The Daily Water Cooler Thread



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    aw Jenny it's good you were able to get out and splurge for yourself a bit and the upcoming hair fun - yay!! You've worked hard and need to enjoy a bit too.

    Sheila - as Jenny said wow. I'm glad you are able to help your friend to do some of the 'normal' things that fall by the wayside when being so sick. Bless you!

    Shirley, I finally looked at your pics - so fun - bet your having a great weekend.

    Last night and today the 10-year-old and I have 'bonded' lots today. He came to work with me, to the bread store, the nursery, the jewelry store, etc. He's got a notebook and pencil, a workbook, and a reading book as his options for the weekend. We also agreed he would make an apology letter for his bad behavior. Please, please, please let this get through that brain of his.

    Night luvs!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Marla- How's it going with your son's grounding/detention, LOL? Just know that the frontal lobe of the brain in boys takes much longer to develop (this is where we learn and remember consequences of our actions...). The latest brain research says the frontal lobe in males may not be completely developed until 25 years of age or so. Some longer I think...My ex husband was probably in his 30's I would bet!! LOL!:laugh: There is a great book out there called "Parenting With Love and Logic" and it helps explain behavior to parents but also helps set up natural consequence responses when kids do stupid things and that may teach them a lesson and how to make better choices the next time. Google it and see what you think.

    My bike ride was great and then I laid on the deck to start my tan. I accomplished all that I had planned today and that was it! I should do some paperwork but don't know if that will happen. Maybe I should just get that done at work:laugh:

    Have a nice evening!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    wellll....after slogging around with me for the better part of Saturday - the boy looks at me and states that he now thinks, "you work pretty hard." awww, shucks.

    I think I have made inroads to how we feel about this behavior - I told him that any more of this business will find him kicked out of daycare and spending the summer on the farm with Grandpa. And for my little E-boy (all electronics all the time) that didn't sound like a good deal. We'll see.

    I totally hear you Jenny about their frontal lobes - I sometimes think that my 38-year-olds lobe is still undeveloped!

    Last summer we finally had all of our crew up and going on two-wheelers and I was so excited to go family bike riding. Until we did it a couple of times and I spent the next three days in agony b/c my garage sale beauty of a bike really isn't meant for someone like me to be riding it for a length of time. I have tried to leave as many hints as possible to the family that a newer bike for mom would be a good idea for a present - but so far no luck - and I have given up riding the other - too much pain!

    Today starts two weeks of camp craziness for the minion and trying to work and get them to various places in town at different times - yay.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Happy Monday Afternoon Ladies;

    Got my walk in this afternoon at lunch. Done

    Busy weekend, Saturday night bridal shower. I met a lady from this MFP site so we are
    communicating now and trying to motivate each other.

    Sunday, sail pass and a 50th anniversary on the same day.

    Food temptation and drink all weekend. Weighed today and I am up. Surprise, Surprise :tongue:

    Digging deep this week to get that off again. The object is to lose not maintain as yet. :tongue:

    Sheila: My heart goes out to your friend. :heart: I can't image going through all she had been doing. :heart:
    The scary part is that I am 62 like her and it really brought it home.

    The key ladies is to take care of ourselves first, because if we don't, we can't take care of our families.

    Jen: When you are tanning make sure you have that sun screen on.

    Marla: I never had boys so I can't relate on their behavior. My girls gave me enough gray hairs.

    Starla: Keep going girl you are my motivation to get me through this summer of eats and drinks.

    Have a lovely day ladies!!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Just to remind everyone, when we reach page 20 we have to do another Link.
    I don't know if it continues automatically or you have create it.

    Just saying.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Hi Ladies!
    Shirley-Yep I always wear sunscreen and typically don't lay in the sun at my age now. It was a treat to take my book and ipod to the deck and be lazy and get a little color. I was a lifeguard when I was 18 and did some damage to my skin based on the amount of freckles and moles I have now at 50. My momma told me but I wouldn't listen.....

    Today is high 90's here so quite miserable. Tomorrow will be close to 100 I've heard. My car was 98 degrees when I got in it after work. Can't wait to work in a building without air conditioning starting July 11th:mad: :explode:

    Marla-my friend just bought a new bike at Walmart. It's really nice and she paid about 150 I think. She did add a new seat (gel seat) for $24 additional that she also bought at Walmart. Hint louder and more frequently to hubbie!!!LOL!:laugh:

    Another report written today so two to go. Still have to finish packing my files and odds and ends for the big office move to a different building. We have an after work BBQ on Wednesday to come together one more time before the big move. A young coworker is hosting it at her house. Hope the bosses don't show up and put a damper on it by being there.

    I brought home a report to write but really want to relax and have a nice cold beer. Oh what should I do?:bigsmile:

    Well time for dinner. Hubbie is grilling brats, yum! Have a nice evening:drinker:

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    107! One hundred and seven degrees!! Cripes.
  • Sheila_KI
    Sheila_KI Posts: 206 Member
    Hey Ladies....not doing so good....gave in to emotional eating......a close friend - had her son-in-law (who is more like a son) die unexpectedly of a heart attack yesterday morning. He was 29 and left behind his wife and two kids. He is younger than my son. So prayers for the family are welcome.

