Fit by Summer - January

Several people expressed an interest in starting a group of people who want to get fit by summer. So here it is! Introduce yourself, tell us about yourself, and lets try to keep it motivational and positive!

I am Emily - I am the mom of 1 year old twins and I am a zumba instructor. I love MFP because it offers me information and groups like this to keep me going! My goal is to lose 25 lbs total and I would love to be at least halfway there by summer.


  • Nataliethin81
    Hi! I am Natalie. I'm a mom to 2 little ones, a girl that is 3.5 and a boy 17 months. I definitely need to get fit by summer. My goal is to lose 20 lbs and I would like to have lost ALL of it by Summer. I love this site, it's definitely keeping me motivated to have others to share my experience with.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Emily! I'm Sharon. I've been on MFP for about 6 months and have already lost 18 lbs from doing Turbo Fire 6 days a week. Hoping to lose the last 10 lbs by June.

    Thanks for starting this thread!
  • Alafia22
    Alafia22 Posts: 112
    My name is LaToya. I am a 25 year old, full time college student and mom of a 5 year old daughter. I currently work as a bookstore clerk. I am looking to get to a healthier weight by my birthday. (June 16th 2011) I don't want to carry my bad habits into the next quarter century of my life. I am motivated. I am focused and I think a group like this will help to keep me that way.

    Thank you for starting this thread.

    Best wishes to everyone on their journey.

  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    Hey, my name is Angela (or Anjy) and I'm a 25 year old wife & mother of 2 year old twin boys Jaxon and Jayce. I've been here since August 29th and have lost 35lbs thus far. My long term goal is to be 135-140lbs by summer of 2011. I started at 192lbs and i'm currently 157 :)
  • darrenw74
    darrenw74 Posts: 86 Member
    Hello everyone.
    This is the first year in many where I've actually thought it might be possible to get there. I started Jan 3rd, and am almost halfway to my first goal of losing 20 pounds. When I get to the first goal, I'll change my target from 2 pounds per week to 1 for the 2nd and final 20 pounds (or under 20% body fat). I'll also be changing my routine from mostly cardio to add in some weight training to get me to the 2nd goal.

    Good luck everyone.
  • roxy0994
    Hi! My name is Cammi, I am a mommy to a 13 month son. I would love to lose 20 lbs by summer, hopefully with this site and my exercise routine I will be able to accomplish my goal. Sharon, I LOVE Turbofire, what a butt kicker!!! I have been dependent on home exercise routines due to being at home with my son, Turbofire has been fun, hoping to get into Zumba sometime :)
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Cammi! Turbo Fire has changed my body and really increased my cardio endurance level. I think it's Chalene's best program. I'm addicted!!!!!

  • princess_f
    Hi, im a mum to a 7yrold girl, and want to reach my midway point by july (about 21lb). Lost 6lb so far. Working out on my days off so it can vary from 2-4days. Also starting aquafit & bums and tums next week! Im a chocaholic so finding the cravings hard mid-afternoon to evening!!
  • eagk19
    eagk19 Posts: 1
    Hello! My name is Elisa (27) and I too would love to lose weight by summer (May to be exact)! My goal weight is 135 pounds to put me back where I was before I met my husband leaving me with 35 pounds to go. I think with the right support and the right tools... this calorie counter... I will be able to reach my goal. I have never heard of Turbofire, but it sounds great. I love a great workout. I'm currently using home routines and vidoes as well. I am open to any suggestions. Good luck to all of you! It seems like some of you have already reached some great milestones. Good luck to all of you!!! :smile:
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Great topic Em!!
    Hello my name is Natasha, I am the mother of a 7 month old baby girl. I have 60 to lose and hope to be at least halfway there by summer (My daughters first birthday is in June).

    I am so frustrated with myself because I only had 30# to lose after she was born but before I knew it...I have 30 extra. :sad:

    The great thing is, MFP has helped me get fit and healthy before so I know it is possible.

    Looking forward to be motivated and help motivate! :drinker:
  • tmdugger
    tmdugger Posts: 132 Member
    Hi my name is Tracy.

    I could kill myself (not literally) for gaining the weight back. I was once 285 and got down to 180 and was a size 12 and pretty happy there. My mom passed two years ago from cancer and I woke up in 2011 at 224 and a size 18 :noway: .

    So I need to get fit by summer. My goal is to eat a balanced diet and not eat my feelings. I have lost 12 lbs so far. I'm at 212. My goal is to be at 185 by the start of June. I can do this!!!!

