz
    Exercise - Mile walk
    Proud - Had pizza last night, logged it first so I knew I couldn't have more than one slice.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Welcome, chopsusie! You will like it here. :flowerforyou: We log in every day with calories, water, exercise and something we are proud of. But we have been slacking in that, including MYSELF, which is why Veronica's challenge is PERFECT for us this week! Thanks, Veronica!

    check in:
    calories: 1800, which is under for me. BUT....I am going to a birthday dinner and planned for a piece of cake.
    water: 100
    exercise: 15 minutes of an iFit elliptical race; 30 minutes elliptical
    proud: I tried my first elliptical iFit race. LOL I barely made fifteen minutes, but at least I tried! It's amazing how many calories you burn on level 15 of the elliptical! :noway: I usually do level 2!!!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hello my friends! I love this weeks challenge because I surely need it to get back on track! :tongue:

    I have my date for the mastectomy - it's March 9th. I really REALLY wanted to be down 50 lbs by then but I'm not going to let my weight make me delay this again. At least I'm down enough that my blood pressure is OK :ohwell: I'm more worried about financial challenges (8 weeks at 60% pay) than I am the physical part of the surgery.

    I went back to the gym this weekend. Following my doctor's advice I spent 2 hours there - 1/2 hour walking and the rest on a bike keeping my heart rate up but not really high. She said if I can only get to the gym once a week - make it a marathon of moderate effort. Ouch! I went back today and walked a mile. Tomorrow morning I'm hoping to be on the elliptical before Meghan gets up for school.

    Checking in for today -
    Calories - a little under (after I eat dinner anyway)
    Water - excellent
    Exercise - 30 minute walk

    Proud - that I'm going back to the gym.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    GOod morning girls.

    I did soo not do good this weekend, i was scared to even get on the scale this morning...I am just in a funk about eating and exercising , and i don't know why. I am sure it has something to do with all this stress about the house.

    Everything is FInal!! we are moving 2 months from today !! :noway:

    We got the paper signed saturday for the extra rent money, and talked to them and she said she would arrange 03/31 closing .

    I did do my taxes and it is filed and accepted at the IRS< so getting my money on the 11th of febuary, that is a big chunk of my money that i need for closing, but still need some more of saving in feb and march to make it happen.

    Not to mention i look at the house and want to cry, i have packed like 13 boxes and i don't even have a dent in it. ..I know i have 2 months but i am soo much a planner ...did i mention hubby DOES NOT PACK.. Yeah 3 moves in the last 5 years and i can probably count on 1 hand how many boxes he has actually packed. I will say he does help unpack , and of course he moves alot of them(expecially up the stairs, and he will move them down) since i am weak that helps...but at least the girls are more than eager to help pack the boxes !!

    Of course they want to pack everything they see...

    anyway...just my weekly, or daily freaking out that i am moving in 2 months. I know come march you guys will be sick of me...it just is probably the most exciting thing in a long time ..we went out this weekend and was able to actually walk through it for the 1st time with walls (well exterior walls) and i can't believe this is going to be ours!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Deb: Yay for the closing!! Moving is always such a chore, so my thoughts are definitely with you on this one! I've now gone 4 years without moving and it's been great!

    Chopsusie: Welcome to the group!

    Nancy: Great job on avoiding the doughnuts! So proud of you!

    Veronica: Congrats on being our biggest loser for the week. Love the challenge. I log everything on the Weight Watchers website, but log in here as much as I can to chat!

    As many of you know, I ran my first 5k this weekend!! My official time was 40:09 and I actually won a medal for 3rd place in my age/gender bracket of six people. Woo Hoo! The course was even hilly, which I didn't know beforehand. The race actually started by going uphill! Yikes. But, I jogged along to my music and told myself how awesome I was. It wasn't until about 1.5 miles in that it got difficult because of another uphill portion that had 2" of slush, so it felt like running in sand. I walked a 1/2 mile at that point, but picked it right back up when the footing got better. I ended up behind a woman who had a great pace, so I followed her the remaining mile or so. Thankfully, the finish line was downhill, so I kicked it into high gear and gave it my all as soon as I could see the finish line. It really was exhilarating! It was a really cool feeling to have the announcer say my name as I crossed the finish line. Walking back to the car, I started crying because I was so unbelievably proud of myself.

    Thanks to all of you for your support and encouragement. It means the world to me and as I was crossing the finish line, I thought about how I couldn't wait to tell you all that I'd completed it!
  • VeronicaanddMatt0605
    Hello Ladies,

    lildeb- I know how stressful moving can be but at least you have your dates set hopefully you can get everything ready to go without too much stress

    blue- that great about the exercise it seems sometimes we have to push ourselves just to remind us that we can actually do this

    elmox- great job planning for the pizza I know that I have been doing that too and it feels so good to plan out what you're going to eat ahead of time and not have to feel guilty for eating pizza desserts etc

    mstahl- that's great that you're getting back to the gym I know that for me working out has really helped me to feel a lot better and I pray that everything goes well for you with your surgery

    checking in for yesterday

    cals- under
    water- 72oz
    exercise- 45min on treadmill
    proud- that I realized maybe my body isn't quite ready to jog and have stuck to just walking instead of being really dissappointed and not doing anything I really want to run but I don't feel too well afterwards and I feel great when I get done walking so I think right now I'm just a little too heavy and out of shape to run but it's on my list and I plan to work up to that
  • VeronicaanddMatt0605
    Heather that's fantastic that you ran the 5k. I would love to do one. It sounds like you had fun and you did a great job it really must have been great to hear your name announced and get a medal. Talk about something to be proud of. Congrats
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Morning Ladies :)

    I have a lot of catching up to do...I am so suprised I am still part of this (traveling weight loss sista) group (meaning *you ladies* didn't kick me out). Sorry I haven't posted in about 2 weeks...lots of family things going on..

    Gonna go catch up. be back later to post :)
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: HOORAY HEATHER!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker:

    Pos, we'll never kick you out!! Happy to see you again!

    Checking in from yesterday:
    Cals - Over by about 300. Not too awful....
    Water - Under. 40 oz
    Exercise - Walked about a mile, nothing special.
    Proud - We ordered Chinese food last night and I stopped before I was full, with lots of food leftover. This is a pretty major accomplishment for me as usually I clean my plate. (Bad Lauren!) I also wrote up my talk/testimony for next Sunday. OH, that reminds me that yesterday at church someone mentioned how trim I looked. She said she hadn't realized it since she usually sees me in coats or something. Always nice to hear someone notice you're losing!
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Love this weeks challenge - need it!

    Checking in for Saturday -
    Calories - ??? didn't get them logged, but I tried to eat healthy except the red wine
    Water - excellent
    Exercise - none
    Proud - was at a party and didn't chow down

    Checking in for Sunday -
    Calories - right on
    Water - excellent
    Exercise - 30 minutes interval on stationary bicycle/5 minutes elliptical
    Proud - the new clothes I purchased via an on-line clearance sale came and fit (one pair sz 14 pants!)