The Daily Water Cooler Thread



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Welcome Sheila! I'm a Michigander too but live in Minneapolis. I hail from Traverse City Michigan/Leland in the Leelanau Peninsula. Love it there and wish we could move back, maybe during retirement.

    Starla-I had my first Magnum Caramel Icecream Bar last weekend. Wowzer! That was the best ice cream bar I've ever eaten! Glad you're BBQ was fun. Your fruit and salmon are great choices!

    Shirley-The boat sounds wonderful. I love sailing and being out on the water. Jealous and envious of you at the same time! Have a fantastic summer!

    Marla- I've been to Vegas a few times. Quite the experience. Try to take in a show if you can. Be aware the strip is interesting, gawdy, and fun all at the same time. You will be handed flyers regarding erotic dancers, etc. Enjoy the sites and win big!

    I'll check in later.

  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Sheila, we always welcome more people! We've had a few others drop in here and there but the four of us come here most days and talk about whatver ;o) glad to have you!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Glad to have you Sheila - feel free to come drink at the cooler any time! I personally have come to really look forward to this thread - these women are amazing and keep me going!

    One more day then Vegas here I come! Could a tattoo be in my future??:drinker:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Marla- Do you have any tattoos? Are you going to get one and if so where and what? I don't have one but if I did get one it would be something small on the inside of my wrist or the outside of my ankle. Maybe a celtic symbol for eternity or something... Remember what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas!LOL!!!!! Have a wonderful time...Where are you staying? When Russ and I first met his parents lived in Vegas and we went to visit so I could meet them (after 10 months of dating). We rented a Mazda Miata for a day and put the top down and drove out through the desert to Red Rock Canyon, Lake Mead and Hoover Dam. Fun to drive with the top down, and had the desert to ourselves so took the curves fast. Love driving a stick shift!

    Have fun!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    No tats yet - I have thought about it for a longgg time - and it seems like a very Vegas thing to do. We'll see. If it happens it will be somewhere 'private' like the side of my stomach - I'd say back - but then I couldn't see it! Am thinking along the lines of an outline of my dog, a paw print, the gremlins initials, still working on it.

    Staying at Treasure Island, have heard it's nice. I hear the free show there is really good. I want to ride a gondola and climb to the top of the "Eifel Tower". I hear they also have a zip line over Fremont Street and I could see me doing that. Maybe.

    So excited - that sounds like fun driving into the desert in a convertible. Might have to put that on the list too.

  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    WOOHOO! Got back down to 165 (had a couple of indulgent-ish weekends in a row as you might recall so I had gone back up to just under 167).

    I think i've FINALLY found that happy medium with where to set my activity level and how many calories to eat a day. So many short ladies (i'm 5'1") SWEAR BY 1200/day... but I think this is too little for me, when I was doing it that way and keeping my net around there I was either stagnant in loss or too slow. The last few weeks I've been sticking with MFP's recommendations for "lightly active" (i figure since I'm and MA and they've got nurse in quotations it's comparable) which gives me 1430 i believe.. or 1400 something anyway, and I eat back most of if not all of the exercise calories. seems to be working when combined with working out 5-6 times a week at 40-60 minutes a day. It's actually proving about a pound loss every other weekish. not bad ;o) when I stepped on the scale monday I was just over 167 (167.2 i think...) and now it's wed, got back on and i'm back to 165. it's nice to eat more calories that's for sure. hopefully it continues and I don't have to change things up for awhile (it'd be nice to get in that weight loss comfort zone for a little while where I can be confident in how i'm eating and how often I'm exercising will result in a steady loss).

    Anyways, tmrw's the big day for my kitty! Taking her to the vet in the morning, dropping her off for overdue kitten shots and to be spayed. I've never had a female cat- always males. snip-snip and they're back to normal in a day or so. I've been scaring myself reading online about female spaying, complications with infections etc etc etc. Just have to keep reminding myself she'll have an uneventful recovery! She's SOOO freaky active, she'll have these spurts of super energy hyperactivity where she's zooming around the apartment, literally jumping up walls, on things, over things. crazy cat. then she'll crash. I duno what I'll do to try and keep her from doing that! Wouldn't want her to pop stiches :o) Other than that it'll be a quiet weekend- nothing planned for my five days off besides tending to the cat for a day or two or however long, then visiting with my brother and his girlfriend on sunday. Should be easy to stay on track with food and excercise!!

    Anyways, Need to get to work- gotta get loose ends tied up since I won't be back in again til Tuesday. Have a good day ladies!