    My super supportive hubby has also joined and also lost 9 lbs.

    Let's kick it and get there together!!!! :smile:
  • annpat28
    Hello, I'm Ann
    I am 42 years old and a grandmother of 3 beautiful children. My son and his family share our home with us. My daughter inlaw and i are on a mission to get healthy and feel great. We are counting calories and working out. I have issues with will power. I do great for a few days then i fall completely off the wagon. I hope this will help me to stick with it. My husband and son have no desire to eat healthy so preparing meals is a challenge. Also it is difficult when my son has lots of fat and sugar filled snacks in the house. It will be tough but I AM GOING TO DO THIS!
  • smalltowngirl504
    Hi ... :) My name is Tricia, I am 25 year old ( I really did have to think about that) Mother of 3 boys, ages, 6,2,and 1... I am currently 151 lbs and have a goal of 125.. Id like to be half way there by our disney vacation on May 26th..... We are also going to OBX mid august , I would like to be completely there by then, I dont want to be embarrassed to be in a bathing suit on the beach, I am doing WW, and Will be ordering Turbo Jam and maybe re joining my gym!!! I look forward to getting to know all of you :)
  • gjspiller
    gjspiller Posts: 115 Member
    Hi, my name is Guen. I am 38 years old (yikes). I don't have a any children except a 4yr old Chihuahua that sleeps way too much.

    This is a cool thread. I just joined MFP, and so far i love the positive motivation I've read on forums.

    I would love to lose 40 lbs. by summer! That would be halfway to my total goal. That would put me about 4-5 sizes down in pant sizes. Yippee!

    Looking forward to the journey.
  • smalltowngirl504
    Hi guen, I have a 5 yr old Chihuahua that also sleeps way too much and also pees everywhere!!!! Good luck to you!!!

    Does anyone want to start a keeping track thing, where we weigh in and keep track of what we have lost? I can do it and keep it and post it once a week for everyone if everyone wants to give me their starting weight and weight loss thus far :)
  • gjspiller
    gjspiller Posts: 115 Member
    hi tricia,

    ok, so you totally get me on the sleeping Chi's. i don't get it!!

    can you clarify on what the tracking thing is? is it what we've lost as a group? sounds like a great idea!

    my S.W. (as of 1/2/2011): 215
    lost 3 lbs. so far.

  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    I would like to join. I found out about MFP while searching for health and fitness apps on my iPhone. I used to use another online tool last year but figured new year - new tool to change it up. I like the supportiveness so far. My goal is to reach my goal weight by summer and before would be even better. I would like to keep all of my weight off this time without fluctuating. I'm really striving toward a healthier lifestyle in the long run and feeling better about myself. I am a busy wife and mother of 2 kids (5 and 3 yr old), I work full time, and do freelance work on the side, so I squeeze in a workout whenever possible.
  • smalltowngirl504
    Welcome "getfitdiva" You are my friend too :):) We really do have similar goals :) Good luck!!!
  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    Hey everyone! I am Kim, I am 25 and mother to an almost 2 year old boy. I too just joined MFP and am loving all the support and motivation I see on the boards. I would like to lose 40-45 lbs, which would put me at a weight where (the last time I was there) I felt fabulous about myself and really got out there and "lived." I have a wedding that I am attending at the end of June, so I'd love to accomplish this goal by then. Feel free to add me and we can motivate each other toward our goals.
  • CelesteENelson
    CelesteENelson Posts: 89 Member
    Hello. My name is Celeste. I am 29 years old and have 1 boy who is 3 years old and a handful. I started my weight loss journey back in July when I took my son to a small amusement park and realized I couldnt fit on any of the rides with him. So I contacted my DR and decided on some medication that would assist my weight loss. A month later I had lost 17 lbs. I started walking at home and then two weeks into September I joined a gym where I have continued to lose weight. Thus far I have lost 70 lbs since Aug 3, 2010. I am pushing myself daily to work out harder and harder so I can lost the last 77 lbs by my 8 year wedding anniversary of 4/26/11. I know that is pushing it but with my medication, my daily work outs and my better food choices I shouldnt have a problem meeting that goal.

    Started in August 2010 @ 327 lbs.
    Currently January 17, 2011 @ 256.8.
    Main goal April, 2011 @ 180 (or lower of course)

    I would like to join this group. I want to be able to look good for my anniversary and also be able to wear a bikini this summer.