Last 10 lb CHALLENGE!!! Join me?



  • SThayer
    SThayer Posts: 35 Member
    I'm in.
  • momandwife
    momandwife Posts: 151 Member
    Do Not Give Up, AJCM!!!!

    You are an inspiration - you give such great encouraging words!!! So ...... listen to yourself!!! I was about to give up the other day ..... then something happened. My co-worker looked at me and said, "So, how much weight have you lost?" YEAH!!! She noticed!!! Someone else noticed besides my family!! So that made me want to keep going!!

    Keep on going ..... listen to your own encouraging words!!

    And ...... thank you for creating this challenge and all of the encouraging words!!!!!

    :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Momandwife - 138!!!! That's great though!!! That is my "ideal weight" that I have stuck in my head!!! Keep on going... :tongue:

    Wakwifey... great on seeing that 30's!!! And amazing exericse! Keep up the great work! :flowerforyou:

    Ladies... how are we doing? I'm STILL stuck! UGH!!! I'm ready to quit, but I know I just have to hold on. Banks recommends I up my calories at this point, any thoughts? If I'm not losing this way, how could EATING MORE make me lose? I'm so torn... :grumble: :sick:

    Have a great rest of the day everyone!

    Come on girl - don't give up!! We know this is hard that is why we are here!! We have too much support here to give up!! together we can do this and when we come out all hot and sexy and skinny on the other side - we will all be here to congratulate eachother!! There is no better place to be when you are stuck than right here with your friends!! Everyday I learn something new, find a new recipe, try a new approach and I feel great even tho the scale is stuck!!

    LETS DO THIS!!!!!!

    I zigged last night with my calories - I ran 5.5 miles Monday and tuesday took a break yesterday and tonight going to Body Pump class before my run!! GOOD BYE FAT CELLS!!!
  • 2catowner
    2catowner Posts: 94
    I don't know where everyone is hiding. I:cry:

    Well, yesterday I met my exercise goal but went over 237 calories.

    Today I jogged 3 miles and walked with 5 pound weights for 3 more miles. I did bicep curls and shoulder presses almost the whole way!!

    Since I'm having such a hard time with weekends, I think I'm going to start deducting calories from the week and adding them to the end. The research that I've done seems to suggest that this is ok.

    I hope everyone is doing well. :flowerforyou:

    This sounds like a great idea-- that's what I need to do for sure, I've gone over the last 2 days, chocolate cravings if you can imagine that... :blushing:
    Oh well! I haven't gained any weight, right now I am holding steady.
  • 2catowner
    2catowner Posts: 94
    Hey there!

    I stuck to my goal yesterday - ran 5 miles stayed under on my calories and had a very positive attitude too!

    I have been drinking Jillian Michael's Dandelion Root Tea that someone posted last week. Has anyone else tried it? I don't know what it is doing yet, but it is definitely making me drink my 64 oz per day!

    I am doing it now... day 6- haven't lost a single pound, but at least , like you, I am getting all my water.:laugh:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Pmkelly & Momandwife... :smile:

    Hey Ladies - THANKS!!!!!! I'm going to hang in, it just so frustrating sometimes (I know, I sound like my son when he is having a little whine)... okay, let's keep going!!! Even though the scale isn't moving, I FEEL slimmer, so I'm going to take the empasis off the numbers.

    Thanks again - your support means a lot! I know we can do this, I'm just on a little plateau!
    Have a great day!
  • momandwife
    momandwife Posts: 151 Member
    Okay ..... it's Friday, late afternoon. I just got home from the last day of my clinical rotation for PTA school. My husband took our two kids to his dad's house for the whole weekend!!! So ..... I have until Sunday afternoon to myself in our quiet house. YAY!!!! Don't get me wrong ..... I will miss my kids and husband tremendously ...... but ....... anyone who is a mom, wife, employee, etc. knows that it is nice to have that break sometimes. :tongue:

    I do have some stuff to do for school ..... paperwork from my clinical that I just got finished with, a 50 point test to take on-line, things to do for my regular job - playing catch-up from being gone the last two weeks ....... BUT ...... I have big plans for exercise as well!!!!! Tonight at about sunset I am going on a bike ride. Tomorrow morning I am going to go to work (at a PT clinic) and do what needs to be done there and then work out on the Elliptical and do some strength training, then after getting home and in between doing housework, laundry, etc. I will go on a walk or two.

    I just had to tell someone what my plans are so that I stick to it!!!!!!!!! If I make it known to someone else then I will be more apt to get it done!!!!

    So ...... 10 lb. challengers ...... keep me honest!!!! I will check in at the end of each day and let you know what I get done (or don't get done). :wink:

    When I weigh in on my Tuesday weigh in day I want to see a change!!!!!! JUST ONE POUND ..... PLEASE!!!!

    Thanks for listening (reading)!!! :flowerforyou:

    Have a GREAT weekend everyone!!!! :drinker:
  • rp73910
    rp73910 Posts: 11
    I want to join your challenge.......I have about 10 to go also
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Okay ..... it's Friday, late afternoon. I just got home from the last day of my clinical rotation for PTA school. My husband took our two kids to his dad's house for the whole weekend!!! So ..... I have until Sunday afternoon to myself in our quiet house. YAY!!!! Don't get me wrong ..... I will miss my kids and husband tremendously ...... but ....... anyone who is a mom, wife, employee, etc. knows that it is nice to have that break sometimes. :tongue:

    I do have some stuff to do for school ..... paperwork from my clinical that I just got finished with, a 50 point test to take on-line, things to do for my regular job - playing catch-up from being gone the last two weeks ....... BUT ...... I have big plans for exercise as well!!!!! Tonight at about sunset I am going on a bike ride. Tomorrow morning I am going to go to work (at a PT clinic) and do what needs to be done there and then work out on the Elliptical and do some strength training, then after getting home and in between doing housework, laundry, etc. I will go on a walk or two.

    I just had to tell someone what my plans are so that I stick to it!!!!!!!!! If I make it known to someone else then I will be more apt to get it done!!!!

    So ...... 10 lb. challengers ...... keep me honest!!!! I will check in at the end of each day and let you know what I get done (or don't get done). :wink:

    When I weigh in on my Tuesday weigh in day I want to see a change!!!!!! JUST ONE POUND ..... PLEASE!!!!

    Thanks for listening (reading)!!! :flowerforyou:

    Have a GREAT weekend everyone!!!! :drinker:

    Your weekend sounds GREAT!!!!! I'm jealous. My kidlets didn't nap today (1yr and 3yrs) so I'm a bit frazzled - your weekend respite sounds amazing!!! :flowerforyou:

    Good work on all the exercise this weekend! What are you studying?
    Enjoy the peace and quiet!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    I want to join your challenge.......I have about 10 to go also

    Welcome! Share as much as you like about your plan and how you are doing!
  • momandwife
    momandwife Posts: 151 Member
    I am studying to be a Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) - it's a two year program. I have one year down and one year to go. With a 7 year old son and 4 year old daughter it makes it difficult going to school but my husband is a great help. Being 34 years old and getting back to studying, taking tests, etc. is not easy either.

    Well, it's 8:00 pm here (and hopefully cooled off a bit) so I better get going on my bike ride - otherwise I won't be living up to what I predicted my weekend to be!!!!!!!!!!

    AJCM - maybe since your kids didn't nap they will go to bed early (or sleep in late tomorrow morning).
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    I am studying to be a Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) - it's a two year program. I have one year down and one year to go. With a 7 year old son and 4 year old daughter it makes it difficult going to school but my husband is a great help. Being 34 years old and getting back to studying, taking tests, etc. is not easy either.

    Well, it's 8:00 pm here (and hopefully cooled off a bit) so I better get going on my bike ride - otherwise I won't be living up to what I predicted my weekend to be!!!!!!!!!!

    AJCM - maybe since your kids didn't nap they will go to bed early (or sleep in late tomorrow morning).

    That's great!!! Hey, 34 is YOUNG, it's just life that is busier now. I think you are amazing for going back to school! I went back to school at 26 and felt pretty "old" amoung the students in their early twenties (although I was already married).

    Yep, the kiddies are both fast asleep (although it is 9:00 p.m.). Time to relax! :flowerforyou:
  • momandwife
    momandwife Posts: 151 Member
    I am studying to be a Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) - it's a two year program. I have one year down and one year to go. With a 7 year old son and 4 year old daughter it makes it difficult going to school but my husband is a great help. Being 34 years old and getting back to studying, taking tests, etc. is not easy either.

