Fit by Summer - January



  • slm4
    slm4 Posts: 37
    I'm proud that I'm making a concerted effort to eat a certain amount of calories and consume healthier options. I also was able to make it out for a walk with my dogs today, being a little warmer than its been and not raining so I'm thrilled I was able to do that. Darren-you are right to be proud of the water-I went through a strong phase of drinking only water and it was very helpful weight-loss-wise. I have been drinking lots of decaf coffee ever since the weather got so cold, but I'm going to have to go back to just water as it warms up. Also, great job to those who avoided snack events at work. Its always tough when they have those and it feels so much better to just not participate in something that you regret later.
  • mjanet
    mjanet Posts: 54
    Good morning everyone! I hope everyone is having a fantastic start to their day.

    So now that we have a good bunch of people registered, I guess we need to weigh in. I will make a chart once everyone participating in this challenge has posted their current weigh in. Please post current weigh in by Friday 12 noon so we can get a chart going. Also let us know what your goal is by Summer. I guess we need to pick a month for final weigh out as well.

    Weigh ins will be every Friday. So here goes. Good luck!

    My starting weight is 215lbs.
    My goal is to lose 35-40 lbs by summer.
    I suggest weigh out on the 1st official day of summer which is 6/21/11.

    Let me know your thoughts.
  • rdy2lose
    rdy2lose Posts: 106
    Is it to late to join? I REALLY need the motivation, I just can't get myself to stop eating the wrong foods. I am 46 years old a mom of two (14 yr old boy and an 11 yr old girl) and married. My highest weight was 204, I joined WW and was down to 179 and then quit because I just lost my motiviation and I was stuck at 179. I gained back 15 pounds after I quit and I swore I would not get back up to my highest weight. So now I have lost 7 lbs since I started but after Xmas I gained back 4 of that. ARGGGHHHH

    I am exercising 4 to 6 days a week and feel great about that, but I just keep eating all the wrong foods. Last night I had 3 Chips Ahoy cookies! Now why did I DO that to myself?

    So anyway, I would like to lose 20 lbs by June 1st. I think this is a very realistic goal (actually I would like to lose 40 by then, but not sure this is realistic, so I am going with 20). So any advice anyone has is greatly appreciated, and I REALLY need the motivation.
  • rdy2lose
    rdy2lose Posts: 106
    Let me know if I am doing this wrong.

    My starting weight is 193.2 lbs.
    My goal is to lose 25 lbs by summer.

    1st Goal - 188 by Feb 26th
    2nd Goal - 178 by April 22nd
    3rd Goal - 173 by May 28th
    4th Goal - 168 by June 21, 2011
  • oysterboy
    oysterboy Posts: 31 Member
    Start weight is 154lbs.
    Goal by summer is to lose 21lbs which will put me at my goal weight.

    It's definitely going to be hard. I think once I hit aboiut 140 it will be slooooooow going.
  • mjanet
    mjanet Posts: 54
    Let me know if I am doing this wrong.

    My starting weight is 193.2 lbs.
    My goal is to lose 25 lbs by summer.

    1st Goal - 188 by Feb 26th
    2nd Goal - 178 by April 22nd
    3rd Goal - 173 by May 28th
    4th Goal - 168 by June 21, 2011

    Welcome! Just stay motivated and you'll see before you know it, you'll start losing weight.
  • mjanet
    mjanet Posts: 54
    Start weight is 154lbs.
    Goal by summer is to lose 21lbs which will put me at my goal weight.

    It's definitely going to be hard. I think once I hit aboiut 140 it will be slooooooow going.

    Thanks Emma! Look forward to seeing you reach your goal!
  • Never too late to join :)

    MY entire week has been rocky, I had chinese for lunch, I had smaller portions than normal so theres a start right? :) anyway tomorrow starts a new WW/diet week for me, and I promise to have a week week tomorrow, I did not go over my WW points, so thats a plus, I just made terrible eating choices!!
  • minni2906
    minni2906 Posts: 182
    Starting weight: 201
    By beginning of summer, I'd be happy with 160.
    40lbs! Let's do this!!
  • hi! sorry i'm a little late with the intro.

    i'm cristina - 28 coming up on 29 - trying to work off the result of years of office jobs. i've struggled with my weight most of my life; was actually healthy and thin from the second half of eighth grade to high school, but college put paid to that.

    without getting into all of the fun mental issues stemming from that, i'll just say that my goal as i approach my 30s is to rock my summer clothes - the tank tops, the bikinis, the's all kind of hard to avoid when you live in florida. I'm aiming to lose about 10 pounds and tone up in a big way (although that's harder to quantify) by April for my best friend's wedding, and if I can lose another 5 by June 1 I'll be a happy camper - and also in my healthy BMI range. :)

    currently: 150
    1st Goal: 140 by April 15
    2nd Goal: 135 by June 1

    today i'm proud of myself because ALL WEEK i've been able to stay within about 20-30 calories of my ideal intake...and my workouts this week have been 45 minutes aerobics, 15 minutes toning for 60 minutes total instead of 30/15 - a pretty big step for me!
  • darrenw74
    darrenw74 Posts: 86 Member
    SW 219
    GW 199

    Currently 209
  • jmegan22
    jmegan22 Posts: 5 Member
    Start Weight = 144lbs.

