Cathe Fans Part 4!



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :bigsmile:

    This a.m. was S90 Cardio Challenge & Ultimate Ball. :wink: Tonight will be the Tri-Cycle class (the main instructor is due to be back) and then with our gorgeous weather today (YAHOO) :drinker: I hope to take the kids for a walk when I get home.

    Erika: That is such great news on your 4th day in a row of feeling good! :drinker: :bigsmile: Big Cheers!! I really think talking to your OBGYN will help and it could truly be a combo of changing doses, then not being on the pill, etc. Hopefully no cysts though but definitely worth checking into all of the above. The way it comes & goes made me think of the “cycle” and how you are feeling. I know for me sometimes right before TOM or right when it starts I feel crazy tired just randomly :noway: for a day or so and then I’m good. Didn’t know what it was until a friend told me that was why. :wink: Never really thought of it until then.

    Laurie: Sorry to hear about your sinus headache. :ohwell: :flowerforyou: I hope it is gone by now and you are feeling better. Have fun at your hair appt and hope you get in your workout if you are feeling up to it/time allows!
    Is that other core workout the one that came with the set? I can’t think of the name right now but it was a “BONUS” DVD in the pack?!?

    Laurel: I did go ahead and pre-order her new ones last weekend :bigsmile: but not the Cycle DVD. Since I don’t have a stationary bike at home. I think the download will be the perfect option later. :wink: Great workouts today - WOW!! 2 more days, you’re going to make it! That’s so great. :drinker: I started writing down my workouts for S90/Insanity and will begin on June 1st – a nice even date to start! Also, we will be gone over Memorial Day weekend so thought it would be best to start after that.

    Speaking of Erika’s GO Wear Fit-- I was the lucky person that bought it before she put it on Ebay! :bigsmile: Still trying to get it all dialed in. I am learning the key to the whole system is wearing it all day long. I’ve been using it for workouts and when I’m home. Not using it to the capacity/a true feel for it so need to decide if I want everyone and their brother asking me WHY I’m wearing that thing on my arm at work. :laugh: :blushing: It does seem to register about 200 more calories for every workout?!??! Did you find that it registered higher than your HR monitor or lower for workouts?

    Hi Michelle – Hope you are having a great day! :smile:

    Talk to you all tomorrow. :bigsmile:

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Afternoon ladies:flowerforyou:

    Yesterday was mommy and me time with the girls. At the dinner table on Monday night Pheeny asked,"what does depressed mean?" and when her dad explained it to her she said she was depressed because she does not spend enough time with us anymore:brokenheart: We explained the difference between sad and depressed but it stuck with me at work and I found myself with tears in my eyes yesterday:sad: So after spending time with both girls I put in KCM's TLc and did 30mins Boxing and then her Push/flip where she flips a card from her deck and each person does a different exercise. I chose to do squats...jumping squats none the less and everything else is a blur until the stretch:laugh: Afterwards it was Tonique on the side which is getting easier so time to combine two sections:wink:

    I'm definitely sore and was definitely walking in pain today. Today is definitely my rest day

    Erika- great news on the energy. It seems like your hormones may have been cycling due to the changing levels from the bcp. Hopefully your body will now start to function normally and things will continue to improve:bigsmile:

    Laurie- Funny you said that.our bakery changed our scone distributor and our scones are now FatCat Scones:love::love: :love: :love: :bigsmile: . FaCat scones are costly to ship to me as they are based in California..definitely scary to have those morsels soooo close:noway: I broke down and purchased the mandarin orange and as you ladies know my sweet tooth is detrimental to my hips:laugh: I have decided to eat one in the morning and then work some of that off and then the scheduled Slim Series Tear It up will definitely burn those calories and carbs out:wink:

    Tami & Laurel- It was a busy day but the manager has been gone all week so I have been busy helping the other workers in their areas. I wish I could blink my eyes and start the month of September to end this rotation but as my hubby says, "Don't wish your life away hon!":blushing: I did however print out some great motivational quotes and I read those every morning before starting my day. They remind me to be nice, perservere, focus on my goals and stay the course:wink:

    Off to relax with the girls,

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    S90 Chest and Back for me this morning.

