Cathe Fans Part 4!



  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    :bigsmile: Hi Ladies!!! :bigsmile:

    Yesterday was a mish-mash of work meetings down in Southern MN, continuing education, baseball, impromptu laundry (all of Lily's blankets for her kennel were soiled!), and I managed to make it through! :noway: Seemed like the day went in a totally different direction than planned, but I just rolled with it! I found out late in the day that my meetings today and tomorrow got cancelled, so I knew I'd get reprieve from all this driving at some pointI got in my Booty Barre #1 workout yesterday morning...still can't decide if it's a keeper or not. It's a faster barre workout, and I think I may actually like the slower ones better (I actually consider P57 to move slower, but still constantly moving). Tracey just seems to be moving at a rapid pace through this one, and I'm not sure if I've got the form right or not half the time! :grumble:

    Tami--Glad to hear you had a nice 3-day weekend, and the weather cooperated too! Great to hear that you enjoyed the Fit Test yesterday too! I knew after that, I wouldn't be able to keep up with Shaun, but I did I think 3 weeks of the rotation, and gave up. You, Laurie and Laurel seem like you've got what it takes to keep up with Shaun...I just get too exhausted! :ohwell:

    Michelle--I bet you are one proud mama! :bigsmile: That is so awesome to get an academic award!! I've tried explaining to my hubby that I would be more proud of my boys for getting an academic award instead of sports award, but he just doesn't see why! :ohwell: Good academic skills will follow you forever!! Sounds like you've got a fun Friday night planned for all the girls! :bigsmile:

    Laurel--Wow, heat advisories already!?!?? :noway: So neat to hear that you saw the President again on the golf course! Good for you on getting out there and golfing...I have clubs, and took lessons last year, but still have yet to get out and actually make it past the driving range! :blushing: I'm liking the sounds of your 4DS workouts...sounds like a perfect way to break from Insanity/P90X, but still get in good, challenging workouts! Enjoy your time away with the hubby! :bigsmile:

    Laurie--I hope you are enjoying the time with your parents, and sounds like the concert went well! :bigsmile: I hope those woodticks are staying away...we haven't found any on us yet, but I suspect we will soon. This is the 1st year we've treated the dog(s) with Frontline, as we now have 2 family cabins in the woods that we'll be visiting. My mom has been finding wood/deer ticks on her left and right! :ohwell:

    Off to start the day...rain expected most of the day, but hoping I can get out for a walk during lunch. I skipped the workout this morning in lieu of just doing nothing! :blushing: TOM is just about here, and I'm feeling it for sure! I can't believe how much different I've felt during this last month of not being on the pill...not sure if the bad feelings outway the good ones or not. But, regardless, I have my full energy back!!!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile:

    This a.m. was S90 Chest/Back. :wink: I really enjoy the moves he created for back work in this series. Haven’t decided what I might do later this eve. DH is gone fishing for the weekend so house to myself. Which leaves my evening open for whatever I decide at this point, a good workout might be perfect since it is rainy out. :grumble:

    Erika – Just you and I so far today! :smile: Sounds like you had a crazy day yesterday but glad to hear you just rolled with it! Sometimes that’s all you can do or you’ll get too overwhelmed. :wink: Poor little Lily, did she have an accident just due to being a pup or wasn’t feeling good? Is that Booty Barre workout the newest one she put out? “Booty Barre + Abs”. We’ll see how I go with Insanity, it is fast that’s forsure! I've always wanted to try it so I will feel pretty good if I make it through. :wink: I thought ending the last part of S90 w/ first part of Insanity will give me a good combo and an idea if I want to continue on.

    Laurie, Michelle – Hello and Happy Thursday! :flowerforyou:

    Laurel – Safe travels to you and your hubby – have a great time! :bigsmile:

    Talk to you all tomorrow!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Just a quick check in, really a busy week for me. I'm heading out to the state track meet today, and that is about a three hour drive. Wed was S90 Chest & Back along with Tabata Inferno. Yesterday was Shoulders & Arms and this morning was Legs and Ultimate Ball.

    Hope everyone is doing great!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hello Ladies!!! :bigsmile:

    Yesterday was a rest day for me...too busy at work to get out for a walk and then rushing out the door for baseball last night again! :noway: Only 3 weeks of the 4 nights a week baseball immediately after we get home from work! :bigsmile: This morning was The Dailey Method. It's a DVD I heard about on VF, and had ordered it, and then cancelled the order, but they still sent it to me and aren't charging me for it. So, I tried it...I like the instructor, but it's one of those where it's meant to really teach you form and technique, and I just found it to be annoying. I feel like I've got all that down, so didn't need all the chatter. So, off to VF for a trade in went, and I'm getting a TF DVD in trade. Should be fun to try that out! :bigsmile:

    Laurie-Have a safe trip, and I hope DD does well!!! :happy:

    Tami-Too bad we don't live near each other! I'm w/o kids or the hubby for the whole weekend! :bigsmile: I have some girl time planned tomorrow with a few friends, so the hubby decided to bolt for the weekend. My only responsibility is my 2 pups, which shouldn't be a problem. I told hubby we were going to do mani/pedi's sometime this weekend and some sappy chick flicks...he knows I'm totally serious too. I painted our older dogs nails once, and it was pretty darn cute! :wink: The workout I did yesterday was the original Booty Barre, and I did the new one last week, and sent that back right away. I have learned that with barre work, I like it to be on the slower side (Xtend Barre, Pure Barre, P57) instead of frantic moves to try to get the major cardio effect out of it. Hope you enjoy your workout tonight (I might get one in too!), and time alone! :happy:

    Michelle--Hope you are doing well, and ready for all those girls to crash the house! :happy:

    Laurel--Hope you're having fun, wherever you're off to with the hubby!

    I'll catch you ladies again on Monday. I'm ready for the weekend to begin, that's for sure!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone ~ :drinker:

    Today was my REST day as well! :wink: Felt good this a.m. to sleep in but now I’m feeling like getting in a workout. . . . funny how that happens! :laugh: Tomorrow I have an Insanity workout planned so that will be good! We are actually supposed to have nice weather both days. :bigsmile: Sunshine and in the 70’s! That’s amazing for us right now to have 2 days in a row so we will see. Either way it will be a good weekend …… :smile:

    Laurie: Great job on your S90 workouts! :happy: Do you like doing the combos? I think it makes for a nice workout forsure. Hope the track meet went well & you have a good weekend & you get a chance to catch your breath a bit after all the busy times!

    Erika: It would be so fun if we lived near one another! :wink: We could absolutely get together & hang out. Sounds like you have some fun times planned w/ the girls and the pups. :bigsmile: Thanks for the info on the Barre workout. True, unless you know what moves you are supposed to be doing when you are pushed to do them at a frantic pace & the form goes it’s not a good thing.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend ~ talk to you soon! :flowerforyou:
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hello Again ~

    So nevermind a complete REST day ..... Came home & did Insanity: Cardio Power & Resistance!! :noway: :bigsmile:
    Can I just say YOWSA and Shaun T. is amazing! OK, off to take the kids for a walk, the sunshine is out!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!!

    I hope you all had a fabulous weekend! I enjoyed the weekend thoroughly, and got in lots of time outside, with my girlfriends, and of course the doggies too! :bigsmile: The boys were SOOO happy to see me when they got home, which was a nice feeling too! I got in a Pilates workout Saturday, and a walk with the dogs yesterday. This morning was StrEndurance...workout I got in a trade on VF. I liked the workout (reminded me TOTALLY of S90), but, it's a progression program, so the same workout for several weeks, with just a few new moves added in, or twists on the same moves. Not my style, and looks like it might be a decent seller on Ebay! :wink:

    Tami- Too funny on the change on Friday's rest day! :laugh: Sounds like a good workout though!

    Laurie, Laurel and Michelle--Good Morning!:flowerforyou:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Well the dd is a graduate. :drinker: I'm so happy that this week is over with. Now all I have to do is get ready for the party, which will be a lot less stressful for me. :laugh: DD's relay's did ok, they didn't qualify for the finals. Missed the 4x200 by one position. But she was able to talk to her new college coach at the meet, and they will be working out together during the summer program that she will be attending. Youngests dance recital on Saturday was really nice, but it was hot in the auditorium. :noway:

    Didn't work out all weekend! :blushing: Changed up my rotation a little, got in Cathe's Power Hour this morning instead of Total Body. I don't know why, but I just wasn't in the mood for an S90 workout. :laugh: This is my last week of S90, and you would think that I would be all yippee about it. I think I just needed a change of pace to get me through to the end. Went as heavy as I could handle on the workout, and I was surprised how heavy I could go. :drinker:

    This next rotation is going to have a mix of circuit, heavy, hi rep and superset. This way I can work in all my favorite workouts. See how this goest for the summer.

    Tami, LOL on the Insanity workout. It does take you buy surprise at times. I do like combining the S90 workouts, then I don't have to do the warm up so much. :laugh:

    Erika, Glad you had a great weekend, and how wonderful to be missed so much. :wink:

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi Ladies! It is good to be back, though we had a great time last week. My husband had been invited to the retirement ceremony of the general he worked for when we lived out in LA, so that's where we were. It was a quick trip, though. Thank goodness for frequent flyer miles on Alaska Airlines (which flies direct from here to LA) because it never would have been worth it had we not been able to use those.

    I will admit, I wasn't in the mood for any form of exercise when I got home on Saturday night, and that carried through yesterday. But I made myself get up and do the first workout in Asylum yesterday morning (Speed and Agility). I'm hoping it was just my mood because, to be totally honest, I didn't really like it at all. :frown: That surprised me since I like Insanity so much. My first frustration was with the agility ladder. It comes with the DVDs and is a pretty good product quality-wise. But my room isn't quite wide enough for it to work very well, and I found that frustrating. Second, I was constantly catching my shoes on it and such. :blushing: I know...that's the make sure I learn how to be more agile. But I think my problem is that I'm not aspiring to actually BE more agile. I just want to be fit. So it seemed to just be more of a headache than I want when I am working out. I also didn't really care for Shaun's choice of exercises. Some were fun, but some just weren't. It felt to me like he was trying to create some of the craziest moves ever, regardless of how effective they might be. Does that make sense? Like I said, I'm really hoping my impression was based on my mood but at the end, instead of feeling empowered (like I always do with Insanity), I just felt frustrated and not very worked out. But I'm going to persist and see if my impression doesn't change as I get more familiar with the workouts. Again, my response surprised me because I expected to love these workouts. So.....we'll see.

    Today I did Cathe's Core Cardio Circuit. I haven't done that in months, and it felt really good. Then I finally did my first S90 upper body workouts. I did Chest/Back and Core Dynamics. I really enjoyed both. I didn't feel particularly pumped after Chest/Back, but I think that's because I'm used to those P90X workouts right now, and this felt really short to me. But I think once I learn the workout and get the right weights, I'll feel differently. I really liked his instruction, and I liked the variety of exercises. So that made me feel better after yesterday's workout!

    Laurie, congrats to your DD on her graduation. :drinker: I hope you enjoyed the time with your family last week. Your next rotation sounds great. I'm thinking if I stick with this Asylum/S90 rotation for just one month (as I have planned) that I might do something similar (circuit, heavy, endurance) after. Right now, I just feel like doing more variety of workouts than I have been doing lately. Is it hot up where you are at?

    Erika, I'm glad you enjoyed your weekend as a 'single' lady, but I'm sure you missed all of your boys while they were gone too!

    Tami, so glad you are enjoying Insanity!!! I really do love that program. I don't miss doing it quite yet (I mean, it's only been a week), but it is one of those programs I know I'll be doing for a long time. Keep us posted on your progress. I imagine you'll get really lean doing the combo of Insanity and S90!!

    Michelle, I hope you daughter's birthday party went well, and I hope you have a good trip to California!!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies ~ :smile:
    The weekend was very nice ….. despite being a fishing widow all weekend :ohwell: I enjoyed our 2 days (together) of sunny weather! :bigsmile: Saturday I did take as a REST day and met my friend for coffee and the farmers market. Then continued on that theme to getting some flowers & basil to plant in pots. :smile: So spent the afternoon doing that and enjoying my cute furry friends. Took them for a nice walk both days.
    Yesterday I did Insanity Ply Cardio Cicuit :wink: and then got out there and enjoyed more sunshine. We now have clouds/rain until Friday so I was glad to get outside. This a.m. was S90 Shoulders/Arms.

    Erika: It sounds like you had a very nice weekend and what a treat to have your boys missing you and loving on your when they got home! :smile:

    Laurie: Congratulations to your DD and being a graduate! :drinker: I bet you are really glad the week is over and now just the party to attend to. I don’t blame you a bit for not working out over the weekend, you probably needed every spare moment for planning/preparing for the next event on your agenda! Good job getting in Power Hour this a.m.

    Laurel: Nice to hear you had a good time with your DH at the retirement ceremony! :wink: That’s excellent you tried your first workouts on Asylum & S90! I know what you mean when you say your first S90 workout didn’t really feel it. After you have the workout down and what weights it is really good. :wink: You can push yourself better. Sometimes I have even gone heavier and paused it so that I can do my 12 reps at that weight w/ good form. Hopefully w/ Asylum it was just your mood at the time. He definitely has the sports agility focus, even in Insanity. Which is a good thing but I know what you’re saying. . . fit vs. wanting to be starting as running back on the football team! :laugh: :wink: I’m sure your next time through it will feel better, and if not, that’s the beauty of our “library” of workouts, you can definitely move on to something else. Yes, in my short time with Insanity it does give you that feeling of absolute accomplishment at the end and you are empowered that you did it! :wink:

    Hi Michelle: Hope the slumber party was a great time and you survived all the girls.:smile: Have a nice trip to CA and we will talk with you soon!

    Hope you all have a great Monday ~ talk to you tomorrow!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Whew, what a scorcher it was here yesterday, and we're expecting 96 and super humid today!!! :grumble: This is NOT my favorite weather, I'd actually take a blizzard with -20 temps over this crap! But, after today, it's going to be down in the upper 60's/lower 70's, so I'll take that! It was a nice morning, so I took the dogs for a walk. Funny, this is only Lily's 2nd walk, and she did fantastic. I realized quickly who the dominant dog is between the 2! :laugh: Lexie always had to stop and mark, and was always in the lead, Lily just walked at a nice pace and didn't stop once. So very different from each other!

    Tami--Great to hear you got some planting done along with some nice walks and a little time with a friend too! Sounds like time well spent. Glad you got out to enjoy the weather, being that it's cloudy all week for ya! :grumble:

    Laurel--Sounds like you had a lot of fun in LA! :bigsmile: Sorry to hear about Asylum not being what you were hoping for! I know the feeling all to well. The difference is that I don't usually give it a 2nd shot! I hope the 2nd time you try it, it clicks with you better. I think you'll enjoy S90 much more once you figure out the weights to use. I can see where it can feel unproductive if you're not pushing yourself 100%, which is typically not possible with a brand new workout (unless there's a guide like STS's 1 rep max). I think the key is that the Tom Holland is a great instructor, which makes it super fun!

    Laurie--Congrats on having a new graduate!!! :happy: Now you can relax a little, since all the craziness is least for awhile! Way to go on changing up the rotation to what you were feeling like doing! I'm liking the sounds of your new rotation, sounds like lots of fun variety!

    Michelle--I hope you are doing well!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I didn't workout this morning, my parents are leaving today so wanted to be with them until I had to leave for work. I'm going to do a yoga workout after work though. Still debating between YogaX or Bob Harpers Yoga. I'm open to what you all think I should do. :wink:

    Laurel, I'm hoping that the next time you try the workout it goes much better. Dang on the agility ladder. That is what I go through with laying the band on the floor and jumping over it. I must drag my feet, because it gets tangled up and starts moving around. :laugh: S90 does get much better when you know that weight to use. :wink: Start the exercise when Tom introduces what exercises you will do for that round also. That helps me go slower, they are doing that one at such a hectic pace. :wink:

    Tami, Sounds like a great weekend. :wink: I am liking the change of pace this week, I think the workouts where getting to me. :happy:

    Erika, We have been having the same weather. I think it was 98 at our house yesterday. Felt hotter of course with the humidity. Glad that Lily is enjoying her walks. I think the craziness will start up again when we send her off to college. :laugh:

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Today was Asylum's Verticle Plyo. And I loved it! :drinker: Makes me think my reaction to Speed and Agility may have had alot to do with my mood on Sunday. I decided to throw the Agility Ladder to the side, and I think that helped. The good thing about doing that in this workout is Shaun T doesn't use the Ladder as much so I didn't feel too badly about it. No doubt I'm having to modify some of the moves, but he actually shows some variety in the moves which I appreciate. I followed it up with Asylum's Relief, which is a 23 minute stretching session. It felt really good and is pure stretching. I missed having something like this in Insanity, and I'm glad he's added it in to Asylum. I also did S90 Legs today, which felt good. I've done this one before, and I like it. I'm a little sore in my core today, so, no doubt, Core Dynamics did its job yesterday!!!

