Last 10 lb CHALLENGE!!! Join me?



  • 2Shoes
    2Shoes Posts: 396
    Jillian Michaels Detox drink:

    Jillian Michaels recipe for losing 5 pounds in 7 days...

    * Get 60 ounces of distilled or pure water...
    * Add a tablespoon of sugar free cranberry juice...
    * Add 1 dandelion root tea bag and...
    * Add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice.

    This recipe works because it helps flush out excess water weight you have carrying around in your body and...

    You could lose more than 5 pounds in 7 days depending on how much excess water weight you're carrying around.

    Drink everyday for seven days. (it counts as your daily water intake).

    Only do it once a month.

    ? about the teabag, do you have to make a cup of tea first or do you just put the tea bag in the drink?

    I would put it in the drink.

    Ok, sorry to be so ignorant, but is this a hot drink then? (I'm so stupid!) :glasses:

    No, don't apologize. No, it's not hot drink. You'll just drink it all day long, like your water. It's a detox, bloat-deflating drink.

    Here is her description on it....
  • 2catowner
    2catowner Posts: 94
    a good drink for that time of the month when it comes up again.
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    great challenge I need to get off 20 to hit my goal, but 15 or ten will make me look great too!!!! I am in. I am gonna do it by july 4th as well
  • tamrajd
    tamrajd Posts: 86
    iI'm in. I have 9 Ils to go and it seems to be permanetly attached:cry:
  • tamrajd
    tamrajd Posts: 86
    I "ve bumped up my brisk 45 min walk to 60 min. I will start doing scrunches and push ups more regularly. I have to do this. we can do this. thanks for the idea.
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Hi All!!

    Just back from vacation and I am in - I down to my last nasty, stubborn 10 lbs too! before vacation I hit my plateau - didn't lose for almost three weeks:grumble: :grumble:

    Of course I come home and happy to find that I didn't gain, but actually lost 1/2 pound!! I am at the magic 140lbs and I just want to see that 139 on the scale for the first time in 12 years! I think I will have a party when I finally see it!! :drinker:

    I have been struggling with not eating enough calories - I know it sounds crazy, but I could not keep up with the exercise calories. Soooooooooooooo, I am trying to define an eating plan that increases calories while remaining healthy. like increasing protein at lunch and increasing veggies at dinner.

    my problem is that any number of things can go wrong each day (DH and kids!) and I may not get to exercise - so I am conservative all day so I don't go over just in case I don't get to exercise....

    Good luck all!! and thanks for starting this post!!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    great challenge I need to get off 20 to hit my goal, but 15 or ten will make me look great too!!!! I am in. I am gonna do it by july 4th as well

    Welcome!!! You're looking great ALREADY!!! But lets lose the last bit! :wink:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Hi All!!

    Just back from vacation and I am in - I down to my last nasty, stubborn 10 lbs too! before vacation I hit my plateau - didn't lose for almost three weeks:grumble: :grumble:

    Of course I come home and happy to find that I didn't gain, but actually lost 1/2 pound!! I am at the magic 140lbs and I just want to see that 139 on the scale for the first time in 12 years! I think I will have a party when I finally see it!! :drinker:

    I have been struggling with not eating enough calories - I know it sounds crazy, but I could not keep up with the exercise calories. Soooooooooooooo, I am trying to define an eating plan that increases calories while remaining healthy. like increasing protein at lunch and increasing veggies at dinner.

    my problem is that any number of things can go wrong each day (DH and kids!) and I may not get to exercise - so I am conservative all day so I don't go over just in case I don't get to exercise....

    Good luck all!! and thanks for starting this post!!

    pmkelly... welcome! I know what you mean about "not eating enough" - my body has sort of adpated to the 1200 + exercise calories that I eat. Since I boosted the exercise (and I'm eating those cals) I'm starting to feel hungry at night again, which I think to be a good sign!

    Tamradj... WELCOME!!!!

    I'm going on vacation for 4 days - I will check in with you all Monday to see what we've lost! I hope my vacation doesn't blow the whole week of work!

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • chimpoco
    chimpoco Posts: 193
    I'm having a hard time with my last 10. I've been working out and eating really well. The pounds are hanging on like crazy. I actually gained a couple-muscle maybe.

    Current weight 133 (muscle or water?)

    Start weight 131

    Fourth of July Goal 125 (I don't want to be too greedy)

    I'm so excited!!
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    I can't join you but I'm sooo rooting for you....and you all!!!

    way to go on the last 10 pounds...woo hoo!!!! :drinker:

    Ali :flowerforyou:
  • chimpoco
    chimpoco Posts: 193
    Hi Everyone!!

    I wanted to post my daily exercises. I think that will help me.

    3 miles on treadmill.
    200 crunches on ball.
    100 bicep curls with 11 lb weights.

    I have to go out tonight. I will probably have a few drinks. How bad would it be if I sacrificed some food calories to make room for some alcohol? Pretty bad, huh. Maybe I can do it just this once?:wink:

    Hope everyone is doing well.
    Good luck!
  • 2catowner
    2catowner Posts: 94
    Hi Everyone!!

    I wanted to post my daily exercises. I think that will help me.

    3 miles on treadmill.
    200 crunches on ball.
    100 bicep curls with 11 lb weights.

