Cathe Fans Part 4!



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Today was Asylum's Game Day. LOVE this workout!! Just love it. It will definitely be one I do when I am no longer doing the Asylum rotation. It felt really good today, and I only had to take a few unscheduled rests. :blushing: It's funny because I can do all of the standing moves, plyo moves, etc without any stops. But, boy, put me on the floor doing the swimming section or the rock climbing section and I'm toast! :tongue: Anyhow, after that (and a bit of a break) I did S90 Total Body. Really enjoyed this workout. He was so smart in how he put it together to target the big muscles. I continue to be impressed with this program. I don't have time for my usual yoga today, so I finished it all up with Pilates Based Abs from STS. It has been many, many months since I've done anything remotely resembling pilates, and it felt really good to me.

    I won't be around tomorrow because DH and I are headed to the US Open Golf Tournament, which is being held just north of here. I've never been to a golf tournament, so this should be interesting. We've done alot of different sporting events in our travels (like going to Wimbledon, horse jumping in the UK, and, of course, football, baseball, basketball....etc), so this is another one to add to the list. I'm not 100% happy with the restrictions for getting into the tournament (like you can't take any of your own food or drink or even a bag bigger than a purse!) so I'm sure this will be the only time we do this. But since it's here, and we're here....we're going.

    Tami and Erika, I think the thing I like most about golf is that it is outside, there are no crowds around us, and it is just my husband and I. The whole hitting the little ball and trying to do well.....not so much. I mean, I'm enjoying improving, and I wouldn't mind playing well. But, to be brutally honest, I could care less if I get the ball in the hole in 4 tries or 9 tries. Makes me no never mind whatsoever. I think the difference between me now and me 20 years ago is that 20 years ago, I was uptight and impatient enough to actually think I should not look like a fool doing this. Now I don't care, and I really focus on the positives....outside, moving, DH, etc. But if I actually cared about my golf game, there's no way I'd be enjoying this! :laugh:

    Erika, I admire you (and Laurie and Michelle) for having your kids involved in activities like sports and such, but I can only imagine how difficult a schedule that can be sometimes. So I'm glad you're enjoying your few days off this week. Sounds like an interesting workout with the pup!

    Tami, glad you enjoyed the cycling class! You'll definitely start to notice that your non-Insanity cardio workouts will start to feel differently to you once you get further into Insanity. I love that aspect about the program, and that's one of the reasons I keep doing it. Nothing has more of an impact on my cardio capabilities than Insanity.

    Laurie, I almost did the Quickie from Eoin this morning as well. I even had the DVD out and ready to go. But I just didn't even have the 32 minutes for it. :cry: Glad you are enjoying the change in your routine. Yes, I did the Core Dynamics workouts last week, and really liked it. That's one of the few routines lately where I've felt DOMS the day after. I'm definitely doing it again next week!

    Michelle, hope you are well!!

    Hope you all have a great weekend!!!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~

    Today was Insanity Plyo Cardio followed by s90 Ultimate Ball :bigsmile: Felt good, nice combo! :wink: I only worked a half day today and then took my sweets to the eye doctor for her 2nd check-up. Vet said after a month of the drops she looks good. They will check again in 2 months. :smile:

    Laurie : Sounds like a really fun combo you did today! :smile: I remember you saying Kristin McGee's Yoga is one you have always enjoyed. I know I really enjoyed her Pilates workout that I have.

    Erika: I can imagine you have been secretly cheering the cxld baseball. :ohwell: it is such a time commitment and having that break probably feels really good. Nice job on the treadmill walk this a.m. I hope you have fun at the grad party! The music she plays is usually Top 40 - but they are mixes that go longer with a great beat! The other instructor always plays 80's Rock. which isn't too bad, depending on the songs. sometimes they are the loud head banger type though; not the most motivating. :huh: :wink:

    Laurel: Asylum truly sounds like it is feeling just right for you! :bigsmile: I'm glad. It sound really tough, but unique and great all in one! Good ob this a.m. with the combos of workouts ... great mix. Glad you like Total Body. I have that on my schedule for tomorrow! I know you have said that Insanity truly fires up the endurance, it truly must if I am already feeling the difference w/ other workouts. :smile: :wink: It also will be a mindset for anything I do in the future I think. I can do this ....
    That is so awesome how much you are enjoying just the true experience of golf. What a great gift! :smile:

    Hi Michelle :flowerforyou: Hope you are doing great today!
    Hope you all had a great day - I'll talk to you tomorrow!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies....TGIF!!! :bigsmile:

    The grad party last night was great! It was so weird seeing a girl that I new from birth graduate, plus seeing so many people I know that are friends with my parents there, and they remember me from when I was little. Super fun time, and even my brother showed up for a little bit, so we had a little time as a family--no kids or spouses. The food was excellent, and of course I ate too much, so I'm bloated this morning! :grumble:

    No workout this morning...I got up at my normal time, but just didn't feel like doing much of anything. :blushing: Instead, I caught up on some emails (I got an email from an old boss asking me if I'd come back to work for her, so had to reply to that---still undecided!), upload some songs to my Ipod, and just get the house in order. After an evening of just my hubby and boys, the house was a little out of control! :laugh:

    Tami--Ooh, that combo sounds like fun! :bigsmile: Glad to hear your pup is doing good, always reassuring to hear! I asked about the music in your class, as I think that is one class that I hear the most music variety from. I've heard people say it's all headbanger type, some have classes where it's all hip hop style, and others it's 80's pop/rock. Sounds like your fave instructor has a good music choice! :wink:

    Laurel--Great workout yesterday, I bet that one is tons of fun.:bigsmile: Anything where you're going through the motions of a sport sounds like it would be fun. Have fun at the US Open...I think it was that or Masters that came here a few years ago, and my hubby went, and said it was really neat. I can't remember which one it was, but just remember I was able to get him tickets through work. So, for this week, I only had to go to 1 baseball practice/game....ahhh, so nice! But, next week is the last week of baseball, so then it's just 1 night per week of hockey. I can handle that. Man, I can't imagine what it will be like when they are playing sports higher than the Kindergarten and 1st grade levels! :noway:

    Laurie and Michelle--Happy Friday!!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Had a fun combination of workouts this morning. Started out with Cindy Whitmarsh's 10 Days to a Better Body ~ Lower Body, then PS Legs floorwork and finally PS Shoulders. This all came under 60 min. Love getting in two leg workouts in one week. :wink: I was scheduled to do Hiit for 1 on 1 off. That Cindy workout fit the bill, and it gave me the opportunity to work my legs during the 1 min. rest period. :happy:

    My oldest surprised me yesterday when she went out the door for a run, and then went in the basement to lift weights. She is taking this college training seriously. I think that she wants to get onto one of the relay teams so that she can go to nationals in CA next year. :laugh:

    Erika, Glad you had a nice time at the grad party. Some of the kids that I babysat for are married and have children. Talk about making one feel old. :laugh: I like the pace of that KCM workout, it doesn't go at breakneck speed. Doing those moves slower, you can get in a good workout also. If I remember the first workout, it was a lot like the cardio in Plyo Legs. Jumping up onto the step type of things.

    Laurel, Have a great time at the Open! I'm sure that you and your DH will have a great time. I'm keeping the Core Dynamics in my rotation for the summer also. It is one core workout that I really really enjoy doing. I'm not a big abs/core person, so anything that I enjoy is wonderful. :wink: I guess I will have to pull out the STS ab workouts, just to give myself some variety. :wink:

    Tami, I really like Kristin's yoga, just have not been happy with what her last two yoga workouts have looked like. :cry: She did one with Bethany, and another that combines weights and yoga :noway: . Just looking at the clips didn't make me want them. Oh well, maybe she will come out with some others in the future. Glad to hear that your kids eyes are doing so much better. My baby didn't even leave the landing this morning to bid me farwell. :laugh: Day after doggy daycare, so she was tired! :laugh:

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning Everyone & Happy Friday!!! :bigsmile:

    I'm OFF today and so thrilled about it! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I just finished up S90 Total Body and headed to make some breakfast, shower & off to have my hair done! Yahoo. It needs it. :wink: Depending on my afternoon/eve I may go to the Spin class tonight.