    Tami, thanks for the feedback on S90. Like I said, I did Chest/Back yesterday, which is the one that I believe (based on what I've said) moves the fastest. And I was working at keeping up with the DVD (which I did). Now that I know the moves, I'll probably slow down and work through his instructional periods (as Laurie recommended) so that I can go heavier. I felt my chest got a better workout than my back, so that's what I'm going to focus on next time I do the workout.

    Erika, sorry to hear about the heat. We're going to be pushing 100 the next two days (with high humidity) as well. I'm with you on preferring the cold. Actually, I prefer it about 75 and sunny to anything, but if I have a choice between the extreme heat or the extreme cold, give me the cold any day. It doesn't zap my energy the way heat does. Oh, well. At least it's giving me the excuse to make all the summer salads I enjoy so much! Too bad it is only early June. My husband will be so tired of them by the time September gets here. :laugh: Glad you enjoyed the walk with your dogs! And I agree about Tom Holland. I really like him as an instructor.

    Laurie, I know I'm pulling out Eoin Finn's Yoga on Thursday, so there's another suggestion if you don't feel like Tony or Bob's Yoga. I haven't done Eoin in forever, and I feel more like relaxing yoga this week, and I think he's good for that! But if not.....go for Bob!! Love that yoga he does! Glad I'm not the only one who has problem laying the band on the floor and getting tangled up in it as well! Like I said above, I think it is more important for me to focus on the moves instead of trying to work inside the ladder, and that's what I'm going to do. While I appreciate the extra challenge it brings (and it does bring an extra challenge), I'm just at the age where I'm happy I'm able to do things like one-legged power jumps. It isn't as important to me that I be able to take off and land in a small box when I'm doing them!!! Regarding S90, like I said to Tami above, I think that I will definitely take your recommendation and start the exercises when Tom is instructing, and that will help me. Thanks for that suggestion!!

    Enjoy the day...and I hope you all survive the heat!!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Thank you Laurel, that is a great suggestion. Eion is the workout of choice tonight! :drinker:
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    HI Ladies ~ :smile:

    Today was Insanity Cardio Power & S90 Ultimate Ball! Felt great …. :wink: Sweating like crazy after Insanity! Tonight I will head to the Cycling class right after work. Last night I went to Turbo Kick and we started a new round but it was actually one I have done before so that’s good. :smile:

    Erika: WOW! 96 degrees :noway: and then it’s going to drop back down, that’s a shock to the system a bit isn’t it!??!
    Lily sounds like such a little sweetie, glad she enjoys her walks with you.

    Laurie: My vote was going to be for BH Yoga Warrior but I do remember how much you love Eion’s Yoga workouts, :wink: I bet you will enjoy it if you do that one! Have fun. :bigsmile: Glad you are enjoying your new line up of workouts/change of pace. So are you done with S90 for now? Starting your new Cathe rotation soon?

    Laurel: I’m so glad to hear Asylum’s workout today was a good one for you and you loved it! :bigsmile: :drinker: Yahoo. The 23-min relief stretch sounds great. I do like his emphasis on stretching even in Insanity.
    Yes, you will definitely notice I think throughout S90 workouts how much you will use your core in various workouts and of course mostly in Ult Ball & Core Dynamics. I definitely start my exercises now while he is going through the intro so that I am not feeling rushed.

    Hi Michelle – Hope you are well! :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you all tomorrow – have a great evening!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Mornin' Ladies!

    Quick checkin as I have a sick older son, whiny younger son, crabby hubby, and I'm off to southern MN for work all day! :noway: At least me and the dogs are in a good mood today! :laugh:

    We ended up hitting 103 yesterday, and it was miserable. I'm glad they decided last minute to cancel Carter's baseball game, as I think he's got allergies and maybe some asthma too, so I didn't want him out there in that heat. But, last night Cade and Dad were out playing in the yard, and after that is when Cade's fever spiked to 102, and hasn't gone away since. Ugh!

    This morning was Turbo Fire 55EZ, that I got in a trade from VF. Gotta say, I just wasn't feeling it. It wasn't for lack of the music being good (that is what drives me during kickboxing workouts), it just wasn't that different from Turbo Jam/Kick, and I expected it would be for some reason. So, that one will hit Ebay tonight! :wink:

    Tami--Great job on the Insanity/S90 combo yesterday! Sounds like a sweatfest to me! :laugh: Isn't that nice to get a new round, but you know the moves already? Makes it easier to put more effort into it than struggling to figure out the choreography!

    Laurie--I hope you had a wonderful time with your parents visiting, I'm sure you were sad to see them go! :ohwell: Hope Eion was good last night!

    Laurel--Glad you liked Asylum better this time around! I'm sure next time you try the workout from Monday, you'll like it better...esp, without the ladder! I hope you're staying cool out there, as I'm sure 100+ is just as humid out there as here! We're only going to be in the lower 80's today, but when I stepped out to let the dogs out this AM, it felt more humid than yesterday, so I'm not sure what I think of that!

    Michelle- Good Morning!:flowerforyou:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was yoga, and I did the Magically Hips section of PY4H. I really do need to keep up with the yoga, my hips where sure tight. :blushing: This morning was S90 Total Body and Hiit Double Wave Pyramid (my fav of the Hiits) :wink:

    Laurel, Thanks for the suggestion, why I didn't think of Eion at the time. :happy: It was just what I needed. So glad to hear that you enjoyed your Asylum workout. It is good that Shaun is showing that you don't need to use the ladder. I'm sure that you can test it out again when you are more familiar with the workouts. I really like Core Dynamics also, it does it's job good.

    Tami, I will make sure that my next yoga session will be with Bob! :heart: I have only one more S90 workout scheduled, and then I'm finished. This last week of eating has probably killed any weight gains I had gotten. i don't know why stress has to cause an eating bing. :blushing: Those Insanity workouts really do make your body sweat. I always had to do those workouts without my glasses, because they would be spotted with water. :laugh: I'm starting up with Pure Strength on Monday, doing that for one week, then CTX parts for a week, Barry's Bootcamp 5 Day Academy or S90 for a week, after that is full body and then repeat. This way I can get a variety, and I'm hoping this will keep me going through the summer.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I had a great workout today. I started with Cathe's Ultra Cardio Premix from Drill Max. Haven't done that one in ages, and really enjoyed it. Then after a break, I did S90s Shoulders/Arm. Thanks to Tami for sending me the workout sheets for these workouts :flowerforyou: because that really helped me when choosing my weights. I decided to pick weights close to what I was lifting in P90X and....YOWZA!!! I definitely was feeling this workout!! :noway: And, of course, that means I loved it. :tongue: I had a little time left over, so I decided to try Asylum's Back to Core. I remember when I previewed this workout, I thought I wouldn't like it. Now I don't think it was necessarily wise to do it after a tough upper body workout, because the primary focus is on the back (so you use your arms alot) but....I really enjoyed it. It is a solid non-cardio workout focusing on upper/lower back and hamstring strength. I've never really done anything like it, and I find it a unique addition to this program. Only two more Asylum workouts to try. So far, I'm finding it a good purchase despite how I felt with the first workout.

    Laurie, I'm so glad you liked my Eoin suggestion! I haven't done him in ages, but I so enjoy his personality in those workouts. I really like the sound of your next rotation. It will keep your body doubt.

    Erika, sorry to hear about the sick child! I'm sure being in the heat is part of the problem. We're hitting near 100 today and the humidity is way high. We'll be like this tomorrow, but will 'cool off' to the upper 80s over the weekend. I just think it's going to be a long hot summer here. :ohwell: I'm not surprised you didn't like TF 55EZ. That's not my favorite of the workouts in that bunch, that's for sure. I enjoy it more now than I did when I first tried it, though. But, again, based on everything I read, for those who've done Chalene's previous Turbo whatever workouts, these didn't provide anything new. But at least you gave it a shot! Hope your day gets better.

    Tami, thanks again for sending those workout sheets to me. It helped me so much this morning, I was in awe! Insanity always leaves me in a pool of sweat as well, which is one of the reasons I enjoy the workouts so much. I feel like I've done something when they are over!

    Michelle, hope you are enjoying California!!

    See you all tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies ~ :bigsmile:

    Today was S90 Chest/Back and tonight will be Tabata Inferno when I get home. :wink: DH has golf league so I decided to get my workout in early rather than wait for the later Cycling class and if the weather stays like it is now I can take the kids for a walk after that. :smile: Sounds like you all might not mind being in our part of the country right now with your high temps you are having, YOWSA! We have a high this week of 67 on Friday. This a.m. it was only 44 degrees out. :noway:

    Erika: So sorry to hear about your little guy being sick and then the crabbiness w/ the others this a.m. :ohwell: That never starts a day out good. Yes, one thing about those furry friends, they are usually always in a good mood! I have been hearing on the news about your temps in that part of the country, YOWSA. :noway: Hang in there and keep that water coming! I definitely like it when I know the choreography. :wink: Especially when we do the class only once a week, then I can just go for it rather than wondering what’s next! Hope your little one feels better soon.

    Laurie: Yay on the Yoga being just what you hoped for! :bigsmile: I’m glad BH will be on your list next! I keep putting him in for Sat a.m.’s and I seem to end up doing something else or have it be a REST day. I really need to make it a priority. You and Laurel are so good about your Yoga. :drinker: Great combo this a.m. – I like doing Cathe’s HiiT workouts w/ S90.
    Your new lineup/rotation sounds great. :bigsmile: A good variety! No boredom there plus you’ll be able to get in a bunch that you haven’t done in a while forsure.

    Laurel: You are so welcome for those sheets! :bigsmile: :wink: I know for me it was so helpful getting my rotation sorted out, especially knowing on days I could follow one up with a HiiT or Abwork or whatever PLUS writing down the weights, etc. Very happy to help. Your workouts today sound pretty intense …. Great job! Definitely throughout S90 as I did each the second time and added more weight I could feel it. So glad you loved it. Back to Core sounds like a good “go to” workout for future add-ons!

    Hi Michelle :smile: Hope you are having fun in CA!

    Hope you all have a great evening …. Hope you cool down and it isn’t too miserable for sleeping. :ohwell: :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you tomorrow,
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies! :bigsmile:

    Yesterday went good, but I got lots of text messages and VM's from my really sad DS that was home sick with my hubby. He really wanted his mama! :cry: I was tied up in a big meeting about 2 hours away for majority of the day, so I felt horrible. He's still running a fever, so I'm home with him today, but his teacher said to give him some tylenol this afternoon and send him for the last couple hours of class, as it's his last day of 1st grade, and also of the school he's in. We are moving the boys to the school they should go to, now that they are done with the home daycare that brought them to the school they are at. Hubby is pretty sure he's got bronchitis, so he's headed to the doctors later this morning. I'm just hoping I steer clear of this crud. In talking with our school secretary, she said they have seen more people out sick now, than in the dead of winter...kinda weird!

    Even though I had a sick kiddo (and lots of crabbiness in the house! ), my day was all made better by a trip to my awesome hair stylist last night! She hooked me up with some blonde highlights and a fun choppy bob cut. Can't wait to play around with it! Of course, my hubby didn't like it :ohwell: , but then again, he'd only really like my hair if it was long and blonde and kids loved it though! :happy: I reminded my hubby that my haircut is exactly how I had it when he first met me, but instead of blonde, my hair was red at the time (yes, I am constantly changing hair colors/styles!), so he should like it! :laugh:

    This morning was S90 Back and Bi's. That workout creeps up on ya! I was feeling pretty good the first 2 circuits, and then not really able to keep up the 2nd two. I think I went a bit too heavy on the weights at first! :noway: Good workout though!

    Tami--Your weather is what we are having today. We went from 103 on Tuesday to 77 yesterday, 68 today and 63 tomorrow. Then, back in the 80's next week. This weather is just so crazy!!! Great job on the S90 combo, and sounds like you got in some cycling last night, hope it was a good one! Can you send me the S90 workout sheets you sent to Laurie? I think those would come in handy. I'll message you my email address. TIA!

    Laurel--Sounds like you are continuing to kick butt with those workouts, and now that you have the weights down with S90, I can see why you're loving those! I was thinking of you while doing my S90 Back and Bi's workout this morning! :bigsmile: I'm bummed TF wasn't more interesting to me, but I think it's so much like TurboKick, that there wasn't anything new. At least I was able to just trade a DVD to try it, and not buy the whole set and not like it.

    Laurie--Sounds like yoga was great, and probably made it easier to get that S90 and Hiit workout nailed! I always feel more energetic and ready to kick butt in a workout, when my muscles are all stretched out! :smile:

    Michelle--Hope you're enjoying the break from the TX heat! Can't wait for you to come back though, so we can hear from you again! :bigsmile: