Pregnancy 2011-February



  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I brush 2 times a day but I am so bad about flossing as well. I went to the dentist this past summer but have been so busy this year... uhg. Now that coaching is slowing down I will go again.

    It may be a weather rash. My skin is dry everywhere. I will try to coconut oil, thanks!

    It is very nice outside today so I am going to get a nice long walk in today.

    I go to the dr. tommorow afternoon. No US. I am excited to hear the heartbeat on the doppler though.

    Happy Sunday!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    I keep reading places that its so important to go to the dentist when pregnant. Do you guys know why this is?

    I love going to the dentist.LOVE it. seriously. But since losing insurance when graduating college I have only been once in the last 7 years :( I have thought for the last year or so that I might have a cavity though, but maybe it's just a weak spot, as it was a weak spot when i thought it was a cavity years ago. We spent $5k fixing hubby's teeth last year, i guess what's another $300 to get mine checked out? It's so much money though! I am a super brusher though, but awful at flossing regularly. :blushing:

    I thought I was the only weirdo who likes going to the dentist! :laugh: :laugh: Even when I didn't have insurance the dentist was the only thing I would pay out of pocket for.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    The aveeno eczema cream works wonders but can be a bit pricy. My husband and I both have eczema so needless to say the boys have it pretty bad. Sometimes they get really bad flare ups to the point where they have really bad red blotches on their bodies that look like welts. Another really bad spot is their cheeks, they get so bad that they nearly bleed. The aveeno is like a lotion so it is easily transported and applied, I would like to know where to get the coconut oil though because I hate to waste the $8 tiny aveeno on me and lately I have been having burning legs. I think that the weather has just been crazy everywhere, we had wonderful weather here is sunny California the last few days but we are expected rain later this coming week. I am really hoping that the weather is nice for my babyshower because there is no way I can fit all of these people in my house.
  • Mamatoabunch
    The aveeno eczema cream works wonders but can be a bit pricy. My husband and I both have eczema so needless to say the boys have it pretty bad. Sometimes they get really bad flare ups to the point where they have really bad red blotches on their bodies that look like welts. Another really bad spot is their cheeks, they get so bad that they nearly bleed. The aveeno is like a lotion so it is easily transported and applied, I would like to know where to get the coconut oil though because I hate to waste the $8 tiny aveeno on me and lately I have been having burning legs. I think that the weather has just been crazy everywhere, we had wonderful weather here is sunny California the last few days but we are expected rain later this coming week. I am really hoping that the weather is nice for my babyshower because there is no way I can fit all of these people in my house.

    Coconut oil works wonders on excema, my ds, Balen has excema severely. You can purchase it in most grocery stores in the baking/oil section. It is solid at room temp, but melts quickly to smooth on w/ your fingers. A pint jar usually runs $8, but I buy it on sale usually for $5.50 when it goes on sale. It is also great for cooking and a lubricant for sex, LOL. Just remove some and put it in a wee jar to keep in your room.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I saw an info-mercial today for a Baby Bullet, made by the magic bullet people. My goodness it looks wonderful, natural baby food in seconds. I will be looking into reviews for these. Anyone have one?

    I looked it up before and they're too expensive (IMO -- I think they're $100 plus some other amount for shipping and "processing."). You can get them for a little cheaper ($85 or so) on eBay. I have a magic bullet ($50) which certainly isn't as fabulous as the infomercial makes it seem but I do use to for protein smoothies & occasionally things like salsa if I'm just making a small batch. So I'll probably use the MB & buy some smaller containers to keep the food in. If I didn't have one of those already, I'd use my food processor or blender.

    My mom dropped the bomb yesterday that the crib she was going to give me is a drop side crib. Now I've freaked myself out about it. A 32 year old drop side crib seems like a disaster waiting to happen. :ohwell: I'm sure it would be fine but I think I'm terrified and paranoid enough about everything as it is. I don't need to add to the worry with a wobbly 30+ year old outlawed crib. I feel bad because I know she's worked on getting the crib cleaned up & replacing screws and bolts. And of course she's nostalgic about it & loved the idea of her grandbaby being int he same crib as her children.

    So, I ended up ordering a new crib. I found a crib and mattress bundle so I only ended up spending about $110 more than I would've spent on a mattress alone. I kind of hope I can return just the mattress for the full value of it and buy a better one though. :laugh: the bundle was only $5.03 more than the crib by itself so I figure even if I can't return the mattress by itself, it was essentially free so who cares.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I saw an info-mercial today for a Baby Bullet, made by the magic bullet people. My goodness it looks wonderful, natural baby food in seconds. I will be looking into reviews for these. Anyone have one?

    I looked it up before and they're too expensive (IMO -- I think they're $100 plus some other amount for shipping and "processing."). You can get them for a little cheaper ($85 or so) on eBay. I have a magic bullet ($50) which certainly isn't as fabulous as the infomercial makes it seem but I do use to for protein smoothies & occasionally things like salsa if I'm just making a small batch. So I'll probably use the MB & buy some smaller containers to keep the food in. If I didn't have one of those already, I'd use my food processor or blender.

    My mom dropped the bomb yesterday that the crib she was going to give me is a drop side crib. Now I've freaked myself out about it. A 32 year old drop side crib seems like a disaster waiting to happen. :ohwell: I'm sure it would be fine but I think I'm terrified and paranoid enough about everything as it is. I don't need to add to the worry with a wobbly 30+ year old outlawed crib. I feel bad because I know she's worked on getting the crib cleaned up & replacing screws and bolts. And of course she's nostalgic about it & loved the idea of her grandbaby being int he same crib as her children.

    So, I ended up ordering a new crib. I found a crib and mattress bundle so I only ended up spending about $110 more than I would've spent on a mattress alone. I kind of hope I can return just the mattress for the full value of it and buy a better one though. :laugh: the bundle was only $5.03 more than the crib by itself so I figure even if I can't return the mattress by itself, it was essentially free so who cares.

    Sounds like you got a great deal!
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    I saw an info-mercial today for a Baby Bullet, made by the magic bullet people. My goodness it looks wonderful, natural baby food in seconds. I will be looking into reviews for these. Anyone have one?

    So, I ended up ordering a new crib. I found a crib and mattress bundle so I only ended up spending about $110 more than I would've spent on a mattress alone. I kind of hope I can return just the mattress for the full value of it and buy a better one though. :laugh: the bundle was only $5.03 more than the crib by itself so I figure even if I can't return the mattress by itself, it was essentially free so who cares.

    You can always sell the mattress on craigslist, people love buying them used for some reason. I got $20 for one that I used with my 2 boys. I got this one at Target when they were having their crazy clearance for $28
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    I keep reading places that its so important to go to the dentist when pregnant. Do you guys know why this is?

    I'm due for my cleaning actually and am wondering if that is okay to do or not... call me crazy just being cautious!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    I keep reading places that its so important to go to the dentist when pregnant. Do you guys know why this is?

    I'm due for my cleaning actually and am wondering if that is okay to do or not... call me crazy just being cautious!

    I just had a cleaning last week - it's perfectly safe. The only thing is that your gums might be more sensitive, so you may bleed a little bit more than normal.
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    My best friend gave birth to my beautiful niece this weekend. It was my first actual delivery experience and talk about a quick one. She was in labor a total of 20 minutes and baby was out in maybe 8 pushes. Poor girl got a 3rd degree tear though :cry:
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    I saw an info-mercial today for a Baby Bullet, made by the magic bullet people. My goodness it looks wonderful, natural baby food in seconds. I will be looking into reviews for these. Anyone have one?

    I've had the magic bullet for YEARS! and LOVE it! I used it for both my children, and my day care children. you don't really need all the fancy containers to freeze food in etc. if you already have smallish containers. rubbermaid / tupperware, etc. work well. make sure they're pba free.

    all I did was take what ever we were eating, and put it in the bullet. maybe add a little chicken or vegetable broth to make it easier to eat. any left overs were kept in fridge and used the next day or 2.
    I never got the hang of making a whole batch of this or that. mind you, left over chicken, i'd chop up and put in a baggie in the freezer. then i always had chicken. i'd add it to soup, noodles, potatoes, etc.

  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Hey ladies. I am a little worried right now. I am having cramps and my back is acheing pretty bad. I have a TINY (like two little spots) of brown discharge and I can't tell if its old blood or something else. Did anyone else have this at l ike 15 weeks?
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I saw an info-mercial today for a Baby Bullet, made by the magic bullet people. My goodness it looks wonderful, natural baby food in seconds. I will be looking into reviews for these. Anyone have one?

    I've had the magic bullet for YEARS! and LOVE it! I used it for both my children, and my day care children. you don't really need all the fancy containers to freeze food in etc. if you already have smallish containers. rubbermaid / tupperware, etc. work well. make sure they're pba free.

    Seriously, ice cube trays are PERFECT! Freeze them up and put them in baggies in the freezer then pop out whatever type you want and microwave it up. Or, buy like 10 baby food jars and reuse them for the stuff you keep in the fridge. They're great because glass is so easy to sanitize and reuse and the lids are good too.
  • HunnyLuvsJorge
    HunnyLuvsJorge Posts: 91 Member
    Hello! I'm new to MFP and I'm looking to meet with others who are TTC and share in the journey together. Seeing all the pregger bellies out there brings me excitement and motivation to lose the weight so that my hubby and I can finally have that bundle of joy we've been wanting. My doctor says I should lose at least 30 lbs if we wanna have a better chance of conceiving. She also recommends fertility drugs, but I'm nervous about taking that route. All those TLC shows about multiples make me nervous, but I would be ecstatic if I were blessed that way. Our goal is to conceive sometime during the late summer. I know myself well enough to know that pregnancy and heat would not be a good combination for me. Anyway...I'm looking forward to getting to know some of you better.
  • Mamatoabunch
    I'm the odd one out. I don't make baby food, buy it or feed it to my babies. I feed them real food, large, soft chunks of fruit, rice, buttered toast, egg yolk, yogurt, berries, cheerios type cereal, etc.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Hey ladies. I am a little worried right now. I am having cramps and my back is acheing pretty bad. I have a TINY (like two little spots) of brown discharge and I can't tell if its old blood or something else. Did anyone else have this at l ike 15 weeks?

    I'm not as far along as you and I only spotted at the very beginning, but my doctor told me as long as the discharge isn't bright red it's ok. But if you're really worried, call your doctor.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    After a little research it said that the cramping and back pain can be normal at this time because the uterus is expanding... or it could be from not drinking a lot of water which as I thought back I didn't drink much of today. There hasn't been anymore colored discharge yet.

    I have a dr. apt. at 3 tommorow anyways so I think I will try not to worry and ask them about it then.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Hello! I'm new to MFP and I'm looking to meet with others who are TTC and share in the journey together. Seeing all the pregger bellies out there brings me excitement and motivation to lose the weight so that my hubby and I can finally have that bundle of joy we've been wanting. My doctor says I should lose at least 30 lbs if we wanna have a better chance of conceiving. She also recommends fertility drugs, but I'm nervous about taking that route. All those TLC shows about multiples make me nervous, but I would be ecstatic if I were blessed that way. Our goal is to conceive sometime during the late summer. I know myself well enough to know that pregnancy and heat would not be a good combination for me. Anyway...I'm looking forward to getting to know some of you better.

  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    My best friend gave birth to my beautiful niece this weekend. It was my first actual delivery experience and talk about a quick one. She was in labor a total of 20 minutes and baby was out in maybe 8 pushes. Poor girl got a 3rd degree tear though :cry:

    Congrats on the niece!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I'm the odd one out. I don't make baby food, buy it or feed it to my babies. I feed them real food, large, soft chunks of fruit, rice, buttered toast, egg yolk, yogurt, berries, cheerios type cereal, etc.

    Have you always done this? Just with so many kids, I know my inlaws were super over done with the first with the organic homemade baby food, store bought with the 2nd, and by the third they were like - hell, she's 8 months, give her a cheeseburger! hahah!:laugh:

    I fed my first jarred food for a few months in between B/F formula and "real" food because my kitchen was so small (non existent - we lived in a 5th wheel camper for 2 yrs!) and what we were eating was not very healthy. Since I have started eating better myself I think I will be able to feed it some more normal type food earlier since it will be healthier foods like yogurt etc. I will probably blend up some veggies though in the in between, depending on how long I breastfeed.