    Erika: The grad party sounds like it was lots of fun and I'm sure great chats of memories and fun times. :wink: Your morning sounds like it was relaxing and nice along with getting a little house work as well ~ nice morning I would say. :wink: What a nice compliment to you that your old boss is wanting you back. I bet that made you feel good.

    Laurie: Another nice variety of workouts ... I bet it felt good. I'mplanning on keeping my Yoga date again tomorrow! Mentioning it to you makes me feel more accountable. :blushing: :smile: I saw that clip as well on KM's Yoga w/ weights. Didn't look that good to me.

    Laurel: Have a great time at the US Open! How fun. :flowerforyou:

    Hi Michelle :smile:

    Hope you all have a great Friday & weekend!! :smile:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Had a great weekend, got housework and laundry done. :laugh: As far as workouts they where Saturday Kenpo+ from P90X+, Sunday was Kristen McGee's Power Yoga and this morning was CTX Back & Triceps along with KPC Premix #2 Kicking & Punching.

    Laurel, Hope the US Open was fun, did you get to see the winner play? He sure is young.

    Tami, A day off of work is always great, I would be thrilled also. Glad that it wasn't only myself that was kind of :huh: on those Kristen workouts. I really love her yoga, and I was so hoping that she was going to continue with more great workouts. I will just have to hope for more in the future. :wink: I got my yoga in, how did you do on your yoga date? :laugh:

    Have a wonderful day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!

    Can't believe Monday is here already. I'm hurtin' today...lots of yardwork yesterday and it was tough work. I moved 7 4+ year old hostas, that were massive, and took both hubby and I to move them out into the driveway. :noway: Friday was a nice long walk with my oldest DS and the 2 pups, so I did get in my workout! Saturday was P57 and Mari Winsor Pilates. Felt great! Yesterday was no workout, but yard work, and today was KCM Cardio Fitness. :happy:

    Laurie--Nice workout lineup!! Lovin' the variety! :happy: That's great that your DD is pushing herself to get a spot on the relay team! I bet seeing her mom kick butt on the workouts inspires her to get movin' too! :bigsmile:

    Tami--I hope you enjoyed your day off fully, especially getting your hair done!! :bigsmile:

    Laurel and Michelle--I hope you had a great weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi Ladies! Had a good weekend here. The US Open was all kinds of fun on Friday. It was a long day as we left home before 5:30am and didn't get home until late evening, but we enjoyed it. Got to see lots of golf and did a fair bit of walking about. That made me feel better about missing my Friday workout. :ohwell: I also took Saturday off, but we played golf, so I didn't feel too badly about that. Yesterday was Asylum's Speed and Agility and let's just say that my impression of this workout is 180 degrees different to the first time I did it. I loved it. Just needed to throw away the agility ladder I suppose.

    Today was an interesting blend of workouts. I started with Cathe's Cardio Core Circuit which was all kinds of fun this morning. Then I decided to stick with another week of the same S90 workouts (this will make week 3 of them), so I did Chest/Back. I like this workout but just don't feel like it is enough of a workout for me for some reason. So after a bit of a break, I decided to make up my Friday workout and did Asylum's Strength. I told myself that I'd go easy on it since I'd already done a strength training workout, but I really didn't need to. I can't even begin to express how much I love Strength. It is probably one of the best workouts I've done for making me feel like I've done everything (cardio and strength) that isn't a circuit workout. It felt great.

    Tami, I hope you enjoyed that long weekend! Sounds like you had some good plans for enjoying your Friday off work.

    Laurie, we did get to see the winner play on Friday. And when he walked up to the hole, I said to my husband that he looked so young! Of course....he is young, so that makes sense. :wink: He's a pretty impressive player, that's for sure. Unfortunately, he was being followed by hoards of people, so we opted for watching other players most of the day since I'm not a great one for crowds. Sounds like you got some great workouts in this weekend!!

    Erika, yardwork is a killer, isn't it? I have no doubt you're feeling it today. Sounds like you too had a great blend of workouts this weekend. You doing Mari Winsor makes me want to pull out my Mari pilates too!! I haven't done it in so long, but I remember enjoying it alot.

    Michelle, hope you are well.

