The Daily Water Cooler Thread



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi Ladies:

    Just a quick note we had a fish fry last night, the husbands caught the fish. So our company came over
    to indulge. Good times, good eats then we played mexican train (dominos) that's always fun.
    I did drink :drinker: enjoyed that too.

    Today hubby went to work on the new/old boat again. He called and is coming home and we are going
    to a show (Water for Elephants). Popcorn and dinner later. Not a good weekend for dieting but I still
    try to make good choices.

    Tomorrow we are going to breakfast, and then seeing my two daughters, son-in-law, for dinner.
    They are an hour an half away.

    Happy Mother's Day !!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,278 Member
    Shirley-Did you read Water for Elephants? That was an excellent book and my favorite ending of all time! :heart: Love the game Mexican Train. We played that on girl's weekends and with my family last Christmas. Sounds like you had fun and a good dinner.

    Went shopping today to use some coupons. I bought a dress (smaller dress size than typical) and two pairs of capri pants (also smaller size than typical) Woo Hoo! I pulled out summer clothes that I stored in a box because they were too small last year and I fit into two pairs of capris and shorts. Some were too big! :bigsmile: So I think I'm set until my next smaller size and I have some of those in a box too. I'm such a Yo Yo!! :embarassed: I also put away jeans that have gotten baggy and found another pair in a box I could not zip in the fall. They fit! :bigsmile: Feeling good here and I owe it all to this thread and my SWat Walking Group. All of you amazing ladies keep me motivated and I enjoy the chatting that we do.

    Never made it to the garden so I hope it is not raining tomorrow because that will be my exercise along with a bike ride. Tomorrow hubbie is grilling salmon for me. We will also have baked sweet potatoes and broccoli maybe a gin and tonic with lime??:drinker: Yum!

    Enjoy your evening.:flowerforyou:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,278 Member
    Check out this website. Looks like good info and check out the articles on health. Interesting reads... It's a WW support site.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    guh - just did the "fit test" with my new complete set of Peak Fit Challenge dvd's. Holy aioli. I have been doing a couple of the dvd's for a few months already - she (Michelle Dozois) said the fit test was grueling - oh boy. Not very long, so I'm sure not much of a cal burn - but my legs are jello.

    Haven't read and seen Water for Elephants. Worth it?
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Loved Water for Elephants. Never read the book but heard it was very good.
    I won't say anything about it unless you guys see it . Let me know what you think.


    Leaving shortly to see my two daughters and we are going out for dinner.

    Hubby got me a beautiful basket of flowers today and a card. How about you ?:smooched:

    Have a great day, and Jenny kudos to your weight loss and getting into those clothes, Woot Woot:drinker:
    Have a drink or two today I know I will.:drinker:

    Enjoy everyone !!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    huzzah on the smaller clothes - woot-woott!!!:happy:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,278 Member
    Happy Mother's Day Ladies and Starla I hope you have a nice time with your mom and brother. I spent the morning digging in and cleaning my perennial garden in the front yard. The tulips and hyacinths are blooming and it looks so much better. Gave the plants food and am now waiting for the rain that will fall soon. I still have two gardens left but they can wait until the next sunny day. We are due for rain for a few days.

    My family gave me the funkiest garden decoration. I had admired it at the nursery last weekend. My hubbie took my youngest son there yesterday and let him pick out something for me. He picked this funky dragon fly that balances on a post. It's made of aged, rusty metal and is so funky I love it. Now to get the back yard re-landscaped so I can put it where I can see it from the patio.

    Grilled salmon later on for dinner...

    Have a happy and wonderful day with your families! I'll get to a new picture later this week. I didn't feel like blow drying my hair or putting make up on today.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Its Monday and back to work Ugh!

    Had a great Mother's Day. Hubby and I went out for breakfast and then bought three dwarf lilac bushes
    to replace my rose bushes which had root rot. Saturday I did some clean up in the back yard but it is still
    wet and soggy in places.

    My daughters got me a chocolate fondue set and a bucket of strawberry margarita/daiqaris which you add
    the booze then freeze and two margaritas glasses for MD. Not exactly weight loss items but I will have
    fun this summer. :bigsmile:

    Have a great day u all!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    unhh...I used a white strip last night and my teeth are killing me! Darn sensitivity. I want white toofers too!

    Monday...nuff said.

    Later gal pals
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,278 Member
    Session #2 of acupuncture. Feels so good!

    Shirley-I love frozen margueritas. Have on for me too!

    Mizpaden- I've used those white strips too. Mixed results. Can make the gums sensitive.

    Well I made my work choice and put down the extra 20 days. We'll see what they assign me, probably won't know until next week.

    Tomorrow is going to be beautiful out. I'm feeling like illness is upon me and i'll need to stay home...

    Have a nice evening!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    well I completely went off the rails last night. The temp soared to nearly 100 degrees unexpectedly - no air - sweltering in the office and the plant of course b/c well it is just a ginormous machine shop. It was yet another asinine day, couldn't even find time to eat my packed food, only went to bathroom twice in 10 hours. By the time I finally got cooled off at home I was literally out of control. I ate FOUR pieces of pizza. Even though two was plenty. Then I still ate two brownies and a bowl of ice cream. Wasn't hungry - just out of my mind. sigh... I know I have to just pick up today - but I also know today will be worse b/c I'll have terrible crashes and cravings... gah...

    Jenny - glad your accupunture is helping - never tried it - I wonder if it would help with headaches?
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hey Ladies, guess what? Its Tuesday !!

    Enough said.

    Marla: My daughter used to use the Crest white strips and her teeth were aching.
    I have sensitive teeth so I will not use them.

    Jenny: I will have a few of those margaritas for you don't you worry !!:tongue::drinker:

    Beautiful day here again will be walking at lunch today. Tomorrow off and will be helping
    hubby wax the new/old boat. Yipppeee!! We are getting close to putting it in the water. :bigsmile:
    Its on a cradle right now and you have to go up and down on a ladder (not for me). :noway:

    Have a wonderful day!

    What lies behind us and what lies before us
    are tiny matters compared to what lies within>>>Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    well hello ladies!!

    Sounds like everyone had full weekends! Unfortunately me brother caught a flu bug so he wasn't able to come over :ohwell: so that was disappointing. Oh well though, another time. Mom and I had a nice relaxing weekend as a result- hadn't made any plans because we had planned on spending it with him. We relaxed, watched a lot of movies and tv, caught up on out dvr'd shows- REALLY NICE! I made her some cheese blintzes (dont be too impressed- i bought pre-made crepes and the cream cheese filling was REALLY EASY :happy: ) which were SO YUMMY!!! OH MY GOD. So worth it. I could have been good for the both of us and used low fat ricotta instead of full fat cream cheese... but who wants to do that for a special occasion?? haha. indulged with a few glasses of wine total over sat and sun, so as a result I gained a pound (having pizza for dinner sat, blintzes for dessert and then blintzes again for breakfast will do that to you!), but I know I'll get it off easily :tongue: been very good so far this week and plan on being good the rest of the week, exercising every day. YAY! OH, and another exciting event for me over the weekend, I got a new tv :happy: I still had an old tube tv in my living room- was working great up until a couple of months ago, it started randomly shutting off on it's own then turning back on a few minutes later. SO ODD. Never seen a tv act like that before. Started out doing it just every once and awhile but then in the past few weeks was doing it DAILY like three or four times a day. I was positive the tube would give out on me- didn't but I decided it was time to upgrade and jump into the 2000's tv-wise. I had to research of course because I know nothing about the newest tv technology and ended up with a nice 37 inch samsung lcd hd. I love it :happy: kinda disgusting how expensive tvs are now though! The cheapest poorest quality ones around 30 inches were 400-500 bucks! Couldn't believe it. So I spent (or charged in my case....) more than I had planned.... but oh well. It's a nice one that'll last me a long time. Good quality brand. ..... I watch too much tv :laugh: haha. I'm such a good couch potato! At least now I have a proper large wonderful tv to go with that part of me.

    Anyways, need to get back to work. It's national oral, head & neck cancer awareness week and my clinic's holding a free cancer screening today. Makes for a boring day actually- normal clinics are cancelled so that there are lots of rooms available for the visitors to get their free screenings from our surgeons. Neat for the clinic to do but boring for us medical assistants :smile: off to find some busy work!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,278 Member
    mizpaden-acupuncture does help with headaches and many other ailments. My coworker is going for head aches and another one has done so and said it helped alot.

    Shirley-how many margaritas did I drink?:drinker: I forgot to have my gin and tonic on mother's day! What a dud I am... Have fun waxing the boat.

    Starla-sounds like you have a ghost visiting in your house that is trying to get your attention with the TV-LOL!:laugh: Glad you had a nice mother's day with your mom and were able to relax. Sorry about not seeing your brother.:cry:

    I took a mental health day today.:sick: It was wonderful. Who knew being crazy would make for such a nice day? I cleaned my house, went to the grocery, but was hungry too, so that was not a good combo. Bought lemon cupcakes and chocolate cookies with reese's pieces in them... Haven't had any yet. We are grilling chicken breasts for dinner and having chicken sandwiches on a whole wheat buns with tomato and lettuce, chips, etc. This afernoon I weeded, raked and transplanted out in my gardens. They need help! It felt good though.

    My second acupuncture session must have helped because I slept pain free last night with taking Tylenol PM! Yay! We'll see how today goes after gardening and cleaning. I go again next Monday.

    Have a nice evening. I feel a nap coming on...:yawn: Jenny
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,278 Member
    I met to say slept pain free without taking Tylenol PM!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    well, I have been lazy about logging and it shows...wahhhh...sigh...back at it...

    I may have to look around and see if I can find any acupuncture here in c-town - (smallish town), I would definitely be interested in helping with my migraines.

    Can't believe how freapin hot it has been this week - I'm dying. I'm not good with the heat and with no transition time - gack - I'm going to have to spend my next check on fans for work

    FENCE!!! After five years - I finally have my fence. MY fence. Mine. Mine. Mine. It's up and looks fabulous. Yes!!! Too late to keep the kids 'safe' (uh...10) but perfect for keeping the super doo home and safe. Especially since somebody just started building a house right next to us and their are people everywhere and construction equipment running amok. MY FENCE!!

    Work computer systems were down the whole day yesterday. No scanning got down, no hours entered, no inventory adjusted... oh what a mess. Today will suck. So much. And to try to get back on track. GAH!!! CALGON?

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,278 Member
    Marla-same here in MInnesota. Where's spring? We went right into the dog days of summer. Yesterday was so hot and humid and then lightening, hail, rain some places in the Mpls. metro area last night. We just had the green skies and lightening with a few sprinkles. I'm going back to work today so hopefully I will be productive. Good luck with your computers...

    I'll check in later. Zumba tonight!

  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    :happy: oh my god I would kill for a jump to summer weather !! I understand the difficult sudden transition but man am I tired of winter-like weather in May!! It's so cold here still- usually in the 50's, if the sun happens to come out from behind the clouds for a peak at us it may get up to the 60's but that's it so far. Of course living in the pacific northwest usually means no summer til july or august... but we've usually warmed up some by now and transitioned to more sunny days and less cloudy and grey days. Oh well! Ce la vie. (sp?...... haha. sounded right but I duno how to spell it)

    Jenny, So glad the acupuncture's helping!!! And we all need mental health days here and there, especially with all the work stresses you've had. Glad you got a day to relax!! (and I HATE going to the grocery store hungry too- I always spend more and end up choosing the wrong things!)

    Marla, sounds like you've been waiting for a fence for awhile eh!? Glad you finally got it .

    So a few weeks ago I turned on the tv in the morning to watch something while I drink my coffee and an infomercial was on about tracy anderson's method- her new "metamorphosis" program. It caught my interest... I watched for a good ten minutes before changing away. She apparantly does "different" kinds of moves that target the smaller muscles to shoot for slimming and sculpting rather that muscle gain... I'm still curious, so I shopped around online and realized that right now her newest line is too spendy for my taste- 90ish bucks for a three or four cd set and eating plan etc different depending on your body weight gain type (whether you gain in hips, stomach, etc or just all over). I'm not willing to spend that much on something new that I'm not sure works at but after googling realized she's been doing dvds for awhile and has some older ones out that are much cheaper! She has a dance cardio dvd and a mat workout dvd- since I'm not too hot on dance dvds (and read reviews about her lack of instruction- you have to mostly catch onto the moves, watch the dvd before exercising to it to get used to the moves) I found her mat dvd from a couple of years ago for $21 on ebay with free shipping, so we'll see how I like it! I may just keep watching ebay for used versions of her newest dvds if I like her style. I had decided I needed something new to add to my mix, so I can't wait to get it in a week or so and try it out. It looks like (from the brief clips i've watched online) a cross between mat pilates-ish workouts and standing cardio-ish workouts but she does different moves than I'm used to. So I think it'll be a nice toning dvd to add to my routine that's mostly cardio and nice different moves so my body's not so used to what I'm doing. Next up thinking about ebaying for an HRM.... but we'll see ;o) I haven't decided about that yet. I think it'll be easier to log things with one (i.e. feel more confident in how many cals I'm ACTUALLY burning as compared to what MFP guesses I'm burning). Anyways, those are my latest thoughts on this whole exercise/fitness gig i've taken on. It's hard to not get bored doing the same things... so, time to get more dvds! Also can't wait for the weather to warm up, maybe I'll try jogging again (when I tried jogging a few years ago it hurt my knees and i gave up.... but maybe now that I have more muscle it hopefully wont hurt...)

    Anyways, back to the work day :smile:
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Morning Ladies:

    Yesterday was day off and errands as usual. The weather here has been in
    70's . Today it will be 76-78 and it is just beautiful.

    After errands went to the sailing club to help hubby with the boat. He put wax on
    the boat and I used my not so good arms to wipe it off. Wax On, Wax Off. :laugh:
    Well I lasted about a half hour got about half of the boat done while standing on the
    ladder, not too bad it had a platform. After grocery shopping, Walmart, doing 20 mins
    on my bike and then rubbing the boat I was beat. I left and he never got home until
    7:00 pm . He had an electric buffer. I said next time get another buffer and do the
    waxing, that's half the battle.:tongue: He came home exhausted. Now he just has
    to paint the bottom and then it can go in the water. When its in the water I will clean
    the inside and help with the deck. We are getting there.

    Saturday night we are having our first function at the club, Pig Roast, they used to roast
    a hole pig but now they do pork loin and all the fixings. Its a nice get together there
    will be about 16 at our table. Good fun and dancing.

    Starla: I do strength training DVD'S and I do a challenge here on this site called Dance 2 which
    is the Wii Fit. Its fun and you just do it to beat the highest score. I never beat them
    because I do so many exercises its just one more to get in. So time is not there.
    Its just fun.

    Marla: Congrats on your fence. Hope it does the trick.

    See you later ladies.
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    ALRIGHT! Had a patient that hasn't seen me for a couple of months notice that i've lost weight :happy: nice!

    Cake and punch social today at work for nurses week, I easily declined :smile: getting easier and easier to say no to that sugary stuff (especially store bought stuff like that).

    Shirley, sounds like you've got a fun summer ahead of you with that boat! jealous!!

    Not much else to talk about.... better get back to work!