    Goal Weight by 6/21/11 = 130lbs.

    I have been stuck in the 140s forEVER! I am very motivated to get and stay below that line.
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Alright guys, I hope all of you are having a great day. As we begin this journey, we need to continuously stay motivated.

    So what are you proud of today? Have you worked out? Did you stay under calorie goal?

    I'm proud that I got up this morning and took a 15 min brisk walk around the block a few times. That's a step in the right direction.:happy:

    Hello everyone, I would like to join this group..I was part of another group that aimed to lose weight by June but was kicked out because I currently do not have a scale and was not messaging my weight or measurements.

    My name is Andrea and I am a 24 year old full time college student. I recently moved to Massachusetts from California around Christmas time and have really been adjusting to everything from the culture to the weather over here. It is not easy living next to so many dunkin donuts and sub shops (have never seen so many in my life!!!). I weighed 263 lbs last fall and aimed to lose weight...that was the heaviest I have ever been, I went down to 245 (last time I weighed which was around early December) but I am sure that I have gained more since then. I would love to get down to 200 lbs, that would be ideal for my goal. I joined a local gym and started going last night! I am so excited!!

    I am proud of the fact that I have made healthy choices at my orientation today. I skipped on the free bread and butter placed at our table ( Oh I did stare at it) and instead of getting a plateful of pasta, I only got a small portion of pasta and filled the rest of the plate with veggies and a chicken breast. OH, and instead of soda, I grabbed a water.
  • mjanet
    mjanet Posts: 54
    Never too late to join :)

    MY entire week has been rocky, I had chinese for lunch, I had smaller portions than normal so theres a start right? :) anyway tomorrow starts a new WW/diet week for me, and I promise to have a week week tomorrow, I did not go over my WW points, so thats a plus, I just made terrible eating choices!!

    Well Tricia, at least you are concentrating on portion sizes which is something to be proud of. It's tough, we all know this so just keep posting those points and don't worry, we'll learn better eating habits together. :happy:
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Good morning everyone! I hope everyone is having a fantastic start to their day.

    So now that we have a good bunch of people registered, I guess we need to weigh in. I will make a chart once everyone participating in this challenge has posted their current weigh in. Please post current weigh in by Friday 12 noon so we can get a chart going. Also let us know what your goal is by Summer. I guess we need to pick a month for final weigh out as well.

    Weigh ins will be every Friday. So here goes. Good luck!

    My starting weight is 215lbs.
    My goal is to lose 35-40 lbs by summer.
    I suggest weigh out on the 1st official day of summer which is 6/21/11.

    Let me know your thoughts.

    My starting weight ( this is a guess right now) 250
    MY GOAL 220

    I need to buy a scale so i might miss out on the first weigh in..anyone recommend a certain brand of digital scale?
  • Hi everyone! I'm Carrie, 32 yo single mom to two little girls (5 and 3) and this is my first day on MFP. I am looking to be between where I am now (125) and where I was when I split with my husband last year (way too skinny at 105 due to stress, I am definitely not a stress eater). When I was a SAHM I was very active most days just on the go with my kids. Now that I'm back at work, sitting down a lot more and not eating the healthy lunches I had at home I found my weight creeping up again. I started watching what I eat for lunch and have managed to drop 3 lbs in the last week and a half or so with just that little change. Now I have started up my wii ea active workouts again so I'm hoping those two things will make that 10 lbs go fast and get me more toned again. I really want to be able to wear a minidress to the Apprenticeship Banquet this year and feel as good as I did last year! Oh and it would be nice to feel great in a swimsuit when we go visit my brother in California in April!

    Good luck everyone!
  • OceanAddict
    OceanAddict Posts: 55 Member
    Good morning everyone! I hope everyone is having a fantastic start to their day.

    So now that we have a good bunch of people registered, I guess we need to weigh in. I will make a chart once everyone participating in this challenge has posted their current weigh in. Please post current weigh in by Friday 12 noon so we can get a chart going. Also let us know what your goal is by Summer. I guess we need to pick a month for final weigh out as well.

    Weigh ins will be every Friday. So here goes. Good luck!

    My starting weight is 215lbs.
    My goal is to lose 35-40 lbs by summer.
    I suggest weigh out on the 1st official day of summer which is 6/21/11.

    Let me know your thoughts.

    My current weight is 158 lbs.
    I want to get down to 145 by summer (13 pound lost)

    I agree with June 21st - we can do it!!
  • Hi my name is Jill and I'm about to graduate from college. My goal is to go from 183 to 150 by the time I start my new post-college job at the beginning of June. I have been using mfp for about 3 weeks now and have lost 8 pounds (25 to go!). Looking forward to my first thin summer!
  • I am not sure I really ever posted my goals..

    I am currently 151...up from 146 1.5 months ago ( amazing how it changes)

    My goal is 125 by mid august, Id like to be 135, by mid may which is our disney trip!!!!!

    My picture on the right I was about 138 in :)

    I weight in on friday's so tomorrow..eeek.. ill update then!..
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hi my name is Jill and I'm about to graduate from college. My goal is to go from 183 to 150 by the time I start my new post-college job at the beginning of June. I have been using mfp for about 3 weeks now and have lost 8 pounds (25 to go!). Looking forward to my first thin summer!

    We have almost the exact same goals. Time to buddy up!
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