    Enjoy the day!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    Still trying to find my rythmn and this heat is draining me every day. Our AC system is not working at full capacity and everyone is suffering minus the admin. crew. This weekend was too much on very little quality sleep and I actually was unable to do any workouts this weekend. Last week I was able to get in a P57 & Tonique but 6 days a week is definitely not realistic at this time for me:ohwell: I'm shooting for 4/6 days a week because the guilt stresses me and then my schedule and planned trips stink:sad: I actually exercised everyday while in Sacramento:frown:

    Laurel- Neat that you were able to watch the game and enjoy a weekend off.

    Erika- I too did some yardwork this weekend with hubby but not as intense:wink: ur weekend was great and we did got to see Green Lantern which was pretty cool although some scenes were scary for the 5 yr old.

    Laurie- What were those ending results for S90?

    Tami- I usually get my hair done before the hair salon because after spending all of that money I dread losing the look because of sweat:laugh:

    Have a great day ladies.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies ~ :smile:

    I had a nice weekend of workouts, that’s forsure! :wink: Friday I did S90 Total Body then after I got my hair prettied we went on a long walk in our downtown area, near park and college – then I ran some errands went home and had time to hit the 5:30 Spinning! :smile: Sat was Yoga X – very proud I stuck to my Yoga date. :drinker: Then Sun was STS Plyo Legs followed by Insanity Pure Cardio … what was I thinking there! :huh: But I made it. Today was Total Body again and tonight will be Turbo Kick.

    Laurie: Thanks for checking on me and congrats on getting your Yoga in too! :bigsmile: Yes, I went w/ Tony this time instead of Bob. It went by quickly and I was glad I got it in. Sounds like you have had a nice bundle of workouts over the weekend/today, very fun! :wink: I was able to get most of the laundry done by Sat a.m. after being OFF Friday. That was nice to not be doing all my “chores” over the weekend.

    Erika: Sounds like you got in some good exercise with the yard work along with your P57, Pilates & KCM! Great job. :drinker: I bet you are feeling it a bit. That’s a nice combo. Yes, my day off was fantastic! It makes me want to always work just a 4-day work week. I would love that. Maybe one day. :ohwell:

    Laurel: What a fun time that must have been watching the US Open! I’m sure between the walking and golf yourself you made up for missing your workout. However, sounds like you absolutely did w/ the lineup you mentioned above! :noway: :smile: Great job. The more you talk about Asylum the more my curiosity goes up. Sounds like a really fun program.

    Michelle: Sorry to hear about you’re A/C and the heat. :grumble: I bet it is absolutely wiping you out! Definitely give yourself the time you need OFF from workouts & don’t stress. :flowerforyou: It is a horrible feeling I know when you worry about it. Setting your goals at what you think is doable right now is the perfect way to go. I think you do amazing with all that you do and if you workout 4 days that is waaay more than a lot of people, you’re amazing! :drinker: Hope the A/C situation improves soon. :wink:

    Hope everyone has a great evening! :wink:
    Talk to you tomorrow - Tami
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    This morning was Pure Barre Pershing #2. I really like the Pure Barre workouts...they are not super fast and not super slow, plus the instructor is pleasant. I've been having a really tough time with instructors lately...if anything bugs me about them, I can't get myself to do the DVD again. Not sure why it's all of a sudden bugging me, but it really is! :noway:

    Tami--Nice weekend of workouts and getting dolled up too! :bigsmile: I bet those legs were feeling a little toasty after Sunday's workout! :happy: I'm with you on the 4 day work week...I think I might even succumb to 10 hour work days to get my Friday's off!

    Michelle--I feel for you! I can not function in that heat, even if I'm in A/C. It drains every last ounce of energy I have, and it makes me more tired than usual. :grumble: I'm sure you've got those things working against you, as well as still having to juggle work/home life. I just hope you find some reprieve in one or more areas....and soon! I think you are doing great at getting those workouts in when you can, just keep at it the best you can!!!

    Laurel--Sounds like the US Open was fun! I bet that was a long day though! :tongue: Great workouts this weekend, and way to make up for the missing Friday workout. Sounds like a great workout you got in!

    Laurie--Good Morning!

    Have a great Tuesday. It's going to be a washout least I'll be indoors for it!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    CTX Leaner (Meaner) Legs and Shoulders for me this morning. I will be getting in KCM's 30MTF Kickboxing workout #2 after work. I didn't have enough time this morning to get everything in that I wanted. It was very humid this moring, and Leaner Legs had me sweating like crazy! :happy:

    Have to insert a funny that happened while walking the dog this morning. The newspaper delivery guy was stopped in the middle of the street this morning, and I could see these deer. At first I was surprised that the deer didn't move out of the way, until I realized that they where lawn ornaments from our neighbors lawn. :laugh: :laugh: Some people (thinking young) lined this family of deer across the street! :laugh: The newspaper guy just drove around the lawn ornaments. :laugh:

    Erika, Yard work is a super great workout! :wink: I don't know the KCM Cardio Fitness, is that one of her new ones. I had heard that she was getting set to make some new workouts. I think one of them was kickboxing on the step. Don't know if that one will intrest me at all.

    Laurel, Glad you had a great time at the Open. I was surprised that I even new any information on the Open, usually gold doesn't interest me. :laugh: WTG on getting in a workout that makes you feel good. So glad that you are enjoying those Asylum workouts. Right now I'm restricting myself on buying new workouts. Just had to pay for oldest DD's college tuition. :ohwell:

    Michelle, Sorry to hear that you are so tired. I did post something a while back, not much of a difference as far as weight goes with the workouts. But I really did notice that I had more definition in legs, core and arms.

    Tami, WTG getting in the yoga! Laundry is one of those chores that I just hate doing, and with two teenage girls it seems the piles of laundry never end. :noway: :wink: Good job on the YogaX, it really is a good one but long. LOL on doing Pure Cardio and Plyo Legs, I'm guessing that you had some rubbery legs when you where done. :wink:

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Today was a great workout combo...again. I did Asylum's Verticle Plyo and Relief. Then after breakfast, I did S90 Legs and Core Dynamics. All the workouts felt really good today. I'm really beginning to understand Shaun T.'s mentality behind Asylum and sort of feel badly for yelling at him during the first workout I did in the series. :blushing: I didn't expect to experience many results from this program since I had just come through Insanity, but I am. Mostly I'm just seeing more strength when doing things like Mountain Climbers and Burpees and such, but I also think it is improving my cardio capabilities as well, and that surprises (and pleases) me. I wish mentally I felt like I could do a second month of this program, but I don't think that's going to happen. But I can see where it would be beneficial.

    Tami, sounds like you got in some great workouts this weekend. So glad you kept you yoga date, and congrats on getting through YogaX. Love that program! STS Plyo Legs and Insanity? :noway: Yeah, I'm sure you were feeling a tad fried after that.

    Erika, I have some real issues with instructors as well. I think that's why I did only Cathe for so long....I just couldn't find any other instructor that I 'clicked' with as well. I'm glad, though, that I've found some others over the past few years because the diversity is good. But, boy, if I don't click with an instructor, I'll never be doing the I understand where you are coming from.

    Laurie, :laugh: . That's a funny story about the lawn deer. I suppose it is all in good fun, right? I hope they've found their way 'home'. Leaner Legs is always a killer, isn't it? Everytime I do it, I'm surprised at how tough it is.

    Michelle, I hear you about the heat and humidity. We've had cooler weather up here the past number of days, but, boy, when we hit that 102, I just wasn't prepared for it. Don't push your workouts right now. There is absolutely no reason to push for 6 days a week. You will be fine with 4 or 5. In fact, you will probably get better results if you don't push yourself too hard, because you don't need the extra stress on your body right now. That would be counter-productive. You still amaze me with how well you've adapted to going back to work this year. I know I wouldn't have kept up with my workouts nearly as well as you have, so congratulate yourself on what you've done and continue to do and, as Tony Horton would say, forget the rest. You're doing terrific. :flowerforyou:

    See you all tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile:

    I’ve had a crazy day at work …. :huh: Just letting you all know I’m here and will try to write more later! Headed to Spinning in a few minutes …. My favorite lady will be instructing again. :smile: Also, we reached a sunny 75 degrees today! :bigsmile: :drinker:

    Great workouts everyone! :smile: Talk to you all later, sorry for the quick check in.

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member

    All of you Rock!!!!!! I needed to hear each and every comment from all of you who manage to juggle everything. Sometimes I feel like I should be able to fit it in because everyone else does and then I remember that you guys are my cheering team :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: and are not here to judge me.

    Thank you truly:bigsmile:

    It was a busy day in the warehouse for me as we were short on staff as everyone seems to be on annual leave this week:frown: Deliveries have been crazy and doubled in some cases so my workout is coming from helping the grocery team break down loaded trucks and carry loads via pallets to the freezers, etc Yesterday I had a huge load and although the vendor rep was pushing the load behind me I definitely strained my back in the process. Today was more of the same and my knee is feeling it not to mention I fell asleep while writing a schedule for the rest of the week. Capone licked me and woke me up which was funny because it was within a 5 min interval:laugh:

    I was able to get Bob Harper's and Jillians new dvd from the library and hope to try at least both of them this weekend. Hubby is taking the girls away this weekend for the Audie Murphy celebration so I plan on catching up on sleep, exercise, etc.

    Tami- That 75 degrees sounds chilly right now:wink::laugh:

    Erika- Too funny with the annoying instructors:tongue: Maybe it is that kind of month for you...hopefully you will feel mellow soon and they will seem ok.

    Laurel- Thank you for the great you constantly amaze me with your energy and your rotations:bigsmile:

    Laurie- Great definition is always a pleasure...are you taking a break from rotations this month and doing a free for all?

    After a cup of coffee I definitely feel more alert...soooo hopefully I will be able to watch a recorded Law & Order:LA

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Got in the KCM kicboxing workout last night. Felt that I'm better doing my cardio in the morning vs. later in the day, so I switched things up this morning. So this morning was 10 Days to a Better Body ~ Upper cardio only, just did walking around during the weight portion. Then I did S90 Core Dynamics, just love this workout. :wink: Will get in CTX Chest and Biceps after work.

    Laurel, I love being able to hold myself up for all the burpees and mountain climbers too. This morning I did mountain climbers in the 10 Day workout, and she does them for a minute. My arms didn't get tired, and I felt that I could have gone on for a longer time. One of the things that I noticed while doing Insanity was that I couldn't hold plank, because my arms started getting tired. Glad that Asylum is dealing with that part, so a combination of the systems will be a well rounded program. :wink:

    Tami, Hey get to us when you can. Sorry to hear that your work day was not the best.

    Michelle, When you children are as young as yours are, it really is hard to do everything. As your girls get older you probably will be running around with the car a lot more, but they don't seem to need you as much. :wink: Dang on your back and knee. I suppose everyone is doing the vacation thing, that is what happens around here. Right now I created a rotation that does a week of the following: Total Body, Heavy, Endurance and Supersets. It was a rotation that came out in Muscel & Fitness Hers a long time ago called Look Great in Eight. So far I'm having a blast. :happy:

    Erika, Hope you are doing well.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I'm just having a really good workout week this week, which is quite a pleasant surprise! I'm finding myself enjoying everything I'm doing. Today was S90 Shoulder/Arms, and I really love this workout. I think it will end up being one of my favorite upper body workouts ever. So short yet so effective. Then I did S90 Tabata Inferno for the first time. Really enjoyed it. I love how he works the entire body throughout while keeping the heart rate up. After a break, I did Asylum's Back to Core. Still loving that workout. The more I do this rotation, the more I think Asylum and S90 are a perfect blend of programs. Not nearly as intense as the Insanity/P90X rotation but still covering all bases (and maybe a couple that weren't covered by Insanity/P90X). I'm toying with carrying it on for a few more weeks....but I'm not sure about it. I'll see how I feel at the end of next week when my Asylum rotation is finished.

    Tami, sorry to hear about the tough day at work. Hope you enjoyed the Spin class. I would enjoy 75 degrees right now, but I think that's probably coming from a different angle than you have....because were a hot and humid 90+ right now. :ohwell:

    Michelle, sounds like your work is brutal right now! I hope you're able to get some rest over the weekend. Let us know how you like the new Bob workout and the new Jillian workout. I've not heard much about their new workouts. Take care and I hope your back and knee start feeling better.

    Laurie, I like to get my cardio in early in the day as well. I really have to watch what I'm eating and when I'm eating if I'm doing cardio later in the day, and that's not always the most convenient thing to do. But I can lift weights on a fuller stomach, so if I have to do my workouts hours apart, I opt to do strength training later in the day. Asylum is definitely a more balanced program than Insanity. If I hadn't just done an Insanity rotation, I might be tempted to do an Asylum/Insanity rotation (since Beachbody provided such a program), but I don't want to do that right now. But I really think that would be a great combination....and a killer rotation. I like the look of your new rotation. What program/programs are you using to do your Supersets week? Just curious.

    Erika, hope you're doing well and enjoying your day!

    See you all tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    HI Ladies ~ :smile:

    Sorry I missed ya yesterday other than my “flash” of a check in! :blushing: So I missed my a.m. workout yesterday & again today. :grumble: :ohwell: Finally we have a couple of sunny and bright mornings and I’m feelin the tireds instead of wanting to jump out of bed w/ the sunrise! Just a couple of “those days” I suppose. :yawn: With that being said, I was so glad to have a nice tough Spinning class last night and I will be able to workout when I get home tonight to make up for my “misses”.

    Michelle: 75 does seem cold to you I bet! :laugh: Sounds like you had a rough day. I hope your back and knee feel better. Let us know what you think of those two new workouts! :wink: Have fun with those.

    Laurie: You are truly getting in some great combos ~ that’s excellent! :bigsmile: Sounds like you have a great rotation set up. I am curious as well what workouts you will do for your Supersets?!?!
    Thanks for the well wishes …… it is busy for me mainly because I was gone a day last week and had deadlines pile up a bit (I do advertising) PLUS IronMan is in town this weekend so now everyone wants to advertise this weekend, all of a sudden. So it’s a good busy, just a little crazy. :smile: I used to have this kind of craziness all the time prior to our economy turning so it’s just a matter of getting my mindset back into it. I don’t have anyone that helps or assists me so it can be crunch time sometimes. Next week will be back to the same pace.

    Laurel: I’m really happy for you that you are having such a great workout week! :happy: I agree on Shoulders/Arms being truly one of the tops for upper body work and TI is one of my favorites as well, as you had heard me mention several times. You can probably see now that you have done most all of them how much you are working your core throughout the whole program.
    Yes, the Insanity & Plyo legs the other day did cause a bit of the shakiness :huh: during Insanity but I made it through and felt good. I am currently on my last week of S90 and I’m thinking of continuing on w/ the Insanity/S90 workouts like I’ve been doing for the next 30 days. I really enjoy the combo. We’ll see, as Insanity ups the intensity I might change my mind …. But alternating like I have the last couple of weeks feels pretty good. I have had great results from S90. :bigsmile: So happy w/ my $20 investment.

    HI Erika – Glad you enjoyed your Barre workouts the other day! Hope you are having a great day.:flowerforyou:

    Talk to you all tomorrow ….. Hope to report back in with a good workout tonight! :smile:

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Today I worked a half of day and will continue to do so on Wednesdays & Fridays until the girls get into their new Summer camp. July is the month that I will be away for two weeks so it seemed better to enroll the girls on base with dad in their the eldest is able to participate in a volleyball and tennis camp.Unfortunately the youngest was placed on the waiting list so we have to wait until the 4th of July for fulltime vs their current PT schedule.

    My knee is definitely still achy and last night I did attempt a Barre routine but that may not be the best thing now as plies are not knee friendly:tongue:

    Laurie- Curious as to what you are using for Supersets and the Endurance workouts? Are you doing KCM 30 min to Fitness KB?

    Erika- I hope the instructors are getting better:wink:

    Tami- Sorry to hear about the missed workout. I'm hoping to do Bob Harpers so I will tell for sure:smile

    Laurel- Awesome that you are enjoying the new combination:bigsmile:

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~

    Insanity Cardio Power & S90 Core Dynamics done!!! :drinker: Felt great ..... :bigsmile: Here's hoping I sleep good tonight & feel refreshed when that alarm goes off.

    Talk to you all tomorrow. :wink:
