Day By Day Challenge-February Part 6



  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Good morning and thanks everyone! We worked really hard for that total and I'm so proud to be a Nittany Lion. I'm still reeling from the total reveal. And I got to see Herman Boone speak last night (the real football coach from Remember the Titans). He's a funny guy. Needless to say, it's been a pretty great week.

    In terms of goals not so much. My room still isn't clean. I've been doing better with water but not as well as I should be mainly because I'm so tired and need caffeine to keep me moving. But no more excuses... if I want caffeine I have to finish a bottle of water before I drink any from here on out. As for healthier choices... first day didn't go well at all but yesterday I substituted celery and peanut butter for my snack (usually I would have had a candy bar).

    So goals for today:

    1. One or two healthy swaps as opposed to the first thing I reach for.
    2. No Mexican food (it's my favorite food in the commons here and I need to STOP eating it all the time.)
    3. 8 cups of water. (It's 5:00 am my time now so I think that is doable).
    4. Homework. Homework. Homework. I would love to go out tonight although that is not looking good but I am going out tomorrow so I need to get stuff done.
    5. Gym-- no more excuses... I can do some reading while I work out if it is absolutely necessary. I already have my gym clothes on so I don't have to go home first and therefore never make it back out.

    And... Jess... I think your goals look very attainable as long as you stick to things. Good luck! I'm trying for about the same loss!

  • TheNewJessieMae
    Tomorrow Feb 22 goals

    1.) I will be honest with myself even if I don't like what I tell me.
    2.) I will think with my brain instead of my tastebuds and bottomless stomach. They are what got me here to begin with and my brain knows better.
    3.) hydrate my body with water and not poisons called coke zero.
    4.)think about everything before I put it in my mouth and make the right, healthy, smart decision.

    ** I did really well. I didn't secretly eat anything. I wanted to. I wanted to eat the pastries that were sitting downstairs when no one was down there. I wanted to eat the pizza out of the fridge when everyone else left for lunch and I was all alone. BUT I didn't. And I also did really well with the water and even brought a lemon to squeeze in it!! Yesterday was very challenging. very hard. But I told hubby all about my struggles and he promised me fruit and sugar free whip and chocolate after the kids went to bed. So I had a reward to attain OTHER than weightloss. I think my problem is that if I'm good for one day I expect it to all come off in that day.

    Feb 23 goals:
    1.)Again stay true to myself. Dont go on some blind eating rage like normal and act like it doesn't count cause no one saw it.
    2.) I need to be pretty strick today. There will be alcohol at the Kid Rock Concert tonight but hopefully not too much.. (:tongue: )
    3.) Keep my self hydrated-no poisons.
    4.) when everyone goes to lunch......... try to run/walk the stairs at work to get some kind of movement in. ( I will be doing TONS of dancing tonight though)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Morning Jess!

    I wanted to get Wednesday's goals up early:
    1. pilates/yoga
    2. drink water every hour, green tea is okay too.
    3. don't eat from the peanut butter jar (I know that may sound weird, but hey, nevertheless, its a goal)
    4. rest/relax
    5. don't stress about the test results.
    6. stick to the menu.

    Sorry I don't have more right now. Everyone have a fantastic hump day!
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Morning Leela!!!! Hope you feel ok today.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    It could be worse, so I'm certainly not complaining. Will have the test results back no later than Friday morning. I'm hoping the tear is not so severe where I need surgery. I would love to just go through physical therapy to get it stronger. That's the best case scenerio.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Feb. 22:
    1. Water--6 cups while at home. (I do fine at work.)--Had 3, maybe.
    2. HEALTHY choices!--Better.
    3. Exercise.--30 minutes before work.
    4 Get to bed by 10.--by 10:15, so, not too bad.

    Goals for Feb. 22:
    1. Drink water while at home!
    2. Healthy choices.
    3. Exercise.
    4. Get to bed by 10.

    Leela--I hope the test results are what you are looking for. (And I TOTALLY get the "don't eat from the peanut butter jar" thing!)
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    Tonight I'm picking up Turbo Jam from a friend to borrow before buying it! Super excited! I am also going to have dinner with her and her daughter and catch up which will be loads of fun :o)

    2.23.11 Goals:
    1) WATER
    2) Eat sensibly tonight
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    SO goals for today
    1. work on my sink-fail which isn't good I really need to fix it so we have running water in the kitchen again
    2. after I get it fixed drink lots of water -did pretty well actually with this one:)
    3. log everything i eat today- got it all logged:)
    4. laundry i really shouldn't have a problem with that hehe ok so nope didn't get to it but have no plans today otherwise so its gonna get done

    Nicole, I just saw your post and WOW!! Congrats on such a good weekend!! That's awesome!

    Leela, hope you get the news you want!! I have to stop myself alot from eating out of the peantbutter jar too, I've been doing it since I was a child and its one of my fave snacks.

    Jess, your goals seem very attainable to me. I know you can do it!!
    Ok well goals for today
    1. Fix the sink no excuses either got everything to do so just have to do it
    2. laundry its gonna take most of the day too
    3. any cleaning I can get done in between loads of laundry I've been lazy the last few days and really need to get it done so the house doesn't look so cluttered.
    4. Make list of what to organize and schedule days to do them might be able to get rid of more things that way.

    I know nothing is weightloss oriented but right now I think jsut keeping myself where I'm at and getting thru all of this is better right now. I have so much its overwhelming but I'm gonna work on it and make sure I have it all taken care of and then start in on the weightloss efforts again. I'm still gonna be watching what I eat and logging everything and be here for support for you all but need to get things straight for me personally first. Mostly we plan on painting and in order to paint the whole house I have to get thru all of this stuff first. Its a pain but I've already picked out the colors and the money is getting saved so we can buy the paint and supplies as soon as its warm enough to leave the house opened up for a few days.

    I'm off to get started on my day:) Hope you all have a wonderful day and keep up all the good work you all have been doing!! :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Thanks Ravyn!!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    The results are in. They didn't waste any time with getting the results, so I can act fast. There is a tear in my medial meniscus, suspected tear of ACL, bone bruise on tibilia, minimum fracture of hip. My surgeon is on lunch until 1 (central time) Will call him back soon to schedule initial consultation. On the phone with them now, I hope I can get in by the end of the week. :sad:
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Midday check in!

    Thanks Ravyn. I'm still on such a high from that day! We're going to try to paint our house this summer, too! Actually, my mom is in a similar boat in the, having to work some things out first, sense. Hers is more that she needs to stop hoarding and get organized but that's a huge deal for you! HOpe everything works out.

    O Leela, that sucks! I hope he can get you in! And... inspirational story kind of. My dad found out he had to have a hip replacement this year. They said it would take him months to recover... and it only took him 1. It was all in his mindset. He was determined to get back to where he was and he did. I'm sure that you will be able to do a similar thing if you put your mind to it!

    I'm doing super well so far today sticking to the new excuses. I'm even keeping a food log on what foods I liked and kept me satisfied that I"m going to post on a blog at the end of the day for advice/record keeping. A new thing that will hopefully help.

    Hope everyone has a good afternoon!
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    The results are in. They didn't waste any time with getting the results, so I can act fast. There is a tear in my medial meniscus, suspected tear of ACL, bone bruise on tibilia, minimum fracture of hip. My surgeon is on lunch until 1 (central time) Will call him back soon to schedule initial consultation. On the phone with them now, I hope I can get in by the end of the week. :sad:

    Goodness girl! That's rough! I'm sorry to hear that, I wish you a very speedy recovery. You're in my thoughts and prayers Leela.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I'm trying to keep up with my goals. I haven't worked out yet, but I still pln to. Water is okay, could be better. I haven't eaten any p.b. but that usually comes later at night :) I'm trying to rest but its easier said than done. I didn't stress about the results, I'm still optimistic that I may not need surgery. The results sound worse than it really is. I'm sticking to the menu, not very hungry today!
  • frubjious
    Hi All,

    Sorry I didn’t check back in yesterday. I didn’t do anything I set out to do on Tuesday I ended up falling asleep on the sofa really early, not working off any pre-emptive exercise calories and doing no housework. Yesterday I went to sleep at 7. I think I just need to catch up a bit. Unfortunately it still counts as a fail so no new book for Kim. Ah well onwards and upwards. I’m going to lighten up a bit on the goals, otherwise I’m just going to make myself miserable or rebel big time when it comes to the weekend.

    Thursday’s goals:

    1. Water
    2. Walk
    3. Early night

    Leela, I’m so sorry that you’ve had this set back. I hope they can get you sorted and on the mend as soon as possible. :heart:

    I hope everyone has a lovely day.

  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Nicole, thanks for sharing your story. I think you're right, its more about determination. Last year, I was in a different mindframe as I am now. So although its the same injury (just a little less severe), I think I will rebound from it faster.

    Thanks K, I can't wait until this is beyond me too. This unwanted hiatus from working out is getting old. I'm ready to hit the gym, just a little slower and more carefully.

    Wednesday's recap:
    I wanted to get Wednesday's goals up early:
    1. pilates/yoga YES, YES
    2. drink water every hour, green tea is okay too. COULD HAVE BEEN BETTER
    3. don't eat from the peanut butter jar (I know that may sound weird, but hey, nevertheless, its a goal) YES!!
    4. rest/relax TRIED TO.
    5. don't stress about the test results. TRIED TO. :)
    6. stick to the menu. YES
    So not bad over all!

    Thurday's goals:
    1. More water/green tea
    2. rest/ read
    3. pilates/yoga
    4. stick to the menu, this worked really well yesterday.

    Very nervous about weighing in tomorrow. I have still been trying to workout from home without overdoing it.

    Everyone have a great day!
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member

    So goals for today:

    1. One or two healthy swaps as opposed to the first thing I reach for. Check!
    2. No Mexican food (it's my favorite food in the commons here and I need to STOP eating it all the time.) Check!
    3. 8 cups of water. (It's 5:00 am my time now so I think that is doable). Check
    4. Homework. Homework. Homework. I would love to go out tonight although that is not looking good but I am going out tomorrow so I need to get stuff done. No :( Meaning tonight will be an all nighter
    5. Gym-- no more excuses... I can do some reading while I work out if it is absolutely necessary. I already have my gym clothes on so I don't have to go home first and therefore never make it back out. Check-- it felt so good to get back there


    Good morning everyone! So... I did awesome yesterday... until about 8:00 ... after that the late night... I"m going to be up all night... stressed eating stepped in. But the good news is I realized what it was when I was done eating and was like "I didn't need that" so hopefully I'll be able to stay away from it tonight.

    Goals for today:

    1. Homework every chance I get.
    2. One or two healthy swaps.
    3. Stay away from the mexican
    4. Lots of water.

    Have a good day everyone!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Feb. 23:
    1. Drink water while at home!--Should do better.
    2. Healthy choices.--yes
    3. Exercise.--30 minutes before work.
    4. Get to bed by 10.--yes.

    Goals for Feb. 24:
    1. Drink more water while at home.
    2. Healthy choices.
    3. Exercise.
    4. Bed by 10.

    Got icy roads here today. Gonna take it slow going to work! (We don't get much snow here, usually.)

    Leela--Praying for you. Hope all goes well!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Nicole great job realizing what you were doing. I had an "I don't need that" moment today. I was in Walgreens picking up a few things and at the register, they had movie theater candy boxes on sale for 69 cents. I picked up a box of whoopers, looked at the "nutritional" facts, I use the word nutritional loosely. So I decided it wasn't worth it and put it back! :)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Thursday's recap:
    Thurday's goals:
    1. More water/green tea YES, GOING TO MAKE SOME TEA NOW
    2. rest/ read YES/YES
    3. pilates/yoga NOT YET, BUT I WILL GET TO IT.
    4. stick to the menu, this worked really well yesterday. YES, ALTHOUGH I DID HAVE A BITE OF MY DAUGHTER'S SUB, I DON'T THINK IT WILL DO MUCH HARM.

    Friday's goals are the same as Thursdays and probably aheaded into the weekend. I have an appointment with the specialist on Tuesday the first. It was the soonest they could get me in. Not supposed to workout much until then. I was thinking of going to the gym to walk a few laps around the track and maybe do some upper body strength in the weight room. What do you guys think about that?
  • frubjious
    Thursday’s goals:
    1. Water - Yup
    2. Walk - Yup
    3. Early night - No my family cat is sick and was just back from the vet all spaced out on pain killers getting confused getting stuck at the top of the stairs and that sort of thing so I was up with her till quite late

    So glas its Friday

    1. Try and get a work out in before going out
    2. Don't go crazy at dinner tonight

    Have a great day everyone.