    OH, AAAANNNDDD I wanted to share something (i posted a short thread about this: I've only been doing that tracy anderson mat dvd for a couple of weeks, maybe 3-4 times a week but praise the lord I'm starting to see a new butt shape!! haha. I just realized it last night when I went out to buy some new exercise pants from ross. I went, wait a second, my butt was never that shapely... oh my god there are muscles under there! And as a result the muscles are starting to shape the flab instead of just being a bulbous-y mushy tushie. lol. WHOOO! I'm starting to really believe in her movements! I don't rely on them solely- I mix in cardio stuff but her mat dvd's all muscle shaping and by god, it's doing it's job!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Way to go Starla - good for you!!:happy:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Yay Starla! WTG on the exercise and the loss of pounds. I'll have to read your post on Tracey A. Have a nice weekend with your brother. I've stalled in eating right and weight loss. Stress at work and just in a blah stage... I'll pull out of it and I'll be on vacation for 4 weeks starting 6/11 so that will be nice and I can focus on me.

    Marla-Off to Vegas? Treasure Island had a pirate ship with a pirate fight that you could watch nightly. Don't know if they still do. Free show sounds great! Enjoy! I've heard going down town to Fremont Street is fun and my friend and her family enjoy it more than the strip so check it out.

    Shirley are you off sailing the seas?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    saw this as someone's last line...

    If you’re not in it for the long haul, you’re gonna be hauling around that big behind again someday...

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Vacay day!! Me mum is coming to keep the zoo...pray for her.

    Best to all 'see' you soon. MWAH!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi Ladies:

    Been really busy at work today. I finally got on to add my food and exercise.
    We just got a new Toshiba copier today and since I am the one that should know
    all about it I had to listen to the presentation.
    Now we just have to be patient and learn all the new things. :tongue:

    Starla: My youngest daughter has two cats. We come from a long line of dogs, so this was a real
    change in our family. But we love them when we come to visit her. One hides and one
    strutts around like he owns the place.

    My daughter and her husband just returned from Paris and Amsterdam and I am waiting to see all
    the pictures and hear about the trip. I was a little worried when there was talk again of the volcano
    in Iceland. They were flying KLM out of Amersterdam.

    Marla: Have a great trip to Vegas. We went there for our 25th wedding anniversary many years ago.
    It was great and we rented a car and drove to the Grand Canyon too which I would recommend
    for anyone to see. It was wonderful.

    Welcome Sheila to the group.:flowerforyou: We did have a Debbie but I don't know where she went.
    Haven't seen her for a while. :ohwell:

    Down 3.8 pounds this week so I am nearing my next level of weight loss. Off tomorrow and long weekend
    ahead. You can guess where I will be ( at the boat) trying to get things set up so we can finally sail.
    Still have lots to do. Also trying to watch my eating and alcohol consumption. :tongue:

    Going to the show tomorrow night to see Bridesmaids. I heard it was hilarous. :laugh:
    I will let you know how it was.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Marla-Vegas Bound, have fun!
    Shirley- WTG with the weight loss! Must be burning a lot of calories with the boat! Good for you...

    Glad it is a 3 day weekend, I need it. I've been in a slump emotionally and with my program. Need to pull out of it and be more dedicated to move the scale downwards. I have a break in June so I'll focus on me and get a routine going.

    Night Night!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Hey all - last day in Vegas - my legs hurt so bad from walking, walking. walking....should have had a pedometer to see how many miles we've covered - pretty amazing sites

    Amazing food - I actually took pics of some of our amazing eats - I'll have to post! Such fun - miss my bed tho - back to reality tomorrow!:smile:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Marla-Glad you're having fun in Vegas! Yeah I remember how much we walked. That strip goes on forever and just to walk from the street into a hotel is a hike!

    Nice weekend here so far! Hubby and I went for a nice walk and I also downloaded two new books onto my Kindle. One is called
    Diet-Free for Life and is an interesting read on losing weight but eating sensibly as a lifestyle and not deprivation and then rebounding back up to gain more than lost.

    My cat's birthday today. He had tuna for lunch and a little bit of ground beef morsels at dinner time. He's a person in a cat suit and acts like a dog. He's 8 years old in people years. Very affectionate since Leo is gone. I think he's lonely.

