Cathe Fans Part 4!



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Weight work done last night. This morning was 4DS Kickboxing cardio only, and CTX Shoulders. Will get in Leaner Legs after work.

    Laurel, That was my problem also with the eating. I was actually very hungry when I got home, and then the workout suffered because of it. I felt if I ate something before hand, then I wouldn't feel good either. :huh: It was much better yesterday, and I was able to eat an apple and string cheese before I lifted. :wink: Sometime in the future the Insanity/Asylum rotation will be there to conquer! :wink:

    Tami, Glad that your business is busy, we need that for our business right now. :wink: Sounds like Insanity is kicking in, I know that I had some of those days when doing those workouts. They are tough, and if you don't get enough carbs your body gets tired. You have been pushing it hard, so hopefully you will start getting the energy back. :wink:

    Michelle, Nice that you will have two short days during the week. That is very nice. Do take care of the knee, I know that mine gets tweekie every once in a while. I have been doing a lot of kickboxing this week, and I can feel it in one of my legs. I just can't help not doing them though, I love my kb workouts. Yes the workout I did was the 30MTF kb one.

    According to what they call supersets in the program the S90 and my Barry's Bootcamp 5 Day Academy fall under this format. I will be doing the Barry's next week, and then switch to the S90 on the next set. I'm really enjoying the variety, and I am getting in some short but great cardio. :wink:

    Have a wonderful day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    :bigsmile: Hi Ladies...I am alive here in the never ending rainy city! I had considered building an ark, but I hear we may get a break from the rain for the weekend! :bigsmile:

    Yesterday morning was KCM's Split Sessions Upper Body...ugh, my waist hurts today! I knew when I was doing her moves, that my waist would hurt, but was secretly hoping I'd be wrong! Nothing special about the moves in Split Sessions, but reminds me of S90, where she moves quickly from one move to the other. I worked up a good sweat!! :happy: This morning was a walk on the treadmill. Lily is finally getting used to the 5am wake up for my workout, and has found her place in the workout room to have her blanket and a bone. She goes through a big bone once every 2 days! :noway:

    Laurie--Way to go getting those workouts in, and especially figuring out what works well for you! I like your variety, and especially love the short cardio!! :happy: The KCM one I did on Monday was one of her older ones, that was 80 or so minutes long, in full. I got them awhile ago, and although I like them, I just really love her 30 MTF more. She can pack a punch in 30 minutes! :bigsmile:

    Laurel--Sounds like you've found your perfect mix of workouts! :bigsmile: You and I are in the same boat with the instructors, that's for sure. The only instructor I have clicked with for the last 3 years has been Kelly Coffey Meyer. I never get tired of her, she never says anything that bugs me, and so I always find myself going back to her. Cathe can irritate me from time to time with her "Put on your Game Face" or "Are we feelin' it?" etc. I notice those things and then I count how many times it's said...weird, I know!

    Back to work for this girl...can't wait for the weekend...2 more days!!!

    Tami--Wow, you are rockin' those Insanity workouts!!! :bigsmile: I sure hope that workout wiped you out, so you slept well and were up with the sunrise today! I am jealous of your 75 and sunny weather. We've had rain for the last week, and today's high is only 63...ugh!

    Michelle--Sounds to be like you are getting fully worked out at your job! :tongue: I hope your knee starts feeling better soon. I agree, those plies probably aren't doing your knee any favors, but I have withdrawls when I don't do barre, so I'd be doing the same thing as you! :laugh: Keep up the awesome work you're are a stellar mom, and I can tell you that your daughters will learn to be strong responsible girls, after seeing how hard their mom works! I bet you're going to enjoy your weekend...I had one of those a couple weeks back, and it was soooo nice!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Another good workout combo today. I did Asylum's Game Day, which I love. And I decided to try the 10 minute add-on (Overtime) included on the DVD. I think I posted when I previewed the Overtime workout that I expected to never try it because I knew I wasn't going to be able to do the moves, but I gave it a shot. And I did have to modify quite a few moves, but, surprisingly, I was able to do many of them, and I felt it was a beneficial add-on. It's tough! My heart rate really got up there during that portion. And it's Yoga Thursday, so I did Bob's Yoga including the Ab section. So good workouts today with two of my favorite guys--Bob Harper and Shaun T. :heart:

    Tami, don't feel badly about the 'tireds'. As Laurie pointed out, those Insanity workouts can creep up on you like that and if you aren't eating the right balance of food, you might get a little more tired than usual. I think your plan of going into another 30 days with Insanity and S90 is great. Just listen to your body, and if it starts becoming too much for you, back off. But I think you'll be just fine with it. I had no intention of doing the 90 day rotation with S90 when I started, but I think I am going to go for at least 60 days. I'm really enjoying these workouts. Like you said, a great investment for $20.

