Over 200 New Year New me Part 43



  • purpleprose
    You all are the best. THanks for the encouragement!

    We'll see how the next week or so goes...I am willing to be patient for a few weeks as there is a lot going on right now with my life and diet and my body is hopefully just adjusting.

    Jess - have an AWESOME time in Mexico! I'm super jealous.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    meokk-The cookies were delicious!! I used whole grain oats as well. My family loved them. Pretty sure they were gone in about 2 days. Sweets don't last in my house. That's why I bake as little as possible. Thanks for the info on my phone in Mexico! I went and made sure that setting was turned off and it is! Dinner tomorrow, I'm either making a lasagna or I'm going to grill a chicken. My Dad makes this chicken that is fab..You season the chicken and then take a can of beer (after you drink half) and stick it up the chickens butt (sorry but that's the only way to describe it) and you set it on the grill and let it cook. It's so tender and juicy and delicious. My best friends Mom is making a big salad so I'm just thinking of another side or two that would go with whatever meal I decide to make!

    lstapaul-An hour of step!? That's amazing. That class still intimidates me! Glad you are sticking with your plan! Stay away from the cookies. I know you can do it!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Hi all, I read this article on my way into work today. I think the stuff about mindset and not letting yourself rationalize more eatling (like meokk was referring to) is really interesting.

  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    lstpaul-An hour of step!? That's amazing. That class still intimidates me! Glad you are sticking with your plan! Stay away from the cookies. I know you can do it!
    I really enjoy my step class - so that isn't hard for me to get motivated to do. The days I don't have step (like today) are my hard days to come up with some exercise. I've got to do something today because I just logged all the food I brought to eat today at work and I will only have a little over 100 cals left for supper if I don't gain some exercise calories! I am volunteering at a book fair at school tonight so won't have time then. I don't really want to walk outside in the cold and snow ... maybe I'll hit a mall at lunch and walk for 45-60 minutes. I've done that with a friend before - but not alone, but I can do it.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    She did say my thryoid was high. She said it was on the border, she said we can start meds now or we can wait for 6 weeks and rehceck it. I said lets wait and re-check. I don't know alot about thryoid but i have heard it can cuase issues on weightloss. I didn't want to jump on the med route quite yet, if it is still high in 6 weeks i am sure they will want me on something. Anyone else have thryoid issues??

    Deb, way to go on those lab results!! Awesome!

    I found out last September that my TSH levels were borderline high. Thyroid issues run in my family. I haven't been to the doc about the results of my labwork though since the TSH was the only thing that was even a little off. I was going to look into it further if I had fertility issues since thyroid funciton can affect that but... um... that obviously wasn't any kind of issue whatsoever considering as soon as we even seriously thought about trying I was pregnant. :laugh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    Julie-Does this mean it's time for maternity clothes!?

    Oh yeah. I have one of those bands so I can keep wearing some of my regular pants but I've also purchased a few pairs of maternity pants (not the full panel kind... can't bring myself to do that yet) over the last couple of weeks (Old Navy was having a mega sale so my "thriftiness" was satisfied). I'm in a pair today. Soooo much better! They're so comfy I can't figure out why everyone doesn't wear maternity pants all the time. :laugh:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie: When I was at my fattest, I seriously considered buying maternity pants because they looked comfy and would hide my chubby belly. Then, I decided if anyone knew I was wearing maternity pants when not pregnant, I'd be ridiculed for life...it was enough to deter me.

    Allison: I forgot to mention that although my number on the scale was stalled for almost 9 months, I dropped 12 inches!! So, please take your measurements and think about the non-scale victories such as increased stamina, being able to lift more weight, lower resting heart rate, etc. I couldn't see the inches, but everyone else could, so keep that in mind!! Don't give up!!

    Teresa: Glad to hear your mom is going to be okay. I'm with you...I'd be bawling my eyes out if anything was wrong with my mom, especially if I were far away from her. I was scared for months (and still am sometimes) after my mom's sister had a heart attack and suddenly passed away. I can't imagine if I feel this way about my mom, what it would be like to worry about a child! Oh, and the Truvia songs are sung by the wacky, ukulele-playing babysitter in Raising Hope.

    Ladeb: I hear you on the sabotage. It's still a struggle for me not to eat to reward myself for a good weigh-in. It's coming slowly. I try to do what Jess does and reward myself with things like new workout clothes, haircut, workout DVDs, and new clothes when I hit goals (scale or non-scale victories!). Put a list of things together that you want, but aren't necessities and make yourself reach a goal before you do/buy them.

    Lauren: Thanks for the website suggestion. I'll have to check it out!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Points: On Target!
    Water: 80 oz.
    Exercise: None, super sore quads and hamstrings from Boot Camp!
    Proud: I had 1 point left over, but didn't eat just to eat. I listened to my stomach telling me it was full!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Oh, and the Truvia songs are sung by the wacky, ukulele-playing babysitter in Raising Hope.