    Just means that we have to live each day to the fullest and to the best of our ability. When you get home tonight....hug your family a little tighter.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi Ladies:

    SHEILA: Don't worry about the emotional eating. I have been on a roller coaster ride
    most of my life. That is why I am here. To try and be more aware of my
    eating habits. I was just saying to my hubby last night on these party
    get togethers I have to take a look at all the food that is there. Take one plate
    and take what I want and stop. Not continue going back for more.
    That is one thing I am working on before this summer and all the social
    gatherings we will be going to.
    Sorry about your friends son, that is really young. :heart: My girlfriends son-in-law
    had a heart attack at 39 and we thought that was young, but he survived.

    Managed my walk today at lunch 25 mins. We had a rain storm this morning again, but it
    cleared up this afternoon and now it is beautiful out.

    Our Clematis which grows on a trellis is not doing so well. It is a red Clematis and I think it is too
    delicate for full sun in our backyard. We are going tonight to purchase something that can
    take full sun and is hardier. Its a tough year so far for flowers and gardens because of all the

    Trying hard to get down from the 3 lbs I gained this weekend. Down one lb. so far and still going.

    Have a good day you all!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Hi Ladies!
    Sheila sorry about your friends son in law. So young and very sad. My co worker's husband is battling cancer and now it has spread and the tx is not working. He is around 30 or so too.

    Shirley-sounds like a plan to just take one plate and be done. Is it disposable plate or china at your gatherings? If they are disposable just throw in garbage as soon as you finish and then hold a drink in your hand and mingle away from the buffet:) Or..take a tiny taste of all that you want and then tell yourself "I know what it tastes like so I don't need any more of that food", then throw your plate away. Good luck and stay the course!

    Marla- hotter than XXXX here too in MN. The wind is blowing hard and it is a hot wind with grit in the air, ugh! Suppose to cool down tomorrow and towards the weekend.

    We're having shrimp and chicken kabobs on the grill and I'm hungry. Not too good at my eating today. My salad from Wendy's was too high in calories and sodium. I'm not even going to log my dinner. Paper work to do later on...

    Have a nice evening...
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Sheila - sorry to hear - my thoughts and prayers...

    I was way over cals yesterday too. I didn't even eat anything 'bad'. Just a hungry day and so I ate extra almonds, an extra bar and boom over. Oh well.

    The 10-year-old has done better with his 'behavior' for the last few days - hope it lasts. Of course this means last night that the 6-year-old had to act out instead. Of course.

    My sister's husbands niece had a baby Sunday and all is not completely well. I guess his bladder is on the outside along with other issues. Poor thing. They rushed him off to Omaha before she could even hold him. Then the next day rushed him to Kansas City. Sounds like multiple surgeries in the next few months. Certainly not what your expecting when you are planning for a new addition.

    Shirely you will knock of weekend weight - you are doing great!

    It was 'only' 100 yesterday also with those lovely hot, winds of 40 mph. Awesome. I'll gladly take Starla's cool.

    Back to crazy-town - chin's up - soldier on - sometimes only one minute at time - but we go on!
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Hi guys! Geez it's been a busy few days at work. My MA cohort is in vacation this week (we share assiting 12 doctors) so I've had random help here and there with clinic but that leaves everything else to me. Oh well! Makes for a busy busy week, and I'm always so happy to see her the next week! :smile:

    I've been so good :happy: over the weekend I went to a BBQ and only had ribs, a sausage and corn on the cob, not bad!! Could've made way worse choices. This week I'm falling to my saftey zone of lean cuisines for lunches wtih some fruit. SO MUCH EASIER. I'll get back to making healthier lunches for myself next week I think. I just wanted a break :tongue: This healthy lifestyle's so much more work! I weighed and measured today and everything's exactly the same since friday when I last checked so that's good news. I'd rather half a week with no change rather than a gain :smile: OH, forgot to mention over the weekend we finally got a tease of summer here in Seattle!! It was GORGEOUS friday, saturday and sunday- close to 80 degrees :happy: it was so nice to ahve a break from the wet coldness and get outside and enjoy some sunshine. I spent an hour or two both weekend days out by the pool slathered in sunblocked soaking up the warmness :wink: ahhhh, so nice. Unfortunately today back to the usual. Oh well! It was nice while it lasted.

    I better get busy. Have a good day everyone!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Fifty degrees cooler today - ahhh... probably not a good sign though, my guess is storms will come with it.

    Has felt like the longest week ever. This weekend is my 38th birthday - crazy. Lucky me gets to celebrate at work picnics. Yay. Insert sarcasm font.

    Later ladies - HOLLA!!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Marla: Happy Birthday !!!! if I don't get a chance this weekend. Have a drink or two
    for me.

