Fit by Summer - January



  • OceanAddict
    OceanAddict Posts: 55 Member
    Hi! Another Kim here. :D

    I'm 34, and work a sedentary job in software. Last year I bought myself a bikini to wear, but did NOT feel comfortable in it. I'd like to get down to bikini-comfort-weight by the time the warm weather rolls around.

    Also, a good friend is getting married in August, and it would be fun to buy a cute little dress to wear! Right now I'm too self-conscious of my arms in anything sleeveless.
  • Hello everyone!! My name is Jennifer, I am 24 and have struggled with weight my whole life. I'm engaged to the love of my life and I plan on ordering my wedding dress this summer since I will be getting married in April 2012. I am also in nursing school which I will graduate in May. I joined the local YMCA with my best friend in January, and have joined a strength training class! It is amazing!! I wish everyone the best of luck! I am so happy to have joined this site. It makes me feel like I am accountable for more than just myself, since everyone else can read what I eat and tell me ways to improve or add encouragement for a great exercise!

    Good luck everyone!! :)

    Starting weight: 252lbs
    Current weight: 250lbs (I havent weighed in this week yet)
    Goal weight: 175lbs
  • Hey y'all! I'm elaine and i'm 18. I took off a few sport seasons and thus began my lazy junk food spiral down... Getting back into my health guru state o being though starting with MFP! I'm 5'8 and 142 looking to go back to around 115-120lbs. Excited to be going back to being healthy! :D Would love to join, let's be confident this summa!
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    Thanks Tricia! Yes it's nice to see all of us striving for the same goals - I know it's possible. Oh BTW my name is Tamara - LOL.
  • Hi! My name is Heather and I'm 21! I was always heavier in high school, but was a cheerleader so felt like I was in okay shape. Now I recently found myself at 230, but I am working hard with my Jillian Michaels DVDS and about to start Zumba classes so I have lost a total of 17 pounds! hopefully I can reach my goal soon! :)
  • Hello Everyone,
    My overall goal is 40 pounds, I am down 11 right now and would LOVE to be at my goal weight by summer. I am turning 25 in June, have a possible beach vacation this summer and well... I just love challenges! lol anything to keep me accountable and motivated is really important. I am an emotional eater and anything that can keep me balanced and in check in welcomed = )
    I plan on losing my extra pounds by staying under my calorie goal, making good food choices and by working out 5 days per week in the gym and 5 days per week with P90X. Im excited! Good luck everyone!
    Also, anyone that is looking for extra support feel free to add me :happy:
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    So glad to see everyone here!

    I think that if we keep motivating one another that we can eventually start showing each other our progress!

    i am excited because I finally lose 2 lbs! I've been back on the bandwagon for a couple of weeks and so it is nice to finally see the number go down!
  • Hello everyone. My name is Angela and I'm 36 ;-/. I have been struggling with my weight since the birth of my second child 9 years ago. I travel a lot for work and have managed to pack on an additional 30 lbs in a year and a half My friend introduced me to this iPhone app and I'm really excited about getting started. My goal is to drop 50 lbs my June. I'm looking for some motivational support to keep me Keep the scale moving down!!
  • There are so many of you, I really hope that you all stick around and share your stories and your journeys, I am doing WW, But just for fun I put all my food into MFP today too , I was over calories by 80... not bad my goal on here is set to 1200.. but I am very hungry, not because my body needs it, but because my body is used to the night time snacking that I usually do, I am trying to curve that....

    I havent started working out yet, next week is my plan! We will see how it goes :)... I am hoping to have some loss this week, because if I dont, I will be very discourage, I know its only week 1 and Ive cheated a bit, but Id still like to see a loss!!
  • Hi All!!! I'm so excited that this post was started!!! I'm a 27 year old mother of a 2 year old! I weigh FAR more than I should and I need to lose like....100 pounds!! I'd like to lose at least 45 pounds by summer! My plan is to keep track of what I'm eating here and work out at least 6 days a week. This is a serious challenge for me and much easier said than done, so I'm really going to need a great deal of support and encouragement!
    BUT....I'm ready for a lifestyle change that will change my life!!! LET's GO!
  • julie737
    julie737 Posts: 406 Member
    Hello all you wonderfully supportive folks! My name is Julie and I've been a member of MFP for 3 years now! I'm a 39-year-old stay-at-home mom of 4 kids. I lost 25 pounds and got 2 pounds away from my goal weight during the first half of 2008. Over the past 2.5 years I've put 20 pounds back on and I HATE it. My goal is to lose 22 pounds by June, when I'm running the Wasatch Back Ragnar Relay. I love running and this is a 2 day relay where I'll be wearing my tight running capris the whole time--and they are not forgiving :| That's my main motivation right now, not to mention the size 6 jeans hanging in a lonely place in my closet. :smile:

    I need to be motivated and accountable, and I'm glad to provide some of that for all y'all too!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    Well, now that we gathered up a group of people (and more are still welcome!) Why don't we start out with a little get to know you question. It can be a way to find out what we all have in common BESIDES weight loss. Weightloss is a great common goal, but finding friends on here is what will keep us going. SO:

    So tell me: What characteristics do you like about yourself? It could be physical, but it does not have to be. I'll go first.

    I am unique and generally very chipper. I try to use that to motivate my zumba students and to keep myself sane when the twins are in a bad mood!
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 559 Member
    I am kk would love to join this group and love to get motivation from whereevr i can. With weightloss i am nto so good i loose 6 pounds then gain then loose so this time atleast want to be serious.My BF b'day is in march so want to loose atleast 6 - 7 pounds so will look good and also want to start eating healthy.

    CW 142
    GW by march - 135
    GW 130
    Final ultimate goal - 120 as i was in my college

  • Is anybody else having problem with not losing scale weight, but working your buns off? I do feel like my clothes are fitting a little better but the scale is not budging much :( I may be gaining back all the muscle I lost with pregnancy..... I can only hope so!
  • oysterboy
    oysterboy Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Guys,

    I've really enjoyed reading all your stories and look forward to hearing about your weight loss success.

    My name's Emma and I'm 30 and live in the UK. I lost 56lbs in 2008 following WW but over the last couple of years I've put about 25lbs back on. After I lost the weight I felt super confident and managed to bag myself an incredible boyfriend. Unfortunately, like me, he loves great food and wine and I've gradually put some weight back on. (He's still slim and hot. Not fair!).

    When I was losing weight last time I grew to love running and as the weight has gone back on my times have got slower. I need to get the weight off again so that I can run fast and get back to feeling good about the way I look. I have a half marathon in March and one in September. I'm hoping that by September I'll be slim and able to get a PB.

    God luck everyone!

  • Dobsaya
    Dobsaya Posts: 235
    Hi, I am Ayana and a mom of 7 children. I looove to play tennis with my husband in the summer. We play singles or doubles he and I against his two brothers. We beat them most of the time but one on one, my husband beats me the majority of the time. I would like to slim down so that I am faster on the court. Currently, I am in my weight range and bmi is not overweight, however I am at the high end and would like to get to the low end.
  • oysterboy
    oysterboy Posts: 31 Member
    Well, now that we gathered up a group of people (and more are still welcome!) Why don't we start out with a little get to know you question. It can be a way to find out what we all have in common BESIDES weight loss. Weightloss is a great common goal, but finding friends on here is what will keep us going. SO:

    So tell me: What characteristics do you like about yourself? It could be physical, but it does not have to be. I'll go first.

    I am unique and generally very chipper. I try to use that to motivate my zumba students and to keep myself sane when the twins are in a bad mood!

    Being chipper is a really good trait to have.

    Physically my best characteristic is my legs. I do a lot of running and cycling so they are strong and toned.
  • OceanAddict
    OceanAddict Posts: 55 Member
    Hm... what do I like about myself.... I am resilient and well-grounded. Also kind of stubborn, but I like to look at it as "determined". :D
  • minni2906
    minni2906 Posts: 182
    Hey, everyone. My name is Mindy. I am 22. I have been overweight since middle school. Before then my nickname was "skinny Minny". I'd LOVE to get back to fitting that nickname. At my heaviest I was 215. That's when I broke down and asked my doctor if he could put me on Phentermine. He agreed, because he knows that at my weight and with the family history, I am at risk for Diabetes (my mom is Diabetic). That was in Oct. I stopped the Phen after about a month, and saw that I kept losing. What a motivator! With the holidays thrown in there, I am happy to say I've lost 14lbs so far. My ultimate goal is to be at a healthy BMI, which would put my weight at around 150. I'd REALLY like to see 175 by my wedding April 2nd, but the more time passes, I'm stuck at 201, and I don't see 175 happening in 2.5 months. :[ I'd love to see 150 by my birthday in August! Anyone have any tips for me? I'm counting carbs to watch my intake, as well as my blood sugars.

    As for the "characteristic" question: I'd say my best characteristic is that I can get along with ANYONE! :]
  • mjanet
    mjanet Posts: 54
    Hi all,

    My names Janet, I'm 24 about to turn 25 in a few weeks, and I've been trying to lose weight for the past 2 years but I just can't seem to take control of my problem. I've finally made a plan to stick with it. I want to begin a new birthday with a new approch to eating and being healthy.

    I LOVE that this blog was started. I hope to hear all of your success stories, and motiviation. My journey begins at 215lbs and hopefully by the time summer rolls around I would like to have dropped 30lbs. That's about 10 pounds a month.

    I wish you all luck!!!

    Question: What characteristics do you like about yourself?
    I'm a lot of fun. I'm always looking for a good time, laughing and make the bad into something fun. :happy:
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