Last 10 lb CHALLENGE!!! Join me?

AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
Hey MF Pals... Anyone want to join me to get those last 10 lbs off????? :tongue:

Okay, I've got to get this last 10 lbs off! I've lost nothing in the past 3 weeks...
Lots of research has concluded that I need to "shock" the body - mix it up with exercising 2x daily, and with a variety of activites that involve strength and cardio.

DIET: I'm going to try the "zig zagging" of my calories; tonnes of water and green tea; tonnes of fresh fruit and veg.

EXERCISE: Varied cardio every mornings (20-60 minutes - depending on what the kids will allow before they have melt downs); 20 minute strength/cardio combo at night (DVD - Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred - there are 3 workouts to progress through); 500 crunches daily

Wish me luck!!! :ohwell: :flowerforyou:


  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Hey MF Pals... Anyone want to join me to get those last 10 lbs off????? :tongue:

    Okay, I've got to get this last 10 lbs off! I've lost nothing in the past 3 weeks...
    Lots of research has concluded that I need to "shock" the body - mix it up with exercising 2x daily, and with a variety of activites that involve strength and cardio.

    DIET: I'm going to try the "zig zagging" of my calories; tonnes of water and green tea; tonnes of fresh fruit and veg.

    EXERCISE: Varied cardio every mornings (20-60 minutes - depending on what the kids will allow before they have melt downs); 20 minute strength/cardio combo at night (DVD - Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred - there are 3 workouts to progress through); 500 crunches daily

    Wish me luck!!! :ohwell: :flowerforyou:
  • elliott062907
    elliott062907 Posts: 1,508 Member
    well I have 60 lbs to go, but my new challange is to drop 10 by 7-4. I am in.
  • bli77
    bli77 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm in too! I have more than 10 lbs to go, but I'm setting a goal to lose 10 by July 1st. Starting to do cardio in the morning to kick start the plan.

    Good luck!
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    I am in. I am going to bump mine to 15 by July 1.
    Good luck all!!!!
  • shannonbanana
    shannonbanana Posts: 30 Member
    I'm in :smile: I have 10lbs left, exactly, that I want to lose...aiming for July 4th!!!

    WE CAN DO THIS!!!! :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • momandwife
    momandwife Posts: 151 Member
    I am definitely in!!!!!!!!!

    I'll keep my eye on this post ....... looking for motivation!! :tongue:

    Thank you .... what a great idea!!

    My personal goals .......
    1. Water, water and more water!!! (I am now a believer in water - I wasn't before)
    2. More fruits & veggies (I'm going to the store to stock up tomorrow)
    3. No more excuses for exercise ....... today's excuse was that my buns hurt so bad from yesterday's exercise that I took the day off. My plan for tomorrow is to wake up 30 minutes earlier than I usually do to hit the treadmill.
    4. Hmmmmm ...... I'll have to think on some more goals but those 3 should do it for now!!

    Thanks again for this challenge!! :flowerforyou:
  • IndigoElectron
    IndigoElectron Posts: 143 Member
    I'm in too! I have 9 pounds to go but get weighed tonight, so hopefully I will have lost a bit since last week :tongue:

    I'm also doing the zig-zag approach but not intentionally, I just go over some days so try to cut back on others.
    I'm upping my exercise and joined the gym properly now so will be going at least 3 times a week, as well as walking 30 minutes a day.
  • mking
    mking Posts: 45
    I have more than 10 piunds to lose, but I am definitely in if that is OK!

  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Yay Ladies! Thanks for joining! It will be nice to have the support.

    We start this morning, yeah? As suspected, I am still stuck and didn't lose a thing last week. This is the week that we are going to move that scale!

    Do you guys want to post your plans so we can learn tips from each other? What are you planning to do to bust through this 10 lbs?

  • barefootbabe
    barefootbabe Posts: 271 Member
    I'd like to join in this one because I too know how HARD it is to get through those last ten pounds, as opposed to ten pounds somewhere in the middle of your weight loss journey. Somehow it takes SO much more effort.

    My personal goals are just to up my intensity- I already work out 6-7 days a week, so I can't really add more exercise. So . . . .


    1) I will push myself extra hard in basketball training- aim to finish in the top three when we do our runs and do my push-ups/sit ups/drills faster so I can sneak some extra ones in in the same amount of time

    2) Same thing in basketball and netball games, as well as training - push myself to the limit! Instead of slowing down when I'm getting tired, make myself run that extra step or two. Aim to be at the other end of the court, even when a teammate is driving and we'd normally hang back and wait to see what happens - make sure I'm done there, even if it's just to run along: who wouldn't want the support?

    3) Add an extra Body Pump Class per week.


    1) Commit to eating out only 2 times per week, max. This will help my wallet, too!

    2) Make all sauces from scratch rather than using store-bought- this way I can get my extra veggies in and control sodium, etc.

    3) Up my water to at least 10 glasses per day.

    4) Make sure I eat regularly throughout the day- I tend to end up with lots of calories left at night and then stuff myself- I don't think this is the best plan!


    1) Spend some time each day to just think/pray/read. I have been really lacking in discipline in this area lately and I think that is spilling over into the fitness aspect of my life. Happy soul, happy body!

    Hopefully we'll bust through these last few pounds! Good luck!
  • lilmandy89
    lilmandy89 Posts: 323 Member
    I'm in too!! I have 9 pounds to lose and the scale hasn't moved in 3 weeks for me either, I'm gonna make sure I drink tons of water, eat more vegetables and fruits and try to limit my carb intake and exercise everyday, no more excuses not to exercise
  • teetsel4
    teetsel4 Posts: 288 Member
    I'm in for sure! The last few months have been slow for the weight loss. Summer in the past was a time that I would typically put on more weight. But not this time! It's comming off! I only have 10 lbs to go. But I really want to concentrate on the next 5 lbs. Soooooo........

    I am going to keep drinking to special occations. Cardio 5 times a week. Crunches and push up everyday.

    But what should I do for diet? I eat SUPER healthy, all whole grain, minimal processed food, low fat, etc... I think I should focus on the drinking and exercise, that should do the trick.

    :drinker: lol!
  • rogers8702
    rogers8702 Posts: 533 Member
    IM IN!!!!!!! i would like to lose 20 more but would be exstatic with 10lbs i have hit that plateau for 2 months now i havent lost 1 single pound in 2 months i havent been working that hard either :grumble:

    so starting today I am back in the game:happy:

    Its time to get back to 5-6 workouts a week 3 days od cardio and 2 to 3 days of weight

    i eat pretty healthy for the most part some days i go a little crazy with the ice cream cones :embarassed: but i am ready to go

    Im glad you started this!

    Are we setting a time limit?
  • ladywalkalot
    ladywalkalot Posts: 230 Member
    I am in ! I'd like to lose 7lbs to get to my pre-baby weight before my first born (7yrs ago). My 10 yr anniversary is also 2 1/2 weeks away.

    I did 5 miles on the TM this am...jogging/fast walk mix. I do that 5 times week and do a Body Pump class w/ a 2 mile warm up twice a week.

    NO ALCOHOL!!! That really seems to cause some water weight for me and it just slows my metabolism. That will be super hard as we have a camping trip this saturday evening with several always shows up!!!
    I don't drink during the's the a glass of wine in the backyard with my hubby!!

    I need some help to get these last few lbs off....thanks ladies!:flowerforyou:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Love all of your stories ladies, WE CAN DO IT!!!!

    I love reading your plans - thanks for posting.

    Do we want a time limit? We could all just work at our own pace, as I've heard from other successful "final 10" losers that it can take a while. I'm hoping for at leats 1 lb a week on this "stepped up" program.

    How is everyone doing today?
  • teetsel4
    teetsel4 Posts: 288 Member
    Love all of your stories ladies, WE CAN DO IT!!!!

    I love reading your plans - thanks for posting.

    Do we want a time limit? We could all just work at our own pace, as I've heard from other successful "final 10" losers that it can take a while. I'm hoping for at leats 1 lb a week on this "stepped up" program.

    How is everyone doing today?

    Just got done jogging for 45 mins, gonna go do my crunches and push ups.

    Diet: high protien, low carb, low fat, full FLAVOR! lots of water and green tea

    BTW~ I am already down one pound from last week!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • 2catowner
    2catowner Posts: 94
    Lord, yes, I'm in... I've been trying to lose 10 lbs for 3 years! :laugh:
    I am SERIOUS though, reunion June 21-- I've GOT to lose at least 3- is this possible? I have increased my workout to 45 minutes cardio 5 to 6 days a week, weights 5 days a week, improving form and changing routine. Sunday is usually my day of rest or light yoga. Maybe I need to do something Sundays too?? Whadaya think?
    I have looked at my food diary for past week and I've gone over my calories every day except 1, so I need to really watch this. Friday night I really went overboard.
    Alcohol only 1 day a week? I don't know if I am being realistic though because we have alot of stuff going on on the weekends... I definitely need to cut back though... :drinker:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Quotes are not working for me today...

    That's great! I read your profile - WOW! 70 lbs and these are the last 10!?!?!? That's awesome!

    Maybe add something different on Sundays? You can lose this 8lbs! What about calorie zig zagging for you (eating a different amount of calories everyday, that together total your amount for the week) just to rev up the metabolism?
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I am in- I have more than 10 pounds to lose- but what they hay right- If I could drop 10 by July then hopefully the last 7 will come off within 2 weeks lol- Im down- speaking of which its time for me to get to my workout-- I did alot of gardening and yard work this weekend and my muscles are killing me but no excuses- Gonna hit the elliptical and hopefully be able to take the kids for a walk they really enjoy that and that can be my cool down-- Good luck everyone
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    How did your first days go? It's midnight, and I'm off to bed with a hungry tummy - that is a good sign! Cardio first thing in the morning will go directly to burning body fat! :tongue: