Fabulous Flab Fighters



  • Nessarose1
    Nessarose1 Posts: 1,324
    Good morning all- Spent most of the weekend sick- then Super bowl party. Hopefully I can get my 1 lb loss back on Fri. Still not 100% and still SUUUPER tired.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
  • Hope you feel better soon.

    I was thinking about this over the weekend, why dont we sign up for the pund for pound on the biggest looser?
  • Nessarose1
    Nessarose1 Posts: 1,324
    Looking into it- I'm not sure what it is. lol
  • Nessarose1
    Nessarose1 Posts: 1,324
    Ok I signed up and pledged my 50 lbs. (Max allowed is 50.) Sooooo now what? lol
  • Nessarose1
    Nessarose1 Posts: 1,324
    Also- Just finished 16.9 ounces of water. Whoot! lol Going slow but I'll get there.
  • i need to do better on the water thing, i just dont like it. lol. i think its just that every week we have to go in and put in our weight, i need to go sign up, i didn it last year too, didnt know if we could sign up as a group, but if everyone on the ss signed up, imagine how much food we can get for people, they match one pound of food for every pound pledged. :happy:
  • Nessarose1
    Nessarose1 Posts: 1,324
    33.8 ounces.

    I couldn't find where to weigh in. :huh: lol
  • I just went there too, and maybe you just pledge it and make sure you loose that much? i dont know. lol. but if thats the case, you have already lost that much. and i thought last year you had to weigh in. i couldnt find it either. someone else wanna look and see if its just us. lol
  • just looked again, yeah, i think we just pledge and loose that amount. no weigh in besides what we do on here
  • Nessarose1
    Nessarose1 Posts: 1,324
    50.7 ounces
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    I just checked it out and it's an American thing ... us Canucks can't participate. Oh Well.
  • Nessarose1
    Nessarose1 Posts: 1,324
    67.3 I'm floating....
  • is that the amount of water you have drank today??
  • I just checked it out and it's an American thing ... us Canucks can't participate. Oh Well.

    how unfair is that??? but at least you tried.
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Nessa- make sure you are peeing a lot you can drown your organs otherwise. But impressive water intake none the less.

    I wanted to sign up for the pound for pound last year but as Maggs says we Canadians don't count, which I think is dumb it should be a North American thing. Of course we can't be contestants either.
  • yolie1220
    yolie1220 Posts: 223 Member
    Officially 10 pounds to go!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    I had a great weekend exercise wise. Got in an hour on Saturday and 45 minutes yesterday. I have a 45 minute spin class tonight. My food this weekend was terrible. Saturday we did Chinese and yesterday we had pizza lunch and chinese leftovers for dinner. My husband went out for Super Bowl but I ate a bag of chips while watching Glee after the game- I think I was craving carbs because I was up past my bedtime. Oh did I mention the bottle of wine I drank between both nights. Glad I worked out. Not looking good for this Friday if I don't shape up!!
  • Nessarose1
    Nessarose1 Posts: 1,324
    Blue- yea that's my water. lol

    momto- I'm spending more time in the bathroom than out. lol

    Yolie- AWESOME!

    It does seem silly that you can't pledge! Wierd.
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Good stuff Yollie! You are doing great.
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