    That makes me SO happy! I love her songs!!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Juile - WTG on the maternity pants i had the full pannel ones just because the other ones wouldfit weird on my big tummy but if i wasn't soo large when i was pregant i might of gone for the other ones...I really could of worn them all the time, i had to packup /sell them or i would of worn them alot

    Got pics from our builder lady (she is the most awesome) the whole freaking house is closed in, we got a roof (well plywood , they are working on shingle still) and walls and windows...Those on FB i put pics up there. This has me soo excited and nervous...They are moving soo freaking fast and i am really glad our house is getting closer as a reality. ...but then the reality of the $$ has me soo nervous...i just want to get this out of the way so i can start really getting excited about moving.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Ugh, I apologize for the constant baby talk. But that's kind of what consumes me right now. :embarassed:

    We've been working on a name. We pretty much started from scratch because we haven't been able to even think about girl names. We were pretty much set with a boy name.

    So, I think I've talked dh into Maisie. I still think it's cutesy but, screw it, I like it and she could go by Mai or her middle name or something when she's older if she has a problem with it. :laugh: Dh's middle name is Alan and we were going to go with that as the middle name for a boy. I don't care for it very much but dh loves it. So, brilliant me is trying to sneak it into our daughter's name so we can't use it if we have a son. Shhh. :tongue: I came up with Alana (hate), Elaine (runs together too much with Maisie), and Eileen (not crazy about it). Then I came across Alaine.

    Maisie Alaine McCombs. My only concern is the 2 sets of ai's. Is it too much? We'll change our minds a billion times in the next few months anyway so I don't know why I'm bothering to ask. But, yeah, brutally honest feedback and/or suggestions, please! :flowerforyou:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Julie - I like that name , i don't the the "ai" really is a big deal, (unless you really don't like it). I think it is very pretty and not something you hear all the time.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Julie, usually I'm "ugh/eh" on folks reworking the spelling of a name. However, since you're connecting it w/DH's name, then there's a little more leeway there.

    This might have stemmed from working in public schools for 2 years and admissions for 3 years and seeing all the weird names/spellings that people come up with.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Juile - Okay i have to get a giggle out of your baby ticker:

    "Time for my ultrasound and the answer to that nagging question : Do i have a hotdog or a cheeseburger "
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Julie, usually I'm "ugh/eh" on folks reworking the spelling of a name. However, since you're connecting it w/DH's name, then there's a little more leeway there.

    This might have stemmed from working in public schools for 2 years and admissions for 3 years and seeing all the weird names/spellings that people come up with.

    Oh no, I tend to feel that way, too! I almost vomitted when my SIL's sister named her baby Ellasyn last month (of course I never would say anything to her unless she had asked!). But Alaine isn't some effed up spelling of Elaine that I just made up. :laugh: It's an already existing name of Gaelic/Celtic origin. It's also of French origin, used as the feminine form of Alain. Promise. :smile:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Julie, usually I'm "ugh/eh" on folks reworking the spelling of a name. However, since you're connecting it w/DH's name, then there's a little more leeway there.

    This might have stemmed from working in public schools for 2 years and admissions for 3 years and seeing all the weird names/spellings that people come up with.

    Oh no, I tend to feel that way, too! I almost vomitted when my SIL's sister named her baby Ellasyn last month (of course I never would say anything to her unless she had asked!). But Alaine isn't some effed up spelling of Elaine that I just made up. :laugh: It's an already existing name of Gaelic/Celtic origin. It's also of French origin, used as the feminine form of Alain. Promise. :smile:

    Well......OK then. :bigsmile:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Nala would be cute........Alan backwards
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Nala would be cute........Alan backwards

    Hmmm, hadn't even considered it. I'll run it by the hubs. We may be a little too irish/scottish to pull it off but I LOVE the suggestion!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie-I love the name. I think it sounds beautiful and flows really well.

    Deb-Isn't it so neat to watch the process of your house being built? We use to drive out to see the house almost every other day when my parents were building our house. So excited for you!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Julie-I love the name. I think it sounds beautiful and flows really well.

    Deb-Isn't it so neat to watch the process of your house being built? We use to drive out to see the house almost every other day when my parents were building our house. So excited for you!!

    We would drive out every day if we could. If it was diferent time of the year we might. jeremy doesn't get hjome until 5:30 , ther eis horrible traffic by the time we get up there it would be like 6 and then it is dark :sad: so we can only get up ther eon the weekends...boooo...but lucikily our sales lady is awesome and takes pics and sends them to us .
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie: I love the name.You know I'm brutally honest when it comes to names, so there you go. It must be a good one!