    Well, it's 8:00 pm here (and hopefully cooled off a bit) so I better get going on my bike ride - otherwise I won't be living up to what I predicted my weekend to be!!!!!!!!!!

    AJCM - maybe since your kids didn't nap they will go to bed early (or sleep in late tomorrow morning).

    That's great!!! Hey, 34 is YOUNG, it's just life that is busier now. I think you are amazing for going back to school! I went back to school at 26 and felt pretty "old" amoung the students in their early twenties (although I was already married).

    Yep, the kiddies are both fast asleep (although it is 9:00 p.m.). Time to relax! :flowerforyou:

    At 34 - I am actually not the oldest one in the PTA program (there are a few older than me - a couple in their 50's). It's just been so long since I've had to study and take tests!!!!! I just keep telling myself how good it will be when I graduate!! That is one of the reasons I want to get into good shape and lose weight - to be a good role model for my future patient's.

    Have a great weekend - I'll post tomorrow and hopefully show that I accomplished all of my exercise that I have planned on doing!!!! :tongue:
  • momandwife
    momandwife Posts: 151 Member
    Keeping myself honest ........

    I didn't get my bike ride in last night because my husband and kids called and it was dark by the time we got off the phone. So after I got off the phone I did some ab work, leg work and buns work.

    I rode my bike for 3 miles.
    Around noon I went to where I work and worked out on the Elliptical and did some things on the weight machine.
    Before I go to bed I am going to do the ab, leg, buns work again.

    Sunday ....... my plan .......
    Ride bike 3 miles again or Tae-Bo tape - there is a chance of rain.
    Clean the house ...... vigorously!!!!!!
    Sunday night ...... well ..... it has been 3 days since I've seen my husband ...... :blushing:

    I just talked to my husband and kids again tonight and they won't be home until late afternoon on Sunday ..... so I have all day to get the house cleaned up ......... before they come and destroy it again!!!

    Hopefully on Tuesday when I weigh in all of this I am doing will show. I guess if it doesn't show up with a weight change then it should when I measure. I measure every 3-4 weeks - and I can tell that some of my pants/shorts are feeling looser ..... I actually had to wear a belt last week with one of my pants otherwise they would have mistaken me for a Plumber ...... no offense to any plumbers out there ...... :tongue:

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend ...... Father's Day!!!!!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Hahaha momandwife... I was a plumber about an hour ago while having a picnic! I need new clothes if I can't even sit down on the grass! I guess that is a good sign though!

    My clothes continue to feel loser, but the scale read 1.5 lbs UP!!!! UGH!!!!! I'm just can't believe that I have actually GAINED weight - not possible - so I am chalking it up to PMS bloat. How do people eat more calories on maintenance, if I'm eating these cals and maintaing now? Anyway, Monday I start some new exercise and diet strategies, and see how it works!

    Have a great Father's day everyone, and I'll check in with everyone on Monday...
  • momandwife
    momandwife Posts: 151 Member
    AJCM ....... or anyone else that reads this post .....

    I've seen in other posts that you have Jillian Michaels DVD ..... do you like it??? Can you do it over and over without getting bored/tired of doing it??? What about The Biggest Loser DVD - have you tried it??? I've been looking at it online a little bit. I also saw an infomercial on Tony Horton's 10 minute DVD set - it looks promising .... but they all look promising on those infomercials!!!!!! 10 minutes is an added plus for me because of my time constraints with the kids and their activities, school, etc.

    With two kids and my husband leaving for work so early - I am kind of stuck either walking on my treadmill or doing a DVD. I have Tae-Bo and I like that but I just want something else to change it up a bit. I also do some pilates DVD's that I have but you don't burn many calories doing those.

    Just curious ...... getting some feedback from people!!!

    By the way ..... this morning I did my ***OLD*** Buns of Steel VHS tape this morning - the one that I have does a combo of martial arts, in-line skating and ballet ..... honestly it is quite a workout and I hadn't done it for a long time!!

    Do you ever measure?? Have your measurements decreased if you do?? Obviously so if you are becoming a plumber like me!!! HA HA HA!!!! :laugh:

    Have a great Sunday ..... Father's Day!!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    AJCM ....... or anyone else that reads this post .....

    I've seen in other posts that you have Jillian Michaels DVD ..... do you like it??? Can you do it over and over without getting bored/tired of doing it??? What about The Biggest Loser DVD - have you tried it??? I've been looking at it online a little bit. I also saw an infomercial on Tony Horton's 10 minute DVD set - it looks promising .... but they all look promising on those infomercials!!!!!! 10 minutes is an added plus for me because of my time constraints with the kids and their activities, school, etc.

    With two kids and my husband leaving for work so early - I am kind of stuck either walking on my treadmill or doing a DVD. I have Tae-Bo and I like that but I just want something else to change it up a bit. I also do some pilates DVD's that I have but you don't burn many calories doing those.

    Just curious ...... getting some feedback from people!!!

    By the way ..... this morning I did my ***OLD*** Buns of Steel VHS tape this morning - the one that I have does a combo of martial arts, in-line skating and ballet ..... honestly it is quite a workout and I hadn't done it for a long time!!

    Do you ever measure?? Have your measurements decreased if you do?? Obviously so if you are becoming a plumber like me!!! HA HA HA!!!! :laugh:

    Have a great Sunday ..... Father's Day!!


    Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred - LOVE IT!!! 20 minutes workouts, 3 on the tape, and you can do one, two, or all three in a row. It is intense, and the twenty minutes goes by very quickly. Most days I finish up whatever time my babies can spare on the treadmill.

    Measurements - I do measure every week, and I definitely lose in one place or another, every week (and I only count in half inch increments - not tenths - so there is a definite difference). I'm just frustrated with the number on the scale!!! My waist is down to 27" and I started at 31", so that is great... I'm going to keep at it. I slipped up on Friday and I shared an ice cream sundae with my son (how could I resist???). I went over by 400 calories, BUT I was still UNDER what my maintenance calories would be, so go figure!

    As I was eating it, I actually said out loud, "Now I will KNOW why the scale's not moving!", but I figure I have to learn how to live with this program for the long haul. And who wouldn't want to share ice cream with a sweet 3yr old?
  • bayaderka
    bayaderka Posts: 53
    :laugh: lol I join you guys on the quest to lose the final 10 lbs!

    But seriously, if you guys need help with plateaus just send me a message because I have already posted the 3 day "plateau diet" breaking process.
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    :laugh: lol I join you guys on the quest to lose the final 10 lbs!

    But seriously, if you guys need help with plateaus just send me a message because I have already posted the 3 day "plateau diet" breaking process.

    I NEED HELP!!!!!!!! I'm on a serious plateau... I was thinking that because I spend my calories however I like, that I REALLY need to focus on QUALITY. Thoughts???

    Please do send! :flowerforyou:

    Btw - is that you in your pic? What a GORGEOUS pic - beautiful form!!! I read your profile - I danced for nine years, so I appreciate your art!
  • edyta
    edyta Posts: 258
    My clothes continue to feel loser, but the scale read 1.5 lbs UP!!!! UGH!!!!! I'm just can't believe that I have actually GAINED weight - not possible - so I am chalking it up to PMS bloat. How do people eat more calories on maintenance, if I'm eating these cals and maintaing now? Anyway, Monday I start some new exercise and diet strategies, and see how it works!


    I just wanted to say that I have a few pounds to lose as well. Human body is a really complicated mechanism - I've lost a pound during two or three weeks when I completely forgot about counting calories!!

    Amanda, I think (from my experience and all what I've read and see) that you won't gain if you eat more. You are probably on the brink of starvation now. Don't be afraid to up your calories. For me, every time I added some calories I lost a little bit more. Try this. If you don't lose more in let's say a month, than you can lower your calories again and you'll probably lose more because your metabolism should be higher than. There's really very little chance that you'll gain any significant amount of pounds if you eat anything less than your maintenance (sth like 2000?). Other thing is that you'll probably feel better and more energized on more calories.

    Don't even think about weigh-in during PMS - I'm always 3-4 (!!) pounds heavier :laugh:

    Just to give you idea what I do: I'm 137lbs now, eat 1700 net or more, jog 2x week, do yoga 1x week, ride a bike or go to a gym or pool 1x or 2x a week. Definitely not gaining (yuppi! :smile: ) and even losing a little (~0.2-0.3lbs/week, hehe). And feeling good :happy:

    Take care :flowerforyou: