Last 10 lb CHALLENGE!!! Join me?



  • momandwife
    momandwife Posts: 151 Member

    I really felt like I was doing well ....... watching what I was eating, plus I really feel like I have exercised more than I have in a looooooong time - actually I know I have!! And yet - this morning low and behold I GAINED!!!!!! 1.5 pounds!!!!! :explode:

    Last week when I weighed I was 137 ....... today ...... 138.5 ........ UGH!!! :grumble:

    I just can't get over the hump.

    Okay ..... sorry .... had to blow off a little (okay - a lot) steam!! I remember when I was stuck at 141-143 for a few weeks and then it finally came off and I haven't been above 140 since that time. Thank goodness!!!

    It will come .... I know it will ...... Just don't let me give up ...... which means that no one else can give up either!!!!!

    OKAY .......... LET'S GO EVERYONE!!!! WE CAN DO IT!!!!!

    You've got the right attitude girl!!! That 1.5 lbs could be anything - water weight, fluid retention in your muscles (have you been strength training) or any number of things... don't get too down... as long as you stick to the plan, you can only move in the right direction! Keep up the great work, and look back at all of your success since starting! :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for the support ..... and yes, I have been doing more strength training. This weekend scares me a little bit - I'll be out of town again (same place I was over Memorial Day weekend) but last time I actually did well - came back and didn't gain or lose. I guess maybe I'm more conscious about it because I do not have internet access where I'll be so I don't log anything.

    I promise ..... I'll keep plugging away at these last few pounds!!!!!
  • momandwife
    momandwife Posts: 151 Member

    I really felt like I was doing well ....... watching what I was eating, plus I really feel like I have exercised more than I have in a looooooong time - actually I know I have!! And yet - this morning low and behold I GAINED!!!!!! 1.5 pounds!!!!! :explode:

    Last week when I weighed I was 137 ....... today ...... 138.5 ........ UGH!!! :grumble:

    I just can't get over the hump.

    Okay ..... sorry .... had to blow off a little (okay - a lot) steam!! I remember when I was stuck at 141-143 for a few weeks and then it finally came off and I haven't been above 140 since that time. Thank goodness!!!

    It will come .... I know it will ...... Just don't let me give up ...... which means that no one else can give up either!!!!!

    OKAY .......... LET'S GO EVERYONE!!!! WE CAN DO IT!!!!!

    You are exactly like me - I promise! Even your weight is the same. I swear--- even the 141 thing happened to me. It is SOOOOO frustrating. I have worked out like a maniac for 6 weeks. today I didn't -- I am exhausted.

    I really feel like we have to write down every little tidbit that goes in our mouth! :sad: It's absolutely crazy. I am usually a few calories over my limit everyday when I am honest! Lately it is the Cocktails and wine that is my problem!!!

    Thanks for the support 2catowner!!!!! I have days where I just want to give up ..... like today. I came home from working 10 hours and just wanted to sit down and rest ....... buuuuuut ....... I forced myself to get on the treadmill. A lot of times I'll just start walking - which usually means that I quit after about 10 minutes. Tonight though I forced myself to do one of the 30 minute programs that is on my treadmill - which adjusts the speed and incline automatically for a full 30 minutes!! Now I am definitely worn out!!!!

    Keep going - we can lose these last few pounds with the support of each other!!!!

    Again ..... Thank You!! :drinker:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    How's it going today everyone?
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    I have had a great day. A little sore from my personal training session yesterday. She pushed me to my absolute maximum on the treadmill and I thought I was going to die, but it felt good to know that I could have never done that well 8 months ago.

    However, I have a potluck tomorrow night and will be out of town traveling over the weekend which doesn't bode well for much weight loss this week. Who knows, we'll see. My goal is to lose another 5 lbs by the end of the summer so I am not worried.

    I said at the beginning of this whole thing that my life wasn't over (in fact quite the opposite). Parties will happen, travel will definitely happen for me, but the setbacks are only temporary thanks to all the knowledge I have gained from this site. Guess that's why they call it a lifestyle change...

    Have a great 4th everyone!!:drinker:
  • momandwife
    momandwife Posts: 151 Member
    I am going to be out of town until Sunday ....... so I won't be posting this weekend. I'll catch you up probably Monday night after I get home from work.

    I am hoping to do a lot of walking over the weekend (there is a pretty good walk there with hills and everything to burn those calories) and am planning on taking some of my "good for you" food.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend!! :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Ladies - I will be out of here for the next week or so on vacation (I will try and check in if I get a chance). It's my birthday on Monday, and the "celebrations" (read indulgent food and drink) has already started. My plan is to exercise everyday, take it easy on the portions, but enjoy myself!!!

    momandwife - your summer sounds like mine - you are super busy and never home!!! Have a great weekend!
  • IndigoElectron
    IndigoElectron Posts: 143 Member
    Have a great birthday AJCM!

    I could do with some advice/motivation, if anyone has some to give!

    I'm wondering whether I should just stop now and accept myself as I am. I wanted to lose the last 6 pounds but I'm getting a bit fed up of having to exercise every day, just so I can eat enough to satisfy me, and on those days I don't exercise, struggling to stay under 1200 cals. I get bored of bulking up my meals with vegetables, just so they aren't too high in calories, and this week I've gone over my cals almost every day, which makes me feel bad.

    My BMI is currently 22.9, so I'm in the 'healthy' range, and I definitely look better physically, but I just think if I could lose that last 6 pounds, I'd look more the way I want to. I have started exercising (about 7 weeks ago) and I can see the difference in my body, but it's not happening quickly enough and I'm not as motivated as when I first began.

    I don't know, I just wish I could get to my target and then I could have my extra 250 cals a day. I know I can never go back to eating how I was, but I just want to eat a bit more!

    Any advice would be much appreciated :smile:
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    I will join you I need to get almost double that off but I am still game!!!! these are the hardest ones but we can DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Have a great birthday AJCM!

    I could do with some advice/motivation, if anyone has some to give!

    I'm wondering whether I should just stop now and accept myself as I am. I wanted to lose the last 6 pounds but I'm getting a bit fed up of having to exercise every day, just so I can eat enough to satisfy me, and on those days I don't exercise, struggling to stay under 1200 cals. I get bored of bulking up my meals with vegetables, just so they aren't too high in calories, and this week I've gone over my cals almost every day, which makes me feel bad.

    My BMI is currently 22.9, so I'm in the 'healthy' range, and I definitely look better physically, but I just think if I could lose that last 6 pounds, I'd look more the way I want to. I have started exercising (about 7 weeks ago) and I can see the difference in my body, but it's not happening quickly enough and I'm not as motivated as when I first began.

    I don't know, I just wish I could get to my target and then I could have my extra 250 cals a day. I know I can never go back to eating how I was, but I just want to eat a bit more!

    Any advice would be much appreciated :smile:

    Thanks Indigo - GREAT birthday so far...

    Indigo - I am in the exact same place as you!!! I have 5lbs to go, and have a similar "healthy" BMI. I feel comfy in clothes, and can once again, pretty much wear anything I want (within reason as I am getting older - the bikini doesn't look quite as it used to - but I can accept that!).

    So the question becomes, should I maintain this in a comfortable fashion, or continue to struggle with these last few lbs? As soon as I let go of the struggle, and started to accept myself, 2 lbs came off. I'm now thinking that I'm really going to approach all of this as my new lifestyle of clean eating, and regular fitness, and any more weight off will be just a nice bonus. I can't tell you how much happier and lighter I feel just making this adjustment/committment to myself.

    You have to do what is right for you - but I think those last 5lbs will come off slowly, but if want them gone, you CAN DO IT!!!!

    I hope that helped...
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    I will join you I need to get almost double that off but I am still game!!!! these are the hardest ones but we can DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    WELCOME AmericanWolfDreamer.... you've come so far and, like the rest of us, are almost at the finish line!!! Let's shed these last few pounds and feel GREAT!!!!
  • IndigoElectron
    IndigoElectron Posts: 143 Member
    Thanks AJCM :smile: I am feeling more motivated today. I did a GREAT class at my gym yesterday (I can hardly move today!) and today I decided to sort out my wardrobe - when I did, I got into clothes I've NEVER worn before, and got rid of a load of stuff that was too big!

    So I think it's worth the extra push, but I'm going to stop stressing about it - if it comes off, it comes off. If it doesn't, I still look good now, and will look even better from keeping up with the exercise, which I am determined to do - so determined in fact that I just bought a 12 month subscription to my gym - no getting out of it now! :laugh:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Thanks AJCM :smile: I am feeling more motivated today. I did a GREAT class at my gym yesterday (I can hardly move today!) and today I decided to sort out my wardrobe - when I did, I got into clothes I've NEVER worn before, and got rid of a load of stuff that was too big!

