Last 10 lb CHALLENGE!!! Join me?



  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member

    These last 8lbs are stickin' like GLUE!!!! :grumble:


    Oh Kris, you're singing my song girl!!! Is it possible that you are already slim enough? You look tiny.

    I think I need to pump up the exercise. But I feel that this is my week to lose!!! I'm going to really focus on great quality food, and eating a little more and exercising more, hoping to boost the metabolism!

    O girl!!!! I probably look thin b/c my weight is carried mostly in my lower body... but I'll take the compliment - thank you! You look great too!!! You don't look like you need to lose any more either.

    I am my own worst enemy... for sure!! I just need to get serious!!!

    Hahaha! Sounds we have a similar shape! I also need to get serious, and really commit to being strick about losing this last little bit. My grandmother is very ill in hospital (she's like a mom to me) so I've been eating out of stress and emotion!!!! UGH!!!!

    Have a good night ladies!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member

    These last 8lbs are stickin' like GLUE!!!! :grumble:


    Oh Kris, you're singing my song girl!!! Is it possible that you are already slim enough? You look tiny.

    I think I need to pump up the exercise. But I feel that this is my week to lose!!! I'm going to really focus on great quality food, and eating a little more and exercising more, hoping to boost the metabolism!

    O girl!!!! I probably look thin b/c my weight is carried mostly in my lower body... but I'll take the compliment - thank you! You look great too!!! You don't look like you need to lose any more either.

    I am my own worst enemy... for sure!! I just need to get serious!!!

    Hahaha! Sounds we have a similar shape! I also need to get serious, and really commit to being strick about losing this last little bit. My grandmother is very ill in hospital (she's like a mom to me) so I've been eating out of stress and emotion!!!! UGH!!!!

    Have a good night ladies!
  • momandwife
    momandwife Posts: 151 Member
    I am here!!! I weighed in on my Tuesday weigh in and after my weekend where I exercised more than I have in the past (because my husband and kids were out of town) .......... I GAINED 0.5 pounds!!! 138.5!! UGH!!! I guess my hopes were up too high. I am thinking of changing my weigh in day to Thursday because I seem to weigh less later in the week (yes, I am addicted to my scale). It's probably just mind games though. I have read in Prevention magazine that people who weigh everyday tend to lose more weight because they are more aware of where they are (if they are up a pound then they tend to exercise more that day to make up for it) ...... again, probably mind games!!

    On Tuesday our family went to an amusement park and we walked for 7 hours ..... I forgot to wear my pedometer though - that would have been interesting to see how many steps we walked - plus we took the stroller so my husband and I were taking turns pushing that (more calories .... chi-ching!!) This morning (Wednesday) I weighed and was at 137.5 ..... and then I did 30 minutes of Tae-Bo!!

    On Tuesday I also took my measurements but I haven't had time to plug those into MFP yet to see where I stand with that ..... I'll let you know!!

    Well - we are taking the kids to see Kung Fu Panda this afternoon so I better shower and get ready to go ........ oh, the temptation of movie theater popcorn ..... UGH!! We'll see how I do!! :tongue:

    I will check in later!!! Have a great day!!! :flowerforyou:

    AJCM - oh, those firefighters ..... wooooo hooooo!!! Not bad to look at heh?? :tongue:

    You're doing GREAT!!! Keep it up (can you take one of those 100cal packs of popcorn with you? I usually take one in my purse, with a can of diet coke, and a plastic beer cup with ice in a zip loc baggie!

    Enjoy Panda - let me know if you think it appropriate for a 1.5yr and 3.5yr old!

    Kung Fu Panda ........ was okay (for my husband & I) ........ the kids loved it (7 y/o son & 4 y/o daughter). Your 3.5 y/o will probably like it but it may be a bit much for your 1.5 y/o. But there is enough action and activity going on the screen that it will probably keep the 1.5 y/o's attention too.

    I was proud of myself - I only had 2 handfuls of popcorn - the kids and my husband ate the rest. :happy:

    Keep on going everyone!!!! Drink your water!!!! :tongue:
  • gaelbrady
    gaelbrady Posts: 68 Member
    10 pounds. That's what I'm trying to take off. Exactly. It's the hardest to get off and I've been yo-yoing on the weight each day. So...I'll join in on the last 10 pounds challenge!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    10 pounds. That's what I'm trying to take off. Exactly. It's the hardest to get off and I've been yo-yoing on the weight each day. So...I'll join in on the last 10 pounds challenge!

    Welcome! Share as little or as much as you like about your plan and your day to day dieting.
  • chimpoco
    chimpoco Posts: 193

    I've been MIA for a while. I kinda fell off the wagon, but I'm back. I read somewhere (probably here) that just because you forget to brush your teeth one night, doesn't mean you quit brushing them forever. Whoever said that has inspired me.

