The Daily Water Cooler Thread



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marla you are a hoot !!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    That was just what I needed today. :wink:

    I hate trying on bathing suits along with trying on jeans. :grumble:

    I have got two more pounds to go to get back down to where I was.
    BUT, the weekend is looming again with a 40th birthday party on Saturday
    and Fathers Day on Sunday. :grumble:
    I know I will enjoy myself but all these food choices are driving me crazy :sad:

    Marla, I hope you will get better soon and get off those freakin meds. :sad:

    Have a great day everyone and exercise if you can and make healthy choices.

    <<<<Build up your weaknesses until they become your STRONG points.>>>>
    Knute Rockne
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Started a walking challenge on here yesterday since I do so much walking.
    I had trouble with the ticker, but got hubby to help me. I am not computer
    smart :tongue:

    Got up early today to get my bloodwork done for my appt. in July. Very curious
    to see how my stats are since I have been working so hard to get them down.
    Had an EKG done today, it takes more work putting on the suction cups then
    the actual graph.

    Got my 35 mins. walk in today and then we are going to work on the boat
    this afternoon. Rain is looming again but sun is coming in and out. :bigsmile:

    Hope all is well and have a great day !!!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Shirley you are a party girl! Just keep walking and you can enjoy the treats if you don't over do the serving size. Have a fun weekend!

    Marla-that bathing suit story was so funny and so true! I just bought another suit yesterday. It was the best of the evils I tried on. Why do fitting room lights and mirrors make me look just horrible? What is it with boobs and bathing suits anyway?:grumble: :grumble: Talk about having to position them and the bras in those suits are ridiculous. I can't imagine they work for anyone!

    Well I walked this morning and then cleaned the main floor and upper bedroom and bath level. Hubbie and son get to do 3rd level walkout and basement rec room before they leave for MI next week. Tomorrow I'm ready to pack my bag, clean the car and pack it for my departure on Sunday morning. My mom is hanging in there so far. We are taking our funeral clothes just in case she passes while we are there. My sister says if we bring the clothes, she will rebound and hang on but if we leave them home she may finally rest in peace...:ohwell:

    I dread the long drive through WI and the UP of Michigan but look forward to being there for 3 weeks. Work will happen too soon so I want to make the most of my only weeks of summer.

    Today is beautiful out!

  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Hey ladies!!

    Marla, feeling better yet? That story about the bathing suit was so funny! I even copied it and forwarded to some friends in email :o) thanks for sharing!!

    shirley, i feel your food choice pain- my boss treated the clinic staff to a take out thai lunch and i GORGED myself! dang it! obviously it's just one day, not a big deal. But the more I let myself overindulge like that the more I want to do it again! Bad bad bad!! stay strong!!!

    Jenny, SO happy for you that you get to spend so much time with your family ;o) sounds like it's just what you need!! I bet they'll be great supporters for the most part about eating well and getting a walk or real exercise in here and there. family usually is. have fun!!

    Well I've had a nice week away from my diaries ;o) SO NICE! i weighed today and haven't changed so that's good. Nice to know that I can eat well without a diary telling me it's right. (however I know that the diary is the reason that I'm now able to make better choices. I'm much more aware of what's going in my mouth!!

    Last night I did a new workout that kicked my @ss!! It was SO HARD, so good ;o) it was Jillian Michael's fat burning metabolism boosting dvd. WOW HARD!! I was sweaty and exhausted the whole time, even had to skip the last circuit (somewhere around the alst 5-10 minutes i fast forwarded to the cool down i was so sore I couldn't jump or squat anymore!) So i'm glad to have that to add to my routine. it's a killer cardio workout. On top of that the auction I'm top bidder on for the tracy anderson metamorphosis program on will end tmrw morning, so hopefully I get that. If not I'm going to just going to go on qvc- they've got the whole 4 dvd set with a bonus 60minute workout (when you get to 'maintenence' level after her 90 day program) for 99.96 plus i think 6 something S&H. It's worth it- i LOOVE her workouts. When I do hers I burn around 260, I'm tired and sore but not POOPED- when I did jillian michaels I only burned about 20 more than that and I was POOOPPED and I'm still sore today. My point is I'm glad that tracy anderson's workouts are so enjoyable for me, burn almost just as much as jillian michaels and I'm not sore the next day.

