Last 10 lb CHALLENGE!!! Join me?



  • edyta
    edyta Posts: 258
    Please do send! :flowerforyou:

    If you click on the number of posts a user send (below the picture), you'll see their newest posts :smile:

    However, I'm not convinced such diets are good for your body...
    A propos starving - did you watch the documentary about this super fast dieting on youtube? That's shocking...

    Bayaderka, you look beautiful :flowerforyou:
    Where are you from? Russia or somewhere else? I ask because I'm Polish and live in Warsaw, so nearby :wink:

    I've heard that weight range for ballerinas is 40-45kg. Is that really true? For me is like impossible (62kg, hmmm...) :ohwell:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    My clothes continue to feel loser, but the scale read 1.5 lbs UP!!!! UGH!!!!! I'm just can't believe that I have actually GAINED weight - not possible - so I am chalking it up to PMS bloat. How do people eat more calories on maintenance, if I'm eating these cals and maintaing now? Anyway, Monday I start some new exercise and diet strategies, and see how it works!


    I just wanted to say that I have a few pounds to lose as well. Human body is a really complicated mechanism - I've lost a pound during two or three weeks when I completely forgot about counting calories!!

    Amanda, I think (from my experience and all what I've read and see) that you won't gain if you eat more. You are probably on the brink of starvation now. Don't be afraid to up your calories. For me, every time I added some calories I lost a little bit more. Try this. If you don't lose more in let's say a month, than you can lower your calories again and you'll probably lose more because your metabolism should be higher than. There's really very little chance that you'll gain any significant amount of pounds if you eat anything less than your maintenance (sth like 2000?). Other thing is that you'll probably feel better and more energized on more calories.

    Don't even think about weigh-in during PMS - I'm always 3-4 (!!) pounds heavier :laugh:

    Just to give you idea what I do: I'm 137lbs now, eat 1700 net or more, jog 2x week, do yoga 1x week, ride a bike or go to a gym or pool 1x or 2x a week. Definitely not gaining (yuppi! :smile: ) and even losing a little (~0.2-0.3lbs/week, hehe). And feeling good :happy:

    Take care :flowerforyou:

    EDYTA!!!!! I'm not kidding, I was JUST thinking about you! I thought you were on my friend list, because I figured you would have an idea as to how to break the plateau, but I looked, and you weren't, and I was trying to find you on the boards!!!! What a coincidence...

    Thanks for the info - I'm going to up the calories - I'm still eating 1200 a day, and feel REALLY cranky. I wake up starving, and get really cranky about half way through my workouts. I'm going to up the cals a bit, and really focus on QUALITY.

    Glad to hear you are doing well. Ohhh.... 137.... :love: my goal weight is 138, so you are my inspiration!
    Thanks for the advice! I'm going to follow it!
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • edyta
    edyta Posts: 258
    Nice to hear you were looking for me :smooched: :flowerforyou:

    Amanda, do you have a HRM? If so wear it for the whole normal day (24hrs best but I couldn't sleep in that thing :wink: ) and calculate how many calories you burn. Than deduct not more than 500cals (300 is also ok) and you should be fine. I find my HRM really helpful in counting my exercise calories as well.

    Looks like you really need to eat more - you are tired and hungry :noway: I've heard that the best state to lose weight is "never hungry never full". Starving is definitely not a good thing even if it's only for a few hours. Now I feel hungry sometimes but it's not starving. I don't think so much about food and I can concentrate on other things as well :smile:
    Don't go below 1500! I imagine you have lots of running around with your two babies - today we had guests with two little girls (3 and 6yo) and at least one adult at a time was involved in running after them lol :laugh:

    Did you read that?:
    I probably mentioned this article a hundred times but it was my inspiration :smile:

    Let me know how do you feel after the change and how many calories are you having now :flowerforyou:
  • cwilson715
    cwilson715 Posts: 130
    I am totally in I really have much more then that to go but I have a mini goal of being to my pre-preg weight on my daughter's 1st birthday which is August 1st., I have 23 lbs to go. My in-laws are moving from out of state to come live by my husband and I that week so being down 10lbs would be great.
    I am consuming only 1200 calories a day, exercising about 80 minutes a day, drinking about 80 oz of water and not eating after 6pm.

    Good Luck Everyone!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    I am totally in I really have much more then that to go but I have a mini goal of being to my pre-preg weight on my daughter's 1st birthday which is August 1st., I have 23 lbs to go. My in-laws are moving from out of state to come live by my husband and I that week so being down 10lbs would be great.
    I am consuming only 1200 calories a day, exercising about 80 minutes a day, drinking about 80 oz of water and not eating after 6pm.

    Good Luck Everyone!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    Welcome! 10lbs - soon to be gone! We can do this!
    Your programme is INTENSE - I think if you keep that up you will lose 20lbs by Aug 1st!!!
    Btw... your baby is too CUTE!!!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Nice to hear you were looking for me :smooched: :flowerforyou:

    Amanda, do you have a HRM? If so wear it for the whole normal day (24hrs best but I couldn't sleep in that thing :wink: ) and calculate how many calories you burn. Than deduct not more than 500cals (300 is also ok) and you should be fine. I find my HRM really helpful in counting my exercise calories as well.

    Looks like you really need to eat more - you are tired and hungry :noway: I've heard that the best state to lose weight is "never hungry never full". Starving is definitely not a good thing even if it's only for a few hours. Now I feel hungry sometimes but it's not starving. I don't think so much about food and I can concentrate on other things as well :smile:
    Don't go below 1500! I imagine you have lots of running around with your two babies - today we had guests with two little girls (3 and 6yo) and at least one adult at a time was involved in running after them lol :laugh:

    Did you read that?:
    I probably mentioned this article a hundred times but it was my inspiration :smile:

    Let me know how do you feel after the change and how many calories are you having now :flowerforyou:

    Good article Edyta - and it points to EXACTLY where I think I need to clean up my act - QUALITY of food! I need to watch, not just the quantity, but the quality. :blushing:

    I'm not sure I could stick to that "Plateau Breaking Diet" - if I think I'm grouchy now.... grrrr..... :grumble:

    I'm going to up my calories, up my calories burned, and go from there. My heart rate monitor is old, and doesn't do my calorie total for the day - only tells me my heart rate! (it's a Polar that I got with my treadmill in 1998). Wow - that was a long time ago now!

    Thanks for the advice!
  • edyta
    edyta Posts: 258
    I'm going to up my calories, up my calories burned, and go from there. My heart rate monitor is old, and doesn't do my calorie total for the day - only tells me my heart rate! (it's a Polar that I got with my treadmill in 1998). Wow - that was a long time ago now!

    If it says how many calories you burn during exercising this is all you need, just wear it longer :smile:
    This plateau breaking diet can be a good point to start with because it sounds healthy and delicious :smile: - we can add some extra food to fit into our plans. I guess we can have a day strict to the plan once in a while as part of zigzag dieting as well.

    Cwilson: make sure you eat all your exercise calories - just a reminder :smile:

    Good luck for you all :flowerforyou:
  • tamrajd
    tamrajd Posts: 86
    hooray! I'm down 2 Ibs. just 7 to go.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    question how do u know when u should increase daily calories? I'm 5'1 and now weigh 122 Ibs so is 1200 cal still what i should be consuming?
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    hooray! I'm down 2 Ibs. just 7 to go.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    question how do u know when u should increase daily calories? I'm 5'1 and now weigh 122 Ibs so is 1200 cal still what i should be consuming?

    I guess if you still want to lose, keep the cals low! Follw the recommendations by the program. A good rule of thumb for daily calories burned is your weight x 12 (of x10 if you are sedentary).... so 122 x 12 = 1464 calories burned daily - 1200 consumer = 264, which means without exercise you would lose 1 pound every 13 days or so.