    So I think it's worth the extra push, but I'm going to stop stressing about it - if it comes off, it comes off. If it doesn't, I still look good now, and will look even better from keeping up with the exercise, which I am determined to do - so determined in fact that I just bought a 12 month subscription to my gym - no getting out of it now! :laugh:

    What a great plan! The gym can do wonders with strength training in terms of toning and shaping! I start back in September (taking the summer off) and hope to whip myself into shape with the help of a trainer for 12 weeks!

    The "closet clean out" was my favourite activitiy! I lost all the big clothes, and essentially bought myself a new wardrobe, seeing as having babies for the past 4 years left me with some pretty dated "skinny" clothes. Now that I have lots of great outfits, I just feel so good about myself, which I think will help me resist "food for fun"...
  • momandwife
    momandwife Posts: 151 Member
    I am back from my weekend away - I weighed in this morning - still at 138.5 (which is where I was last Tuesday for my weigh in) ....... so that means I did not gain or lose anything ........ but ......... I'm still up 1.5 pounds from the week before. UGH!! :grumble:

    We did have a good weekend - I got up before everyone else and walked outside (lots of hills) for 30 minutes - so I got at least a little exercise in!!

    This morning I got up and did 30 minutes of Tae-Bo & 200 crunches working all aspects of the pooch I'm trying desperately to get rid of and I'm planning on doing a little bit on the Elliptical at work this afternoon and maybe a little strength training on the weight equipment there.

    Keep going everyone!!! Let's lose these extra pounds before summer is over!!!!!! :glasses:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Glad to see that all is well here on the site! I'm up at the cottage, and don't get to a computer very often.

    All we've done up here is EAT, EAT, EAT, and then EAT again!!!! What is happening? Is it the fresh air? The water? I'm afraid to step on the scale when I get home!!!

    Good luck for a great week ladies, and I hope to get back here without having done too much damage!!!
  • rhonda79
    rhonda79 Posts: 95 Member
    I have 21 lbs to go lol but count me in.
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    It was a long weekend with lots of eating out and little exercise, so I put about 1 lb back on. Not a huge deal. It will come off again easily. I have been hovering around 143-144 for 2 months now. Now that our traveling is over for the summer I can work on those last 4-9 lbs. Hope everyone else is doing well and had a great holiday weekend!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    I have 21 lbs to go lol but count me in.

    Welcome!!!!! 21lbs is nothing!!! Stick with MFP, and us, and you can kill that is no time!!!! Let us know how you are doing.
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    It was a long weekend with lots of eating out and little exercise, so I put about 1 lb back on. Not a huge deal. It will come off again easily. I have been hovering around 143-144 for 2 months now. Now that our traveling is over for the summer I can work on those last 4-9 lbs. Hope everyone else is doing well and had a great holiday weekend!

    Ohhh - 1 lb is nothing!!!! I'm thinking that might be the theme song of the summer - seems like I'm eating every calorie that I burn, but as long as the scale doesn't start creeping up at a fast pace, we are okay!!!

    Enjoy you summer Lizard and everyone!!!
  • momandwife
    momandwife Posts: 151 Member
    I'm still here!!! Sorry I haven't posted anything this week. I just got back from a 45 minute walk outside - it is a beautiful morning here in Missouri. We live next to the city lake and I walked on the roads next to it and took in the scenery from 6:30 until about 7:15 this morning. BEAUTIFUL!!

    My official weigh in is on Tuesday's but I usually weigh myself every morning just to see where I'm at (to keep myself on track) ......... I have been gaining again!! I honestly have been more active, exercising more and not eating anything more or out of the ordinary this last week or week and a half. I have been drinking my water.

    So what is the trick?? How do I get past this?? I talked to my husband last night about it - he thought maybe I was gaining muscle but I don't feel like I am. I'm just frustrated this morning. Sorry to be a downer on such a beautiful Saturday morning.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    I'm still here!!! Sorry I haven't posted anything this week. I just got back from a 45 minute walk outside - it is a beautiful morning here in Missouri. We live next to the city lake and I walked on the roads next to it and took in the scenery from 6:30 until about 7:15 this morning. BEAUTIFUL!!

    My official weigh in is on Tuesday's but I usually weigh myself every morning just to see where I'm at (to keep myself on track) ......... I have been gaining again!! I honestly have been more active, exercising more and not eating anything more or out of the ordinary this last week or week and a half. I have been drinking my water.

    So what is the trick?? How do I get past this?? I talked to my husband last night about it - he thought maybe I was gaining muscle but I don't feel like I am. I'm just frustrated this morning. Sorry to be a downer on such a beautiful Saturday morning.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

    I think that when you are SO close to your goal, it just goes really slow. You are doing great, so just stick with it! That's my two cents...