    Anyways, Back to work- a few things to do before closing clinic for the day. Have a nice weekend everyone! I'll be back to religiously logging things starting monday :o)
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    So proud and happy for you Starla for not backsliding while taking your week off. Wow!!

    Hope you have fun this weekend Shirley, that is what truly matters.

    Jenny - I don't what the right words to say about your upcoming trip, but I hope and pray that each day brings you even a small measure or peace and love. I hope you continue to drink at the watercooler too (for my own selfish reasons!)

    Last day of meds today, but I fear another doc trip is still forthcoming - my eyes are all 'angry' and puffy again. Boo. Just got an email from the camp that the eldest just finished, that they found lice in some kid. Great. Lice. I go and anxiously examine his head and.... ???? I see his typical 'cradle-cap' going on, but nothing 'moving'. Should I treat him just in case it's hiding in the cradlecrap? My head itches
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marla: My daughter was in fourth grade and had head lice four times that year because someone
    in her class did not clean up their act and get rid of the culprits.
    Very frustrating. Yes, I would do the treatment just because and get those little
    varments from spreading. It has nothing to do with how clean you are or aren't.
    They love clean hair. :frown:
    I hope you doctor gives you some good news. :heart:

    Today we are going to purchase two folding bikes for the boat to take along on the cruises. I said to
    my honey that I still want to keep active on these trips so I can keep my weight down if not try to lose.
    Yesterday we were at the boat and I tried stripping the teak floor with stripper. I started out okay and then
    the fumes hit. I had to stop. I think its going to be a section at a time. But does it look nice when done and
    teaked. After checking out the bikes we are going to a 40th birthday bash. My nephew's wife, her 40th.

    Hubby and I went for a 35 mins brisk walk this morning and now I have to go in the shower and get ready.

    Starla: You go girl! you are truly doing this and you will be feeling fit and healthy in no time. :bigsmile:

    Jenny: I assume you are on your vacation, so have fun and decompress. :heart:
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Marla, I definitely think you should treat him just in case, and go through his hair with the comb that comes with it- only takes one of those little suckers to lay one little egg to start a whole mess of them. I myself had lice in 4th grade. gah. I remember feeling so yucky. Mom spent hours and hours combing through my hair with the comb. With the eggs being clear it's a frusterating process. Hopefully he didn't catch any! Good luck.

    Well, I was outbid at the last minute on ebay for the tracy anderson dvd set. You know what though- you don't save much on ebay for this particular set- it's still too new. I would've been paying $93 for a set that's been opened (and hope that the dvds aren't copies) so I went ahead and forked over the money to qvc. After taxes and shipping and handling it's $116 but that includes 9 strength workouts, one cardio workout and one continuity bonus dvd with a couple of workouts on it. I think it's worth it :o) I can't wait to get it!!!!

    It's so freakin drizzly here :o( rainy and cold. Looks like early spring out there instead of mid june! Oh well. Spending the day inside lounging on the couch! My calves are STILL sore from doing the jillian michaels dvd thursday (and tracy anderson last night) so I'm going to take it easy today and to some yoga- stretch everything out :o)

    Have a nice saturday everyone!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Well ladies my house is clean, laundry is done, my packed bags are in the car. I will wake up at 5am and hope to be on the road by 6:00 at the latest. If I can stay alert I will do the 12 hour drive in one day and get to my sister's tomorrow eve. If not, I will stay at a motel in the upper peninsula of MI and get there by noon on Monday.

    My mom is hanging in there. For some reason she is not ready to depart from this life and see what's next. I'm a little afraid to see what she looks like now since it has been six months and I certainly did not expect her to still be living this summer. She is one strong lady!

    Marla, definitely treat your son for lice even if you haven't seen any. It makes me itch just reading that you got the call about it. When I was a camp counselor one summer my whole cabin of 13 girls and the other two counselors in the cabin got lice the last week of camp. I was the only one who did not get them! Needless to say I treated my head and wore a bandanna for a week.:laugh:

    Starla, you are doing great! I'm curious about the Tracy A. DVD's. I googled her and looked to see if I could view a sample on video but didn't find that. Sounds like you love her work outs and they are keeping you motivated. You're doing it!