    Keep it up!
  • tamrajd
    tamrajd Posts: 86
    thank u for the info. it's just the last lbs are so hard to cvome off so it made me wonder if i was not doing right.

    you are doing wonderful too. only 7 lbs to go. it's a wonderful thing!
  • nytoaz
    nytoaz Posts: 143
    Hi, I would love to join! We just got back from a 2 week vacation, and amazingly I lost 2 pounds ~ I don't know how that happened. I didn't have access to MFP, and I totally splurged the entire 2 weeks :blushing: .

    So, I now have eleven pounds to go to reach my goal. :smile:
  • KrisKabob
    KrisKabob Posts: 1,250 Member

    These last 8lbs are stickin' like GLUE!!!! :grumble:

  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Hi, I would love to join! We just got back from a 2 week vacation, and amazingly I lost 2 pounds ~ I don't know how that happened. I didn't have access to MFP, and I totally splurged the entire 2 weeks :blushing: .

    So, I now have eleven pounds to go to reach my goal. :smile:

    Welcome back...
    WAIT A MINUTE!!!! You lost 2lbs!?!?!?! Can I come on vacation with your next time! :tongue:

    Great work, so here's to an even better week now that you're home!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member

    These last 8lbs are stickin' like GLUE!!!! :grumble:


    Oh Kris, you're singing my song girl!!! Is it possible that you are already slim enough? You look tiny.

    I think I need to pump up the exercise. But I feel that this is my week to lose!!! I'm going to really focus on great quality food, and eating a little more and exercising more, hoping to boost the metabolism!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Ladies - where are you???? How are we doing?

    I had a great Monday and Tuesday, and then last night, my grandmother had to go to hospital by ambulance, so I was up all night in emerg (she is doing okay btw). This morning to wake up I drank 2 cups of coffee, and then what's coffee without a donut! Ugh! :blushing: Not a healthy start to the day!

    Side note: When we called 911, Fire and Ambulance arrived - why are fire fighters so sexy? It was like every cliche! :tongue:
  • momandwife
    momandwife Posts: 151 Member
    I am here!!! I weighed in on my Tuesday weigh in and after my weekend where I exercised more than I have in the past (because my husband and kids were out of town) .......... I GAINED 0.5 pounds!!! 138.5!! UGH!!! I guess my hopes were up too high. I am thinking of changing my weigh in day to Thursday because I seem to weigh less later in the week (yes, I am addicted to my scale). It's probably just mind games though. I have read in Prevention magazine that people who weigh everyday tend to lose more weight because they are more aware of where they are (if they are up a pound then they tend to exercise more that day to make up for it) ...... again, probably mind games!!

    On Tuesday our family went to an amusement park and we walked for 7 hours ..... I forgot to wear my pedometer though - that would have been interesting to see how many steps we walked - plus we took the stroller so my husband and I were taking turns pushing that (more calories .... chi-ching!!) This morning (Wednesday) I weighed and was at 137.5 ..... and then I did 30 minutes of Tae-Bo!!

    On Tuesday I also took my measurements but I haven't had time to plug those into MFP yet to see where I stand with that ..... I'll let you know!!

    Well - we are taking the kids to see Kung Fu Panda this afternoon so I better shower and get ready to go ........ oh, the temptation of movie theater popcorn ..... UGH!! We'll see how I do!! :tongue:

    I will check in later!!! Have a great day!!! :flowerforyou:

    AJCM - oh, those firefighters ..... wooooo hooooo!!! Not bad to look at heh?? :tongue:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    I am here!!! I weighed in on my Tuesday weigh in and after my weekend where I exercised more than I have in the past (because my husband and kids were out of town) .......... I GAINED 0.5 pounds!!! 138.5!! UGH!!! I guess my hopes were up too high. I am thinking of changing my weigh in day to Thursday because I seem to weigh less later in the week (yes, I am addicted to my scale). It's probably just mind games though. I have read in Prevention magazine that people who weigh everyday tend to lose more weight because they are more aware of where they are (if they are up a pound then they tend to exercise more that day to make up for it) ...... again, probably mind games!!