    I have to go out tonight. I will probably have a few drinks. How bad would it be if I sacrificed some food calories to make room for some alcohol? Pretty bad, huh. Maybe I can do it just this once?:wink:

    Hope everyone is doing well.
    Good luck!

    I'm going to have the same problem tonight as far as alcohol goes... I'm quite sure I'll go over my calories...-Cindy
  • chimpoco
    chimpoco Posts: 193
    Hello hello,

    I had a super hard time getting motivated today. I did my workout in intervals with chores in between. I actually used the treadmill, stopped, did some chores and hopped back on. It took me awhile to get my workout done but I did it!!

    3 miles (in intervals of about a mile)
    200 crunches
    100 bicep curls

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Hope your day was good.
  • tamrajd
    tamrajd Posts: 86
    i'm gonna try the tea. sounds great. hopefully it will help.
  • tamrajd
    tamrajd Posts: 86
    I was very impressed with myself i could do 10 push-up!!!!:tongue: I have never been able to do those or I really don't know if i've even tried. It's strange how I do so much lifting with the girls but it never accured to me to do push -ups for my arms. I 'm so goofy:bigsmile: thanks for the challenge i lost 1 lb :wink:
  • momandwife
    momandwife Posts: 151 Member
    I haven't posted since my original post the first day ..... busy, busy! I am doing a clinical rotation (for PTA school) this week and they are keeping me very busy!! It's a two week clinical so next week will be the same way.

    With my original post I was 137 pounds with 7 pounds to go .........
    Now I'm 138 pounds with 8 pounds to go ..........

    UGH!!!!!!!!!! :grumble:

    I am really going to hit the exercise hard this weekend and try harder next week even though I am completely drained after my clinical during the day. After next week is over hopefully it will be smoooooooooooth sailing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Keep on truckin' along everyone!!!!! :wink:
  • barefootbabe
    barefootbabe Posts: 271 Member
    I too haven't posted since my original post. I have a bit of a rough time with this weight stuff since I don't have a scale! I don't want to constantly weigh myself on different scales because they are all different, so I never quite know what my "real" weight is. I have one friend who lets me use hers after trying some weights on it to make sure it's accurate, but I haven't seen her for ages so I'm not sure where I am! . . . So I have some clothes that I keep on hand that I bought a bit small and I try those on every few days instead.

    Anyway, I've managed to add TWO more Body Pump classes per week so I'm hoping that will bump up my calorie burn even when I'm just sitting around. My exercise schedule now looks like this:

    Monday - netball game
    Tuesday - 4 km walk, Body pump class
    Wednesday - Belly Dance class
    Thursday - basketball training
    Friday - 4 km walk, Body Pump class
    Saturday - basketball game, 2km walk
    Sunday - 4km walk, Body Pump class

    Hopefully this will help kick things into gear!!!

    Good luck this week everyone- it's a long weekend here in Australia so wish me luck with all the festivities (aka drinking :embarassed: )
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    WOW! Sounds like everyone is doing great with amazing workouts, and good progress (momandwife - don't be bummed about the 1 lb gain - this happens, right?).

    How's everyone doing?

    I just got off a plane, so I'm exhausted, and bloated, and NOT weighing in until tomorrow! Have a great day ladies!
  • chimpoco
    chimpoco Posts: 193
    Hi Gang,

    Weekends kill me!!

    Friday was a crazy stress filled day. I had 100 things to do and no time to do them. (Workingout was on the list, I didn't "get around to it.") When I finally got home, I was grumpy and starving. My boyfriend suggested we have a few drinks then head to our new favorite restaurant. I was bad! I ordered a shrimp/scallop dish that is perfectly wonderful. I had bread and salad. We shared a dessert. I brought my lefovers home and had them for lunch yesterday. The tiramisu is still in the fridge. We had a geat time, but I set myself up for a weekend disaster.

    We left for the beach at 7am. I knew today would be alot of beer and probably a junkie breakfast. It was! Wehad a wonderful breakfast at a little mom and pop place on the beach.I had biscuits, hashbrowns and grits. I thought these sounded like good drinking foods. After a day of fun in the sun, everyone started to get hungry. I had brought lunch meat, low cal bread, grapes (healthy stuff.) We ended up at a restaurant. I figured one more bad day wouldn't hurt. I really have no self control. Luckily, I was so tired when we got home, that i went to bed early.

    Lazy. Sun burned. Survival food. Barely got out of the bed. My boyfriend and I hadthe easiest things we could find. I will spare the details.

    Anyway, I guess the point is...i blew this weekend. I'm afraid to get on the scale. If I get the nerve, I'll post the results.

    Todays goal.

    3 miles
    200 crunches
    100 bicep curls.
    Don't go over my calories!!!

    We'll see. I need to realize that weekends are not holidays!!!

    :smile: :smile: Someone please post a good weekend.
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Well sorry, posting a good weekend is not going to start with me. I ate my weight in trail mix this weekend!!

    Camping with the cub scouts! HOT, Muddy, no running water...what else to do but comfort myself with trail mix! We did do alot of walking and I did take the boys out kayaking a couple of times so I did get in some exercise and since it was cub scouts, it was a 'dry' weekend!

    Unfortunately the scale was not very nice to me this am.

    I am very frustrated with this last 10 lbs! I just don't know what to do! :mad:
    I feel like I am not in tune with my body at all. I am all over the place with calories, inconistent work outs, and stress at work is probably not helping. My frustration is seriously affecting my motivation! HELP!!