    Shirley, great idea to get folding bikes! Where do you sail your boat again? Do you go on trips from one port to another? Your summer sounds so nice with sailing, parties, and now biking.

    Well I'm going to get ready for bed since I will be up early:yawn: :yawn: I plan to check in every day if my sister's computer is working. There is something always screwy with hers. Otherwise I will log in on my iphone to log but don't think I can chat on the message boards. At least I haven't figured out how to do that yet:ohwell: I plan to weigh in on my sister's scale on Monday and then track my weight for the three weeks to make sure I don't gain on vacation. My goal is to lose at least 2 pounds while I'm there.

    Have a nice week and I'll be logging on either tomorrow eve or Monday.

    Farewell:drinker: :drinker:
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    well we've all marinated in pesticide and I have to admit - that I almost took a pic of the boys with the shower caps on while they were seasoning. :happy: I washed, scrubbed and still feel itchy. Ick!:mad:

    SAFE TRAVELS for ya dear J. Hopefully your sis' computer is on a happy swing and you can still drink with us everyday.:drinker:

    Starla - isn't it cool to have an exercise thing that makes you excited. I NEVER thought I'd be that way. Always mentally making fun of those "crazy" people who go to the gym or whatever. It seems deep down (way deep down) I'm one those too - it just took a few decades to find what spoke to me.:bigsmile:

    Shirley - take it easy with those fumes - enjoy the new bike and parties!!:wink:
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    ok, I found some videos to help jenny on her search :o) youtube's always good for video clips if you want to go there but:

    here's the FULL mat dvd - it's in some foreign language site.... but it'll show you what I fell in love with!

    LOVE IT!

    Marla, I now feel your bug pain. Found fleas on my cat yesterday!! ACK!!! I hate those things. I KNOW that she caught them when she was at the vet- my mom's cat has never had fleas, they're both indoor cats and neither of us has been around a pet with fleas where we could've brought them home so I now don't want to go back to that vet.

    Last night my best friend came over and we had smores.... OH MY GOD! so good. I over indulged and and three halves (half of a whole graham cracker smores sanwich) oh well :o) it was SO worth it.

    Have a good sunday ladies!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Hi Ladies, I arrived safely in MI and have had a few glasses of wine and been chatting with my sister Lynn. Tomorrow I walk and visit friends.
    Starla, thanks for the site. I'll check it out tomorrow.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi Gals:

    Its Monday again and back to work. :ohwell:

    The 40th birthday was good lots of food and cake and lots of kids running in and
    out of the pool.

    Sunday was Father's Day and my daughters came for a sail with Dad but the winds did
    not cooperate and it was too windy to get out so we just chatted and then went out for

    While I was a pound away from my last goal and now I up again because of the weekend.
    i decided I can't beat myself up over this, I just have keep making good choices and forget
    about the rest. I keep struggling all week to get down and then BANG I am up.
    This summer will be like that and I just have to accept it. I am still exercising everyday and
    eating well all week. That's all I can hope for at this point.

    Jenny: I hope your trip goes well and I am sorry to hear about your Mom. I went through that
    with my Dad, the waiting is the worst. Our prayers are with you. :heart:
    You were asking where we sail, we sail on Lake Ontario usually in the Toronto area
    and there are several yacht clubs to visit. Usually takes about 5 hours to cross.

    Marla: How did you make out at the doctors?

    Starla: You are an exercising machine, keep it up you are doing fabulous. :bigsmile:

    Have a good Monday everyone!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Looks like rain today and tomorrow and its heating up.

    I purchased these strappy black sandles with a heel at Sears Catalogue.
    I put them on and the buckle broke. Luckily I knew the girl at the desk (small town)
    because I didn't have the receipt. She did her magic and returned them and
    ordered a second pair. Today I got up and put them on and the buckle broke
    again. I think this is a manufacturers flaw. So I will return them tomorrow and
    just get a credit. Very frustrating :grumble:
    I am wearing my new shoes I bought for a wedding in August so I will have to
    be careful with them.
    Going to lunch with a cooworker today who used to work here, and I think I will wear my
    running shoes.