    On Tuesday our family went to an amusement park and we walked for 7 hours ..... I forgot to wear my pedometer though - that would have been interesting to see how many steps we walked - plus we took the stroller so my husband and I were taking turns pushing that (more calories .... chi-ching!!) This morning (Wednesday) I weighed and was at 137.5 ..... and then I did 30 minutes of Tae-Bo!!

    On Tuesday I also took my measurements but I haven't had time to plug those into MFP yet to see where I stand with that ..... I'll let you know!!

    Well - we are taking the kids to see Kung Fu Panda this afternoon so I better shower and get ready to go ........ oh, the temptation of movie theater popcorn ..... UGH!! We'll see how I do!! :tongue:

    I will check in later!!! Have a great day!!! :flowerforyou:

    AJCM - oh, those firefighters ..... wooooo hooooo!!! Not bad to look at heh?? :tongue:

    You're doing GREAT!!! Keep it up (can you take one of those 100cal packs of popcorn with you? I usually take one in my purse, with a can of diet coke, and a plastic beer cup with ice in a zip loc baggie!

    Enjoy Panda - let me know if you think it appropriate for a 1.5yr and 3.5yr old!
  • nytoaz
    nytoaz Posts: 143
    Hi, I would love to join! We just got back from a 2 week vacation, and amazingly I lost 2 pounds ~ I don't know how that happened. I didn't have access to MFP, and I totally splurged the entire 2 weeks :blushing: .

    So, I now have eleven pounds to go to reach my goal. :smile:

    Welcome back...
    WAIT A MINUTE!!!! You lost 2lbs!?!?!?! Can I come on vacation with your next time! :tongue:

    Great work, so here's to an even better week now that you're home!

    Thank you! :flowerforyou: And if I don't continue to lose, I may HAVE to go on vacation again :laugh: . Sure, come along with us!!

    Just checking in, I don't weigh in until Monday, BUT I measured and after 6 weeks I lost a total of eleven inches (5 1/2 inches ~ half of my total inches lost, from the abs/waist area) :smile: This is REALLY working! I just wish I found MFP much sooner!!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Hi, I would love to join! We just got back from a 2 week vacation, and amazingly I lost 2 pounds ~ I don't know how that happened. I didn't have access to MFP, and I totally splurged the entire 2 weeks :blushing: .

    So, I now have eleven pounds to go to reach my goal. :smile:

    Welcome back...
    WAIT A MINUTE!!!! You lost 2lbs!?!?!?! Can I come on vacation with your next time! :tongue:

    Great work, so here's to an even better week now that you're home!

    You are AMAZING!!! Keep it up!!!

    Thank you! :flowerforyou: And if I don't continue to lose, I may HAVE to go on vacation again :laugh: . Sure, come along with us!!

    Just checking in, I don't weigh in until Monday, BUT I measured and after 6 weeks I lost a total of eleven inches (5 1/2 inches ~ half of my total inches lost, from the abs/waist area) :smile: This is REALLY working! I just wish I found MFP much sooner!!
  • KrisKabob
    KrisKabob Posts: 1,250 Member

    These last 8lbs are stickin' like GLUE!!!! :grumble:


    Oh Kris, you're singing my song girl!!! Is it possible that you are already slim enough? You look tiny.

    I think I need to pump up the exercise. But I feel that this is my week to lose!!! I'm going to really focus on great quality food, and eating a little more and exercising more, hoping to boost the metabolism!

    O girl!!!! I probably look thin b/c my weight is carried mostly in my lower body... but I'll take the compliment - thank you! You look great too!!! You don't look like you need to lose any more either.

    I am my own worst enemy... for sure!! I just need to get serious!!!