Sharon's coaching thread



  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    I think the before and the 30 day are pretty obvious! How embarrassing. Makes me sick just looking at those pictures. I know I still have a long way to go, and it's sad that it's only 8 pounds lost, but I'm going to get there.

    Oh and before are 193lbs, day 30 are actually 187lbs I think...and now today I'm at 185.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Brittany - the results are visible and astounding. Please don't beat yourself up for where you were. That was the beginning of your journey. Now you are progressing along your path and doing quite well at it. :drinker:

    I too started out in the 190s (193.6 to be exact) and the road to 150 has been LOOOOOONG and difficult to maintain at all times. I am so proud of you for posting those pics. Day 60 will be even better. Can't wait to see them when you get there.

    Remember, I am always here if you need anything...extra support, a shoulder to lean on (or cry on), a kick in the butt...WHATEVER. Just keep will see the 140s before you know it I promise!

  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    You look great, you can really see a difference, i can't wait to see your 60 day results, completed turbo fire 45 , burned 440 calories , tomorrow is core 20 and stretch 40, have a great night everyone :flowerforyou:
  • kikix5
    kikix5 Posts: 187 Member
    Brittany, you look great and I'm sure that you are feeling on your way back to the you that you once were! Keep up the good work!!

    I did turboFire lower 20 today, will do some cardio later today if I have time and good behaving kids!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today I did Burn Circuit 1 and was able to do all shoulder/delt work with my 10 lb weights and all lower body work with my 20s. So excited to see that progress.

    Have a great weekend!
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Completed HIIT 30 And Core 20, burned 380 calories, hope everyone has a wonderful weekend :flowerforyou:
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Nice job Moraima! Enjoy your weekend!

  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good Morning Lovely Ladies! Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Sunday is a rest day for me so I won't be logging anything but I wanted to let you all know I'm thinking about you.

    Get ready for another fantastic week ahead!
  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    Thank you, everyone, for your kind words! I appreciate the comments and support!

    Today I did P90X Plyo and a treadmill run! Tomorrow I start the shakeology cleanse, and it is my rest day so that works out well so I can see how I feel. Plus its my 10 hour day at work which helps because then I have no available food to be snacking on...just what I bring!!! Enjoy the rest of your Sunday! Will check in tomorrow evening.
  • kikix5
    kikix5 Posts: 187 Member
    I got in fire 30 and abs 10 today, going to do a bit more tomorrow since it's almost like a day of no work for me. fire 45 is in store and I'll add in something else lol

    Hope everyone had a good weekend!
  • forthefab5
    forthefab5 Posts: 187 Member
    Okay, horrible weekend... I quit smoking on Saturday and I have been feeling weird all weekend. I started eating to compensate but that stops here.... I've pre-planned my meals for today and I've pre-logged the exercise I will do. One day at a time...
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Great job quitting smoking're right one day at a time!

  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    Good morning ladies! The little man wanted to wake up early today so here we are before work! Today is my long day so 24 oz of water plus 3 packets of shakeology plus a little ice all went in the blender this am...amazing how that turned into SIX CUPS!!! So one two cup shake down and 2 to go today for my first day of the cleanse. It actually wasn't too bad...which means with milk it is probably amazing! And I had a few strawberries with it which was delicious! I've already outlined my entire menu for the day so I know exactly what I'm having...and it will be the same for today, tomorrow, and Wednesday!

    I don't currently have a scale in my house because I returned the inconsistent and inaccurate one yesterday...but couldn't get a replacement since they didn't have a comparable one in stock! Will definitely get one by Friday, but thinking it might be good to wait until Thursday evening to buy it!

    Have a great Monday everyone!
  • bevbeers
    bevbeers Posts: 7
    I would love to join a motivation support group. I,ve been tracking my progress for 4 weeks but haven,t lost a pound. Ithink it must be emotional or inability to deal with busy schedule.
    I,m beverly 68 years odl
    a teacher
    weigh 205
    want to weigh 168
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good Morning All! Turbo Fire day so I did Fire 60 with weighted gloves. Burned 411 calories.

    Brittany you are awesome! Let me know if you need anything from me during the cleanse. I am so excited to hear your results!!!! Did you weigh and measure yourself this morning so you know your starting point?

    Have a great day everyone! I'm around if you need anything!
  • kikix5
    kikix5 Posts: 187 Member
    Good morning, Did turbo fire 45 today burned 500 cals.

    Good luck with your cleans Britney

    congrats on the quitting smoking jrr, I quite 13 years ago and it was the best thing I could have done for myself. I rewarded myself after with a dentist teeth whitening, (where you get the trays, not the zoom stuff) If I could do it smoking almost 3 packs a day, I think anyone can do it!!! take it one hour at a time, and just think that if you start again, you'd have wasted all those hours not smoking hehe thats what I did!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    I would love to join a motivation support group. I,ve been tracking my progress for 4 weeks but haven,t lost a pound. Ithink it must be emotional or inability to deal with busy schedule.
    I,m beverly 68 years odl
    a teacher
    weigh 205
    want to weigh 168

    Welcome Beverly!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is your food diary public? What are you doing for exercise, how often, how long, etc. We are all at different points in our weight loss journeys but this is a great network of support for those that want it. I sent you a friend request so we can stay in touch on and off this thread.

  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Completed TUrbo FIre 45 EZ and stretch 10 today, burned 483 calories, hope everyone is having a wonderful monday :flowerforyou:
  • forthefab5
    forthefab5 Posts: 187 Member
    I did a 30 minute run and 10 minute row yesterday evening on top of my usual 50 min walk to and from work.

    Stayed within my calorie allotment (had a bit of a touch and go moment with banana bread but managed to only eat one slice) and no cigarettes! In the middle of day 3 and it is getting easier...

    Today's burn - planning a 20 minute run and 20 min stationary cycle.

    I've put on about 3lbs - should be water weight - from my misdemeanour over the weekend... here's hoping it leaves my body quickly and that i'm back down by this weekend...
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    I did a 30 minute run and 10 minute row yesterday evening on top of my usual 50 min walk to and from work.

    Stayed within my calorie allotment (had a bit of a touch and go moment with banana bread but managed to only eat one slice) and no cigarettes! In the middle of day 3 and it is getting easier...

    Today's burn - planning a 20 minute run and 20 min stationary cycle.

    I've put on about 3lbs - should be water weight - from my misdemeanour over the weekend... here's hoping it leaves my body quickly and that i'm back down by this weekend...

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    WOO HOO for staying off the cigarettes today! I am so proud of you!
