Cathe Fans Part 4!



  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Is it Friday yet?!?!? :grumble: This week has certainly been a challenge, and I have a feeling tomorrow isn't going to be much better with a government shutdown looming...ugh!!!

    Yesterday was Xtend Barre (2nd time trying it) and off it went to the VF trade pile! :blushing: I just can't get into the ballet style of a good trade for it, so I'm happy! :happy: This morning was no's that TOM and I felt like crud this morning, so stayed in bed and snuggled with my pups!

    Tami--Jury Duty, ugh! :noway: I've never had to do that, but heard it's really boring! Glad you got in a good spinning class after all that sitting!

    Laurel--Great job on the workouts, sounds like you really fried those muscles!! Good luck in determining the next rotation (or lack thereof maybe!?!? :bigsmile: ). I'm just going to keep with my schedule and see how it goes, for now!

    Laurie--LOVE the pic of your girls!!! :bigsmile: That is awesome that they offer a course like that for your DD, I think everyone could benefit from that! I bet you're getting a little sad to send her off though!? I hope your triceps are doing ok from Barry the other day! :laugh:

    Michelle--Happy Thursday!!!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Today was Asylum's Game Day and Overtime, which both felt really good but intense. I followed it up with Kari Anderson's Angles, Lines and Curves, though, which totally relaxed me. So a good combo for today. Just one more Asylum workout. Hard to believe.

    Erika, I'm sorry to hear you aren't feeling well and that things have been crazy for you. Sounds like you chose a good day to stay in bed and spend time with the puppies. Hope things get better soon....and that there is no government shutdown!

    Tami, I'm glad your spinning class went well! I now I would get frustrated sitting on jury duty listening to some cases. But I'm not a litigious person, so that probably explains it. And to think until I got near finishing my Bachelor's Degree that I wanted to be a lawyer. Go figure. :ohwell: I'm definitely leaning towards doing a good combo of workouts like you mentioned over the next few months. Again, I really just want the mental break from a strict rotation right now. Besides, I'm beginning to miss some of the workouts I've not been able to do since I started P90X back in March!

    Laurie, I paid attention this morning in Overtime, and some of the moves I need to modify are as follows: Clap Mountain Climbers (he inserts a clap with his hands in between bringing the leg in; I just do mountain climbers); one-legged moving pushups with a hop in (I don't move); squats into power jumps (he starts in a runner-type position with your back knee on the floor and hops up into a power jump; I can't go all the way to the floor). But I was still sweating and wanting some air by the time I finished, so I'm okay with the modifications! Hope you're well!

    Michelle, I hope you're doing well too!

    See you tomorrow!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    Crazy week here and my energy levels are sooo low:frown: I was able to do a FB weight routine with Jari and I'm definitely feeling the upper body this morning. My cousin's one year memorial is approaching next week and I'm heading back to Cali and will be unable to attend the service, although a small part of me is not ready to face the finale of it there. I'm trying to order some momentos to send and getting the right thing on schedule has become a big headache as production on some things run 12 days to two weeks:grumble: I'm stressing and my face is breaking out not to mention bloat and the dreaded heat.
    Today was my hair appt so no workouts and with my new shorter hairdo..think Halle..I do not want to sweat and ruin th elook in less than 24hrs:laugh:

    Erika- Feel better and relax:flowerforyou:

    Laurel- Decisions decisions..choose the one that fits your schedule and allowed you to just enjoy the variety on a daily basis:wink:

    Laurie- Gorgeous young ladies..awesome that there is a class to alleviate the anxiety. Every student should require a course like that as some of us do not know how to take effective notes.

    Tami-Sounds like that should be on Judge Judy so that she can make the child pay the darn $10.00:laugh: Jury duty must be on the schedule because I received a summons in Fl for duty and three years ago here in Texas..sheesh..some people never receive a summons and thus far I have had at least 4 calls:laugh:

    Off to bed as I have an early start in the morning.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies :smile:

    Insanity Pure Cardio was my workout today :bigsmile: Each one of these workouts get me every time! Felt good. Jury Duty is complete :drinker: it was an interesting process and in the end I feel good with our decision. The judge came in after everything was done and thanked us ... I thought that was pretty nice.

    Erika: Argh on the dreaded TOM :sad: :grumble: what is it that just zaps the life out of you for a couple days .... good grief! I'm sorry and we can all relate. Hope each day gets a little better and doesn't keep you down over the holiday weekend. :wink: Do you have fun plans with your family?

    Laurel: Can't believe just one more workout for you w/ Asylum :wink: The 4 weeks definitely flew by it seems! Those moves you describe definitely sound challenging and just like something Shaun T would put into a program. :noway:
    Jury Duty was definitely frustrating at times and knowing that most of them were not truly telling the truth made me almost want to laugh out loud. :huh: :blushing: We all chatted during deliberation about that and how amazing their "tales" were. I thought we would have a pretty quick decision this a.m. but two of the ladies were in disagreement so it took several hours ...... OY! But we got there, that's the good news!

    Michelle: Great job on getting in your Jari workout despite a very hectic, energy zapping week! :wink: I bet you are looking forward to the weekend! Your new hair-do sounds darling, I bet it felt good to get all prettied up. Sorry to hear about the stress along with not being able to attend your cousin's memorial. I'm sure that is disappointing and tugs at your heart a bit. I'm sure your momentos will arrive in perfect time .... I hope you get to have some great time with your family this weekend and relax after a long week. :flowerforyou:

    Hi Laurie - Hope you had a great day! :smile: I meant to comment on your very beautiful daughters the other day. You must be so proud and thanks for sharing them with us.

    We are planning on heading back to the property on the river .tomorrow eve - Monday afternoon but I'll check in with everyone tomorrow! :smile:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workouts for me for yesterday or today. I am having problems with another tooth. :huh: I have to go into see a specialist today at 2pm for a root canal. I am unable to do any cardio or even weights, it makes the mouth pain flare up. :cry: I just want the pain to go away. Even with all that last night we went out and bought ourselves a used Hyundai Santa Fe. Got to drive it to work this morning! :drinker:

    My four legged kid did something to one of her legs, she is limping around and is having problems going up stairs. Although she was in our bedroom last night. She was limping when I picked her up from doggy daycare, hopefully it is just a strain and will get better with rest.

    Erika, Finally it is Friday! :drinker: I know that I'm ready for a four day weekend. Triceps where not to bad, I thought they would be worse. Suppose to be an extremely hot day for us today, I'm guessing that I'm staying indoors.

    Laurel, I to wouldn't be doing any of those moves. I know there would be no way to clamp while doing mountain climbers. I'll leave that to the younger folks to attempt those moves. :laugh:

    Michelle, Sorry to hear about all the stress, and that you are not able to go to the memorial. I agree with you on the course, some of her biggest problems stem from anxiety. She will shut down and not do her homework. She also is given a student mentor that will help her throught the year. Your hair sounds really cute. I think my DD's are beautiful also, but then I'm their Mom so I can think that. :laugh:

    Tami, So glad that you are done with jury duty. Now you have to get back to work and catch up with that. :laugh: Of course you will enjoy your Independance Day weekend first. Next week is our shut down, so there isn't going to be a lot of people around here. I will have to deal with no AC in the office though. Thank for the compliment on the DD's, that pic was done on oldest dd's new computer. It has a web cam. :wink:

    Have a great weekend everyone! I'm going to be off for the 4th and 5th, but still should be able to chat those days.

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    YAAAAAAAAAYYY IT"S FRIDAY!!!!! :bigsmile: Can you tell I'm excited?!?!? Aside from having to work a full day (hubby is closing down his office at noon) because I'm the only one on my team that will be in this afternoon, I'm just glad to have a long weekend! I'm off Tuesday too, so it will be nice and long!!! Although, the MN governement is shut down as of this morning, so there are A LOT of people that had to cancel their camping trips for the weekend, as all MN state parks are closed down, as well as rest areas and a lot of other stuff. So far, hasn't impacted us or my job, but we'll see what happens long term. I have a lot of government run companies I work with, so eventually they'll be laying off their staff. :noway:

    I started feeling better yesterday afternoon, so I got in a nice walk on the treadmill last night, which felt good! We hit 100 degrees again, so I wasn't going to go outside for a walk! :noway: I slept well, despite the very humid overnight, and our house couldn't get cooler than about 77 degrees. This morning I did Cathe's Travel Fit, and it went by SOOOO fast! I'm switching over from dumbbells to resistance bands, as those seem to do more for me as far as definition and leaning me out. So, we'll see what changes I see as I move strictly into bands for a few weeks!

    Laurie--I'm so sorry about that dang tooth! :grumble: I can only imagine the pain...and I'm sure nothing makes it better. I hope you can get it all fixed up in time for the weekend! We're getting another nearly 100 degree day today, but storms tonight that should cool off the humidity! I hope your pup's leg gets better!

    Tami--Great workout, I bet it felt good after you were done! :tongue: We're heading up to my parents cabin (in the woods!) for the weekend, but my dad's sister owns a cabin about 5 miles away that's on a lake, so we'll spend the days there playing in the water. Should be nice and hot for the weekend!!! How about you, doing anything fun!?

    Michelle--I hope you are able to have some down time this weekend and relax, as I know you've been running at lightening speed! I bet it felt good to get that workout in, even if you are feeling it today. I bet your new haircut is adorable on you...I wouldn't want to wreck it either!

    Laurel--Nice workout combo...tough followed up by relaxing...ahhhhh!!!! :happy: Full gov't shutdown in effect for I just have to figure out what is open and what isn't...ugh!

    Well, off to get some work done. Stay cool!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies!!

    Another good workout today...and fav combo of mine. Did Intensity followed by Asylum's Strength. Both felt great. In fact, at the end of Strength (which is probably one of my favorite workouts ever!), I was like 'I want more!' That's how good it felt. So I pulled out Paul Katami's Ab Lab. Maybe that was a tad more than I wanted. :laugh: But I got it done and then lay on my carpet in a pool of sweat watching the three brand new baby robins born right outside my workout room hit each other across the head with their wings. Had me laughing. So I'm all done with Asylum. I can't say what external results I've had from the program or that they differ from Insanity/P90X. But I haven't lost any of my definition or anything this past month, which is good. In terms of my fitness, I think I'm stronger in my core which amazes me because P90X really works my core well. I credit both S90 and Asylum for that. But moves like mountain climbers and burpees and such are SO much easier right now than they've ever been. I like that. I still don't know what's next though. :ohwell:

    Erika, I can think of better times for a state government to shut down than the Friday before a long weekend. Politicians. :grumble: Enough said about that I suppose. I hope they get their act together soon so that things open up for the at least part of the weekend. Glad you are feeling a bit better and able to get in some workouts. But 100 degrees? Yikes. Don't send it this way!!! :tongue:

    Laurie, I'm so sorry to hear about the tooth. But congrats on the new car!! That's always so much fun. I hope you like it. I was really impressed by the Hyundai products when we were looking for a car this spring. We almost ended up with one. Sorry to hear your pup has a hurt leg. Hope both you and the four legged creature start feeling better soon.

    Michelle, sorry to hear about the crazy week. No doubt you're having a stressful time with memories of a year ago AND all the work and traveling you are doing. Take care of yourself. Your new hair style sounds perfect for the hot and humid summer you are experiencing.

    Tami, hope you have a good time this weekend and your weather cooperates. Insanity never gets easy. It does get easier, but I have never failed to feel worked out at the end of an Insanity DVD, that's for sure. Glad to hear you survived your jury duty, and that deliberation didn't take TOO long. I don't know how I'd handle that, to be honest. My patience level is quickly dwindling as I get older. It kind of scares me. :happy:

    Hope you all have a wonderful Holiday weekend!!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Happy Friday! :bigsmile:

    This a.m. was Tabata Inferno … :wink: We are headed out of town just as soon as I get home and get changed so no workout tonight. I do hope this weekend I get a nice hike in somewhere while I’m there.

    Laurie: That is awful to hear about your tooth. :huh: :sad: I am so sorry. Constant pains like that are not fun and I’m sure making you feel wiped out. Hope you get some relief today when you see the specialist. Hope your little sweets heels quickly with her leg too. It’s so sad when they have something going on and we just can’t tell. Hopefully she just played too hard. YAHOO on the new Santa Fe! :drinker: That’s great. I am also off thru Tuesday! :smile: Really looking forward to a nice break … this week wasn’t hectic just off a bit w/ jury duty and cramming in a bunch of deadlines Monday “in case” I was called and then picking up the pieces in the middle of yesterday. Just a strange week. PLUS we are supposed to have really nice weather every day thru next Wed or Thurs. :bigsmile: 80’s for us and sunny.

    Erika: I’m with ya on the cheers for Friday! :drinker: :drinker: (as always) but yes, having 4 days off is going to feel good and as I mentioned above it is going to be sunny. 80’s for us so I will be outside forsure. We are headed back up to the in-laws property to hang out with the dogs & the in-laws will be there too so that should be fun. I hope you have a great time at your parents cabin …. Stay nice and cool. :wink: WOWsa on the 100 degrees! You were just wishing for sun the other day. :huh:

    Laurel: What a great workout you got in today! :bigsmile: The Asylum Strength workout must be amazing if it is one of your favorites. Way to end your Asylum rotation .. congrats! :smile: You must have had all kinds of energy getting in those two and then one more. Tomorrow REST day then? Thanks for the good weather wishes! I think we should be pretty good so I’m excited for some sunshine and maybe doing a little reading. Hope you enjoy your time at the Capitol and the fireworks!

    Hope you all have a wonderful Holiday weekend!! :flowerforyou:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Not doing well with my workouts these last four days. Tooth is wonderful, no problems. I didn't work out on Saturday, wanted to give the tooth a rest, Sunday was dress rehearsal for faire, and yesterday was TOM and I just was not feeling well. This morning was 10 Days to a Better Body with Cindy Whitmarsh, I did the lower body workout and then the first segment of Stretchmax. I found that I'm going to need to make sure that I don't have cardio on a Monday. Yesterday my feet where really sore from being on my feet all day long. So either I need to make sure that I have an upper body workout or yoga scheduled for Sunday and Monday.

    Today we are taking oldest to her summer courses at college. :frown: Going to miss her for sure, but I'm sure that she will have a great time. Then I have to get ready to send the youngest to a confirmation camp next week. :noway:

    Found out why Cami was limping. Somehow while at doggy daycare she took off a portion of the pad on her foot. Right now she is just fine, and I'm going to call the daycare just to let them know. Keeping her home this week I think.

    Erika, Hopefully the gov't situation gets cleared up soon. I hear you on the heat, it really is quite a change from the temps that we had just a few weeks ago.

    Laurel, How great to be able to see those robins. I think that is wonderful that you are maintaining. :drinker: I really do love my new vehicle, it is a bit different than the mini van. :laugh:

    Tami, Hope you enjoyed your weekend.

    Have a great day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I need 3 more days as I still feel worn down and tired:yawn: I did include a massage with my favorite masseuse but that also caused those tight muscles to loosen and then the pain kicked in later:laugh: Monday was Bar Method and this morning was a walk/run with Capone & Squeeze Stronger Upper Body and Waist..yep I will feel those obliques later:wink:

    Laurie- TOM is approaching also and I feel 10lbs heavier..argh and mentally elsewhere. Sometimes I wonder if those pills really work so that I can swoosh all the water, pain and lethargy away:wink: Actually both of your DD's have a classic beauty and great bone structure:wink: yes half of those genes are yours:laugh: .

    Laurel- Yes with the new hairstyle after the run I was just able to brush and smooth and viola I'm this!!! Plus the dreaded heat requires drastic measures:laugh:

    Erika- Hopefully the long weekend provided some downtime for you and your boys. As for the weather..welcome to my world:noway:

    Tami- Welcome back from your long fun weekend.:flowerforyou:

    Ok off to hit the showers, eat breakfast and prepare for the night shift today. Unfortunately I'm setting up displays for the store tuntil 10:30pm and then I'm back in at 0600hrs..

    Have a great day:flowerforyou:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi Ladies! Hope you all enjoyed your Fourth of July. We went down to the Pentagon yesterday to watch the fireworks over the National Mall. There were people EVERYWHERE! We went in about 6:00pm, and there were people lined up along the highways and such just to see the fireworks. I can't imagine what the National Mall was like. I'm glad we opted not to go there because the parade grounds we were on at the Pentagon were crowded enough! But we saw them. And they were spectacular. But I think that will be our only Independence Day celebration near the center of DC. The traffic nightmare on the way home just wasn't quite worth it. :grumble:

    Got some good workouts in this weekend and lots of golfing activity (played all three days!). I took Saturday off which was nice. But, for some odd reason, on Sunday I decided to do Asylum's Speed and Agility. :noway: Guess I'm not quite through with that program yet. :wink: I followed it with Legs and Glutes. Haven't done that one in forever, and it felt great. Yesterday was Cardio Core Circuit followed by S90s Chest/Shoulders/Triceps. It was my first time with that latter workout, and I really enjoyed it....much more so than Chest/Back, so that was good. Today was Asylum's (again!) Verticle Plyo and Relief followed by Pure Strength Legs (substitute for S90 Legs). All in all.....everything feels really good right now. I don't know how much longer I'll be doing Asylum (I'm thinking one more workout of it before I finally call it quits for now), but it makes me happy that I like the program enough to want to do the workouts after I finished the rotation. Boy, when I first started it, I never would have guessed that's how I'd feel about it!

    Laurie, I'm glad the tooth is better. Don't worry about the workouts. I remember the Faire takes so much out of you so, as you said, probably a good idea to adjust your workouts accordingly. Glad the pup is better but I winced when I read about her poor pad! Poor thing. I hope today goes well with your daughter, though I know it probably won't be easy to drop her off at school.

    Michelle, you're on night shift again!?! I don't know how you are doing it. No wonder you are so tired. Your body probably doesn't have a clue what time it is....or probably what day it is. Glad you got in a good massage this weekend. Happy to hear you are enjoying your new hair style. My hair has been in a permanent ponytail for the past couple of weeks because of the humidity. They say women my age shouldn't wear their hair like this but......:ohwell: What can I's easy.

    Tami and Erika, hope you enjoyed your long weekends!!!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies :bigsmile:

    Sounds like you had great weekends! :wink: We had a great time at the property and our dogs were in heaven. One even more so than the other. Our Lab, Bernie decided in the night to sneak over to the in-laws trailer and help himself to the food in their cooler :noway: :noway: Ummmmm can we all say together "BAD DOG!!" Good grief ... let's just start with a whole package of bacon, a package of german sausages, (yes not the healthiest of eaters) + a pound of butter:huh: YIKES and don't remember the rest but you get the picture. YOWSA. :angry: Needless to say he threw up and luckily we were in the wilderness for the rest. :ohwell: He spent the next night tied on a long line to a tree near our trailer so he didn't feel so inclined to "help himself" - so that was an adventure. My in-laws were just laughing and saying it's a dog, etc.. very forgiving. Thank goodness. My DH was beside himself in embarrassment and gave them a bunch of our food, plus we cooked dinner for them both nights they were there. At any rate, the weekend was nice and relaxing, had a short hike one day but otherwise played some Yahtzee w/ my mother-in-law and just hung out in the sunshine! I did get the pleasure of seeing deer every day, a mama moose w/ her two little calves and my DH saw a bear on the way home. I missed it since it was on his side, across the river, but oh my on the wildlife!

    Got home yesterday afternoon but after unpacking talking to my sis on the phone (she's in the US right now) and then it was time for dinner I didn't get in a workut. :ohwell: So this a.m.'s Insanity Max Interval Circuit felt great! My first 60-min Insanity workout and I really enjoyed it. :wink:

    Laurie: Don't worry about the workouts :wink: sounds like you needed some rest. Hope the sore feet.are feeling better today. Good luck on dropping your daughter off at summer school. I'm sure it will feel emotional for you :flowerforyou:
    I have to say that I also winced about Cami's poor pad on her foot. OUCH! :noway: I had a friend that had his lab do that but it was on 2 of his feet. Amazingly they do heal. Hope she is doing better.

    Michelle: I'm with Laurel, no wonder you feel tired. Various shifts, physically demanding and plus the HOT at your job :huh: You are one tough cookie and good on ya for getting in a massage. I bet it felt amazing! :smile: Good job on the workouts as well.
    After my story about Bernie you must be feeling like Mr C is a Saint :laugh: :wink:

    Laurel: Sounds like you had a really amazing 4th of July celebration and tons of golf on top of it! :bigsmile: How fun. Awesome job on the workouts .... Lots of variety, that's great! I bet it feels good to know that Asylum might be another that you "go to" in other rotations as well since you like the workouts so much. :wink: I'm hoping to feel that way about Insanity as well once I've tried them all :wink: This a.m. I was feeling a bit nervous but was glad it as "CIRCUIT" vs. all cardio for my first longer workout out of the shoot along with 3 days off from workouts. :blushing:

    Hi Erica - Hope you had a fantastic weekend at the cabin with your family! :bigsmile:

    Back to work tomorrow but only a 3-day week! :smile: Talk to you tomorrow.

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning was Barry's Shoulders & Back along with Insanity Fast & Furious.

    Got oldest off for her summer courses, and she is in one of the new dorms. It has four bedrooms, a seating area, a kitchen that only lacks a stove. They also have a seperate double sink, bathroom, closet and shower. When she goes there to school in the fall she will be in the old dorms with the small rooms and a single roomate. :wink: The youngest has cleaned up their bathroom, and I'm thinking there are going to be other changes to the house before this is all over with. :laugh: Almost seems like she has been waiting for this.

    Michelle, Totally understand why you would be so tired. All that crazy shift change will get to you. Oh yes I was feeling that way with the 10lb. Everything is just so off on those days.

    Laurel, I think that is why we avoided the fireworks also. It is so nice getting to see the displays, but then having to deal with getting home is just frustrating. :wink: Legs & Glutes is a fun workout, that is another one that I should slip into my rotation. Glad that you have enjoyed the Asylum workouts, it is a bonus when you get your $ worth. :wink: I was pretty please with how well I did when leaving the college. I think it is better for both of us that she is only a short drive away. I see from her posts on fb that she already has one of her roomates that she likes.

    Tami, LOL about your dog! The dog we had previously ate butter once. :noway: That amount of food he ate, I'm not surprised that he was sick. :wink: After vacation you need a vacation to rest. :happy: It really was hard getting up at my usual time, let myself sleep later these last four days. Cami is doing way better, she was back running around like her usual self this morning. She even brought her squeeky chipmunk to me this morning. :laugh:

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi Ladies!!

    I started my day today with Turbo Fire 60, which is all kinds of fun for me. Then I did S90s Back/Biceps. This is the first time I've done that workout, and I really enjoyed it. I think Tom Holland's approach to these workouts is brilliant to be honest. I love his focus on compound exercises, and he really does emphasize the bigger muscles (chest/back) over the smaller muscles, and I like that. I loved the core section in this workout in particular. All in all....two thumbs up from me. I took quite a break and then decided to do Asylum's Back to Core. So it was a long workout day for me, but it all felt good.

    Tami, glad to hear you had a good weekend, but sorry to hear about the errant pup!! Like you said, probably a good thing you were in the wilderness for that one. And I'm glad your in-laws took it all in stride. They are right.....he's a dog. Not much to do but smile and hope he's okay. All of the wildlife sounds terrific! Makes me miss our time in more rural places than we are right here. Glad you enjoyed Max Interval Circuit. Definitely one of my faves....but I must admit, my arms STILL hurt on that last set of plank punches. I don't know why they always get to me....but they do. :blushing:

    Laurie, good workouts this morning! I should pull out Fast and Furious again as a quick add-on to a shorter workout. That's a goodie. Glad your daughter got off to school all right and has a nice place to stay for this summer. Dorm life wasn't my favorite part of college right away because I didn't like my roomate, so I'm glad she already likes one of hers. Hope that continues into the fall. Once I got roomates I like, I quite enjoyed myself in college.

    Erika and Michelle, hope you are both well!

    See you tomorrow.

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    :bigsmile: Helloooo Ladies! :bigsmile:

    It was a wonderful weekend at the cabin in the woods. I think everyone enjoyed themselves even more than me (and it was my family we were visiting)! The boys had a blast being in a remote location with wildlife all over, and didn't mind the limited TV access even. We spent 1 day at the lake and the rest playing badminton, games, catch, chase the dogs around the yard, etc. The pups loved it, as they got off-leash time the whole weekend. :bigsmile: We came back with some mosquito bites (ironically, not from the woods, but the lake), and Carter and I both have a tiny bit of poison ivy (someone had to retrieve the badminton birdees and also find a good roasting stick!), but not bad at all. Carter's feet swelled to at least double in size from the poison ivy/mosquito bites, so he had to just wear socks all weekend, but he didn't seem to mind.

    I took my resistance bands, pilates book and walking shoes, and got in a nice workout each day. :happy:

    This morning was PowerFit toning workouts...really liking those. They are VERY low impact, and actually lower intensity than I usually would like, but when I add a thicker band, it makes me break a nice sweat! :happy:

    Laurel--Sounds like you've gotten in some nice workouts over the weekend (and golf!), and got to enjoy the fireworks. I bet that traffic was horrible.:grumble: It usually is like that around my house (and I'm in a suburb of Minneapolis), and takes over an hour to travel the 5 miles to our house. I didn't miss that one bit!

    Tami--I'm glad you enjoyed your time with your in-laws. :bigsmile: Bummer on the dog getting into the food...but, sounds like your in-laws took it well. My parents wouldn't at all, but I think my in-laws might. I felt bad even letting my dogs into my parents brand new cabin, but my mom assured me that other dogs have been in there, so it's not the 1st (but by far the smallest dogs!). Isn't it fun being out in the wilderness? I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would. We saw deer everywhere (afterall, my parents cabin is on my dad's hunting land!), including 2 blocking the road when we were leaving yesterday morning! :laugh:

    Michelle--Ugh, overnight work again?!?! :noway: I sure hope that you get to a somewhat normal routine soon...your body (and mind) sounds like they could use a normal schedule! I hope those obliques don't hurt too bad tomorrow morning. I'm sure I'll be putting myself through the Squeeze Stronger torture soon! Keep cool...we're FINALLY cooling into the 80's this week...thank goodness. It was nice and cool up north, but we got home yesterday, and it felt like a sauna! :grumble:

    Laurie--I bet both of your DD's are both happy right off to college to start a new adventure, and the other claiming all that newfound space she gets to herself! I know I'll be a basketcase when my boys go off to college (mine are only 1 yr apart in school, so it will be back to back), just like my mom was when she dropped me off. But, I did invite my mom to come down a lot to visit, so she liked that. Maybe you'll get to do the same! :happy: I'm glad to hear the tooth is all better, and you were able to get in a workout this morning. I bet it was tough to skip the workouts, but sounds like you got in a workout of your own with all the activities over the weekend.

    Have a great day...I'm off to the mall for lunch. Wish me luck!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile:

    I ended up hitting the Spin class last night. :wink: Kind of last minute but I was glad I went. Only 3 of us there though due to the fabulously warm & sunny day we had. :smile: This a.m. was STS Total Body and might be able to get in some cardio this evening if DH has golf league tonight.

    Laurie: Nice couple of workouts it sounds – great job! :wink: That’s pretty funny about your daughter getting the bathroom all cleaned and will the next step be moving into big sister’s bedroom? That’s what I did I remember. :blushing: I’m glad to hear Cami is up and about doing better. Forgot to mention that Emma was so afraid of the fireworks that yesterday she slept all day …. Acted as though she had joined in on the feast w/ Bernie but I think it was the stress of the fireworks. She runs to the laundry room if she hears them and just pants. :ohwell: So sad how it can affect some dogs and Bernie it doesn’t even phase.

    Laurel: I always enjoy S90 Back/Biceps – I love the way he targets the back muscles and it’s just a good workout. :wink: I forgot to mention yesterday my “special” moments doing the sideways suicides. :huh: :blushing: I must have looked so strange. Hoping that goes a little smoother on the next go of those.

    Erica: Sounds like you had a fantastic weekend with your family! :wink: Great memories I’m sure, minus the poison ivy! Awesome that you got in your workouts while you were away as well. Yes, being in the outdoors is lots of fun forsure. So peaceful & relaxing.

    Hi Michelle – Hope your shift went well last night and you are enjoying your day! :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you all tomorrow!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Barry's 5DA Chest & Abs along with Look Better Naked Metobolic Workout with Jessica Smith. Still don't like the title of that workout. :laugh:

    Just got off the phone with my oldest, and she had a really good first day. :happy: Got a lot of homework, she really likes one of her instructors. The other one is boring. :laugh: She is making friends, and of course being that this is for students with disabilities she is meeting some very interesting students. Alot of the kids have ADD/ADHD, anger issues, and one of her roomates has Asperger's. She apparently spends a lot of her time in her room, which isn't unusual for that to happen.

    Laurel, That Back/Bicep workout is really good. I was surprised that I didn't do to badly on the Fast & Furious workout. I thought I would be stopping to catch my breath more than I did. So I was really happy about my endurance since I have not been doing Insanity all that often. :wink: DD's roomate is a runner also, so that makes for similar interests. :wink:

    Erika, What a great weekend you had with your family. Great way to get in workouts on your vacation, and resistance bands are easy to pack. :wink: DD is coming home on Friday with her new roomate, they are going to spend Saturday at the Ren Faire. This young lady has not been there before, so they will have a good time with that.

    Tami, Oh you have a dog afraid of fireworks also. Mine runs around the house barking! :huh: She doesn't stop until the last boom sounds. On the 4th, DH had her up in our room and he let her stay on the bed so he could pet her during all the booms. :noway: Last night it started up again, but there was only a couple then it stopped. I thought for sure that we where going to have another barking night. :laugh:

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    I've decided to try to finish another week of Asylum since I only had two more workouts to do to finish this week, so this morning started with Asylum's Game Day. Love this workout!! Then I took a break and did S90 Legs followed by Ultimate Ball. Such a great combo!! Unfortunately, that didn't leave me any time for yoga (and Thursday is my yoga day) but I squeezed in Cathe's STS Extended Stretch. I'm hoping to get some yoga in tomorrow.

    Erika, welcome back! I'm glad you enjoyed yourself up at the cabin. It sounds so wonderful! And it sounds like your family weathered it really well. Great job on getting a workout in every day. Of course, when I'm away from civilization, I just love to get out and about as much as I can. I just love me some fresh air!

    Tami, glad you enjoyed your spinning class. Yeah, those side suicides took a bit of getting used to, that's for sure. In fact, that entire last circuit took some getting used to. :laugh: But it does get better. Not easy...but easier, that's for sure.

    Laurie, glad to hear your daughter is doing all right and adapting to college life. I still think it is wonderful that they have this program so she can ease herself into college a bit. Great job on the workouts!

    Michelle, hope you're well!

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hello Ladies ~

    This a.m. was Insanity Max Plyo Circuit …. I think this is my favorite so far! :smile: Really enjoyed it MINUS the side plank push-ups. Ummmm awkward! :huh: I hope to improve on those a bit in the future. This evening I came home and took the two “kids” for a walk once it cooled down a bit. :wink: Don’t want them to over heat.

    Laurie: Great to hear your DD is already meeting friends and getting a feel for different teachers. What a great opportunity, that’s what its all about I’m sure along with helping out on the nerves of college. Yes, Emma is so afraid and the firecrackers continued on for the last couple nights - hopefully no more. I’m glad she doesn’t bark like your Cami, that would be tough.:ohwell: It’s hard to see them under such stress. Funny how Bernie doesn’t even flinch though and some dogs are just that way. The title of that workout is funny :laugh: I saw it on one of the video sites, it looks like a good workout. I’m sure the title was designed as an attention getter forsure! :wink: :laugh: Good job getting the two in this a.m. and knowing your endurance was still up w/ F&F yesterday, that’s awesome!

    Laurel: You really are enjoying Asylum adding on another week! :bigsmile: That’s great. Now my curiosity is truly peaked for a future “Wish List” item. I :heart: Ult Ball as a follow-up to just about anything. :wink: Thanks for letting me know it gets “better” at least. I can tell it won’t ever be easier but hopefully some of the awkwardness leaves on a few of the moves. :huh: I felt so strong going into these workouts and now I’m getting thrown into some moves I don’t recognize & feel a bit weak at. :blushing: :ohwell: Which is a good thing I suppose, because I can only improve. Hope you get in your Yoga tomorrow . . but good on ya for getting in a nice stretch. When is your trip to see Cathe?

    Hi Erica & Michelle ~ Hope you both are doing well and had a good day! :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you all tomorrow!
  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member