Sharon's coaching thread



  • kikix5
    kikix5 Posts: 187 Member
    I just wanted to say hi and join in. My name is Chrissie, I am married, 42 5'5 133 with 3 kids ages 10, 9 and 8. I work from home part time. I did Jillians 30 day workout last year ending April 2010. at that point, I was 123 and liked the way I looked.. After a lot of hip pain and 3 Drs. They found that I have a Labral tear, but they think a lot of my pain in my hip is more do to bursitis and I was sent to another Dr (which I still have to go to) I finally said screw it, as the pain comes and goes so I'll workout with the pain. I had a hysterectomy in December and got the go ahead to work out again, so started Jan 22 2011 at that time I was at 132, gained 3 inches around my waist, 2 in my hips and 1.5 in thighs,

    I have been working out using Chalean Extreme, Turbo Fire and Rev Abs. also have a few kettlebell dvd's. I was doing the Rev abs first, that started to throw in the others. I do like to keep things mixed up, But I'm sure that I'm not doing that right. I have been keeping track of my food, and find it VERY hard to eat my allotted calories for the day, it seems as if I'm eating constantly. Money is very tight, and healthy eating is expensive, but I'm trying.

    If you have any suggestions, I will take any, I have only lost a pound :( but Just measured now and lost a little in my waist. I can tell my jeans are still very tight and uncomfy... I just want to firm up and lose those 7-8 pounds... which I know are the hardest.

    I was thinking about purchasing the BB menu plan thinking perhaps I would do better with something like that, but for the most part, I do eat well, healthy and don't really eat junk food... unless its that craving then is a baked chip.

    Looking forward to joining you all!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Chrissie! Welcome to our little family!!!!!

    The benefit of the BB food plan is that it's extremely interactive and customized to your needs and likes so there's no set program that everyone follows. Also, at a cost of $2.99 per week, it's cheaper than any other program on the market. You can always cancel if you don't like it since BB offers a 30 day money back guarantee so it won't hurt to try it and see if you like it.

    I certainly understand the financial issues; however, eating healthy is not about buying expensive processed foods but rather it's about focusing on "shopping the perimeter" of the grocery store...fresh fruits and veggies, lean proteins, whole grains (brown rice, whole wheat bread, etc.). Take a look at Michi's Ladder and try to stay on the top 2 tiers for the most healthy can use foods in tier 3 occasionally as well.

    The best advice I can give you is to drink lots of water and try to make small changes in your diet. Those small changes will add up over time. I'm so glad you decided to join us. If there's anything I can do for you please don't hesitate to ask!

  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Morning Team! Today I did Fire 55EZ. It's a great workout but I still love Fire 60 more!

    How did everyone do this weekend? I've seen some folks talking about how slow their weight loss is going and I just want to reiterate that you are on a journey, not a diet. It may take your body a couple of weeks to adjust to your new lifestyle. The point is that you commit and continue to work your plan because eventually you're going to get to where you want to be. Expect slow and steady progress...1 - 2 lbs per week is optimal. Don't be disappointed by what you perceive to be a lack of success. Figure out what might need some tweaking, make a change, and move on. The scale is only one way to measure loss but it is not the end all be all.

    You guys are doing great! Keep up the work and let me know if there's anything I can do for you.
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Completed fire 55 today, burned 517 calories, hope everyone had a great day :smile:
  • seckler
    seckler Posts: 169 Member
    It was Fire 55EZ for me today with my weighted gloves. I burned 405 calories and of course I did my normal walk at lunch. A little later I will do my push ups for the hundred push up challenge. I am on week 3 and I was able to do 30 push ups for my exhaustion test I did Sat.!! I was excited about that :tongue:

    Another thing with the weight loss, is to be sure to take measurements too. I went two weeks and didn't lose anything, so I decided to start measuring. It is nice to see that you have lost in size even if the scale doesn't show much movement.
  • Well hi.
    I have been been *****ing all day about not losing weight.

    But here it is:
    I weight 137.
    I want to get down to 105.( I'm small).

    I want to run in some races ( again)

    I have radically changed my diet. I eat a lot of whole and natural foods.
    I have changed the amount of meat I eat.( once a week.)
    I eat fruits and veggies every day, and lots of home made soup.

    Somehow the scale isn't moving!

    I even stopped drinking beer!! And nothing!

    Right now I am just holding the course... Somewhere reminding myself that I will see results... Just need more time.
    I am also trying to exercise through illness and asthma.
  • bebemc
    bebemc Posts: 38
    Hi Everyone,

    I ran/walked my first 5K on Saturday. Finished in 41.32. Have another one in two weeks. Still working through Couch-to-5K. I am now in week 6. I'm having some trouble with my right knee hurting so thought I'd lay off the running for a few days. Spin and Boot Camp tomorrow!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Welcome Firewhirrrl! Glad you stopped by. Is your diary public so we can see what you're typically eating? What are you doing for exercise? How many calories are you eating?

    I hope you come back and post some more. I'll friend you!

  • kikix5
    kikix5 Posts: 187 Member
    Good morning everyone! Just got done with Chalean Burn It Off , Turbo Fire Sculpt and Turbo Fire Stretch 10 burning 490 calories :)

    Hopefully everyone has a great day today!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Morning gang!

    ChaLEAN Extreme Burn Circuit 1 and Ab Burner on the agenda today. Used 8s for little shoulder muscles and 15s for all lower body and chest exercises. Whew!

    Hope everyone is enjoying their Tuesday! Get your day off to a good start with a healthy breakfast and some exercise.

  • bebemc
    bebemc Posts: 38
    Thanks for your motivation Sharon. Really appreciate you!!
  • seckler
    seckler Posts: 169 Member
    Fire 30 this morning and was supposed to do Sculpt 30 as well but ran out of time - burned 231 calories. I also walked at lunch today. Tomorrow is supposed to be my day off, but I am going to either do Sculpt 30 or one of my Jillian Michaels workouts with weights.
  • SophieKeith92
    SophieKeith92 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi I'm sophie, I'm 18 from the UK! I only joined yesterday, but I've been battling with my weight my whole life. I'm looking to lose about 30 pounds and would love the support. I really want to do it this time!!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Welcome Sophie!!! I would suggest you make your food diary public so we can take a look at what typical meals are for you and perhaps make some recommendations. What are you doing for exercise? Are you looking to lose 30 lbs eventually or do you have a time period in mind?

    We're here to support and motivate you to achieve your dreams. I look forward to seeing you on the boards! I'll friend you so we can keep in touch!

  • Crystals422
    Crystals422 Posts: 382 Member
    Hi, I'm Crystal and I am 26. I started MFP in the begining of Jan and have lost 17 lbs so far. I do Zumba 2 times a week, a ironbody kettlebell class once a week, and work out on the ellptical and do weights one day a week. I eat 1400 calories a day on the days I don't work out and 1500-1600 on the days I do work out. My current weight is 216 and my goal is 140. I am going to be under 200 by son's 3rd birthday in May.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    You Go Crystal! That's exactly the right attitude you need to have to achieve your goals. Your workouts sound pretty intense. Are you losing weight steadily by eating at the calorie levels you've described?

    I look forward to celebrating your entre into the 1s ("onederland" as I've seen it referred to on these boards)!!!!:drinker:

    Welcome to the team!
  • Crystals422
    Crystals422 Posts: 382 Member
    Yes, I have been loosing every week eating between 1400-1600. I was only eating 1200 even when I exercised and the weight stopped for a week and I realized I do need to eat more so I increased my calories and lost 3 lbs last week. Today is the only day I ate 1800 which is still under the 2000 MFP said was my goal due to me burning 600 calories today. I am so excited to be see onderland in my reach.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Nice Crystal!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm excited to see you get there as well. Let me know if I can do anything to assist. Otherwise, just consider me your personal cheerleader. Gooooooooooooooooooooooooo Crystal!!! LOL!

  • nicolina823
    nicolina823 Posts: 450 Member
    Been a little MIA. I havent been able to log. But I have had another 1lb loss.

    I wont be around much the rest of the week. My closest cousin is in the ICU over an hour away. She needs major heart surgery. 3 blockages and her aorta isnt doing so hot. Shes not even 40 yet! Its such a wake up call. The women in my family have worse heart problems than the men.

    If this doesnt keep me going with diet and exercise I dont know what will.

    Send some thoughts her way please. Thank you.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Nicole I am so sorry to hear about your cousin. All my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family that her surgery goes well. Great job on the weight loss!

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