    What a start to my day today, the US brige was backed up and luckily I got through before
    all the trucks behind me started on. Then when I reached customs there had to be
    at least 20 trucks or 30 trucks waiting to go through. There have been at least four or
    five lanes closed and last week the same thing, I don't what that is all about. :mad:
    I go through Nexus which is the express lane so all was well there. Then I got to my
    parking ramp and the left lane was not working so everyone had to use the right lane,
    and the arm that lets you through was not working right. :mad: By the time I got to work I
    was all flustered. (I do have high blood pressure:tongue: ) So I am trying to get into a
    Zen mood right now and get through this lousy day. :frown:

    On Tuesday we had another presentation by the Toshiba guy on the new copier. One of
    ladies was not there for the first one and the other co-worker came in half way through and
    people had questions. So he came again and he had ATTITUDE and one of the secretaries told him
    so. So that was an interesting day, and then the postage meter decided to act up at 4:45 just
    before closing the office. I pulled the plug on that one and rebooted and it came back to life. All
    in all I guess this week sucks :explode:

    Wednesday I worked around the house, we have the AC on because it got close to 90 degrees.
    Did some shopping in the morning and then decided it was a good day to defrost the freezer
    out in the garage so I got that job done. East Peasy.
    My lower back has been acting up again so I gave in to exercise to try and feel better.
    I ended up going to Tim Horton's (our local donut shop) and got a small Ice Cap mint chocolate supreme.
    I didn't even look up the calories on that one. :drinker:

    This weekend will be busy again so I will share later.

    Have a wonderful day my friends.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Thanks Shirley - OHMMMMM!!:wink:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Happy 38th Birthday Marla! Do something special for yourself even it is just sitting in a bubble bath with a glass of wine and no interruptions! LOL do you know that children's book Five Minutes Peace with the elephants? That was my favorite when the boys were little. The mother elephant would take her tea up to a hot bath to be alone and the kids would knock on the door one by one and come in and drop toys in the tub and eventually be in there with her! It's like that with little ones. Enjoy your day!!!!:)

    Shirley- What's up with all the traffic and road closings? I hate to be stopped in traffic. I'll go out of my way to take side roads if I can so long as I am moving!LOL

    Starla you are doing fantastic on your choices, exercise and all that goes with it! Pat on the back for you! Now turn around and kick me in the butt!

    One more day of work and the school year is over, thank my lucky stars! Worst year of my career due to administration and changes that have been made in a chaotic, unorganized and disresptectful way:( Four weeks of vacation to be with my family, go to Michigan to be with sibs and Mom, and to focus on getting back on track with exercise and eating.

    This week has been just survival with all that needed to be done at work and evening stuff. So vacation here I come!!!!!!!:drinker:

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Thanks Jenny - unfortunately tomorrow will just be basically 'work' since we have both work picnics and you have to go make appearances at each and make sure the powers that be see you 'enjoying'. Whee.

    Fingers crossed for Sunday - goal? Sleep past 7 am. Dare to dream!

    Glad your almost done with your year from heck Jenny - enjoy your more than needed/deserved vacay!

    Waves to Starla and Sheila!

    I have never that book Jenny talks about - but I have certainly lived it - :wink:

    Oh and Hey? It's Friday. Holla! :drinker:
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi Guys,

    Its Friday and day off. This morning took hubby to the car dealership for his car to be fixed. Then at 10:00 am I have
    to get my hair cut and I will look beautiful again.:flowerforyou:

    They are predicting rain today and all day tomorrow.:sad:

    We are having a Renaming and Non-renaming Party at the sailing club on Saturday night.
    Renaming the boat name for our friends and non-renaming our boat because we like the name and
    are going to keep it. TOUCAN It is going to be just snacks and drinks. We invited my daughter and son in law
    and friends of ours who we hang with all the time. My other daughter can't make it because she will be
    just coming back from Edmonton that night for work. The other people will be members of the club.
    Should be fun :drinker:

    This is where I have the most trouble losing weight is the boating summer season. All the parties and eating
    and drinking. So I am going to take my one plate and fill it and then through the plate away. No its not
    china:noway: Wish me luck!! I am down two pounds from last weekend. The trick is to keep going. :sad:
    I will be good today and hope to drop another soon. It s roller coaster ride:cry:

    Have a wonderful Friday and keep drinking that water and do some exercise. :tongue:
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi Guys,

    Its Friday and day off. This morning took hubby to the car dealership for his car to be fixed. Then at 10:00 am I have
    to get my hair cut and I will look beautiful again.:flowerforyou:

    They are predicting rain today and all day tomorrow.:sad:

    We are having a Renaming and Non-renaming Party at the sailing club on Saturday night.
    Renaming the boat name for our friends and non-renaming our boat because we like the name and
    are going to keep it. TOUCAN It is going to be just snacks and drinks. We invited my daughter and son in law
    and friends of ours who we hang with all the time. My other daughter can't make it because she will be
    just coming back from Edmonton that night for work. The other people will be members of the club.
    Should be fun :drinker:

    This is where I have the most trouble losing weight is the boating summer season. All the parties and eating
    and drinking. So I am going to take my one plate and fill it and then through the plate away. No its not
    china:noway: Wish me luck!! I am down two pounds from last weekend. The trick is to keep going. :sad:
    I will be good today and hope to drop another soon. It s roller coaster ride:cry:

    Have a wonderful Friday and keep drinking that water and do some exercise. :tongue:
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    You got this Shirely - you have a plan and will work it!