Fit by Summer - January



  • smalltowngirl504
    Roxxy- Muscle weighs more than fat, so I would maybe measure yourself too and keep track that way, Dont let he scale define your weight loss.. :) I do that too sometimes, well most of the time, but know if you are replacing fat with muscle that is a good thing, even if the scale doesnt say it is!!!

    I had a terrible eating today, i had a bad day and I stress eat, so needless to say I had pizza hut for dinner,did you know an order of boneless wings, is 23 WW points, I still have 17 weekly points that I will not be using, but holy crap!!! I wont be eating that again!!!!!

    I was excited for weigh in day and now I am not so sure...eeekk!!
  • 2011_4mygirls
    2011_4mygirls Posts: 298 Member
    Hello, my name is Bobbi and I would LOVE to join this challenge. I just joined MFP yesterday. I have struggled with my weight most of my adult life. I am 34 years old and a mother to three daughters (ages: 18, 9 and 7). I would love to lose 25 pounds by my 35th birthday on June 3rd. I would like to get a new swimming suit that is not the the kind with the dress over it!!!

    I will reach this goal by logging my food intake each and every day and also by challenging myself to some sort of exercise each and every day as well!!!
  • whistler86
    Hello I'm Roger, I'm a 24 years old and would love to drop about 50lbs by june, but will settle for at least half by June.
  • slm4
    slm4 Posts: 37
    Hi! I'm 30 years old and have been working really hard to loose some weight, which I've been somewhat successful at in the last half of 2010, but hit a major plateau in Dec and the first part of this month. It's really because of not working out much and just taking the time off with my husband over the holidays. Anyway, I'm very eager to join this thread and see some of the same faces (as it were) every day. Annpat-just so that you know-my husband isn't a healthy eater, though I'm trying to change that, and what I do for him is we have a separate cupboard where I keep his snack foods which helps keep me from seeing them. I'm actually not a sweet tooth, like he is, but it can be very difficult if you get constant exposure to alot of negative foods. It's really gotten to me not even noticing his snacks when he does eat them but it started with that cupboard and it really worked well. Hopefully your family is supportive of your weight loss/fitness goals and eager to help you out. I don't really have any overly pressing fitness regime goals, I'm mostly focused on maintaining my caloric intake and trying to get some exercise in at least 3-5x's a week. I used to run but I've really gotten away from that though I'll still go out for it every now and then. I can enjoy the Jillian Michaels DVDs as well. Anyway, good luck to all and hope we can all get where we want to be by summer!
  • slm4
    slm4 Posts: 37
    oh my gosh, and there it is, i wrote "loose" instead of "lose" in my first sentence........ugh!
  • bertlyne
    Hi, I'm new to my fitness pal. I am 40 (turning 41 on Feb.10) married and a mom to 2 kids a daughter 14, and a son 12. I am in my last year of college, graduating in May. I'd really like to lose 25 pounds by May 13 (my graduation day). I'd really like some friends to help keep me motivated. Feel free to send a request.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Not sure if I properly introduced myself to this group earlier. My name is Sharon and I am 42 years old. I've been on this weight loss journey since 2005 when I weighed in at my highest ever...193.6 lbs! I started Turbo Jam and Jenny Craig in January and off I went. During 2005 I lost 43 lbs and since then I've managed to keep most of it off through 6 day a week workouts (4:30am), eating cleaner, and drinking Shakeology. I am currently working through a hybrid schedule of Turbo Fire (my soul mate workout) and Insanity. I have about 10 lbs left to go to reach my goal of 147 lbs.

    I am a huge Beachbody workout program devotee having completed P90. P90 master series, RevAbs, Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire, and Insanity. If anyone is interested in receiving extra motivation feel free to friend me. I'm good at pushing! :laugh:

    Oh and my best quality is that I am passionate about health and fitness and want to help others feel the same way!

  • kalamitykate83
    kalamitykate83 Posts: 227 Member
    Hi! I'd love to lose 27lbs by April, just in time for the summer!!! I'm 27, from Cardiff in S.Wales. At my heaviest weight I was 210lbs, and my lowest weight has been 140 which was last summer when I got married. I'd love to get to 150lbs, I'm currently 177lbs. I have a tonne of size 10 clothes in my wardrobe screaming to be worn, but at the moment a 12 is tight on me!!! So I am on a mission to get down to my size 10 again in time for summer!!!!! 2lbs loss a week is my goal, anymore is a bonus. I'm starting Zumba tonight, and going to aim to do that at least once a week combined with my 3mile walk to work a day, and I use my hula hoop at home - have got up to 15 mins non stop now so doing that once a day too. x
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    My name is Tiffany and I would love to get to my goal weight by the start of summer. I've always been a fairly active person but my love of food/eating has made it dfficult to get down to where I want to be. I am halfway to my goal weight. Needed to lose 20 pounds when I started. I am currently in a group where you're supposed to be losing 10 lbs in the month but since I'm on my last 10 pounds, I am losing very slowly. It's discouraging seeing everyone else lose so much every week. I think I need to concentrate on just changing some habits for the long run and not worrying so much about losing the weight. I just want to eat healthier and smaller portions and the weight loss should happen on its own. I can't worry about it anymore but I also can't not worry about it or I'll fall back into my old habits...
  • mjanet
    mjanet Posts: 54
    Alright guys, I hope all of you are having a great day. As we begin this journey, we need to continuously stay motivated.

    So what are you proud of today? Have you worked out? Did you stay under calorie goal?

    I'm proud that I got up this morning and took a 15 min brisk walk around the block a few times. That's a step in the right direction.:happy:
  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    Alright guys, I hope all of you are having a great day. As we begin this journey, we need to continuously stay motivated.

    So what are you proud of today? Have you worked out? Did you stay under calorie goal?

    I'm proud that I got up this morning and took a 15 min brisk walk around the block a few times. That's a step in the right direction.:happy:

    Today, I am proud that I didn't give in to all the junk food that was being offered during my staff meeting this morning. Haven't headed to the gym yet, but am heading there later this afternoon for a step class. So excited!
  • darrenw74
    darrenw74 Posts: 86 Member
    Alright guys, I hope all of you are having a great day. As we begin this journey, we need to continuously stay motivated.

    So what are you proud of today? Have you worked out? Did you stay under calorie goal?

    I'm proud that I got up this morning and took a 15 min brisk walk around the block a few times. That's a step in the right direction.:happy:

    I worked out, for the 16th day in a row, and avoided the cookie event at the office. I'm also drinking lots of water, instead of soda, which I'm proud of.
  • smalltowngirl504
    Today I am happy that I didnt eat the stuffed crust pizza for lunch! :) That was left over from dinner yesterday1 YAY ME!!!
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    Today I am happy that I didnt eat the stuffed crust pizza for lunch! :) That was left over from dinner yesterday1 YAY ME!!!

    I really wanted pizza too - it's in our cafeteria at work and sooo good. I opted for a turkey & provolone on wheat sub at subway - YAY!
  • mjanet
    mjanet Posts: 54
    Good job everyone! Its nice to know that everyone is overcoming hurdles each day. Keep them coming. :happy:
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    ugh we DID have pizza last night for dinner. I stayed under my calories but my tummy was FEELING it today.. <shakes head...oooh why did I think that was OK?!>
  • smalltowngirl504
    I had 1/2 piece of fried chicken for dinner, washed it down with lots of brocoli and carrots !!! :) I still have like 9 WW points for the day, Ive hardly eaten today, No idea what Ill do with those points!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    well, my pizza didn't matter because I really kicked it at Zumba tonight! We even ended class with a little bit of pilates and it was great! BUT now I am so far under my calories for today that I am going to need to eat again before bed.
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    Today, I forced myself to g out and pull boxes in the warehouse at work. It's not something I have to do but decided to use my time at work to get in a workout. It's especially hard to force myself out there because it's not heated.
  • jmegan22
    jmegan22 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello everyone! I would love to join this group. My best friend is getting married in September and I would LOVE to lose those last twenty pounds in time to stand by her side. I lost about 15 pounds in 2010 for my own wedding, gained back about 5 over the holidays and I'm back on track to keep working towards my ultimate goal. I would really like to be in my best shape before we start building our family.

    I haven't joined a group before so hopefully I can stick to it! :0)