    Michelle, hope your girls enjoy Summer Camp. What a pain you have to be away from home so much during the summer when they are off school! But it sounds like you are making it work right now. Sorry to hear the knee is still bothering you. Take care of it and, yeah, I don't think plies are probably a good thing right now. :wink:

    Laurie, thanks for the info on what you are going to be using for Supersets. When I think of Supersets, I always think of Cathe's Superset workout (that she did with the Body Blast series). No matter how much I've tried to like that workout, I just never did. So I think S90 sounds like a much better option!

    Erika, I'm sorry to hear about all the rain there. We've been a little wet lately too, but that combined with the heat is kind of a bad combination because of the humidity. Hopefully your temps will continue to stay a little lower while you've got the rain so you don't experience the same thing. Glad to hear the pup is settling in to your schedule. That probably makes it easier to get your workouts done in the morning. I totally agree about some things instructors say over and over again. Cathe has only gotten to me in her later workouts with some of her phrases, but I think that's because she's repeating them from earlier workouts. I'm like 'You've said this already in <name the workout>.....', but, of course, she can't hear me! :laugh:

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~

    S90 Cardio Challenge & Ult Ball this a.m. Despite the loud thunderstorm waking us up around 2:30! :noway:
    We are planning on taking our trailer and the dogs up camping tomorrow right after work so will be getting things ready tonight! Hope the weather cooperates …. :grumble: :wink: We decided unless it is a major storm coming we are going to go or summer will pass us by.

    Michelle: I hope your girls have a really fun time at Summer Camp. :smile: I’m sure it just kills you to be away from them during the summer time. Hope the knee is improving and feels better soon. Take care of it & don’t push it too much …. Especially w/ those plies! :wink:

    Laurie: Thanks for the encouragement! :smile: Yes, I think getting a bit more food might help during Insanity. I haven’t adjusted my eating from just the S90 rotation. Another little thing is TOM was about 5 days early :huh: :blushing: so that might be a bit of this too. Great combos again today.

    Erika: Great workouts! :bigsmile: Split Sessions sounds like a good one forsure. Very sweet that you have your little sidekick w/ you in the workout room. :wink: She sounds so darling. Yes, I was tired last night and then we had a huge thunderstorm. KA-Boom! My poor little Emma was so frightened she spent most of the night in our closet. :sad: This a.m. she ventured to the laundry room and still not sure if DH got her to go out or not when he left. At any rate, until then I slept good. Don’t be too jealous on the weather …. :ohwell: We only had the 2 days and now it is 60. I guess it is clearing up later today & be nicer tomorrow but yowsa. We are still under our normal by around 20 degrees this time of year.

    Laurel: Yoga Thursday along with some Asylum! Great job. :bigsmile: That is excellent you were able to conquer some of the moves (even if modified) especially if you were doubting them when you previewed. :wink: I did preview a little bit of Asylum on the BB e-mail I got this a.m. It does look very challenging, but very sports oriented and fun! :smile: Thank you for your thoughts on my continued rotation and the eating. :flowerforyou: I’m definitely trying to pay attention to how I’m feeling and up the calories if I need to. According to GWF I definitely should be but I don’t always feel hungry . . . that awkward balance sometimes of what to do or not. :ohwell:

    I’ll check in with you tomorrow! :smile:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Well Leaner Legs didn't get done last night, I replaced it with S90 Legs. :drinker: I didn't want to put that barbell on my shoulders, and the thought of doing Leg Presses was not appealing. :blushing: I had a great time with the S90 Legs, so just getting a leg workout done that I enjoyed was a bonus. :wink:

    Erika, LOVE your pic! That is way to cute. :smile: Kelley really gets those abs worked in her DVD's, you tend to forget that before you plug one of her workouts in. I love how they feel though. :wink: I to enjoy her 30 min. workouts, I don't have any of her workouts that are not the 30MTF brand. :wink: Well at least Lily is busy during your workouts, sure is a surprise that it doesn't take her long to destroy a big bone. Must be that chewing thing with puppies.

