Cathe Fans Part 4!



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Today was Insanity Max Interval Sports Training. This workout seems so easy to me now that I've been doing the Month 2 workouts, and, boy, did that feel good today! :smile: After breakfast, I did the upper body portion of Body Max 2 because I felt like a little upper body (endurance) but not much, and then did Insanity's Cardio Recovery. I like Cardio Recovery. It is very much a recovery workout, unlike Max Cardio Recovery which just isn't for me....except there's no jumping up and down. All in all, a good workout and I'm ready for the next two days!

    Erika, I hope you enjoy your day off with your youngest!! Sounds like fun!! And glad the fluffy monster didn't keep you from getting a good workout this morning. :laugh:

    Tami, your TurboKick workout sounds terrific. I love workouts like that....just drills with nothing too complicated! Yes, the GWF can be addictive. It's such a great tool. And, yes, I'm definitely taking a recovery week next week. I'm actually planning on taking at least three full days off from working out. My body needs it right now, and I want to listen to that before jumping into Asylum. I think if I don't, I'm prone to get injured on those workouts. So I think I'll focus on Cathe's 4DS series for four days next week and then three days off. Hopefully I'll allow myself to do that since I really don't like not working out, but, again, I know my body needs it right now. Wish me luck!!

    Laurie and Michelle, I hope you are both well!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~

    This a.m. was Tabata Inferno!! :bigsmile: Always fun. Headed to the Cycling class tonight so looking forward to that again, last night’s class was good. The Tri-Cycle class is tonight! :wink:

    Erika: I hope you are having an amazing day off at your DS’s school! :bigsmile: I bet you are enjoying it all & soaking in all the darling moments. Great job on KCM! :wink: Her workouts are always good and the variety keeps you going forsure, love that about her workouts. Still anxious to try out those 2 new ones. Glad your little fluff ball is doing so well at your home and sounds like she is just a little bundle of love! :heart:

    Laurel: Just the name of that workout sounds good to me! :smile: Great job and good to know it felt easier for you. Must mean you are in amazing shape! Glad to hear you are taking your Recovery Week next week. I would think it would be pretty tough on the body to not do some recovery time after that rotation & workouts you’ve been through. I will wish you luck on sticking to your 3 full days OFF. I know it is tough to do. :smile:

    What is everyone doing this weekend for the long weekend? :bigsmile: Due to the river conditions right now and the weather not looking good in our area my DH and I decided to cancel our fishing trip this weekend and do it another time. :ohwell: I am disappointed that we don’t really have a plan now for our 3-day weekend but not sad at all that I won’t be sitting in an open boat soaking wet & freezing! :wink: We may try and take the dogs somewhere on a hike if the weather breaks a bit.
    P.S. On my comments about our weather here …. Let me just say I am thankful to not live in a state that is in danger of tornadoes. I feel so awful for those people. :cry:

    Hello Laurie & Michelle ~ Hope you are both having a good day! :smile:

    Talk to you tomorrow!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies-

    I had a great day with my youngest DS yesterday, despite the soggy ground (thank goodness I wore an old pair of running shoes, as they were filthy)! He was soo excited to have Mom there, and I even got some snuggle time in on the bus ride home! :bigsmile: Needless to say, we were both exhausted last night, after all the walking up and down hills and around the farm. I crashed hard last night! :happy:

    This morning was Booty Barre Plus Abs and Arms (new one). I'm returning it. Just felt really disconnected, and I wasn't feeling it. Glad Total Fitness has a 60 day return policy, as I've used that on more than 1 occasion! :blushing:

    Tami--YEAH Tabata!!! :bigsmile: I hope you had the good instructor for Tri-Cycle! :happy: No plans for the 3-day weekend here. The weather keeps getting crappier by the day! :grumble: Now, it's supposed to at least be warm (70's), but 30-50% chance of rain every day. I think we'll just get a few yard projects done in between rain showers, and maybe catch a family movie or head to a park or something. We have friends coming down on Friday night, so that will at least take up some of the weekend!

    Laurel--Easy, huh?!?! :laugh: Glad you enjoyed your workouts!! :bigsmile: Any plans for the weekend?!?

    Michelle and Laurie-Hello :bigsmile:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This week has gone horribly for getting in a workout. I didn't workout on Tuesday, and Wednesday morning I couldn't workout because of a health test I had to do. By the time I got home I was exhausted. :grumble: But this morning I got in S90 Legs and Ultimate Ball.

    Tonight are two track meets, the youngest will have to get ignored for the oldest sectional meet. She could quite possibly go to the state track meet in three events. On Monday all three of the events that she was in advanced, so she is very pleased. Pretty cold this morning, so I'm hoping that the wind will at least die down.

    Tami, We are going up to my brothers cabin in the northern part of the state. They say we are getting some nice weather come Saturday, so I'm hoping that it reaches up there too. :wink: We are having the graduation party the weekend after she graduates. Hopefully that week will be way less stressful that this coming week is probably going to be like. I'm bringing my parents down with me this weekend, and they will be staying for the whole week.

    Erika, Glad you had a great time with your youngest. LOL on your fluffy friend getting in the way of your exercise. :happy:

    Laurel, Totally agree with you on the Insanity recovery workouts. Can't believe that you have gotten through all those tough workouts this month. Great way to get started on the summer workouts. I am ready for you opinion on those Asylum workouts. :wink:

    Guess I better get going to my all day meeting! What a waste of my time. :huh:

    Bye for now,
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Good Afternoon, Ladies!

    Today was Max Interval Plyo. It felt surprisingly good this morning, and I really tried to push it up a bit since this is the last time I'm going to be doing it for a little while. I was dripping when it was done! After my break for food, I decided to do P90X Core Synergistics. Since this is technically a recovery week in P90X for me, I thought I'd at least get in one of that system's 'recovery' workouts. It felt good. One more day of Insanity! :drinker:

    Laurie, an all day meeting? No thank you! Sorry to hear about the workouts this week. Sounds to me, though, like you are doing what you can when you can do it, and I think that's great! Enjoy the track meets tonight!

    Erika, glad you enjoyed the day with your little one. I'm sorry about the soggy ground. And I'm sorry you didn't enjoy your workout this morning. Thanks for letting us know what it was like.

    Tami, no plans for the weekend here. My husband has been gone this week, and will be gone next week (I might go with him next week, but I haven't decided yet), so I know he's going to need a break to do some school work (he just started an MBA program). I imagine we'll try to get some golf in, but other than that, it should be quiet. The weather here is supposed to be hot and humid (we're going to be getting into the 90s today), so that certainly won't stop us from getting out if we want to. I feel for all those in the country who are stuck in that horrific weather pattern of rain and horrific storms.

    Michelle, hope you are enjoying your trip!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile:

    Last night’s class ended up being a “substitute” instructor again. I guess last night was the last night they are offering the Tri-Cycle class because all the triathaletes are outside training now and the instructor himself as well for IronMan. :ohwell: So it was still pretty good but from now on only Wed @ 6:30 for Spinning if I want to cycle at the gym on Wed. Which is what I was doing before; it’s just nice for the summer to have an earlier class & a different method of cycling training.
    This a.m. was S90 Chest/Back + HiiT Pyramid. :wink:

    Erika: Sounds like you had a great day yesterday and slept really well! :smile: Our weekend weather won’t be into 70. We are hoping for 60 at this point. They are calling for snow in the mtns today! It will just be nice to have a 3-day weekend and I can get in some good workouts. :bigsmile:

    Laurie: Sometimes are week’s just go that way don’t they?!? :wink: :ohwell: Sorry about that but good you got in Legs & UB today! I bet it felt very nice. :bigsmile: That’s exciting about your DD’s track events and advancing! Good luck. Sounds like you have a nice weekend planned and bringing your parents back with you for the grad party – excellent! You will have another busy week ahead. One day at a time I say, whatever you can get done/do in each day is all you can do. :flowerforyou:

    Laurel: WOW ~ One more day! :drinker: Great job and I hope you enjoy your last one tomorrow. Very nice, hot & in the 90’s. I’m jealous. It will be fun if you get out there on the course again I’m sure. :wink:
    This a.m. I previewed an Asylum clip they had on a BeachBody e-mail. A girl trying out a few of the moves/workout for the first time. Yowsa! Looks like a great workout just from that clip! Very “sports” oriented. :bigsmile: The band on the feet and the hands for push-ups side-to-side and the plyo jumps with band. Looks like good hard fun! It will be great to hear how you like it.

    Hi Michelle :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you all tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I'm so glad that it is Friday! :drinker: I didn't set my alarm this morning, so I missed my scheduled workout time. But I will get S90 Chest & Back and Tabata Inferno done after work. Then in the morning, before we leave for up north, I will get in Shoulders & Arms and Cardio Challenge. I know that is a lot of workouts in a short time, but I think I can handle it. :laugh:

    My oldest DD is going to the state meet next week in three events. All of her events are relays. I'm going to be going to the meet on Friday, maybe my Mom will come with me. If they place on Friday, then she runs on Saturday. Can't be there for that, because my youngest has a dance recital. :wink: Then we have her graduation on Sunday! Whew!

    Laurel, I'm so glad that today we don't have an all day meeting. Just have to be there for what is called a report out. All this "Lean" concept stuff. We did almost the exact same thing as the last failed attempt, but this time have a plan of action for how the process will continue. I can't believe that last time they never told the employee's what to do to sustain the process. :huh: I bet those two workouts actually where a good combo to do together. Hope you last day of Insanity is a good one.

    Michelle, To bad about getting the sub, maybe the other instructor will have a class planned when it is not the Tri season. :wink: I have the Hiit workout scheduled for my next rotation, I decided on the Pure Strength series, I think that Laurel convinced me to go for it. I'm actually looking forward to those workouts, I can say that I have not done them in years. That is really a sad comment isn't it. :laugh: I suppose because they are older workouts, I tend to ignore them. The only thing that I'm not super excited about are the warm-ups in those.

    Have a wonderful weenend!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Morning Ladies! :bigsmile: Friday is finally here, and I'm excited for a long 3-day weekend! :happy:

    This morning was a short workout...Fluidity Intermediate. I remember when that workout was tough, but it's no longer feeling that way, so it's time for that one to go on Ebay! :laugh: I need to get things cleared out that are not workouts I'll do again!

    Laurie--I was sooo close to not getting my morning workout in, but decided to do it. I'll admit, I was only about 1/2 into it, so really don't feel like I got "worked out" this morning! :ohwell: Have a great weekend up north, and make sure to get in some relaxing before the eventful week next week! :wink:

    Tami--Bummer on the sub for class! :grumble: Don't feel bad about your weather not getting into the 70's, ours is going to be a high of 58 today, and barely 70 tomorrow, but rainy ALL weekend. Ugh, so sick of the rain! :noway:

    Laurel--Nice workout! Love those workouts that leave you drenched at the end! I need to get one of those in sometime soon! :bigsmile:

    Michelle--Good Morning!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies!!

    Insanity is done!! :drinker: This morning was Max Cardio Conditioning and Insane Abs, and both actually felt great. I got some food and took a break and then I did Cathe's STS Total Body. I haven't done that workout in months, and I surprised myself by being able to lift exactly what I lifted last time I did it....and with relative ease. No doubt this rotation I've done has greatly improved my cardio conditioning AND improved my strength. It was a killer rotation (especially these past 60 days), but I'm really glad I did it. And I can say that now that I'm done because I don't think I was thinking it alot while I was doing it! :laugh: I must admit that I'm really pleased with myself for being able to do both rotations simultaneously without adjusting either rotation at all. In fact, this is the first time I've made it through my Insanity rotation without a few days off since I've only done them when we've moved (and there were things like international travel and moving household goods that always threw me off). Okay, enough patting myself on the back! :blushing:

    Erika, Ebay must love you! Sorry to hear your workout wasn't great this morning, but at least you got one in.

    Tami, sorry to hear about the cycling class. Hopefully your Wednesday night workouts will still be good, though. The S90/HiiT mix sounds great! I bet that felt good on the body. Hope you have a great weekend despite the fact you aren't going away. Our weather is actually a tad too hot and humid for me this time of year, but I suppose I shouldn't complain. :ohwell: At least we have sunshine.

    Laurie, I wonder if the Pure Strength workouts are going to feel easy to you after S90. I wouldn't be surprised if they do because she moves so much more slowly between the exercises. One of the reasons, though, that I like the Pure Strength series is because she doesn't do any band work. I really don't like the band work in the Gym Style workouts. I don't mind band work in endurance based workouts, but I don't like it mixed into my heavier workouts, which I consider Gym Style to be. Hopefully you'll enjoy the PS rotation. And enjoy your weekend with your family. Sounds like you've got a busy week ahead of you next week. Congrats to your DD!

    Michelle, hope you had a good week!

    See you all next week. I hope everybody has a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies ~ :smile:

    Today was my REST day (which wasn’t planned) but it has felt good so I must have needed it. :ohwell: :wink: One thing, I have been starving all day, weird! :huh: Tomorrow I am planning on Cardio Challenge & Ultimate Ball so looking forward to that and a weekend of more good workouts.

    Erika: I’m with you on being excited for the 3-day weekend! :bigsmile: Yahoo. I always love an extra day to just have fun, maybe get in a longer workout than normal or whatever. Also, the errands/laundry, etc. day happens and you still have 2 other days. Good to know that you have conquered another workout and can move on from it. Says a lot that it used to be tough and now it isn’t ~ that’s excellent! :smile: Enjoy your time with your family.

    Laurie: I would imagine the Pure Strength series is going to be great. :bigsmile: I’m sure you are looking forward to it and it will be interesting to see how it feels after doing S90 and the faster pace of that compared to PS. Sounds like you have a very busy weekend ahead and lots of things planned. :wink: Hope things go well and the weather cooperates.

    Laurel: Huge congrats on finishing up your Insanity rotation! :drinker: :bigsmile: You should be very pleased with yourself and proud. Im happy for you. The combo of S90/HiiT was great, I really liked it. :wink:

    Hi Michelle :smile:

    Hope you all have a great long Memorial Day weekend! :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you soon,

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I'm back for now but I head to Sacramento on Sunday for a week which sucks because my little one turns 5 on Sunday:sad: We were going away for the weekend per her choice to Galveston Moody Gardens Resortbut we had to rearrange the schedule. She is sooo gracious but I'm definitely feeling the guilt on missing the big five. On Saturday after work we will do a pinata with cake and gifts:bigsmile:

    I was affected by those tornado cells while traveling to Chicago and Virginia with many hours sitting on a plane on the tarmac waiting for takeoff clearance last week, so this weekend was family time. On Saturday it was Slim Series Tone It up which definitely tore up my inner thighs:noway: then later that night it was Cardio Barre Adv. lower body..ouch! Sunday was Aerosculpt 5 Rounds, then Squeeze Waist sidebends with the stick and KCM boxing quick premix. Later that night I added Tonique Mat side portion. Monday morning I woke up hurting throughout my lower body and went the easy route with Core Fusion Lean & Toned. The stretching portion was awesome and definitely helped with soreness:bigsmile:

    This weekend has been great with sandal shopping for the youngest which was fruitless so I ordered from Endless which tends to ship in two them! We even went to see Kung Fu Panda 2 which was sooo funny. Afterwards we went and bought giftcards for her first grade teacher, Gifted & Talented teacher and her current 5th grade teacher who also taught her in second grade.:bigsmile: Our DD eldest heads to Middle School and we were lucky enough to have great teachers and wanted to show our appreciation. Last night we grabbed some Texas Roadhouse and rented I am Four and that was pretty cool too:bigsmile: I'm also off tomorrow so hopefully I can enjoy a good read and stay out of these painful 90 degree temps:noway: When I left Chicago wednesday night it was in the mid-fifties and I was shivering.

    Erika- Funny how dvds especially Barre type that were painful before are now considered not challenging enough:laugh: I need to get on Ebay and purge this dvd collection:blushing:

    Tami- Send me some of those temps because I'm burning up here:grumble:

    Laurie- of your DD is leaving the nest soon and headed to college. Enjoy the graduation activities:drinker:

    Laurel- Congratulations and pat yourself some more:wink: Way to go on a brutal rotation. what is next? Yes, Va was pretty darn humid with electric glitches in the hotel, etc:huh:

    Hopefully the weekend was great for all of you:flowerforyou:

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!! :bigsmile:

    I hope you all had a fantastic long weekend! I feel like I had a 5 day weekend with all the yard work we got done, playing with the kids, having friends over, movie night/day and ZUMBA too! :tongue: I was soo productive, and it felt great!!! Saturday was Kick Max, Sunday was ZUMBA and yesterday was Fluidity Advanced/walk on the treadmill. This morning was Powerstrike 5 :heart: ! I just love Ilaria's form, and constant movement, which slowly, but surely wears me out! :laugh: This is only my 2nd time doing this workout, and I'm happy to say, it's a keeper! :happy: A couple more DVD's bit the dust this weekend, and I'm really narrowing down the collection. I'm trying to get under 50, so I can focus just on the ones that I like and work for me.

    Michelle--I'm glad that you had a fun weekend with your family, but bummer on the travels and missing your DD's 5th birthday coming up! :frown: At least it's work calling you, and not your personal choice to miss the b-day. I still remember when my oldest was turning 4, it was my 1st week as a SAHM, and I was so stressed, overwhelmed, and beside myself, that I demanded my hubby take the boys to his parents cabin...on my DS's b-day. I just couldn't take one more day of it, but I never heard the end of it from my in laws and hubby. Just figured, it was better than completely losing it in front of my kids! :blushing: I'm so glad to hear that you FINALLY got home last week...I'll tell you, we've had horrible severe weather in MN, and I'm sure that has been pushing into WI and IL too! We squeaked by last night with just a little rain, but off to our west, they got hit again. Ugh!

    Tami--I'm glad you got in your rest day (even though it wasn't planned), as those do a body good! :bigsmile: I've been starving all weekend too...lots of clean eats, but too much of it. I am ready to get back on a schedule! :wink:

    Laurel--Congrats on finishing up Insanity!!! :bigsmile: I bet that felt so good to document that rotation, as I know it was a tough one! Here's to a great recovery week!!! :bigsmile:

    Laurie--I hope you had a fun weekend! :bigsmile:

    Time to get ready for work. Have a great Tuesday (and short work week)! :wink:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    S90 Legs & Ultimate Ball for me this morning, didn't get this done yesterday. Tonight we have a choir concert for the youngest. My parents are home, and because of last weeks meetings I had to come into work today just to catch up.

    Laurel, Congrats on getting through that tough Insanity month. Hope you enjoyed your none workout days. :wink: I really like the fact that she doesn't rep you out on the PS series also. All doable workouts.

    Tami, I'm looking forward to starting a new series. The S90's are great, but I need a change of pace. 90 Days seems to be about the longest I can take a rotation. :laugh:

    Michelle, Your weekend sounds great. To bad about having to travel on your dd's birthday, but the party sounds like a lot of fun. Yes we did have some cold weather around here last week, but today is suppose to be in the 80's just like yesterday. What a change, just hope that we get some reasonable temps after the storms that come through. I can take the high temps, but the humidity is tough to take when you have been in the 30's and 40's before that. :wink:

    Erika, We had a fun weekend, and the woodticks where not bad. Guess it is because they have been getting a lot more rain in that area. The lake is starting to get back to the depth that I remember. I only had one deer tick, and a regular one on me. Those deer ticks are so small. :noway: Great workouts you have done.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Good Morning!

    We had a wonderful long weekend here in Virginia. It has gotten pretty hot with heat advisories both yesterday and today. But I don't find it to be too bad, though it seems a bit early in the year to be having this kind of heat. I took Saturday off from working out, but DH and I got out and golfed. That was fun. Sunday I started Cathe's 4DS series with Higher Intensity Step. After all of the brutal workouts I've done, it felt so easy....and enjoyable!! Then DH and I got out.....and golfed again. Yesterday was Cathe's 4DS Kickbox....definitely one of my favorites. Then DH and I got out.....and golfed again. :blushing: Notice the trend? It just felt so good to be outside. Yesterday, the golf course was nearly empty because of the heat advisory, and we had such a great time. Of course, we came along two big snakes (about 4 feet in length) which was a little unsettling. But it was nice to get a wave from the President as our golf carts passed on the course. :happy: This morning was Cathe's 4DS Bootcamp. Another one of my favorites. I have to go to a meeting later, so it is the only workout I'm going to do today. I'm really going to try to stick with this lighter week and, so far, it is working.

    Michelle, sorry to hear about your travels. I wasn't sure if you were up this way last week or not. At least you left before the real heat started (yesterday). But the humidity was bad all last week, wasn't it? I'm glad you made it home safely, but there are few things I hate more than being stuck in an airplane on the tarmac because of storms. I'm really sorry you are going to miss DDs birthday. I'm sure you'll make her party special and that is what she'll remember as she gets older.

    Tami, I hope you enjoyed the good long weekend!! I'm often hungrier on days when I don't workout too, so I don't think that's unusual. Hope you got in some good workouts this weekend.

    Erika, sounds like you got some great workouts in this weekend! And you were able to enjoy alot of other things as well. You sound like you are feeling better, and I hope that's the case. Hope it continues too!!

    Laurie, I definitely don't like going from cold to hot over night. There is no way the body can adjust. Luckily we've gradually climbed into these mid-90s so I don't feel to unprepared for them right now. But you've been cold and rainy until now!! Enjoy the choir concert. Hope you get to spend some good time with your parents this week.

    Hope you all enjoy the day!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning ladies,

    It seems as if we all had a great weekend:flowerforyou: This morning was Tonique which was condensed because hubby decided to make breakfast for the family before everyone returns to their normal schedule...there goes my sleeping in dream:laugh: Then it was time to put away odds and ends as the cleaning lady was scheduled for today but is running late this morning. Even with only 35mins of Tonique 1, I'm feeling exhausted so today I will try to focus on at least 2liters of water and protein.

    Laurel- Sounds like golfing is your thing and a wave from the President would put a smile on my face too:wink: Enjoy your light week because you have truly worked hard and completed a tough rotation.

    Laurie- My highs for today will be 97 which means the warehouse will be 107 this week:noway: It seems like this Summer will be extreme for all of us.

    Erika- illaria is really great in form and although I usually pull that one out every now and then it is such an enjoyable routine. Yes the party planning can be stressful but last year we hosted it at the Inflatable Wonderland and afterwards she decided to do Palm Beach in Galveston for this year, so we have rescheduled it for later in August.

    Tami- Good Morning:flowerforyou:

    Cool Miriam just rung the bell...yeah the house will be cleaned after all because those 30+ reps per exercise have killed my legs:bigsmile:

    Have a great day everyone:flowerforyou:

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hello Ladies ~:smile:

    I’m happy to hear everyone had nice weekends …. That’s really great and I looked forward to hearing about them. :wink: Kind of a late check in for me, had a busy day and then needed to come home and bake a carrot cake for one of the Birthday girls at work tomorrow. We all rotate on decorating their office (which I did after work as well) and baking their favorite (or buying) dessert. My person (since my Bday was last I get the next lady) likes carrot cake. So hopefully they all like it. I may have a tiny piece to taste my hard work. :blushing:

    I had a really nice 3-day weekend as well! :bigsmile: Work was kind of hectic today but that’s ok. I love it that it is now a short week. Yahoo. :drinker: Got in some good workouts. Sat was Cardio Challenge & Ult Ball, Sun. I did Cathe’s Lower Body Blast, Mon. S90 Shoulders/Arms & Tabata Inferno and today was S90 Legs + Ult Ball. :wink:

    Michelle: Sounds like the weekend was good but the travels and missing your DD’s Birthday definitely not highlights in your life forsure. :grumble: Sorry to hear you will miss it and I’m sure she understands. . . . you can have an early or extra special later celebration. :smile: Nice mix of workouts you have done forsure, good job on those and I’m sure your booty is feeling it! I am happy to bottle up some of these cooler temps and rain for you …. Just send me back some heat! :wink: Hope you survive your HOT temps in the warehouse, 107 is crazy! Hang in there and I hope you can drink lots of water.

    Erika: We ended up doing a bunch of yard work as well. :smile: Our weather turned a little nicer than they had forecasted so we took advantage of it! Not as much rain and even a little sunshine! Great that you found a keeper in the pile of DVD’s. You had some nice workouts as well, that’s awesome. Glad to hear I wasn’t the only one feeling the hunger. It’s all good now but Yowsa on Friday I felt like I could just keep eating and not feel full. :noway: The rest of the weekend for eating was more normal forsure and according to GWF I am under my calories daily …. So maybe something I am going to consider is increasing gradually and see how I go. I normally don’t have a crazy hunger time, just once and a while. Usually around TOM :ohwell: if I do & even then it is once and a while.

    Laurie: Ditto on the workout today! :laugh: :happy: I think Ult Ball creates a great combo with pretty much anything. The one thing I knew I would be getting a little tired of is the warm-up, just because it is the same every day. :laugh: I’m going to be incorporating Insanity into these last 30 days so that will also help create some variety as well. I hope the choir concert went well.

    Laurel: What a fabulous weekend you had and getting a wave from the President. :bigsmile: WOW, you just saw him and now a wave. I think it is so great you are getting in some nice golf. Very fun workout lineup you have going with Cathe’s 4DS. I bet you will really enjoy your recovery week, especially since these workouts are feeling easy:wink: Thanks for the feedback on the hungrier days being your rest days as well. I’m glad to no be the only one (as I mentioned to Erika too). Hope your temps are staying manageable for you, in as much that I wish for summer temps to come our way I know your heat w/ the humidity can be brutal. :wink:

    Hope you all had great evenings and by the time you read this “Good Morning!” :flowerforyou: Talk to you all tomorrow!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    S90 Chest & Back and Ultimate Ball. Finally caught up with my workouts from this weekend. :laugh: Had a dentist appointment this morning, and they had to take a crown off my tooth and now it is a total cosmetic tooth. Oh well, hopefully this is not a trend on my other root canal. Hate my teeth. :grumble:

    Laurel, The snakes would make me walk back to my car! :noway: Snakes are one thing that I just can't stand. 4DS and golfing sure sounds like a great combo. :wink: Yes we have had very cold temps around here, and then all of a sudden we are in the 80's. :huh: Sure is hard to go to sleep when you have not taken off the thick comforter. :laugh:

    Michelle, Today is a day that I would love to be outside. No humidity! :wink: I have been in warehouses that have been that hot, and my office was on the second floor where all the heat would rise to. I think those Tonique workouts are tough even in the first 15 min. :wink:

    Tami, Yum on the carrot cake, that is my husbands favorite. I was planning on getting him one for his birthday on Saturday. The choir concert was very good. All three groups sang songs from the 60's. DD's group is all girls, and they where the loudest. I loved there Da Do Run Run. :wink: All the songs that they sang where from female vocalists. Just to bad that the choir director in the high school has a bad rep as being a witch. I think that dd would take choir in hs otherwise. Ya the warm ups have gotten a little old, but at least they are short. I like when I have Tabata Inferno on tap, at least the warm-up is different.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi Ladies! A quick check-in for me today because I've decided to go away with my husband tomorrow for the rest of the week. So I'm running around trying to get everything in order. But I got my workout in this morning....Cathe's 4DS Lower Intensity Step. It felt good. I'm really glad I've taken this time to get my energy back because with each passing day, I feel better. It feels strange to finish a workout and not feel totally spent though! :laugh: I must admit that I'm missing my intensity a bit mentally, but my body is thanking me right now. :ohwell:

    Michelle, I hear you on those hot temps. We were 97 yesterday, and are headed there again today. Take care of yourself and make sure you are drinking plenty of water. I don't know about you, but I feel exhausted at the end of the day when I've been hot all day. Good job on getting a workout in this morning! Those Tonique workouts are tough!

    Tami, I'm glad you enjoyed your long weekend. Sounds like you got some great workouts in...and your weather turned out nice!! When do you start Insanity? Let us know what you think! I hope everybody enjoys the carrot cake! Definitely one of my favorite cakes too.

    Laurie, I was saying as the second snake slithered across the cart path right in front of us that it's a good thing I don't really have a snake phobia. That said, when I was walking up to my tee box and the first one slithered away, I must admit that I yelped a bit! Not what I expected to see. Especially such big snakes!! Even my husband was surprised. But they stayed out of our way and we definitely stayed out of their way! Glad you enjoyed the concert.

    Erika, hope you are well!

    Enjoy the rest of your week. I'll be back next week with, hopefully, a report on Asylum as I'm supposed to be starting that on Sunday. Though I will be the first to admit, I've thought about pushing that off a week. :blushing: We'll see.

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Afternoon Ladies,

    I'm working a late shift tonight so I'm headed out of the door. Today was Slim Series Tear It Up.. a nice lonnnnng workout but I actually was thinking of stopping midway to do Tonique instead:tongue: Last night we had the 5th grade assembly for my DD and along with a couple of awards she also was a recipient for the Academic Awards of Excellence for A honor roll throughout the 4 & 5th grade which was signed by the President so she ws truly excited to get her certificate along with her pin:laugh: It was a great ceremony and being able to see so many kids that she has grown with, played with in the neighborhood and invited over for sleepovers was awesome. On Friday we will be hosting another sleepover for several of her girlfriends with ice cream Sundaes, a campout in the backyard and some games and Wii challenges. This should be interesting esp. with Capone who kept trying to het into the tent last week...sheesh.

    Laurel- Enjoy your trip with hubby. The snakes would of caused a yelp also although I dont have a major phobia as I use to assist in the
    science lab with Pythons, garters and even a Boa. I need a gradual lead in before seeing one up close and personal:laugh:

    Laurie- I feel that way about my teeth also and the dentist is my least favorite doctor, although I do have a great female dentist:wink:

    Tami- Those workouts sound great:wink: and so does the carrot cake:laugh:

    Erika- Good morning:flowerforyou:

    Ok off to deal with some traffic.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~

    Well I kicked off my start of Insanity today!!! :smile: Did the Fit Test and also Plyo Cardio Circuit as my first workout. OK can you say sweating much?!??! :noway: Good grief. That Shaun T. is amazing though…. YOWSA he keeps you going doesn’t he!?Tomorrow will be S90. My plan will be to alternate the two a bit and/or 3 & 3 to divide it up. We’ll see how I go. Enjoyed it for being my first workout into it. :wink:

    Laurie: Sounds like the choir concert went beautifully. :bigsmile: That is too bad the director is a bit of a crank. :grumble: Good job on the S90 workouts this a.m. and yes I agree on TI in the warm-up being different, I always look forward to that one too. Now Insanity warm-up, hello – that gets you fired up. :wink: At first I didn’t realize we went right into the circuits and thought, YIKES! This is the warm up still? :huh: :laugh:
    The carrot cake was a hit. :bigsmile: I was glad. I did indulge in a little piece and thought it was good too. Most importantly the Bday girl seemed to really like it so that was excellent.

    Laurel: I hope you and your DH have a fantastic trip and enjoy your time together. It sounds very fun and perfect timing being on your recovery week to do some relaxing. :bigsmile:
    Started Insanity today (as I mentioned above). I definitely felt like a big puddle of sweat and worked at the end. I’m looking forward to trying each so I know what’s coming up/what the move is/what the workout entails. :noway: :wink: That way the 2nd time around I’ll know what to expect. :wink: Have a great week – we’ll talk to you soon!

    Michelle: Big congrats to your DD for her awards! :bigsmile: You must have been so proud, that’s really neat and I am sure watching the others that you have come to know being at your house for sleepovers made it special as well. Very nice. Great job on the workout today! :wink:

    Erika – Hope all is well with you & you had a good day! :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you all tomorrow!