Last 10 lb CHALLENGE!!! Join me?



  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Well ...... I finally bought Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and all I have to say is ....... WOW!!!

    I have only done it twice (level one, of course) and boy can I feel it!!!! I am using 3 pound hand weights (because that is all that I have right now) and my arms DEFINITELY get tired during it!!

    Amanda - you have been telling me for a long time to get it and all I have to say is THANK YOU for pursuading me!!!! I love it so far and I haven't even seen levels 2 or 3 yet!! Do you do it everyday? every other day? or what do you do?? Also - I do not have a HRM so I'm not sure how many calories I'm burning doing it (it definitely gets my heart rate up and I sweat a lot during it) .... so what would you consider this - High Impact Aerobics?? I think that's what I put it as and I believe it said that I burned 145 calories - is that right? or close? I guess my next big purchase is going to be a HRM!!

    :tongue: :flowerforyou: :tongue: :flowerforyou:

    I LOVE the Shred!!! Glad you got it!!! I was *planning* on doing it everyday, but then summer came, and I got lazy (my exercise has been swimming with the kids, and chasing them, with a run here and there). I was doing the Shred every other day, because I was finding myself a little sore and needed a rest day (I was using 10lb hand weights (20lbs total) and found my upper body took a beating).

    I think once I get home from the cottage (Sept 1) that I'm going to do it everyday! Would you be up for starting that actual "30 Day Shred" with me? The idea (according to Jillian) is that if you do the video every day for 30 days you lose 20 lbs!!! I was hoping to lose 5 or 8 in 30 days... what do you think? We could check in here? I think that might help motivate me to get my butt in gear!

    Oh - which levels - you are supposed to "progress" through them (right?) but I was thinking that I might alternate them to give the opposite muscle groups a break! Another tip: after the first couple of time of doing it, I used my MP3 player instead of listening to the cheesy DVD music! It made the workout more enjoyable!

    Great idea on the 30 Day Shred Challenge - I just posted on that thread too!! I might try level 2 today - just to get used to it and then alternate once the challenge really starts in September. I agree with using the MP3 - I'll have to try that!!

    Oh - and what do you log it under - do you think I'm right in logging it under high impact aerobics or should it be something else? Does 145 calories burned sound right - the way I sweat and feel my heart rate up it feels like it should be like 500 calories ....... just kidding (I wish)!! :tongue:

    Oh, sorry, I forgot to answer you about the calories logged... I have a heart rate monitor, so I just log my total calories under "aerobics". I think you would LOVE the heart rate monitor - it really helps to motivate me to exercise. I got the basic polar 5 - it has everything I need, and it's only $99 in Canada, and I've heard you can pick it up in the US for around $70-$80. When I go for a run, I love to check the readings - helps to pass the time sometimes!
  • FitShark
    FitShark Posts: 68
    Hello Everyone!
    WAY TO GO ALL! It looks like everyone is making progress....:flowerforyou:
    It has been hectic around my place for the past week, with kids visiting, my oldest son going away (somewhat un-announced! agghh! those crazy 19 yr olds.....just as frustrating as the stubborn 8 yr old!!) So I had to let a ltittle go, and didnt have time to log everythng, and some days only got half of my workouts done....but not to worry! I know I can pick up where I left off! Basically, I didnt gain anything which I was worried about. I have to learn to relax a bit! I have come a long way, and I am officially UNDER the "LAST 10"!!! I have the Last 7 to go! :happy: So I am off to workout and get my day started...lots to do! Take care everyone!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Hello Everyone!
    WAY TO GO ALL! It looks like everyone is making progress....:flowerforyou:
    It has been hectic around my place for the past week, with kids visiting, my oldest son going away (somewhat un-announced! agghh! those crazy 19 yr olds.....just as frustrating as the stubborn 8 yr old!!) So I had to let a ltittle go, and didnt have time to log everythng, and some days only got half of my workouts done....but not to worry! I know I can pick up where I left off! Basically, I didnt gain anything which I was worried about. I have to learn to relax a bit! I have come a long way, and I am officially UNDER the "LAST 10"!!! I have the Last 7 to go! :happy: So I am off to workout and get my day started...lots to do! Take care everyone!

    You are one hot mama to have a 19yr and 8yr old!!! Good that you've not stressed about loosening up a bit! I've basically taken the summer "off" and while I've exercised and eaten healthfully, I've over done the calories a bit. The good news is that I haven't gained anything back - which means I can maintain this weight loss! That is great news for all of us who are at a plateau!!!

    Have a great week, and congrats on getting below the 10lbs! 7lbs is nothing - you will have it off in no time!
  • FitShark
    FitShark Posts: 68
    GOOD MORNING! (its early and I have to pump myself up somehow to get Monday going!)

    Thanks AJCM! But really, the 8 yr old is my stepdaughter, sooooo .....19 yrs of going up and down on the scale and "fitness-slide" was enough for me, and approaching 40 made me really concentrate on getting fit and healthy. I had an LCIS ( level 0 brast cancer) removed 3 1/2 yrs ago, a bout with lyme disease for a few years, and now a bunch of "feminine issues" to knock me off my feet every now and was time to get it done, off to KENPOX+ my way to a jog with the dog. HAppy day everyone!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    GOOD MORNING! (its early and I have to pump myself up somehow to get Monday going!)

    Thanks AJCM! But really, the 8 yr old is my stepdaughter, sooooo .....19 yrs of going up and down on the scale and "fitness-slide" was enough for me, and approaching 40 made me really concentrate on getting fit and healthy. I had an LCIS ( level 0 brast cancer) removed 3 1/2 yrs ago, a bout with lyme disease for a few years, and now a bunch of "feminine issues" to knock me off my feet every now and was time to get it done, off to KENPOX+ my way to a jog with the dog. HAppy day everyone!

    Sorry to hear about all that you've been through, but glad you are in fighting form now!!!!
  • FitShark
    FitShark Posts: 68
    Defiantely in fight form! I have come to my own conclusion, and it sounds so silly because so many others say things like this, but, you just have to keep your head up and move on! If it didnt kill you, it made you stonger....etc, it took me a while to get here, but its what i belive