    Night Night,
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    finally home! Now I remember why we don't go vacation. Were supposed to land at 10:20 am yesterday and pulled in a few minutes before 11 pm last night - in a bus. Seriously. Up for 23 hours solid, stuck either on a plane, in a terminal or on a bus. What a nightmare. SOOOOOO glad to be home. I was ready see my boys and four-leggies - and I'm sure the Grandparents were ready to go back to their own house too. They dashed out the door pretty fast! I think Vegas falls into the, nice place to visit, wouldn't want to live there category for sure. Aside from the ending - it was a good trip.

    Happy to your kitty - my D boy bulldog had a birthday on the 27th and is now 3. What a baby! I also have 3 cats - quite a full menagerie.

    Got some sleep in my own bed (ahhhh), but still so tired, headachy, and lots of chores to do. Lost a whole day to get chores done and back to crazy-town at 0400 tomorrow.

    WOOOTT!! to Shirely your 3.8 loss is crazy good. Wave to Starla and Jenny!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Marla-Glad you had a nice weekend and I know what you mean about not wanting to live in Vegas. Isn't great people watching? People get off those busses at the hotels and look like they are going to bet their last dollar to make their fortune. Then others are such high rollers and the wealthy elite from all over the world. Wild! Sorry your trip home was a bear!

    Well my plateau is lifting and my new eating plan is working for the first day anyway. We'll see how this week adds up at the end. Feeling positive about it and feel good too.

    Off to a movie with hubbie and son, then to dinner and maybe a walk if the rain and tornadoes hold off for awhile in the evening. Walked this morning for myself but a walk along the Mississippi River by the U of M would be nice at a leisurely pace with family.

    Have a nice day and I hope the sun is shining where you are. Not predicted for here.

  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    :happy: I'm back m'ladies! Sounds like everyone had nice weekends :smile: I had a nice one too! Kind of event filled. It was SOOO nice to have five days off in a row- the best part is it ACTUALLY FELT like five days, maybe even more. I feel nice and refreshed and readu to go back to work tomorrow (can I just say how much I love working at a state hospital and getting so many holidays off and paid :happy: having today off and paid without using vacation time is FABULOUS!!)

    So; Wed night at 9pm I had to put all of the food and water up in preparation for Ava kitty's big surgery- felt bad for the other cat. She had a 12 hour fast whether she wanted to or not :smile: you could call it moral support, haha. Anyways, dropped Ava at the vet around 9- missed her all day but ended up doing nothing but lounge around all day- it was fabulous. Needless to say I didn't exercise or log that day! In fact today's the first day I've REALLY gotten back on track at all- that's probably for the best- no one wants to burn out! They kept Ava overnight (which I was glad for. I felt bad for her, worried she's feel abandoned but knew it'd be best for them to watch her the first night rather than me have to worry about her grogginess!) and I picked her up Friday morning around the same time. Before this though- I had woken up later than I wanted to so I was slightly rushing around. When I was getting ready I grabbed my cell phone and had it in my left hand, went in the bathroom to do something (can't even remember now) and wouldnt ya know, the ONE time I bring that thing in the bathroom with me it slips right out of my hand and dropped RIGHT INTO THE TOILET!! I was SOO MAD AT MYSELF!!! It's entertaining now, but at the time wasn't one bit funny beacuse I defintely don't have a few extra hundred bucks lying around for a new phone. After getting ava settled back home I went to the AT&T store and luckily the rep was able to help me get a $500 phone for $50 bucks!!! I was THRILLED. Felt very blessed. I hated my old phone but couldn't afford a new one. Worked out that they were having a memorial day weekend sale and combined with an upgrade discount I got that amazing price for a blackberry torch. Praise the Lord for blessing me with that! yay!! Anyways, back to the story- when I checked in to pick her up, the assistant went back to get her.. I'm waiting at the counter a couple of minutes, doo do dooooooo.... she comes back out and goes "ya know, ava's not in the best mood- i think you should come back and get her" I follow her to the guts of the office to the room of cages to find poor little ava in a corner of one, backed down to the ground, eyes HUGE, hissing and hissing and hissing. poor thing! I felt for her. She was probably so confused. After realized who I was she calmed down and let me pick her up, looked at the assistant and gently mewed as in "i told you she'd come back", haha. She was really happy to be outta there, easily went into the carrier because it smelled like home probably. Once we got home the first thing she did was go pee and eat her food, both wonderful signs. Reminded me though of how some people can't poo anywhere but home, ya know? haha. i was entertained that that was the FIRST place she bee-lined for. She walked carefully, funnily fora couple of days and slept a lot. Meowed differently- kind of a screechy in-pain noise but today is totally back to normal. All's well :happy: I take her back in a couple of weeks for stitch removal and a second round of immunizations. Once again did nothing Friday but play with my new phone and sooth ava, keep her warm, make sure she was drining water etc. Saturday I actually exercised, did my tracy anderson dvd. In the evening watched dvds, hung out with friends. Sunday spent the majority of the day with my brother and his girlfriend and her family at her place for her birthday, it was lots of fun ;o) I made her a NY style cheesecake instead of a traditional cake so that was a very welcomed naughty thing to enjoy a large-ish piece of! MMMMMMMM Today I'm back of track eating well and I did my dvd again- this time with my HRM! I got it in the mail saturday finally (took forever for the seller to ship it), it's a nice little hrm! I really like it. It comes with a chest strap so I felt confident that its pretty accurate. It goes by age, height, weight, fitness level (beginner intermediate or athlete- I chose intermediate) and the coolest feature in my opinion- the change between settings etc you tap the screen! no buttons for that part. neato! Then when it's in exercise mode the screen changes every few seconds between time exercising, heart rate, calories burned, and fat burned so no buttons if you're curious to see one of them while you're exercising- just glance and wait til it's on the one you want to see. I ended up burning 283 calories with the tracy anderson mat dvd- not bad!! I'm glad i'm burning that much with that dvd. I'm excited to use it with other dvds and see what I'm burning with those. I found it a little more motivational when I see those calories increasing while exercising :smile:

    Marla, so glad you had a nice mini vacation! I'm still jealous. I'll get to vegas someday :tongue:

    Shirley, you continue to have such a nice sounding life :smile: surrounded by family and a loving husband- sounds so pleasant :smile:

    Jenny, so glad you got out of your slump!!

    Anyways, hope you enjoyed reading my weekend :smile: off to help my mom wash her car, then a little shopping at Ross, then home to relax the rest of the day!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Afternoon Ladies:

    Its been busy at work today cutting into my gossiping time. :laugh:

    Starla: Glad your kitty is okay and doing well. That was quite a story.
    Also sounds like you are getting that exercise in which is
    really important. For all of us too. Alot people on here are doing
    the HRM. I haven't gotten into that yet. If I am losing and I
    feel good that's good enough for me right now.

    Jenny: I know what you mean about plateaus. I had to rethink my calories and
    on the days I was up, was what I ate the day before.
    It seems if I drink a lot of water the next day the scale goes down again
    so I am thinking water retention is the culprit. I was 1.6 lbs. away from
    my next level and then the weekend came. So back at it again today.

    Marla: What a great place Vegas is to see. I would love to go back and see the
    Grand Canyon again. It is also good to be home.
    We did a huge amount of walking too when we were there.
    What I missed the most was my Tim Horton's coffee. I am not a fan of Starbucks.

    So this holiday weekend was nothing but polishing and scrubbing the boat. It looks great!!
    Cushions are back in and now all I have to do is get some food and snacks on board.
    This Sunday is Sail Passed at the club and that means you decorate your boat with flags and
    sail passed the Commodore. This is tradition and of course a party afterward with food and

    We also had a buyer come and look at our old boat on Saturday and gave us an offer. Now we just have to
    get the check in the mail literally. So we have our fingers crossed the deal will come through.
    Dave took more pictures of the boat yesterday so maybe I can post them on my profile for you to see.

    Gott go and get back to work. Have a great day and short work week. :happy:

  • Sheila_KI
    Sheila_KI Posts: 206 Member
    Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend....mine started a bit early with another bout of diverticulitis. I will overcome. I am learning that I have to eat small meals several times a day and to avoid spicy, etc. Hoping this works. Used to be that you had to avoid seeds, etc but that doesn't work for everyone and I seem to be an unusual case. Which fits my personality - I am definitely my own person. Just didn't want to lose weight by being afraid to down 4 lbs over the last two weeks.

    Nice to see animal lovers...we have cats, dragon lizard, an iguana, and a dog. My hubby spoils them all.

    Have a great day/week.

    Jenny: My sister has a cottage in the Traverse City area. They live in Rochester Hills and go "up north" as often as they can.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Sheila-Sorry you had a bout of your diverticulitis, ugh! I've heard it can be painful. Do you know what lake your sister has a place on, Silver Lake, Long Lake, Torch Lake, Lake Skegemog? to name a few...

    Shirley-ahoy! Sounds like you're ready to sail and go to a fun party! Our weather is so windy today you could sail across the ocean in half the time!

    Hope everyone feels good, are having fun, and eating right!
