Pregnancy 2011-February



  • Mamatoabunch

    Finally they get huge and the last thing you want is anyone to touch them or see you naked! Then they get more sore and start leaking etc etc....

    LOL, I'm just the opposite.
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member

    Pregnancy boobs are God's cruel joke on men. Finally they get huge and the last thing you want is anyone to touch them or see you naked! Then they get more sore and start leaking etc etc....

    I agree! They are so sensitive! It's not right. I finally buckled down and bought a bigger bra. I have always been a C. I've hand issues with going to a D, but alas, I had no choice.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    I quit smoking about a year ago, it has not been too too hard but for the past few days I have been having these intense urges for a cigarette. I am so glad I am pregnant and thus there is no way I would touch the things. I hope I have enough will power after the baby is born to keep it up.

    I am taking advantage of the energy I have today, while I have it. I have been doing a ton of cleaning, and once that is done I will move on to baking, and finally end up with accounting homework (my work has me taking an accounting course for the new position I took in September). maybe some yoga tonight if my body is not too sore.

    Whew, busy day! Happy Saturday everyone!
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    My crib bedding arrived yesterday! YAY! It's was more awesome than I had convinced myself it would be! Some pictures showed it being a much duller green & one showed it to be a brighter green. I saw a piece of it at Burlington when we were there & it was the lighter more powdery green (which I liked better than most of the pictures I had seen online) but the set I got IS the brighter more vibrant green which I LOVE! I had almost talked myself out of the bedding because I thought it was going to be the duller/more drab green. And, another awesome thing is that I ordered it on 2/8 and received it on 2/11... and when I ordered it, it was almost $20 less than it is right now! Yay!

    Love the bedding!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I keep reading places that its so important to go to the dentist when pregnant. Do you guys know why this is?
  • Mamatoabunch
    I keep reading places that its so important to go to the dentist when pregnant. Do you guys know why this is?

    Your dental health is related to your overall health. You can have increased redness at the gums, gingivitis, in pregnancy, which can lead can even lead to preterm labor. Also, tooth decay can increase in pregnancy. The dentist can help w/ these these things, but more important than anything is to brush and especially floss everyday!
  • Mamatoabunch
    I lost a pound this week, surprised, LOL. We are making Valentine cards today and trying out a new sugar cookie recipe for heart cut out cookies for a party on Monday. Tuesday is our 19th anniversary, dh planned a bunch of things to do including staying overnight at a very old hotel in Santa Fe. I am so excited!
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I keep reading places that its so important to go to the dentist when pregnant. Do you guys know why this is?

    There's an old wives saying that you lose a tooth for every baby. My grandmother did. I've had some issues with my gums during this one, but I've been to the dentist for my checkup and they were just inflamed.
  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member

    Finally they get huge and the last thing you want is anyone to touch them or see you naked! Then they get more sore and start leaking etc etc....

    LOL, I'm just the opposite.

    Me, too! They went really big early on with my first pregnancy. Really big for me anyway (full 36 C). Now that I'm done nursing (as of Dec. 2010) they still haven't grown and they're not sore at all (very small 36 C - could probably be a B cup!). Weird.

    @AnneElise - How is your rash? Did you figure out what it's from?

    @LittleSpy - Love that bedding, too. I was looking at the very same when I was pregnant with my first (we didn't find out what we're having). As it turns out though we were in the middle of home renovations when our son arrived (was in a bassinet in our room anyway) and therefore still had no nursery. So I ordered blue and chocolate brown for him instead. Will probaby wait until our second baby is born before buying nursery bedding - the kids will share a room while they're young. If it's another boy maybe I'll order him the very same bedding!
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I ordered some of these sexy drawers

    and was able to walk 2.5 miles today. I haven't been able to walk in over 2 weeks and couldn't walk too far in walmart, etc. without hurting. These are great so far. I was concerened about the reviews saying they ripped but I haven't had any issues. I tried all kinds of maternity belts and none of them worked or fit right or were just too bulky.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member

    @AnneElise - How is your rash? Did you figure out what it's from?

    No, My sister thinks maybe just from dry skin. Its just red and really dry... its on like my elbows and insides of my knees?
  • Mamatoabunch

    No, My sister thinks maybe just from dry skin. Its just red and really dry... its on like my elbows and insides of my knees?

    Rub some coconut oil into it, will works absolute wonders. It sounds like dry skin, but could also be excema, coconut oil will help both.
  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member

    No, My sister thinks maybe just from dry skin. Its just red and really dry... its on like my elbows and insides of my knees?

    Rub some coconut oil into it, will works absolute wonders. It sounds like dry skin, but could also be excema, coconut oil will help both.

    Mmmmm, and you'll smell like Hawaii. :love:
  • Mamatoabunch

    Mmmmm, and you'll smell like Hawaii. :love:

    LOL, only organic coconut oil smells like coconut, most have no smell at all.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member

    @AnneElise - How is your rash? Did you figure out what it's from?

    No, My sister thinks maybe just from dry skin. Its just red and really dry... its on like my elbows and insides of my knees?

    It's probably this crazy weather. I'm in TN too and this is the first year I have had really chapped skin. My entire hands looked like I had a huge allergic reaction (bright splotchy red) but they're just weather rashed (all the cleaning in moving out did not help I'm sure!)- to the point where my knuckles were starting to crack and bleed a little - i found a lotion that did not burn and so they feel a little better now. I remember they used to do that all the time in Chicago when I was little (and refused to wear gloves...)
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    I lost a pound this week, surprised, LOL. We are making Valentine cards today and trying out a new sugar cookie recipe for heart cut out cookies for a party on Monday. Tuesday is our 19th anniversary, dh planned a bunch of things to do including staying overnight at a very old hotel in Santa Fe. I am so excited!

    that sounds wonderful!
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    I saw an info-mercial today for a Baby Bullet, made by the magic bullet people. My goodness it looks wonderful, natural baby food in seconds. I will be looking into reviews for these. Anyone have one?
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I saw an info-mercial today for a Baby Bullet, made by the magic bullet people. My goodness it looks wonderful, natural baby food in seconds. I will be looking into reviews for these. Anyone have one?

    My brother had a magic bullet and loved it. Not sure on the baby bullet. He made batches then froze them in ice cube trays for easy portioning and transport. I bought baby food last time (because my kitchen was literally about 10 sq feet and my fridge/freezer like dorm sized) but I intend to just make it this time. It's so easy. I was thinking of picking up a bullet of some sort. I want to get back to smoothies for myself too and my blender sucks.

    (Actually, I think he has a knock off magic bullet perhaps, I don't know if he's the type to pay $100 for a blender - but whatever he has / had, he loved. I would say don't go for the special baby one, but a regular one.)
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I keep reading places that its so important to go to the dentist when pregnant. Do you guys know why this is?

    I love going to the dentist.LOVE it. seriously. But since losing insurance when graduating college I have only been once in the last 7 years :( I have thought for the last year or so that I might have a cavity though, but maybe it's just a weak spot, as it was a weak spot when i thought it was a cavity years ago. We spent $5k fixing hubby's teeth last year, i guess what's another $300 to get mine checked out? It's so much money though! I am a super brusher though, but awful at flossing regularly. :blushing:
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    I lost a pound this week, surprised, LOL. We are making Valentine cards today and trying out a new sugar cookie recipe for heart cut out cookies for a party on Monday. Tuesday is our 19th anniversary, dh planned a bunch of things to do including staying overnight at a very old hotel in Santa Fe. I am so excited!

    that's great - have a wonderful time!