Sharon's coaching thread



  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! On tap today was Fire 60 with my weighted gloves but I woke up feeling like a cold might brewing so I only used the gloves for about 3/4 of the workout. Bodybugg said I burned 548 calories...still not too bad.

    Hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday! I'm around if you need me!
  • SophieKeith92
    SophieKeith92 Posts: 5 Member
    Well I have bought a cross trainer and I try to aim to do 45 - 60 mins a day on it. I would love to lose the 30 pounds, or more, by December! I've given myself just under a year because I don't want to be disappointed if I don't lose it faster, however a quicker result would be welcomed! I'd love to look good in a pair of shorts by summer!

    Sophie xx
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    It sounds like you're on a mission Sophie. Let me know if you need anything specific from me. You can do it! I'm looking forward to seeing your results and progress pictures.

  • SophieKeith92
    SophieKeith92 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you! I'll keep you updated, it's very comforting to know that I have your support :) xx
  • kikix5
    kikix5 Posts: 187 Member
    Nicole, I hope all goes well for your cousin, will be keeping your family in my prayers. In our family seems all the men have had heart issues.. I'm not going to take any chances!
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Completed fire 55 today burned 570 whoo hoo, tomorrow is sculpt 30 and fire 30, hope everyone is having a beautiful day :flowerforyou:
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Morning Girls. Chalean Extreme Burn Circuit 2 and TF Abs 10 completed today. I'll check in later to see how everyone is doing.

    What day do you typically weigh in? My day is Saturday (although I check the scale every day to see how I'm progressing).

    Make it a great day!
  • seckler
    seckler Posts: 169 Member
    My official weigh day is Monday morning (it holds me accountable for the weekend!).

    I don't think I posted my workout for yesterday, so yesterday I did Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones and burned 382 calories and then did my normal lunch walk and completed sets of push ups for the push up challenge for a total of 105 pushups. I also had karate last night, however I did not log it because it wasn't very intense. It is just a beginners class and there wasn't constant moving.

    This morning I did Fire 30 with my weighted gloves and burned 276 calories.
  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    Fridays are going to be my "official" weigh in day I think!

    Did p90x chest/shoulders/triceps today for the first time...not really super impressed with this workout but will give it another try next week. Going to attempt to get in some extra workout time tomorrow and Sunday since my husband will be home and can hopefully share baby duty with me! I will let you know how that works!!!
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    Alright, so I originally joined this thread a while back, but things have been busy and I haven't kept up with it.
    I am stuck at 187. I'm very impatient, and I know that the whole 40lbs that I want off won't come off within the next week, twoo weeks, or month, but I want to see progress. I want to be at 165 by April 1 so that I can reach close to my goal by the beach.

    I'm frustrated, but maybe I just needed to give it better.
    For the next two weeks I'm planning on only eating things that I make, nothing fast food (which of course has gone a bit off the past two days)

    Will this along with the excersize help? Also, I've not been getting my NET calories up to 1200. I've been eating anywhere between 1100 to 1600, but with exercize of course it changes that and makes me eat more, sometimes it's hard without eating something completely bad for me! Would making sure that my net calories stays at about 1100-1300 be good. I want to try zig zagging,( one day 1200, next 1100, next 1400, etc) I just want to know that it will work! Every day I finish MFP tells me I'll be between 8-10 lbs lighter in 5weeks, is this normally accurate?
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Pattie. I took a look at your food diary and honestly until you get rid of all the processed foods and cokes from your diet I'm afraid the scale isn't going to move all that much. If you allot your 1200 or so calories for clean natural foods you will a) have a lot more food to eat throughout the day and b) purge the toxins that are obviously hanging on in your system.

    A couple of immediate suggestions...

    1. Your choice of oatmeal for breakfast is great; however, the kind you're using is full of sugar. I would recommend you buy plain oatmeal and flavor with fruit, natural peanutbutter (no sugar), or if you need the sweeter taste then add stevia or agave nectar.

    2. Pepperoni (even if it's turkey not pork) is high in sodium and nitrates. You'd do better with turkey on whole grain bread with mustard and a piece of fruit instead of making your own version of pepperoni pizzas. If you want pizza then use a whole wheat english muffin, a low sugar tomato sauce, reduced fat cheese, and veggies.

    3. While I agree that preparing your own meals is better than eating out, especially if you're only eating fast food, you need to make good healthy choices at the grocery store as well in order for it to be effective. Have you seen Michi's Ladder?

    Ideally you want to eat foods in the top 2 tiers and mix in tier 3 on occasion for variety. I promise if you clean up your diet and make better choices the scale will move again.

    I love when the weather gets warmer because I grill almost every day. Any lean protein on the grill tastes great for minimal calories and then I'll add a vegetable (either grilled or steamed) as a side. Voila fast, easy, and healthy dinner!

    Oh and ignore that "if every day was like this in 5 weeks" thing...there's no way every condition you experienced today will be 100% the same tomorrow or any other day over a 5 week period.

    Hope that was helpful.
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    Thanks! I know the last couple of days have been rough. It's a bit hard for me to really eat completely "clean" I live in a house with my mom and cousin, both of which could care less about it being healthy. Me on the other hand wants to eat healthy and enjoys it!

    I guess I'll need to make another trip to the store and get a few more things. I think I need to sit down at the beginning of each week and plan out what I'm doing and how my meals will work around what I'm doing and such.

    Sometimes I feel like just giving up! I'm a very impatient person and no matter how many times I tell myself that it takes time, I just feel like I won't make it to where I want to be, by that time. It's frustrating!

    Oh well tomorrow is a new day! I'm gonna eat some egg white for breakfast on an english muffin with mozzarella cheese, veggies and fruit as a snack, lunch? not sure about lunch honestly, and not sure about dinner either. I'm going to my boyfriends tomorrow so maybe I can convince him to go with me to the grocery store so I can make us something for dinner..(his mom makes basically 5 course meals every night, and in no way are they healthy) I can't wait until we find our own place, i will LOVE being able to cook in my own kitchen!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Gang! Chalean Extreme day today...did Burn Circuit 3 and I've Got Abs. First time doing IGA and I have to say it was pretty intense. Lots of pushups and all sorts of crunches. Finished up with back extensions and they felt sooooo good! I would recommend this one if you're tired of Abs 10 and want some variety.

    Have a great weekend!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    I guess I'll need to make another trip to the store and get a few more things. I think I need to sit down at the beginning of each week and plan out what I'm doing and how my meals will work around what I'm doing and such.

    Sometimes I feel like just giving up! I'm a very impatient person and no matter how many times I tell myself that it takes time, I just feel like I won't make it to where I want to be, by that time. It's frustrating!

    Oh well tomorrow is a new day! I'm gonna eat some egg white for breakfast on an english muffin with mozzarella cheese, veggies and fruit as a snack, lunch? not sure about lunch honestly, and not sure about dinner either. I'm going to my boyfriends tomorrow so maybe I can convince him to go with me to the grocery store so I can make us something for dinner..(his mom makes basically 5 course meals every night, and in no way are they healthy) I can't wait until we find our own place, i will LOVE being able to cook in my own kitchen!

    Be patient Pattie. Your instincts are right but you need to commit to making YOU the priority. Tell everyone around you what you're trying to achieve. My husband and I went years where I would have my own food because he didn't want to eat what I was eating. Bring your own food if necessary. Small changes will add up. DON'T GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Sporty98
    Sporty98 Posts: 321 Member
    Sorry for being so absent from this thread!

    Everything here is going pretty well....With the help of a few little "tricks":
    1. I am now making my daily menu the night before, and printing it off the MFP website. I carry it with me when I go to the kitchen to prepare my food. I make a note on the page what time I eat, and then check off the things that I eat as I eat them. It may sound a little obsessive, but it is helping me not to snack and nibble throughout the day.

    2. I have adapted a more-or-less "Paleo Diet"....Lots of lean protein and veggies & fruit. I eat a lean protein at every meal and most snacks. Strict Paleo doesn't include any legumes or dairy, but I do include some Greek yogurt (plain non-fat) and some black beans. My protein intake is around 100+ grams/day.

    I am hovering around 3.2 lbs. away from my goal weight range and I am determined to see that range this spring!
    Thanks for all of your help Sharon!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Kelly! I've never heard of the Paleo diet. I'm going to Google it to see what it's all about. I think your idea of planning your menu for the next day is terrific. I do mine in the morning every day so I know what I have to eat. It's kind of like when I pack my cooler every day...whatever food is in the cooler I can eat. If it's not in there then I don't get to have it. Visually and mentally this helps me know when I'm done for the day. Tricks are a great way to train your mind to adjust to new habits. Great job!!!

    3.2lbs away from goal is amazing! As of today I am 7 lbs away from goal and I am committed to achieving that goal by June.

    Thanks for sharing your progress and success! Oh and I LOVE your new profile picture!
  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    Hey everyone! Insanity pure cardio is officially done for the day! Love that workout!

    My goal by next weekend is to research hrm and either buy one or order it by next Saturday!

    I'm also going to buy some vanilla protein powder to add to my fruit smoothies! Hoping the vanilla won't be too overbearing and it will still just taste like fruit!

    Kelly - You are doing amazing! You're going to lose those 3 pounds in no time. How are you liking hip hop abs?!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    I just bought the Polar T7 that everyone on here talks about. It comes with a chest strap monitor so we'll see how it feels before I decide I'm in love.
  • Sporty98
    Sporty98 Posts: 321 Member
    Well, I forgot to say that my goal is 120-125 lbs....So, I'm 3.2 lbs. away from the high end of my goal. I want to get to the lower end.....That's what I am striving for! =)
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Gang! I completed Turbo Fire 45EZ and HIIT 15 today. How is your Monday going???