    Sinuses where fine this morning, but dang can you smell the flowering trees and bushes right now. :noway:

    Laurel, I'm not a big fan of most instructors when they do the plank/push-up thing. :wink: That particular exercise is one of my least favorites. I will stay in plank, I will do push-ups but please don't combine them. :laugh: I have to say that the bagel was tasty, and I got the cardio burn from Tabata Inferno.

    Tami, This was a DVD that you could order, the information is in all the paperwork that came with the set. I have not heard anything good or bad on this one. Just wondered how it was. I think it is only 15 min. or so. :huh: So how was your cycle class with your "great" instructor? Did he give you a great workout?

    Michelle, Nice that you can spend that time with your girls. When they get older, they don't really want you around all that much. Well maybe for shopping. :laugh: Hope Pheeny had a good time and isn't sad anymore. :wink: WTG giving yourself that boost with the quotes. Good job! :drinker:

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    So where I found that I dreaded my Wednesday workouts during this rotation because of that Insanity Max Recovery workout, I have found that I absolutely look forward to and love my Thursday workouts, and today was no different. Today was Insanity Max Interval Circuit and YogaX. Such a great combination. I thoroughly enjoyed both workouts today! I love days like this!! :heart:

    Laurie, I agree with you on the plank/push-up thing. I'd much rather just do one or the other, not both. I never put the push-ups in when Tony goes from upperward dog to plank to pushup to downward dog in YogaX. I'm always like....why would I want to do a push-up here? Glad I'm not alone on that one. And glad you got your cardio in....and the bagel! :smile:

    Michelle, awe....your poor little girl. I have no doubt that would have made me feel sad too. You seem to have such a wonderful family. No doubt you'll have more time with them once your schedule settles down, but I'm glad you spent a little extra time with them on Tuesday. I'm sure they...and you...appreciated that. And it sounds like you got in a brutal workout!! :noway:

    Tami, I found that the GWF really counted my calories higher than my HRM. I only used my HRM for workouts, but in calculating my Active Metabolic Rate and then including how many calories my HRM showed I burned for my workouts, I was estimating that I was burning about 1700 calories a day. My GWF routinely shows that I burn between 2400-2700. And, to be honest, that seems more accurate given my appetite and such. I can easily lose weight on about 1800 calories a day right now. So do trust the GWF. The HRM isn't necessarily an accurate science (neither is the GWF, but they are designed to measure completely different things, and, for many reasons, I trust the GWF more), especially the more fit you become. A poster on this site once posted a long blog about the problems with HRMs, and it really opened my eyes to why I was having some of the issues I was having at the time (feeling like I was chronically under-eating at 1700-1800 calories a day despite the fact that was what my HRM was telling me was accurate). I do think you'll get a better feel for it if you wear it all the least for a little while. Give it a go for a week or so and see what it reads. I think you'll be surprised. I know I was. I'm so anxious to hear how you like your S90/Insanity rotation!!! It's coming up fast!!!

    Erika, I hope you are doing well and continuing to feel good!

    See you tomorrow!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies!

    Feelin' good again today, despite having to get up at 4:45, and out the door by 5:30 for some early morning employee enrollment meetings! :grumble: But, my hubby is taking both boys to baseball tonight, so I should be able to get in a nice workout! :bigsmile: Tireds are staying away again, and the headaches are slowly moving on. If my cycle is causing all this tired/naseau/headaches, etc, then it must be new, as I'd have noticed it before. If I didn't know (and get confirmation by teh doctor) that I wasn't pregnant, I for sure would think that was the culprit. All symptoms I had when pregnant. But, it could be just that my body is changing, getting used to my birth control pill, and now that I'm off it for the 3rd week, my body is liking it. We'll see what the OBGYN says!

    Laurie--I'm hoping those sinus headaches stay away! My hubby has allergies, and he is miserable when everything is in bloom! :noway: I feel for ya!

    Michelle--How heartbreaking to hear that from your DD! My boys went through the same thing around ages 3 & 4, which was one of the reasons I quit my job to stay home. I cried every day at work thinking about how they said they never get to spend time with me anymore. But, after being home for a year and a half, I think they realized that they just needed to spend more quality time with me, and then they were better. I bet if you had 1-2 days a month where it's just Mommy and Girls day (like Tuesday), they would feel better. I bet that comment came about because they were enjoying the time with you so much! :heart: Way to rock the workout...I bet you needed that after the emotional day!

    Tami--Yay, Tri Cycle Class instructor is back! :bigsmile: You really should wear the GWF all least for a week. I had a hard time with it when I first got it, as everyone was asking me about it constantly. But, then it became fun. People were calling me the "fit girl" and telling other co-workers about the awesome device I had! I told soooo many people about that device, and my own company is actually considering giving a discount off of the purchase price of one/monthly membership, for our own staff and health plan members, if they can provide data to us showing they are using it regularly. It got quite the buzz in the office (and at my enrollment meetings!). Now, everyone asks where it is! :bigsmile:

    Laurel--I like your idea of torture on Wednesday and relief on Thursday! :laugh: Great job on the workouts, as usual! I did use my GWF for a few nights before I shipped it off to Tami, and it was registering 90%+ sleep efficiency (which would have been about 2 weeks into my tired phase). I feel like I'm sleeping well, and my hubby said when he comes up to bed, I don't even move at all (normally I'd wake up when he'd come to bed). Maybe I'm sleeping too well! :laugh: I just continue to track my activity, how I'm feeling, foods, etc. I have noticed I've been really bloated in my lower abdominal area...just in the last week. So much so, that my pants are really tight. But, no weight gain. I hope it's not a cyst!

    Well, back to work. Have a good one!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile:

    So my plans changed just slightly last night, kind of last minute. :happy: :wink: I ended up going straight home for a workout which was KickMax – haven’t done that one in so long and loved it. :wink: Then I took the dogs for a nice walk as my “cool down”. DH was gone last night & tonight so I had the house to myself. It was kind of nice to just not be inside on the bike & it was a great workout. So Tri-Cycle & good instructor will have to wait until next Wed. :bigsmile: This a.m. was S90 Total Body, probably going to do some type of workout when I get home and another walk with the kids.

    Michelle: That must have just tugged at your heart beyond belief when your little one asked you that. :brokenheart: :wink: How sweet & it is so darling she loves you both so much. Glad you got in some special time with family. Great job again on the workouts as well. Despite your craziness at work and busy mom life, you are doing amazing as ALWAYS! :drinker:

    Laurie: Great to hear you are better today! :bigsmile: Nice job on your S90 workout. Speaking of plank push-ups. How do you like the Plyo push-ups in S90 Total Body?! During that circuit I am glad there are only 10 to do! :wink: What are your plans for your next rotation?

    Laurel: I’m happy to hear you had such a great combo today ….. I understand that feeling, it’s such a great feeling and just sets the tone for the day! You’re making me nervous about that Max Recovery workout! :huh: :laugh: I know you’ve mentioned it a few times. We’ll see how I go when I get there. :smile: Thanks for your info on the GWF. All of the discussions/thoughts on HR monitors and calories is exactly why I wanted to get this fun little device! :wink: I would love to gauge it at least more accurately just to see. Especially sitting at a desk most of my day during the week. Some days I’m super hungry and I know for me I don’t ever usually eat more than 1700 calories. For the amount of effort I put into working out it seems a little low from what you and Erika talk about. I’ll get it dialed in one of these days. :smile:

    Erika: Hopefully your early a.m. meetings went well! Thanks again on the GWF. I am liking it a lot and when I get time at home I read more & more on the Q&A section on their site. :wink: Today I’ve had it on all day! That’s awesome that you created such a craze with it and that your company might offer that. Glad you are on the good energy track again and hopefully you will get your workout in tonight if you choose … the house to yourself for a little while!

    Talk to you all tomorrow :flowerforyou:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    S90 Cardio Challenge for me this morning.

    Laurel, Funny that you look forward to the Thrusday workouts. I remember when people where doing the P90X workouts, they never liked the yoga. :laugh: I was always fine with that day myself. I never do the push-up either in YogaX. :laugh: I did at first, and them I though "well he is giving me the option not to". :laugh:

    Erika, The female system is so complicated, and it changes on you when you least expect it. :wink: I'm just waiting for more of the menopause symptoms to start getting worse. :grumble: I'm dreading the point when I start getting the hot flashes. :noway: I saw my mother go through them, and I just hope mine are not so bad. So far this years crop of blooms have not bothered me as much as last year. I wonder why.

    Tami, Oh I just wanted to hear how the cycle instructor tortured you. :bigsmile: Tell the truth, I do the modified version of those Plyo Push-ups when they come up. :blushing: They look like they would really hurt my shoulders. :wink: Maybe on the last Total Body I will actually try one. :happy: So far I am totally undecided on what I want to do next. :embarassed: I have been thinking of Pure Strength in a 4 day split or Barry's Bootcamp 5 Day Academy. I'm leaning toward the PS, and then mixing in Barry's cardio. I'm also going to change up this last month of S90, and putting the weight workouts into a 4 day split.

    Have a great day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    TGIF Ladies!!! :drinker:

    So glad it's Friday!!! My oldest didn't go along to baseball practice last night, so I spent a little time with him practicing walking Lily and then playing a little driveway hockey, and the escaped to the basement to do a DVD while he was playing with the neighbor. I did a lot of trades over at VF, so have a lot of new DVD's to try out. Last night was Plyo Pilates 1. Um, not really my thing. It was a fusion of yoga, pilates, ballet and martial arts, and I just wasn't feeling it. So, off to Ebay it went! :laugh: These poor DVD's don't even get a 2nd chance!

    This morning was Do More Pilates Standing workout, and I :heart: that one! Great Pilates/Barre fusion workout, and it was tough, but relaxing at the same time (if that's possible!). I'm going to try to get in another workout tonight, just to try to get through some of these new ones!

    Laurie--I actually got seriously questioned by my family practice doctor, about if I may be going through a really early menopause. :laugh: But, no night sweats or hot flashes here, so she weeded that out. With a history of my mom, grandma, great grandma, and even further back, all having hysterectomy's around age 35 due to severe ovarian cysts, the doc has no way of knowing if there is a chance of early menopause in our family. I've heard from my mom though, that once the cysts start, they just keep on coming. My mom had 2 the size of grapefruits rupture on her, so she had an emergency hysterectomy. I don't think my grandma or great grandma got to the point of rupturing though.

    Tami--Great choice to do a workout at home, and a walk with the kids. It was so nice out last night here too, I just couldn't resist getting out for a walk. Poor little Lily didn't understand that she shouldn't run right off the bat. She was exhausted by the 2nd block into the walk! :noway: Glad you are having fun with the GWF, and that you wore it for a full day. I bet the calorie burn was interesting to see!

    Michelle and Laurel--Good Morning!! :bigsmile:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Tami, I got confused with the Plyo Push-up's and the Plank Jack things. :huh: (I modify those plank jacks) Silly me. But yes I'm glad that they only do 10 of those. I couldn't do them in P90X very well either, and that was for a much longer time.

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I finished P90X! :drinker: Actually, this morning's workouts went very well. I started with Insanity's Max Interval Sports Training, and then moved on to P90X Legs/Back and Ab Ripper X. Both workouts felt really good, and I was really excited when I finished the P90X workout. I did the entire rotation as written (minus KenpoX because I did my own cardio), and I'm surprised about it. I thought for sure I'd give up on at least one of the workouts (Legs/Back or Ab Ripper X come to mind) during the course of the rotation, but I didn't. Now just one more week of Insanity!

    Erika, I'm glad to hear you are continuing to feel well. I was wondering if you might be experiencing early signs of menopause. My sister was about your age when she started getting symptoms, but I don't remember what those symptoms were. I'm glad it was ruled out, but it could still be hormonal. My body has changed so much throughout the years, and I really started noticing a change in my PMS symptoms about my mid-30s.

    Tami, glad you got your workout in last night, even if it wasn't your cycle class. But I'm sure it was nice to be home doing your own thing too! And Kickmax is such a fun workout!

    Laurie, I never dreamed that YogaX would become my favorite P90X workout when I first started doing it! I absolutely dreaded it, and counted each second I was doing it. But I stuck with it, and, boy, am I glad I did because even though it is still long, it certainly has given me an appreciation of yoga! If you want votes for your next rotation, I say go with Pure Strength! I love those workouts!!:happy:

    Michelle, hope you are well.

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~

    Ended up doing Ultimate Ball last night after a walk with the dogs! :smile: DH was coming home earlier than I anticipated so got the walk & UB in before making some dinner. It was a good combo though & perfect timing for when he got home. This a.m. was S90 Cardio Challenge & Core Dynamics.

    Erika: That’s pretty funny about your DVD’s getting one chance! :laugh: Good to know though straight away if you’re going to click with it or not. Sounds like you had a fun evening with your little guy and Lily too. :wink:
    I hope you don’t have any cysts … that will be my hope & prayer for you! :flowerforyou: My walk with the dogs was good. Bernie our yellow lab has a tendency to want to jump up on people when they walk up to him. It’s like his greeting but so embarrassing because I cannot stop him sometimes while I’m holding Emma too. :grumble: They are very friendly but not everyone appreciates the enthusiasm of a dog trying to jump on them. I try but YOWSA those two are strong (100 LBS & 80 LBS). :huh: The lady last night I came upon on the walk with a little dog says, “no wonder your arms look so strong” :laugh: :laugh: it was sort of funny as I walked away thinking, if it was just walking the dogs that did it! Probably is good that I work out so I can control them (somewhat) I’m going to plug in GWF tonight after wearing it two days in a row & sleeping. See how I go.

    Laurie: Yahoo! Cardio Challenge … great job! :bigsmile: On the Plank Push-ups I do the modified version because my elbows are killing me, (maybe I need better cushion under them :laugh: !?) The Plyo Push-Ups from Total Body I do the regular version. I was surprised when I first did them. Honestly, by round #3 I don’t quite make the “clap” action but I get my hands off the ground and almost touch.

    Laurel: Huge Congrats on finishing up P90X!! :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: That is really great and I’m sure feels like such an accomplishment. Plus only 1 more week of Insanity! Very nice, you’ve done an amazing job.

    Hi Michelle – Hope you are having a great Friday! :flowerforyou:

    I’m dying to leave my office and get outside - Really bad spring fever today. :ohwell:

    Have a nice weekend everyone! :bigsmile:
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Afternoon Ladies,

    It has been a busy and tiring day each day this week and after working with the team unloading pallets, learning to work their pallets, running my foot over and dealing with 3 calluses on the bottom of my right foot I'm pooped:yawn: To add to the week my eating went off the map this week which may be attributed to the approaching TOM:frown:

    Erika- Glad the sleep is sound and energizing:bigsmile: Yes I may have to try that as we use to do that with each girl but hubby definitely spends more quality time with both girls with my crazy schedule and he does fun things like polishing nails with designs or baking these delicious cakes that tempt me:laugh: I will work on that in the next month.

    Laurel- Congratulations on finishing up that brutal rotation. I'm thinking of sending you my rotation so that you can log in for me:tongue: Hopefully the crazy schedule and the crazy manager will both calm do wn so that I can enjoy my rotation in June:wink:

    Laurie- Glad the bagel was worth the extra burn...not sure about my scone but I did burn off some major calories that day.

    Tami- Spring fever:bigsmile: the humidity here is brutal and although we had rain yesterday the sun is MIA but the heat is yucky! Enjoy your walk with the girls:bigsmile:

    I fly out on Monday for a training course so I will try to check in while there. I plan to do some Barre & Tonique mat while there.

    Have a great weekend!:bigsmile:

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!! :bigsmile:

    I had a great weekend, despite the constant rain! :ohwell: Saturday I did my Pure Barre Pershing Square workout....LOVED that one!! It's a keeper for sure! :bigsmile: Yesterday was Tracey Mallett's Lose the Belly Flab...another great one!! :bigsmile: Then....ZUMBA!! I have been so tired for so many weeks, that when I wasn't feeling tired last night, I hopped in the car and headed out to ZUMBA! Funny, even though 3/4 of the songs were new, I picked up on everything pretty fast. I was pretty pleased with myself!

    Michelle--I hope you had some time to relax this weekend before heading out today. Sounds like those feet needed a rest!:noway: Great idea to bring Tonique and barre workouts with you! :happy:

    Tami--Love the timing of the workout and walk with the dogs. You planned it out perfectly! :happy: What did you think of the 2 day GWF data??

    Laurel--Way to go rockstar!!! I can't believe it's over! You rocked it (no doubt in my mind that you wouldn't)! :bigsmile: What's the next rotation?!?!?

    Laurie--Good Morning! :flowerforyou:

    Off to get ready for work, and on the road to western MN I go!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies!!

    I'm down to four more Insanity workouts and then I'm done with it!! YAY! Yesterday was Max Interval Plyo, and I followed it up with STS Disk 14/Legs. I love those Meso 2 leg workouts, and I was wondering how my strength was after P90X since I don't think P90X works the legs enough. No problem with the weight selection at all and, in fact, no DOMS or anything today. So...YAY! Today was Insanity Max Cardio Conditioning and Insane Abs. And then I just did the Upper Body part of 4DS. LOVE that workout! My arms feel pumped, but in a totally different way than they do with P90X. Just what I needed. Today is my birthday (46!) so I plan on spending the rest of the day pampering myself. :laugh: Or at least reading a good book. :smile:

    Saturday was an interesting day. As has become our routine, my husband and I decided to play golf. When we got to the course, we noticed alot of security and were alerted that something was going on. All long as we can golf, right? :tongue: So just as I tee off on the first hole, these two guys in a golf cart rush up and tell us they need to search us and our bags. Okay....I know I'm not good at golfing, but I wouldn't classify that first tee shot as criminal. But we told them to have at it nonetheless. So they let us proceed, and we get about half way down the fairway when I see a long caravan of carts go past us on the hole beside us. I stopped and watched. Out of one of the carts steps a tall, handsome man who steps up to his ball, swings away, hops back into the cart and drives off. And now I can say that on this past fine Saturday afternoon, I actually was playing golf along side the President of the United States. Cool. Way cool. And here that morning I was complaining about living in the DC area because people were being SO rude everywhere we went, and the driving was crazier than normal. But, sometimes, living in the DC area is also alot of fun.

    Erika, I'm SOOOOO happy to hear you are feeling better. Sounds like you had a great weekend with some terrific workouts. And Zumba again!! That must have felt so good. Next rotation is Asylum and S90!! So, no, it isn't getting any easier for a little while, but at least it will be different!

    Michelle, I hope you have a good and safe trip! Maybe this will make for a nice break for your brutal schedule. Sounds like last week was painful!

    Tami, I hope you had a nice weekend weather-wise to help with that Spring Fever you've got! I totally understand it. We had rain all last week, and Saturday was as near to perfect as a day can get. I could have stayed outside forever. We're supposed to get thunder storms this week, but we're still warm. I don't long as the sun shines some of the time at least!! Great job on the workouts, as usual!

    Laurie, I hope you're doing well and had a great weekend!

    See you all tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good afternoon Ladies ~ :bigsmile:

    This weekend was a good one! :smile: I did my usual Sat events of an a.m. workout, cleaning, laundry, errands and also went to the Farmers Market just down from my house. It was fun and bought a big basket of planted fresh herbs!
    I pulled out Cathe’s Cardio Core Circuit on Sat :bigsmile: and did S90 Cardio Challenge yesterday. Plus took the dogs both days for a walk. This a.m. however I hit the snooze :yawn: :grumble: :ohwell: and decided Turbo Kick tonight will be my workout. So tomorrow a.m. I’ll catch up with today’s S90 (Chest/Back) and then whatever else was scheduled for tomorrow. Just hate it when I do that but oh well ….. :ohwell:

    Michelle: Hope you had a nice weekend and those calluses are getting a little bit of relief/healed up a bit. :wink: OUCH! The walks with the kids have been great …. They so love when we go, it’s hilarious. Plus the more I can take them the better they are (ie: not pulling me down the road quite as bad).

    Erika: So glad to hear you are still feeling energized and good to go! :flowerforyou: Yahoo. Nice job on the Zumba, I bet it was lots of fun. OK, now I see why you guys wanted to wear your GWF all the time. :smile: I have worn it all day Thurs – today now other than showering of course. Friday was a very typical day for me (and again I sit at my job doing advertising). Back and forth to the printer or whatever down the hall or downstairs to other offices but 2600 calories for just a normal day?!? WHAT in the World! So then Sat I worked out in the a.m. w/ CCC and it was like 3015 for everything. :huh: Ran errands, vacuumed, the usual Sat stuff. OMG. Couldn’t believe it. So I am extremely under my calorie goal each day from what GWF is saying. Maybe this is a silly question but it plugs in the sleep hours before I have slept that day? OR is that the sleep from the night before or C. It thinks I’ve been sleeping?!?! :laugh: :huh:

    Laurel : Happy, Happy Birthday sweet friend! :flowerforyou: I hope you are having an amazing day with your book/pampering …. Both perhaps! Do you have any other plans? :smile: That is so amazing about your Sat golf day! I bet it was kind of surreal knowing the President himself was on the same course as you. Great job on the workouts . . . . what a great combo of things! :wink: You must feel like you could do just about anything right now after completing that last rotation and taking on anything you put in front of yourself! That in itself is a great thing and a Happy Birthday.

    Hi Laurie – Hope all is well with you and you had a great weekend & Monday! :smile:

    Talk to you all tomorrow.

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Good Evening Ladies,

    I am all by myself. Both girls are at track meets right now. Sure is weird. I will be in all day meetings this whole week, so hope to post after I get home from work. This morning I got in S90 Shoulders & Arms, and Barry's Bootcamp 5Day Academy Shoulders & Back Cardio.

    My weekend was very nice. Saturday was S90 Legs. On Sunday I took care of some planting. Trying to make the yard a bit presentable for the graduation party.

    Tami, Sounds like a great weekend. Hey we all need to hit that snooze button and get some extra sleep. I feel like doing that right now. I don't understand how a day away from my normal job can make me so tired. My claps are pretty pathetic by the endo of those also.

    Laurel, Happy Birthday! That is really cool that the president was on the same golf course. I don't know that I would ever come that close to anyone like that. Very nice that you are able to get in some Cathe workouts to compliment the end of Insanity.

    Erika, Glad you enjoyed your Zumba class. With all those workouts it sure sounds like you had a great time with them.

    Michelle, Sorry to hear about the eating being off. I too will be with you on that one. All you need to do is start the week over again. At least that is what I'm doing. I know that I will never be perfect, but if I do well most of the time then I'm doing better than I have done in the past.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    This morning was Insanity Max Interval Circuit. My last time with this workout for this rotation. YAY! Down to three more workouts in this rotation. Yes, I'm counting. :laugh: After breakfast, I also did Cathe's Lower Body Blast. It has been so long since I did this workout, and I really enjoyed it.

    Tami, another great compliment on your arms!! That must feel good. Regarding the GWF, I think that calorie count is probably pretty accurate. I'm quite a bit shorter than you (and a little older), and I routinely burn about 2600 calories a day. So I have no problem thinking that you might burn over 3000 calories a day when you're working out. And as Erika has pointed out in the past, I actually burn alot more on errands than I ever thought. Regarding the sleeping, is your time zone set right? I'd check that. But it will count the hours from last night in today's numbers (if that makes sense).

    Laurie, hope you got your family back! I'm sure an evening alone was a bit unusual for you. Hope your meetings go well....and aren't too boring. :tongue:

    Erika and Michelle, hope you are both well!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    :happy: Hi Ladies!!!

    No workout this morning...I was tired from 6 hours of driving in the car yesterday! :grumble: But, I'll probably get in a lunchtime walk with my boss, and maybe something short a little later. We'll see! :bigsmile:

    Laurel--Happy Belated Birthday!! :drinker: I hope you had a fantastic day! Wow, how cool to be golfing with the President!!! :bigsmile: Great workouts (glad to hear the strength is still there!), and glad to hear you have another rotation all lined up! :happy:

    Tami--Now, you know why Laurel and I were so excited about the GWF! :wink: It is AMAZING how many calories you can burn in a day (WOWZA 3015???!!!), even if you have a desk job, just by getting up to go to the copier, mail, etc. It definitely made me realize I needed to eat more if I wanted to build and maintain my muscles. No wonder why I couldn't build muscle before GWF! The sleep that it is reading is for the current day, since 12am. So, if you download info tonight after work, it would have your sleep efficiency since 12am. But, it also will read a flat 1 calorie per minute burn (at least it did for me after wearing it several nights and that was my normal burn at rest), for nights that you don't wear it too.

    Laurie--Ahhhh, some alone time!! I get a full weekend of that in 2 weeks, and can hardly wait!! :bigsmile: Sounds like you'll be a busy lady getting ready for the graduation party, but I bet your yard is looking nice after the work you did on Sunday! :happy:

    Michelle--Hello pretty lady!!! I hope you are doing well! :bigsmile:
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile:

    Turbo Kick was really great last night. :wink: She didn’t start a new round yet (wants to start after the holiday weekend because no TK next week) so we did what she calls her “Sport Round” which is fun because there really isn’t choreography, :smile: she just shouts out what we are doing next. Lots of punching, kicking, jumping, squat jumps, high knees etc. This a.m. was my “make-up” workout of S90 Shoulders/Arms and then Ultimate Ball followed that. Will hit the Spinning class on my way home tonight. :wink:

    Laurie: How did the track meet go for your girls? Good luck with your meetings every day this week. I would bet that would make you tired in itself. It’s out of your routine and meetings can be kind of looooooong sometimes. :huh: I bet it seems very surreal that one of your girls will be graduating?! :wink: When is the party? Great job on S90 workouts. :drinker:

    Erika: I bet you were pooped after all the driving yesterday. :yawn: I’m sure not your favorite part of the job. But good that you will get a walk in today on your lunch break. I keep thinking of doing that during lunch since I have shoes in my car pretty much every day although it needs to not be raining as well. :grumble:
    YOWZA was what I thought too. :huh: That was my workout/errands day. Granted I didn’t sit much that day but still. I’ve worn it now every day/night since I downloaded it last, which was Sun. a.m. so I will do it again tonight and see how it’s going. Addictive little tool isn’t it?!! Once I’ve got a steady read on how I’m going I will see about adjusting my calories. I definitely needed to wear it to its potential to figure all this out. Slow learner I am! :blushing:

    Laurel: I hope your Birthday ended up amazing and just the day you had wanted it to be! :flowerforyou:
    Only 3 more – that’s great! So next week you will be doing a Recovery Week then from everything before going right into S90/Asylum or just go right into it? :smile: Can’t wait to see how you like the S90 workouts. I can’t believe tomorrow marks my 60-Day mark of the rotation.
    I will definitely check the time zone again. I was just surprised the last time I plugged it in (which was Sun a.m.) and it had said like 5 hrs of sleep or something like that. :huh: My DH is laughing at me, thinks it’s crazy that I’m wearing it to bed. He keeps thinking it’s my HR monitor :laugh: Lower Body Blast will truly be one of my DVD’s I don’t think I will ever get tired of. Very fun, glad you enjoyed it. :smile:

    Hi Michelle ~ Hope all is well with you and the humidity isn’t too bad for you. :flowerforyou:

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :bigsmile:

    I am all smiles, as I am off work today to spend the day with my youngest DS's Kindergarten class on a field trip to a local farm! :happy: Hopefully, it's not too muddy with all of the rain we've had! :noway: My workout this morning was KCM Complete Cardio Sculpting. No matter what workout of Kelly's I do, she always kicks my butt! Even though I had to modify a bit, due to a fluffy friend constantly at my feet, I still managed to get a good sweat/burn on! Now, I'm previewing the rest of my DVD's I haven't tried yet, and then off to get ready for the day.

    Tami--Just you and me and MFP! :bigsmile: Glad to hear that TK was so fun...that Sport Round sounds right up my alley! I actually have been enjoying more the classes where you just have to figure it out and get going on with the workout, instead of the learn teh move and then try it kind of teaching. Even more fun ot have it so spontaneous!! :bigsmile: Keep up with the great calorie burns! :happy:

    Michelle, Laurie and Laurel--Good Morning! I hope you all have a wonderful day! :bigsmile: