The Daily Water Cooler Thread



  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    ok, I bought an HRM!! I'm cheap so I went for a discount ;o) I wanted to find a polar brand but they're so spendy!! I went for Gaiam's 3.0 version because it's cute so I wont mind wearing it.. heh and it sounds like a nice basic watch, nothing too fancy.

    retails $109.99 but got it from a seller on ebay for $51.98 plus $5 shipping (brand new in box with 7 days return policy) there are more of this one from the seller if anyone's interested. I figure with that discount even if I'm disappointed by it it can be a cute watch if nothing else, lol.

    here's the ebay site:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Hi Ladies! Just got home from Zumba. I wore my HRM and was able to keep my heart rate up and burn 477 calories in 45 minutes. Not a bad burn. Feel porky this week due to bad choices. Someone brought in an almond kringle coffee cake today and I had a piece. Wish I was as good as you Starla and could just say NO! Some weeks are better than others... I did good at lunch though. I ate my brown rice and chicken with curry and some yellow peppers and dip.

    Two beautiful days in a row! How lucky are we here in MN?
    Shirley-What do your shoes look like and what kind of dress are you going to buy, long or shorter?
    Marla-good luck with your summer and hope you get some time to spend with your kids.

    Well I stink and need a shower so off to clean up. Tomorrows a new day and I will make good choices for meals. I do have my knitting group tomorrow eve and that includes dinner. The hostess is a good cook so we'll see what she has for the meal. I usually don't over eat at the group but there is usually dessert and I love dessert!:love:

    So have a nice eve and day tomorrow...
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Oh yeah Starla, let me know how you like your HRM and what kind of calories you burn for yoga and for your new DVD's. I've never heard of Tracy Anderson.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Just got back from lunch and walked 20 mins. I usually do 25min. I must be
    getting faster and stronger. Ya think :tongue: I also broke my weight plateau
    and have lost 19.6 lbs. so far. Yaay!!!!!!
    Will keep going until I get a good result next time I see the doctor which will
    be next month.

    Anyway, Jenny, my shoes are simple looking bone color so it will match anything.
    Kind of like a sandle with a heel. No spikes for me, getting too hold for that plus I
    would probably break my ankle. I will get a dress too but don't know what I want

    Starla: Good luck with the HRM a lot people on this site use them. I just go by
    calories and the scale. Let me know how you like it.

    I hope Friday will be planting flowers day and no rain if we are lucky.
    I did buy one planter yesterday of Impatiens a purple/pink color.

    Hubby and I were having a beer (Michelob Ultra 90 cal.):tongue: on the patio and we saw
    our first hummingbird at our feeder. We also saw a male and female cardinal.
    It was a very busy bird feeding frenzy last night then it rained. We have a steel
    roof over the patio so we could sit out and not get wet.
    We had the patio built last year by our nephew just in time for my daughter's
    wedding shower.

    Just received some more pictures from my daughter in Paris with her husband.
    They are leaving today for the train ride to Amersterdam. They are having an awesome
    time. She said she took 400 pictures of Paris.

    Well have wonderful day Ladies.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Way to go Shirley - you are doing great!!

    Just got back from picking the gremlin up from their last day of school and taking them as promised to Pizza Ranch. All I can say is gross. There were super excited and thought it was wonderful - all I thought it was cold, greasy and a waste of a days calories. Oh the things I do for my boyz!

    The 10-year-old had his first ball game last night and did pretty good - it's quite a change going from 'coach-pitch' to regular pitching.
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    just found this article about the tracy anderson dvd I'm doing:

    it's a little long but it explains perfectly (in a funny way too) how you're like "uhm this won't do anything...." but then as the dvd goes on you realize how genius it is. haha.



    sloooow work day today, spending extra time "researching" on the internet ;o) ha. i hate slow days, I much prefer running around dying all day.

    not much to write about.... have a good day ladies!
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    well, given up on counting calories for the day :wink: heh.... problem one) out of veggies and my other healthy snacks so I need to go to the store. Problem two) as a result bought lunch from the hospital cafeteria - really bad for yo but OH SO GOOD swimming rama chicken and rice. aaahhhh, so yummy and fattening and calorie filled, i love it! problem three) going to a barbeque tonight at a friends house because it's FINALLY nice enough here to spend some time outside!! It's actually predicted to be 70 degrees today. WOW! Then of course cloud up and rain this weekend... but what can you expect? oh, problem 4) won't have time to exercise! After I get off work I'll have to get home to change and then get to my friends house. oh well. I'll be good tmrw and exercise and watch calories (I usually don't on weekends...jsut eat like a normal person within moderation). I should get back to work. Have a lovely day everyone :smile:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Still here! Friday eve and very tired. My hip/leg is really hurting and I don't know why. Humidity? Rainy, humid day in Mpls. Was a long week at work and glad to have the weekend.

    Shirley-Nice weight loss!
    Starla-Sounds like you really like your DVD. I'll have to read the article about it. Have a nice weekend.
    Marla-School out already? Ours doesn't end until the 9th of June for kids and the 10th for me. Then 4 weeks off before I return back to work for the schedule from %$# never to have a long break again:sad:

    I did Zumba this week and rode my bike on Monday eve but otherwise I've not exercised. Busy each evening and then my hip is sore. Last night was knitting group. I managed to get some rows done on my scarf that I will be able to wear next fall and winter. I should just finish it this weekend. 99% done.

    Haven't made good eating choices this week. Not prepared and no good food in the fridge that looks yummy. I'm at that stage where I'm tired of what I'm eating and need a change. Kind of blah as you can tell. Time of the month coming?

    So have a nice weekend and I will be more cheerful on our next chat!:bigsmile:

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    now remember all - don't try to act like you aren't feeling a certain way - I know I don't! When I'm frustrated, angry, anxious this is my safe place and I hope you feel that way too.

    Sounds like your off on another fun weekend Starla - enjoy gurl - and am living vicariously thru you!

    Yep - it's crazy how 'early' the kids are done with school. But they go back on 8-16 - which is 'early' too. Things are different datewise than when I was in school. Wish I knew how to knit, that would be a good way to keep my hands busy while watching my fav shows (hello Burn Notice!!)

    It's SATURDAY which is woot in itself, but lots to do in a short amount of time too. One of them being something just for me! I am going in and getting my arms waxed. I feel like I have an abnormal amount of arm hair and am finally treating myself and seeing if I like the results. Weird, I know - but then again - so am I.

    Be back atcha later - there is a bucket of wax calling my name.:tongue:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Marla-good luck on the waxing. It may hurt a little the first time but when you do it more and more the pain is less. I do get my eye brows waxed. Reminds me of a funny story. Several years ago a friend and I bought that Nads (natural product for waxing the whole body, even edible too!) We decided to wax our legs and see how it worked. We were afraid so we bought a bottle of ready made margaritas and drank the whole bottle in my kitchen while we waxed our legs. Needless to say it was more fun buzzed than sober! It didn't take much off my legs and the process wasn't worth it because I'm too afraid to pull off the cloth. It's better if you go somewhere and have someone use to doing the waxing do it! Good luck!

    Ladies- On a sad note, we euthanized Leo, my dog, today.:brokenheart: His breathing was worse last night and then this morning he wouldn't eat, laid on the floor and was obviously suffering. I finally accepted it was his time and we had to do the right thing for him. We took him to the vet and they agreed he was suffering. Russ and I stayed with him while they did it and then we were with him alone after. I'm sad but know we had to let him go. :cry: I feel a little guilty that maybe we let him suffer and should have done it sooner. Today it just seemed he was tuckered out and couldn't get enough air to breathe any more. He wouldn't eat this morning and had a hard time getting up to move about. Very restless too... He was a great family dog!:love:

    My hip is still bothering me and I took 2 Aleve this morning. I may have to give up Zumba if this keeps up. The acupunture helps but Zumba may be counter active to my progress. No classes this summer so we'll see how it goes. I may start swimming laps since there is no impact on the joints. I'm taking another day of rest from exercise. I don't have an appetite after giving Leo peace so just taking today minute by minute.

    Hope you all are having a better weekend than me.:flowerforyou:

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Oh my dear Jenny - so sorry about your Leo.

    My eyes grow dim, my legs are weak, just one more day I know you seek. But we both know it cannot be, for I must leave, it's my time you see.
    I watch the tears roll down your cheeks, and feel the love you have for me. I take this love so warm and good, for it will sustain me far up above.

    We have to part, you know it's right, gone from here and out of sight. But in your heart I know I'll be, so I have a safe place for eternity. The years will pass, and I will wait, your patient friend outside Heaven's Gate.

    The day will come, you know it must when God covers you with golden dust. And on that day so alert I'll be, as I'll know that you are coming to be with me. My legs are strong, my eyes are bright, my tail wags for you with sheer delight.

    I'll run and jump and bounce and bark, with all the love that's in my heart. I'll see you smile, I've missed that look, and with your gentle touch, my ears you'll rub.

    We'll walk through meadows green and wide, and there I'll be, forever by your side

    Take special care of yourself this weekend don't let anyone tell you how to act or feel - come back to drink at the watercooler when you are ready! We'll be here!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Wow Marla that was a beautiful sentiment. Thank You Very Much!:flowerforyou: I hope I do see Leo again when I move on to where we go next... It's been a tearful day and the house is empty without him. I've washed his bowls and hung his leash and collar on the hook where it belongs. The vet will give me his ashes in a week or so along with a paw print they will make from his paw. We may plant a tree in the back yard and spread his ashes under it since that was his turf. Then when I look at that tree I'll remember him as he explored each corner of the yard and sat with the rabbits. He was a gentle soul...:heart:

    Talk to you later,
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Hugs for you all - especially dear J! :flowerforyou:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Monsoon weather here again today. Tornado sirens going off and destruction just south of us in North Minneapolis. We came home from the grocery to find a roof shingle, insulation, particle board, and tree debris in our yard and the neighbors. I guess it flew in from somewhere else. No damage here. Now the sun is shining and it is beautiful outside. Many people have homes with damage around the county.

    Still resting my hip, drinking a gin and tonic and watching season finale of NCIS. Missing Leo today. Heard him breathing and his dog tags jingling this morning. I think he was checking up on me....

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    There were storms here in NE too, but nothing too terribly serious - just read about MO having at least 89 deaths last. Awful. I don't recall normally seeing such a level of human destruction with storm season as I have seen this year. I tend to be a nervous person anyway, but this season is making me more jumpy than evah.

    That's cool you felt like Leo was checking in on you - :heart:

    Short work week! The husband and I are going on our first vacay alone in over a decade - Vegas Baby! Have any of you been? What are the best things/places to do? Want to get the most out of our three days! WOOT!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Morning Ladies:

    Sorry I have been MIA and probably will be for the summer.
    Our boat takes a lot of our time and Oh I forget its fun too!!:bigsmile:
    I will check in during the week when I am at work but weekends
    will be busy.

    Jenny: I am so sorry to hear about Leo, but you were preparing yourself.
    You will feel his presence for a while and maybe even hear his
    dog tags once in awhile. I still miss my dog and she has been gone
    for a few years now. My heart goes out to you.:heart:

    Marla: Great poem and very fitting for Leo and Jenny.
    Good luck on the arm waxing. I am just too cheap to go and wax them I just
    shave my hairy arms. After a while they come in less and less. My youngest
    daughter used to be an esthetician and do all my waxing and pedicures but
    then she gave it up and took another profession. Court Reporter.

    Very busy weekend, Victoria Day in Canada today, but I am here at work. I should have
    taken it off. Next weekend will be my long weekend.
    Friday I did manage to get my flowers and vegetables in and planted between rain showers.

    Saturday was mall shopping with my oldest daughter and we went across the border and
    we waited on the bridge for 1 hour before getting through customs. Got home at 8:15 pm.
    I was exhausted but she got a lot of clothes and I managed to get a dress for $20 at JC Penny.
    I have a wedding this August to go to. Another incentive to keep losing weight.

    Sunday was cleaning the inside of the boat. Washed all the teak wood down and put teak oil
    over it. What a job! We have alot of teak in this boat and it did look beautiful after I finished.
    Dave is going down today to put the cushions back on the inside and do some work on the deck.
    This is really becoming a Labor of Love:love:

    Well now I am having pain in my left knee this whole weekend. It has gotten a little better from the
    sauve I am using on it. I think it is from lunges with weights that I did last week. Will have to take it
    easy and just walk for exercise right now. This just goes along with my chronic lower back pain I
    have too. Getting old really sucks. Arthritis is settling in.