    Another busy weekend coming up we are going to see my mother in law up North,
    meaning Northern Ontario, she is 85. My hubby usually has a list of things to get
    done for her. Now our visits are usually working visits to take care of the house etc.
    We are bringing another couple with us and my girlfriend and I will go shopping one
    day and the boys will fish. I love to fish too but my girlfriend has bad knees and
    can't get into the boat. I am going to have to ask her from now on if she wants some
    work done too instead of just visiting. I hope the weather is nice and sunny.

    Hubby was supposed to attend a conference this week for work, but one of his
    customers is having trouble with parts so he is staying back until he gets this
    job done. (he is in sales).

    Have a wonderful day and I will leave you with this:

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    Shirley-my cousin and his wife live in Toronto and they also sail a large boat. He's been battling cancer for the last year so I don't know how much they sail. His name is Sandy (Samuel) Rea and his wife is Wendy. Don't know if you've ever met in the sailing community. I don't know him well. His Dad was my Dad's brother. I haven't seen him in years. I know his Mom because she still lives here and I see her more often. Too bad about your sandals. Definitely sounds like a manufacture's flaw. Disappointing when you find something you like and they aren't good quality.

    Today is rainy but I may still get out and do a shorter walk. The temp is nice and I brought my rain coat. Right now I'm still lounging in my pj's. It's that kind of day. Not going to see Mom today. Can't handle it. I'll see her tomorrow night for dinner. Her appearance was a shock to me and I just need to come to terms with it. My sister and I are going to visit the funeral home on Thursday and find out what kind of decisions we need to make or can make ahead of time for when she passes. Since I live out of state I feel I need to help with something when I come home and do my part.

    Marla I hope the lice scare is over and your house is louse free. Did you get the bad storms and possible tornadoes that went through the midwest yesterday? I hope you and your family are okay.

    Well I should do something productive:) I have a friend to call and hope she is available for lunch or something.

    More later,
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Lots of bad weather close by - we were spared. I am still itching but haven't 'found' anything. I go pick up my 'baby' from sleepaway camp today - two nights without him. Wow!! I was starving yesterday and ate and ate and ate. Oh well.

    Have fun Shirley and Jenny enjoy your lunches!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Gah!! My car just puked out on the way back from camp! Sonofa@##:explode:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Marla- When it rains it pours! At least that is the way it is in my life. Glad you were spared the bad weather and too bad about your car.

    I think I will ride my bike for awhile and move my muscles...

  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    ok, well finalyl for a change it's rainy/cloudy where the rest of your are and nice here :o) It's supposed to get up to 77! WOW! pretty amazing for seattle. This is one of the prettiest places to be when it's nice out. With all the moisture the rest of the year everything's wonderfully green and healthy, with all the water and blue skies- when it's actually warm out it's amazing! Too bad I'm inside working in a hospital!!!:grumble: *cough* think i'm feeling sick *cough*... lol. Oh well. maybe i'll get lucky enough for it to stick around when we get to the weekend.

    Well, my plan of getting back on track with my diary this week hasn't happened! :ohwell: haha. I think I'll wait til my tracy anderson kit gets here and start on track fully with her 90 program. on top of that I haven't exericised since friday! I was planning on it when I got home last night but wasn't able to force myself. Plus I figure when I'm forcing myself I'm not giving the full proper effort anyhow. Better to just have a healthy dinner and no snack after.

    I put flea drops on the kitties last night... darn vet's office!!:grumble: :grumble: :grumble: I have no doubt that Ava caught the little buggers while there (we've never had fleas, both cats strictly indoors and we haven't known anyone with fleas....) I usually don't have to protect them beacuse this area really doesn't have much of a flea problem (too cold!). Hopefully since they don't have them very bad just the drops and thorough often vaccuuming will get rid of the suckers in time. Anyways, off to work ladies- have a good day!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Jenny: My heart goes out to you and getting ready for your mom's passing not an
    easy thing to do. When my Dad passed we didn't have anything
    because we were so far away to try and organize anything. He was buried in
    a military cemetery with his ashes and my mom's. A beautiful place in
    Sarasota, Florida. The ceremony was beautiful and they did the gun salute.
    The head stones look like the ones in Arlington, Va.
    I will be thinking of you. :heart:

    No, I don't recall the name of your cousin, there are so many yacht clubs in the Toronto
    area and we are from the Niagara Region the otherside of the Lake.