    I'm so pround and happy to see that everyone is doing well!
    Keep up the good work!!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member

    I've been MIA for a while. I kinda fell off the wagon, but I'm back. I read somewhere (probably here) that just because you forget to brush your teeth one night, doesn't mean you quit brushing them forever. Whoever said that has inspired me.

    I'm so pround and happy to see that everyone is doing well!
    Keep up the good work!!

    Welcome back! Isn't getting close to your goal all about learning to live normally? You gotta fall off that wagon sometimes - that is real life! :flowerforyou: :tongue:

    I don't want to jinx myself for Monday's weigh in, but I peeked at the scale this morning, and it looks like 2lbs are gone! Woo hoo! (trying to be reserved until official weigh in day)...
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Ladies - are we still in??? It's been 10 days since we checked in! I'm down 2lbs in the last two weeks!!! Yay!!!

    * 5 * lbs to go!!!

    How's everyone doing out there? We are so close!!! WE CAN DO THIS!!!!
  • KrisKabob
    KrisKabob Posts: 1,250 Member
    Hey AJ! I'm here and keepin' tabs on this thread... BUT sadly I am not losing yet. In fact, I weighed this morning and it looks like I'm up a pound! :grumble: HOWEVER, i am not going to check it in b/c Aunt Flo is visiting - GO AWAY Aunt Flo... NO ONE LIKES YOU! :noway: Haha!

    Anyway, I don't know what my problem is... I just can't seem to get motivated for more than a half of a day. It's like I am so tired by the end of the day that I don't have any energy to workout. Plus, I haven't been eating the healthiest either.

    I seem to let TIME and FATIGUE get in my way of my healthy lifestyle. If I don't have time to make something healthy then I just don't eat or eat whatever I can to get by... I hate that cause I know I am doing myself wrong. As far as workouts go - I have been walking with my son in the evenings but nothing strenuous. What's my PROB!?!?!

    With that said I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! YOU LOOK SO GREAT!!! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK LITTLE LADY!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :heart: Kris
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Hey AJ! I'm here and keepin' tabs on this thread... BUT sadly I am not losing yet. In fact, I weighed this morning and it looks like I'm up a pound! :grumble: HOWEVER, i am not going to check it in b/c Aunt Flo is visiting - GO AWAY Aunt Flo... NO ONE LIKES YOU! :noway: Haha!

    Anyway, I don't know what my problem is... I just can't seem to get motivated for more than a half of a day. It's like I am so tired by the end of the day that I don't have any energy to workout. Plus, I haven't been eating the healthiest either.

    I seem to let TIME and FATIGUE get in my way of my healthy lifestyle. If I don't have time to make something healthy then I just don't eat or eat whatever I can to get by... I hate that cause I know I am doing myself wrong. As far as workouts go - I have been walking with my son in the evenings but nothing strenuous. What's my PROB!?!?!

    With that said I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! YOU LOOK SO GREAT!!! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK LITTLE LADY!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :heart: Kris

    Oh Kris, just hold on, we go throught his, right? I had days where I skipped the exercise, or had no energy, I just think that is part of life! Keep going as you are going! It will happen.

    Have a great day!
  • 2catowner
    2catowner Posts: 94
    I am still in.... was on vacation for a week, then it was that I haven't weighed in about 2-1/2 wks. I am going to weigh in on Friday....I just hope I didn't gain anything while I was on vacation. :tongue:
    I'm glad you are doing good AJ-- you inspire the rest of us! :wink:
  • samiam147
    samiam147 Posts: 4
    Ok Im in too!! i need to lose my last 10lbs of baby weight!! I need to lose it by the 24th of July for vacation! UUGGHHH. I have 2 kids and just cant seem to find the time to get the cardio in. Im trying so hard to dothis!!!:smile:
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    My other challenge is almost at an end so I would like to join this one...??? I have about 4 lbs to hit the original goal that I set for myself 8 months ago (can you believe I have been on this site for 8 months?!). Now that I have seen the results I believe I can drop an additional 5 lbs, for a total of 9 lbs left. I am getting married next April so that will, hopefully, keep me super motivated over the fall and winter.
    Are you checking in weekly, biweekly, whenever...?

    Here are my stats as of now:

    Start MFP (Nov 07) - 182.5
    Today 143.5
    Goal - 135/140

    Have a good holiday weekend!!:drinker:
  • momandwife
    momandwife Posts: 151 Member

    I really felt like I was doing well ....... watching what I was eating, plus I really feel like I have exercised more than I have in a looooooong time - actually I know I have!! And yet - this morning low and behold I GAINED!!!!!! 1.5 pounds!!!!! :explode:

    Last week when I weighed I was 137 ....... today ...... 138.5 ........ UGH!!! :grumble:

    I just can't get over the hump.

    Okay ..... sorry .... had to blow off a little (okay - a lot) steam!! I remember when I was stuck at 141-143 for a few weeks and then it finally came off and I haven't been above 140 since that time. Thank goodness!!!

    It will come .... I know it will ...... Just don't let me give up ...... which means that no one else can give up either!!!!!

    OKAY .......... LET'S GO EVERYONE!!!! WE CAN DO IT!!!!!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    I am still in.... was on vacation for a week, then it was that I haven't weighed in about 2-1/2 wks. I am going to weigh in on Friday....I just hope I didn't gain anything while I was on vacation. :tongue:
    I'm glad you are doing good AJ-- you inspire the rest of us! :wink:

    Even if you did gain, no big deal, one week back on track will take care of any water/indulgences weight that might have crept on.... but, you might be seeing a loss!!! Fingers crossed, and lets have a great week of healthy eating and moving!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Ok Im in too!! i need to lose my last 10lbs of baby weight!! I need to lose it by the 24th of July for vacation! UUGGHHH. I have 2 kids and just cant seem to find the time to get the cardio in. Im trying so hard to dothis!!!:smile:

    Girl, you are singing my song.... I'm here losing baby weight (I have a 17 mo old and a 3yr old). These last few lbs are hanging on for dear life!!!

    Exercise - I get up before them in the morning (yeah, really early, ugh) and get a workout in. When they wake up, hubby takes then downstairs to do breakfast and dress them while I finish working out/showering, etc. Then I try and get another short workout (maybe Jillian Michael's Shred DVD - 20 min) in after they have gone to bed. Might those ideas work for you at all?

    Good luck and welcome to **The Last 10 Lbs!!!**
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    My other challenge is almost at an end so I would like to join this one...??? I have about 4 lbs to hit the original goal that I set for myself 8 months ago (can you believe I have been on this site for 8 months?!). Now that I have seen the results I believe I can drop an additional 5 lbs, for a total of 9 lbs left. I am getting married next April so that will, hopefully, keep me super motivated over the fall and winter.
    Are you checking in weekly, biweekly, whenever...?

    Here are my stats as of now:

    Start MFP (Nov 07) - 182.5
    Today 143.5
    Goal - 135/140

    Have a good holiday weekend!!:drinker:

    Welcome!!! You can check in as often or seldom as you like, and provide whatever stats/info you like to share!

    You are SOOOO close! Congrats on all the weight lost! Let's get these last few lbs off...
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member

    I really felt like I was doing well ....... watching what I was eating, plus I really feel like I have exercised more than I have in a looooooong time - actually I know I have!! And yet - this morning low and behold I GAINED!!!!!! 1.5 pounds!!!!! :explode:

    Last week when I weighed I was 137 ....... today ...... 138.5 ........ UGH!!! :grumble:

    I just can't get over the hump.

    Okay ..... sorry .... had to blow off a little (okay - a lot) steam!! I remember when I was stuck at 141-143 for a few weeks and then it finally came off and I haven't been above 140 since that time. Thank goodness!!!

    It will come .... I know it will ...... Just don't let me give up ...... which means that no one else can give up either!!!!!

    OKAY .......... LET'S GO EVERYONE!!!! WE CAN DO IT!!!!!

    You've got the right attitude girl!!! That 1.5 lbs could be anything - water weight, fluid retention in your muscles (have you been strength training) or any number of things... don't get too down... as long as you stick to the plan, you can only move in the right direction! Keep up the great work, and look back at all of your success since starting! :flowerforyou:
  • gaelbrady
    gaelbrady Posts: 68 Member
    I'm down 2 pounds...but this is a holiday weekend. I'm going to try to be good, but I'll be away from home so my workout schedule goes a bit wonky. Wish me luck!
  • 2catowner
    2catowner Posts: 94

    I really felt like I was doing well ....... watching what I was eating, plus I really feel like I have exercised more than I have in a looooooong time - actually I know I have!! And yet - this morning low and behold I GAINED!!!!!! 1.5 pounds!!!!! :explode:

    Last week when I weighed I was 137 ....... today ...... 138.5 ........ UGH!!! :grumble:

    I just can't get over the hump.

    Okay ..... sorry .... had to blow off a little (okay - a lot) steam!! I remember when I was stuck at 141-143 for a few weeks and then it finally came off and I haven't been above 140 since that time. Thank goodness!!!

    It will come .... I know it will ...... Just don't let me give up ...... which means that no one else can give up either!!!!!

    OKAY .......... LET'S GO EVERYONE!!!! WE CAN DO IT!!!!!

    You are exactly like me - I promise! Even your weight is the same. I swear--- even the 141 thing happened to me. It is SOOOOO frustrating. I have worked out like a maniac for 6 weeks. today I didn't -- I am exhausted.

    I really feel like we have to write down every little tidbit that goes in our mouth! :sad: It's absolutely crazy. I am usually a few calories over my limit everyday when I am honest! Lately it is the Cocktails and wine that is my problem!!!