    Laurel, What are some of the moves in that workout that are difficult? I would be in the same boat of not being able to do them either. Glad you where able to modify. I think that I did that superset workout once, just wasn't a workout that I enjoyed. Everyone seems to really like it. Shaun T and Bob H are a great combo.

    Tami, Have a wonderful time camping, hope your weather gets a lot better. That TOM is a good reason for tireds, I know that I can be in that situation also. Feel for your Emma with the thunder storms. My Cami isn't to bad, she just likes to be near me when storms are going through. At least she doesn't need to be on the bed, she sleeps on her bed on my side of the room. :laugh: Seems that I can just hear what kind of weather you are having, and then we get it shortly after that. I think that our high isn't suppose to get over 60 today. :grumble:

    Have a wonderful day and weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi Ladies! A bit rushed today. I had a meeting at the Pentagon all morning, and now I'm playing catch up. But, of course, I got my workouts in. That was my top priority. Now it's laundry. :ohwell: I did Intensity this morning followed by Asylum's Strength. Both workouts felt great and capped off a really good week of working out. I can't believe I only have one more week of Asylum. This rotation has flown by.

    Tami, I hope you get a chance to go camping. I sure sounds like summer is late arriving for everybody except Michelle and I. I'd send some your way if I could! Great workout combo. I love combining these S90 workouts together. He really knows how to work the entire body in each workout.

    Laurie, I'll have to pay more attention to some of the moves in Asylum/Overtime that I couldn't do and try to explain them. He does alot of plyo plank/pushup type moves throughout the whole program that I modify because of my shoulder. But, unfortunately, I don't remember the specific moves in Overtime that I needed to modify. :blushing: But I'll pay more attention next week and let you know. Hope it warms up for your weekend!

    Erika, love the new photo!!

    Michelle, hope you're doing well.

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    TGIF Ladies ~ :bigsmile:

    This a.m. was Insanity Pure Cardio. I feel like the Cardio Queen this week. :huh: :wink: Just kind of the way S90 ended up for end of the rotation & then w/ Insanity. Yes, S90 definitely flew by for the past 90 days! Very fun rotation for me. :bigsmile: Going to alternate S90 Strength workouts & Insanity next week. We are all packed and ready to head out as soon as I can get out of work. Will probably leave work around 4:00 or just after. Not much of a "head start" but it’s something!

    Laurie: Good job getting in S90 Legs! :wink: That’s a good one …. Emma was in much better spirits last night without the thunder. We had a beautiful evening and today is just moderate but not raining. So fingers crossed it stays like this for camping. I’m hoping to go on a hike or something and maybe start a new book! :smile:

    Laurel: That combo sounds amazing! :bigsmile: So Asylum is a one month rotation then? I’m looking forward to trying the next Insanity workouts. Week after next those begin. :wink: Yes, we are having a very late arrival of summer forsure. This happened last year as well but not quite this bad. :grumble: The IronMan people I would think are going to be freezing during their swim in the lake. I know they will be prepared but Yowsa! Hope you have a great weekend. Excellent job on the workouts this week.

    Erika, love the photo! Your cute little pals there. Thanks for sharing.:wink:

    Michelle, hope you're doing well & have a great weekend. :smile:

    Enjoy the weekend everyone ~ talk to you Monday! :flowerforyou:

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies---

    Whew, what a week last week! :noway: I was on the road early Friday morning (but still got in my workout--KCM Circuit Burn), and got home close to dinner time, so didn't have a chance to check in. Had a great weekend with the family, although the weather was crappy...again! We have our 1st day of no rain in about 2 weeks today...we'll see what the rest of the week brings!

    This morning was Jules Benson's Total Core Pilates...great workout! I'm really lovin' the Pilates workouts I've been acquiring (trades at VF)!!

    Tami--You are the cardio queen! :bigsmile: At least someone can pick up where I'm slacking! I have just not been in the mood for any cardio lately, and have been migrating more toward barre/pilates/KCM for my weight training. I actually have cleared out most of my high intensity cardio workouts (and weight workout), as I just have such a dread factor with them. I think I've found the types of workouts that I enjoy doing...finally, so I'm sticking with it! I hope you had a nice weekend camping, and had nice weather!

    Laurel--You only have 1 week of Asylum left??? The time just FLEW by!!! :happy: Glad to hear your week of workouts was good, and I hope you were able to catch up over the weekend with the house work!

    Laurie--Nice switch up of the workouts...I have been doing that more often lately, just to make sure I get in a workout, instead of just giving up all together! :noway: I am also very surprised at how fast Lily can destroy a big bone, but she is just a whole different dog than Lexie. Lexie eats very little amounts of food, is a very slow/clean eater, and it takes her days to even tackle a small bone. Lily drinks water and manages to drip water everywhere, she leaves trails of food from the bowl to the living room, and she just inhales treats/bones. We might have to institute some food portioning for her! :laugh:

    Michelle--I hope you had a nice, relaxing weekend! :happy:

    Back to work...enjoy your day!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Just got back from a brunch at IHop, the company treat! I'm happy with what a picked, because I'm not stuffed. :laugh: Saturday was CTX Chest & Back, STS Ab Circuit Med Ball Abs, and CTX Kickboxing cardio. Sunday was MTV Power Yoga with Kristin McGee, and for today Barry's Bootcamp 5 Day Academly Butt & Leg workout.

    Laurel, Having rotations for 30 days, doesn't seem as daunting and they go quick. :wink: Plyo plank moves! :noway: Ok that explains alot. My least favorite move are those in-outs, so I just can imagine, in my brain, what he came up with to make things more difficult. :laugh:

    Tami, Hope that you had a great weekend, we sure had some great weather around here. Congrats on getting the S90 rotation finished, you did a great job with combining those and Insanity. Those month two workouts for Insanity are longer, but you will do fine. :wink:

    Erika, The switching up the workouts is a lot like when I was doing the STS undulating rotation, but of course these workouts are not as long. :wink: On Saturday I was actually enjoying the crazy 8's, and I know the next time that I need to up the weights. I sure wish that they where able to get the 1RM's for all of Cathe's workouts.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi Ladies!!

    We had a nice weekend here. The weather was very pleasant (highs in the mid 80s with no rain....though some clouds which was okay with me). We got golfing both days since it was so nice which made us happy. Saturday was my rest day, and I took it! But yesterday I started my last week of Asylum. I did Speed and Agility and loved it. Like I've said before, I've toyed with carrying this rotation on for awhile because I'm enjoying the workouts when I'm doing them, but I'm finding that I have a bit of a 'dread' factor BEFORE doing them, and so, mentally, I think I need a break from these really intense workouts for a little while. It was a risk I took going from that Insanity/P90X rotation right into Asylum, but I'm happy it looks like I'm going to actually complete the whole rotation of Asylum. When I started, I wasn't sure I was even up for that.

    Today was Cathe's 4DS Kickbox/Bootcamp cardio premix which I absolutely LOVE!! I followed it with S90 Chest/Back (and then added the back portion from CTX because I don't feel like there is enough back work in the S90 workout) and finished it all off with Ultimate Ball. :heart: Very good workout today.

    Tami, I hope you were able to get away this weekend, despite your poor weather. You are the cardio queen!!! I'm so glad you enjoyed your S90 rotation. I'm really enjoying these workouts right now as well. There is no dread factor for them because of their length, and they do work you during that time which I love. I'm looking forward to the next 30 days of my rotation with this system. I'm curious how you like the Month 2 Insanity workouts. I remember my reaction to doing Max Interval Circuit the first time. I was like :noway: . But I love it, so it is all good!

    Erika, glad you enjoyed your weekend with your family. I hope you stop getting rain up there soon!!! I think it's terrific that you've found a system of workouts that you enjoy and you are pursuing that. I don't see any reason to do workouts that you don't like. It's one of those things that angers me when I hear experts saying that you 'need to do X this many times of a week' or 'the best way to workout is with Y' because there is no 'one size fits all' for working out. And, for me, I think the workout that anybody will do is the absolute best workout for them.

    Laurie, IHOP!! YUM! I haven't been to an IHOP since we lived in Washington State back in 2002. Sad. I see the commercials and I so badly want to go, but I know I'll end up with a stack of pancakes in front of me if I do. :laugh: I love me some pancakes. We have an IHOP right down the road from where we're living here, and I have no doubt we'll visit it sometime. Good job choosing something lighter and healthier. I'm not sure I'd have been able to do the same thing. :blushing: Shaun T. has come up with some crazy moves in Asylum. There is the plyo plank where he has your feet in the ladder (which, of course, I've tossed aside) and you hop (in a plank position) from one square to the next and back again. Ummmm.....nope. Ain't going to happen. Then he does that as a plyo push-up. Still isn't going to happen!! :laugh: But I do what I can (in other words, I stay in place as opposed to hopping around) and still get a good workout.

    Michelle, hope you are well!

    Enjoy the day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hello Ladies ~ :smile:

    Always look forward to checking in with you all! :bigsmile: The weekend was very nice. We did end up going camping and it was the perfect weather (ie: didn’t rain!) :wink: It was actually blue sky and nearly 70 degrees so I was very happy.
    Our dogs had an absolute blast! :happy: They were so tired last night you would have thought we had them hike to the top of a mtn peak! When we got home yesterday fairly early I got cleaned up and energized a bit and did some quick grocery shopping and then had my workout later in the afternoon. S90 Legs followed by Cardio Challenge! :bigsmile: A good combo and it felt great. No workout this a.m. however :ohwell: but tonight will be Turbo Kick after work.

    Erika: It’s so great you are finding just the right combos for what works for you! :bigsmile: Like Laurel said, there is never one thing for every person to do in order to be fit. I think the key is finding what you love because you will not only keep at it but put even more into those workouts because they are enjoyable! I’m with you on knowing about the crappy weather! Hang in there.:grumble: :wink: I hope it changes soon for you. Even if you have a couple nice ones here & there like we are getting helps.

    Laurie: Great weekend of workouts! :smile: I did have a very nice weekend and missed my date w/ Bob or Tony but it’s ok. We are going back up again this weekend for the holiday so will most likely miss again but will be back with them the following Sat. (9th) :wink: Thanks for the “congrats” on finishing up S90 and for the encouragement in upcoming Insanity workouts. I am going to implement them next week and continue on w/ some S90 as well. Enjoying this combo.

    Laurel: I would imagine your golf game is coming right along! :wink: Very fun that you are both enjoying getting out there so much lately and have the opportunity to do so. Fantastic combos you did today and awesome that you implemented CTX into the mix if you weren’t feeling it on S90 Chest/Back. :smile: I remember you mentioning Max Interval Circ. Before and there is a bit of the nerves when I don’t know what to expect. :huh: :laugh: But at the same time, I am sure I can do it. Sucking air might be the case but oh well it will be a challenge I’m sure. What part of Washington State did you live in?

    HI Michelle – Hope you had a nice weekend! :smile:

    Talk to you all tomorrow! :flowerforyou:

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    This weekend was nice and quiet. Hubby took the girls camping so it was just me and the dog. On Saturday I took him for a run and then later KCM 47 min premix which was great. Sunday was Jari Love Ripped 1000 and today was a day full of errands as I really did relax and enjoy the empty house.

    I did try to do Bob Harper's wrkout but the dvd had a big scratch so in the midst of minute 3 as my quads are burning from lunges it starts to freeze:grumble: I tried but the first 15mins was a mess of start and stop. It seemed good with lots of compound moves.

    The next 4 weeks I'm doing a high rep rotation with Jari love to prep for a planned beach trip in August.

    Glad to see that everyone had a great weekend, myself included:laugh:

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!! :bigsmile:

    2 days in a row of nice sunny weather here...I can hardly believe my eyes! :laugh: This morning was a GREAT workout...KCM TLC...oh, wow, I'm gonna be sore tomorrow. If you have that one, and haven't tried it, both the boxing (#1) and conditioning (#2--what I did this morning) are fabulous. Think rapid fire for the conditioning workout and the boxing one is all upper body. I was sore for days after that one! :noway:

    Michelle--I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed your weekend along with Mr. C! :happy: I bet both your mind and body are feeling nice and refreshed!!! Great job on the workouts...sounds like that Bob one was going to be killer! Good idea on the Jari rotation! :bigsmile:

    Tami--It sounds like the camping trip was perfect. Nice weather, and you got those dogs tired out too!!! :happy: Do you guys camp in a tent or a camper? I went camping nearly every weekend with my family growing up, and now I can't stand the thought of sleeping in a tent. My brother is the same way. My mom is worried she scarred us for life! :laugh:

    Laurel--Again, great weather--so jealous. But, we're getting it this week (and hopefully into the weekend, so I can enjoy some of it!). :happy: I just recently got to where you are mentally with Asylum. Mine was with Cathe workouts, mainly. I just find myself finding anything else to do than her intense cardio workouts. I think for me, it's all the high impact stuff that I really dread. So, I've moved into more low impact, but high intensity (ie. KCM's Train Like a Contender or Ilaria's PowerStrike, for cardio). We'll see how that works out for me!

    Laurie--Sounds like a yummy breakfast! I love IHOP, but unfortunately, the one near us has HORRIBLE service--they can't seem to keep anyone employed there for very long. I've had 2 times now, where several people got up and left, due to how long the wait was for even the waiter/waitress to take their order. But, they have great food, so I hope I can return some day!!! Great job on the workouts!!! :happy:

    Off to get some work done, so I can enjoy a lunchtime walk out in the sun!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Barry's Bootcamp 5DA Arms & Abs (this is with Barry himself), and KCM's Cardio Blast Plyometric workout. All of the Barry workouts have different instructors, with two of them being instructed by Barry. This workout is done like S90, you do a lot of tricep work in this one. :noway: So you know what area of the body I will be complaining about tomorrow! :laugh:

    Tonight after work is a lot of running around, have to get ready to send oldest dd of to college next week. Hopefully I don't forget anything, and of course need to get my four legged kid some food. Also grocery shopping! Something that I just keep putting off, but I guess that I really do need to feed my family. :laugh:

    Laurel, IHop actually has healthy items, I had looked at those and ended up with two pancakes, two eggs (I'm not a big fan of egg beaters :tongue: ), and two slices of turkey bacon. It ended up being just the right amount of food, and I woke up one pound lighter this morning. So I didn't do to bad with my choices at all. :happy: Being outdoors when the weather is so nice, and then of course getting to be on the golf course is a bonus. Those Plyo moves, I wouldn't be doing that either. Kind of like me not doing those plank jack things in S90. I'm all for the modification move. :laugh: Great workouts!

    Tami, Hey if you want to do some yoga this weekend Eoin has free download yoga workouts! :happy: You could have everyone looking at you while you do yoga outdoors! :noway: Just kidding, but he does have some freebies on his web page that are really good to have when you feel you want a change of pace. :wink: I'm sure that your kids where just tired from dreaming about all those wild animals that they chased! :laugh: I swear that is what mine does. This morning she was on DH's side of the bed with her head on his pillow. I had just gotten out of the shower when I saw her there, looking like she has been sleeping in that spot forever! :laugh:

    Michelle, Bummer on the BH DVD not working out for you. Was it a new one? Sounds like a solid plan working with Jari, with those endless reps you will have great looking arms and lower body! :wink: What a nice relaxing weekend you had by yourself, we all need those sometimes. Did you see that Michael Olajide came out with a new set of cardio boxing workouts. They look like something that I would be really interested in. I know that you have done his workouts.

    Erika, I really need to get that workout! I will wait until I find out what she is coming up with for her next set. From what I understand one is a step kickboxing, but I have not heard about anything else. I think that Michael O's workouts are similar to the KCM workout you just described. That is to bad about the service at that IHop, we had one server for something like 50 people. She didn't mess up one order! :noway: I hope the manager that was in charge of paying gave her a generous tip. :wink:

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    This morning was Asylum's Verticle Plyo and Relief. So good! Then I did S90 Legs and the floor work from Cathe's Gym Style Legs. That was a terrific combo! The GS floor work is always tougher than I remember it being!

    Tami, I'm glad you got a chance to go camping and the weather cooperated. I hope the same goes for this coming weekend. They are predicting hot and humid here. :grumble: We're going to try to go down to the Capitol area and watch the fireworks, but we'll see about that. I'm not huge on crowds, so we might be watching them from the Pentagon parking lot instead of from the National Mall. :laugh: Oh, well. We lived south of Seattle when we lived in Washington State (just outside of Tacoma). I loved it there. So very pretty. We've toyed with going back to that region when my husband retires from the Air Force.

    Michelle, so glad you had a nice and quiet weekend....just you and the pup. That must have made for a nice and much needed break for you. Good job getting the workouts in. Sorry to hear about the scratch on your Bob Harper DVD. Hopefully you can get it replaced.

    Erika, I've read great things about KCM's TLC workout. I'm glad you enjoy it! I totally understand about the higher impact workouts. I've gone through stages like that too, especially with Cathe's step workouts. There are just some days where I can't do it. I think for me, right now, I just want to get away from feeling like I need to do a certain workout on a given day. In other words, I'm on strict rotation overload. I just want more flexibility, even if the intensity remains the same. Unfortunately, I haven't come up with a good plan on what to do next, so I better get to that or I'll be doing another month of Asylum by default!

    Laurie, your oldest is off to college next week? Goodness that's early. I imagine that's going to be a tough time around the house, and no doubt, you'll have a bit to do to get ready for that. Congrats on doing so well at IHOP. I have alot of willpower at most restaurants and natually gravitate to the healthier options. But pancakes are a nemisis. My family used to joke about my addiction to pancakes when I was a kid. Unfortunately, that's one thing I never grew out of. :tongue:

    Hope you all have a great day.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies ~

    I just had a chance to check in due to being at jury duty all day :huh: :ohwell: I never imagined I would be picked but I am. 2-3 more days they are saying. I am lucky my work is being very good about the jury duty and I even get paid each day from my work. At any rate, I did get my workout in this a.m. Insanity Plyo Cardio Circuit followed by Ultimate Ball. :wink: it felt really good and now I am home to change ... eat something (I'm starving) and head to cycling.

    Michelle: Sounds like you had a very relaxing weekend w/ Mr. C! Happy to hear you enjoyed your time. :smile: Too bad about the BH DVD not working out for you. I understand that frustration. I finally (just a week ago) got a new player for where I workout at home. It's working beautifully. I started having skipping problems.

    Laurie: Can't believe your DD is off to college already ...... is it early because of her track and that schedule or just the time her school will be starting? Sounds like you had a great workout this a.m. and a very busy evening planned. Thanks for the Eionn "free" download. I remember you telling me about that in the past; I think my in-laws and their other family members might think I have lost it if I whipped out the Yoga mat. They already think I'm a little over the top on working out. :wink: But it is a great idea, thank you! Hopefully a hike will be happening forsure.

    Erika: Yahoo on your 2 days of sunshine! We have a beautiful day today and the rest of the week is supposed to be pretty nice. Then Sat - Mon really sunny! I hope that stays true. :wink: Absolutely in our trailer (no tents for me) I really enjoy camping if I can feel a little break from the elements and wash my face, maybe even take a shower if I want. :wink: Probably not true camping to some but that's ok. We are definitely out against the mtns and it is far away from town. Great job on the workouts! Still can't wait to try TLC of KCM's.

    Laurel: Another great combo of workouts it sounds! Glad you are putting together some things that you enjoy so much. I'm with ya on not knowing "what's next" even though I have Insanity/S90 still planned for the next 4 weeks ...... but after that I have no idea. :huh: :wink: Your trip to the Capitol for the 4th sounds perfect! It probably will be crowded of course but I bet a fantastic fireworks show! I think you may have mentioned you lived near Tacoma before :blushing: .... I had asked because I'm very familiar with that area and have family there plus I live only 4.5 hrs from there. :wink: It is all a very beautiful area - the Pacific NW.

    I hope you all have a great evening ~ off to Spinning! I'll check in tomorrow afternoon. :flowerforyou:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Bodystrikes with Ilaria this morning. Lower body work with that one. :wink:

    Oldest DD has a summer course to take because she is in the program for students with learning disabilities. She has two classes, they are going to teach her how to take notes, what to expect during college, etc. I'm really glad that they offered this, because she was very nervous about going to college. Now she will be familiar with the college before classes start in Sept. She is only going to be in gone this summer for four weeks, so not to bad. :smile: During this four weeks she will be working out with her track coach also.

    Laurel, I never remember some of those workouts, is GS Legs floorwork with the band. I think I remember that being in there. :wink: I love pancakes also, so that is why I had them. :wink: Give myself a treat every once in a while. Just the title Vertical Plyo and Relief sounds like it would be a good workout. I'm looking at how I can incorporate some of the Plyo Leg workouts into my rotation. :laugh: I love plyo!

    Tami, Dang on being on jury duty. My one and only jury duty call was cancelled, but the good thing is that it was one of those special ones. Since it was cancelled they said we wouldn't be called again until I think they said 8 years. But that means that I'm in the jd rotation. :huh: I know all about the family thinking you are strange if you would pull out an exercise mat. :laugh: I think my family has finally gotten used to me now. Last time we where with my family, my brother brought his bike and rode for almost 2 hours. The family didn't even blink an eye. Of course my mother was worried that he had been gone so long. :laugh: That is when I found out that even though you are 46 yrs. old your mother will still worry.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Today was Cathe's Drill Max Ultra Cardio Premix. I love that workout. It felt really good this morning. Then I did S90s Shoulders/Arms, and upped the weights a bit. Yowza. I sure felt that. In fact, I felt it a little too much, and had to take a bit of a break to let those muscles recover before I attempted Asylum's Back to Core. My arms were still a bit fatigued from S90 when I did get around to doing it, but it still felt good. So a good morning of workouts for sure!

    Tami, sorry to hear about jury duty. I've never served on a jury, and don't know that I want to. I suppose part of me is curious, but part of me...isn't. I've been called a couple of times, but the first time was when we were leaving the US for England. And I am now a citizen of Alaska, and last time I was called, we were living in LA. That 4500 mile commute to Alaska was good enough reason to get out of it!! :laugh: You're in northern Idaho, right? I love that area up there. My husband and I had looked at buying property in that region at one point in time because it is so beautiful. I just love the entire Pacific NW. It really suits us in terms of terrain and climate, without a doubt. Sounds like you're getting some good workouts in right now!! My next rotation.....ugh! I've got quite a few small trips planned over the next few months (conference, to see family and to finally get some time away with DH!) So even though I want to start another STS rotation, it is going to have to wait until November when my schedule is a bit more predictable. What I'm doing in between now and then....well I know I will do at least one more month of S90. But beyond that.....I'm kind of at a loss. I'm thinking about going back to that rotation I started at the beginning of the year and seeing if I can't do it again, but I'm not sure yet. So many decisions!!

    Laurie, I'm glad the college is offering a program like that for your daughter. She should feel much more comfortable when school starts as a result. I know I didn't know what to expect from college and was pretty nervous for my first class. This sounds like a great way of getting familiar with everything without that 'first day of school' pressure. Yes, GS Legs is the one with the bands. I have a tendency to substitute a weight for some of the moves, which I did yesterday. And my hamstrings were screaming at me this morning! I guess it was effective. :wink:

    Erika and Michelle, hope you are both well!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~

    So Spinning last night was good ... I was really glad I went & it felt good after the day at the court. :ohwell: S90 Total Body was this a.m. :wink:

    Day #2 on jury duty and we should be done tomorrow by early afternoon! Yahoo :drinker: Yes, in the past I have only had to show up once to the court room and then we were dismissed. I decided that in as much that it is inconvenient, I took the attitude of "why not" me? It's an interesting process and they have treated us very nice. However even with that being said, honestly I do wonder why we spend taxpayers money on such cases :huh: In a nutshell, two 15-16 yr old girls got in a fight, one broke the others nose over $10 :noway:

    Laurie: That is so great her college is offering that course for her :happy: Especially if she was feeling a bit nervous. That will be an excellent experience. Yes, after tomorrow we will be excused for 2 yrs so that's good. The original summons was for next week as well :noway: So I'm glad it's about finished. Great workout this a.m. - Sounds like that is a really great workout fom what you and Erika have said. :wink:

    Laurel: What a FUN combo you did this a.m. :bigsmile: I bet it felt great. I know what you mean on upping the weights in S90. I have done that a few times and YOWZA is right. Yes, I am in N Idaho - Hayden - right next to Coeur d'Alene. It is very beautiful here I think :wink: Mtns, & beautiful lakes nearby. I am getting in some good workouts .... Insanity workouts have a tendency to do that I can see now! :laugh: I remember how much you enjoyed the rotation you were doing the beginning of the year ... decisions, decisions is right. I had originally thought I would be doing STS rotation next but not sure right now. I think doing a good combo of things and fitting in a variety of workouts will maybe come first. We'll see. I'm glad I don't have to decide just yet ~ but soon. :huh: :wink:
    Very exciting that you have some trips coming up, especially the one with your DH :wink: that's exciting.

    Hi Erika & Michelle Hope you both are doing great and had a nice day!

    Talk to you all tomorrow!