    Have a great weightloss day and remember to drink that water. !!!:drinker:
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Tis Tuesday in my short week - leaving for Vegas on Thursday! My folks are watching over the zoo - pray for them.

    Am already ready for ball season to be over - is bleacher butt terminal? :tongue:

    Trying to get ready to be gone is a challenge - I have never left my kids for more than a night and even tho they're not 'babies' there is still a lot I want them to know - ball schedule, practice for this-n-that, where this is, etc. At least the fence is up so I won't have to worry so much about the dog - with the construction next door - I was really worried about that. Now, mostly worried about the boys frazzling out the gparents before the first day is over.

    Sounds like the boat is a labor of love Shirley - it's nice to have things that make you happy!

    Later me luverlies
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Marla. VEGAS?! exciting! I've never been. I may have local fun and friends but definitely can't afford any fun vacations to I'm jealous! Oh and I loved that poem you posted, sweet! Never heard it before.

    Jenny, sorry your hearts hurting, At least you did your job and he's not hurting anymore!

    Shirley, sounds like you've got some fun summer times ahead of you! We don't care if you check in every day :o) I know I for sure don't check in daily!

    Ladies, I had a wonderfully couch potato filled weekend :smile: I didn't exercise friday because of the BBQ. (which was of course fun by the way! Gotta love BBQs with friends). They slow cooked all day pork roast with honey bbq sauce and chipotle sauce the charred it on the grill and made pulled pork sandwiches then we had potato salad, watermelon, and cinnamon whiskey drinks (really good but terrible for you- just half and half with the whiskey to taste over ice.. YUMMM!) and then GASP! Boston Cream Pie cake for desert. Here's where I moan the Homer Sipmson MMMmgmggggghhhhyuuugghmmmm! Love that stuff. I had a healthy slice and enjoyed the hell out of it being my first cake in a few months! Saturday I was good, watched what I was eating with MFP and exercised, did GREAT all day and then sabotaged myself because my mother brought home Magnum Caramel ice cream bars. DAMN! oh well, at least my nutrition was good all day besides that. Sunday was couch potato day, did little else besides sink into the couch cushions and watch tv and movies all day :o) NICE! Monday was BUSY here at the clinic- that's why I never stopped by the cooler! Today's the opposite, very slow :smile: I predict plenty of time to internet surf...

    I'm looking forward to the food I brought today! All the wonderful berries are in season finally so I have blueberries, cherries, and strawberries to snack on (which will take my sugar right up but I don't care!) and some wonderful salmon, zucchini and red potato for lunch. yumm! I also have a short week this week- I took Thurs and Fri off to give myself a five day weekend (clinic's cloesed monday for memorial day) and am taking my cat to the vet thursday morning to get spayed and get some overdue kitten shots (she's around 8 months or so and I have yet to make a vet visit :o) ). I'm hoping the weather's nice SOMETIME this weekend- I've wanted to do some "gardening". I put this in quotations because I live in an apartment so gardening for me is planting things in pots :o) but I have wanted to go and get some pretty things for my deck but of course don't want to do it when the weather's cold and gray! yuck!

    Anyways, have a nice day everyone ;o)
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Starla - just don't do anything for 12 years and you can make it to Vegas too! :smokin: :devil: :bigsmile:

    Good lucky with little four-leggie and your long weekend!
  • Sheila_KI
    Sheila_KI Posts: 206 Member
    Well, if you don't mind another person on the thread. I have enjoyed reading your posts. I was doing good the first few months and then had a health issue. One of those things that you don't know is affecting you until it really becomes an issue. Next time I will be more aware of any symptons. So finally back to working out. Can't wait to get to the gym.

    Envious of Shirley61 -- I love the water. (I grew up outside of Detroit) Went across many times at Sarnia or Windsor. My mother's side of the family is from Newfoundland.

    Have to dig out the kayaks now that it seems that summer is actually starting here in Maryland.